That is the truth. Short men are hated the most by women. When will facecels learn that height is more important than face, unless they have a 3/10 and below face. Then it's over.
Then it's double trouble. I am afraid that most short men are ugly. That's why short and ugly are correlated. Me being short and cute helps me in being invisible which is far better than being bullied.
Cope. 6’1”cel here, get the same amount of pussy if I was 5’1” which is zero. Face>height. Besides I don’t even feel that tall nowadays, lots of roasties literally look at me face-to-face. 6’3” is the lower limit for being tall now.
Another tallboi here. I'm not even ugly, just average. Been approached by up to 8/10 back in HS (because of my height, I assume) and still a khv in my 30's. As someone put it, "autism is nature's condom".
Body shaming only applies to women. They want to create a world where they're allowed to be unshaven landwhales while men have to be part of the genetic elite.
What? No matter the sex, body shaming happens. Is it right? No, but attractiveness does play a role in romantic interest. What makes a relationship last, are the personalities involved.
I understand that you're pointing out the hypocrisy of the double standard being pointed out in the post. According to the post, women want to avoid being body shamed, but easily body shame men. I'm simply curious as to why you believe that generalization.
Sorry about that, the mobile app is a tad odd to use at times. I see what you're saying now. Extreme feminists are hypocritical. I feel like most people think that extreme opinions under any group are ridiculous.
I apologize. I'd be pretty sick and tired of hearing one sided arguments. Echo chambers aren't a good thing for anyone. Hearing the same opinion over and over, I bet it gets pretty tiring.
really? just go to twitter and every other single social media. look at what these women say about short men, men with small penis, fat men, socially anxious men...
Well they get away with being an unshaven landwhale, so they must be doing it because of their fee fees. Fatty girl cries out in pain on their boyfriends' chests as incels rot.
ah shit, i was really happy about this one because if she was in france there is no probleme for me to travel , but thank you man , what is your location so i can tag you if any femoid is in your area
I'm 186 cm which feels like a little bit below average in Stockholm because I get slightly heightmogged by most young guys. My main problem is my subhuman face and that I'm balding.
for my case i am very short but there is no heightism in france , you will see girls with short guys all the time but all those guys are literally handsome more than tyler from target , also the fact that i have baby hands i think and my subhuman face , if you were 6'3 balding wouldnt be a problem as more of an inch you are from 6' the more beauty points you win
this one drunk chick got cute with me once, tried to hug me and i pushed her off me. she then punched me. I backhanded her and knocked her out cold. then the white knights chased me away lol,goodthing they punched like bitches
Okay Internet tough guy, go back to your Hawking conspiracy theories and spam posting your thread.....I'm sure a bigstrong man like yourself has better things to do than talk about beating up an ittybittytinypussy like myself
Yeah man I'm sure you are one of the baddest of asses, the hardest of cores, the whatever of whatever. You win this imaginary dick measuring contest of 1. Congratulations!
As much as a straight male relishes seeing the thought of another man's penis....I think I'll have to pass on that one
Am I saying it's wrong to defend yourself? No it isn't but there is also a limit to it.
You act like this big tough guy "hur dur I'm this great wrestling champ, I could beat up you and your dad" attitude while also unironically bragging about pushing a drunk chick who was trying to hug you, then getting mad at her for defending herself (aka being pushed for no reason), then knocking her out for doing what you were supposedly doing ("defending yourself") makes you seem pathetic........
Are you this super tough guy who can beat up anyone or are you so pathetic you need to beat down women for trying to give you a hug?
You see, to me it sounds like you have this SUPER big chip on your shoulder and are very insecure about something and because of that, you are super aggressive and angry. And boy, nothing is more fun than messing with you super aggressive and angry people. I can't wait for your stupid response because, even though I am telling you straight up you can't get to me and I'm going to continue to bait you, you are going to continue responding anyway
How did I know that is exactly what you were going to say? It's okay, ignore everything I said and pretend like you are a big, strong man with the biggest dick around ;D
For all the dick measuring contests I've seen they have mostly been via other means i.e. cars or athletic ability or whatever but, I have to say, I'm impressed that you are the first guy to actually suggest a dick measuring contest
Or I could go with option C: say what I want to say on the forum I am a member of and not listen to the hyper-agressive user
You're a softcock if you let people bully you around. I shanked a girl in the face with a ruler back in Year 5 because she slapped me. And that same girl slapped me again in Year 7 and when I threatened to deck her, she flinched. If people hit my they can expect my fist in their mouth right after.
1) Drunk girl goes to hug him (unaggressive action)
2) He pushes girl instead of shrugging her off or stopping her with less force, claims it is self defense (aggressive action, unwarranted)
3) Girl decides to defend herself, punches him (aggressive action, warranted)
4) Guy decides to defend himself against the girl defending herself from him, backhands her and knocks her out (aggressive action, started dilemma, unwarranted)
5) Guy talks about being a 10 state greco-roman champion later in the chain I currently have ongoing with him where he brags about knocking her out
Assuming he is not lying and he is this super talented wrestler who used excessive force on this chick who wanted to give him a hug. That means he is a little bitch for being talented enough to diffuse the situation but picked on someone smaller and inferior to him in a completely dickish way.
I'm not saying that you should let people bully you at all, that isn't what I'm saying. I used to get the shit constantly beat out of me as a kid by different groups, I'm all for beating down a bully. But what I am saying is in this case that fuckwad was wrong. If it had been he tried getting her off, she wouldn't take it, then he pushed her I would agree with him in this case. If she punched him for rejected her hug I would hype him up because I'm of the opinion if a female punches a male, then the male gets to return the favor. Either both sexes are equal and that means equal treatment, in this case both parties throw punches OR men are physically superior to women so women should know their place and not hit men or they will get put back in their place. But in this case he initiated the violence. There are at least 5 things I can think of that would have stopped her without escalating to that.
He is a bitch for not being the bigger and better person in that scenario. Congratulations OP with the supposedly big swinging dick, crazy gainz, and mad skillz, you must really know your stuff and be that hardcore alpha you think you are if you can't prevent a small and drunk femoid from hugging you without knocking her out. You are the most badass dude I know for that
I shanked a girl in the face with a ruler back in Year 5 because she slapped me. And that same girl slapped me again in Year 7 and when I threatened to deck her, she flinched.
Got me. It wasn't a ruler, it was a triangle ruler, one of these 📐. Jabbed her on the forehead with the one of the sharp bits because she slapped me to get my attention, annoying bitch. Her mum made a big deal out of it but the teacher said she deserved it.
Then when she slapped me in Year 7, I slapped her back (softly, because otherwise I would've really injured her) and raised my fist up to strike her, but I didn't do it. She flinched and started crying, and then we both got detention (she got 1, I got 2, obviously, women are always less harshly punished).
I don't give an ounce of fuck if you don't believe me, retarded cocksucker.
Oh, you misunderstand – I’m not one of those “nothing ever happens” sycophants – I don’t call that on very many thing, just stuff that’s clearly bullshit – like your story of grade-school tough guy antics. Though it doesn’t surprise me that you’d miss that point, as you’re clearly the sort of person who regularly misses points.
Just like you’re the sort of person, who as (I assume) an adult, latches onto and regurgitates made up stories of hitting girls in grade school as if that’s the sort of thing utterly pathetic man-babies are somehow proud of. And, what’s worse, you’re doing it online – you’ve pulled your thumb out of your mouth long enough to word-vomit pitiful (and again, made up) anecdotes at total strangers online in a misguided effort to distract yourself from your clearly miserable and inadequate existence. And THEN (unsurprisingly, it gets worse), you insist on claiming over and over “I don’t care if you don’t believe me!” but then proceed to detail paragraphs worth of desperate explanation pleading for people to please please please believe that you did, indeed, hit a girl…in grade school,
And THAT’S the hill you’re choosing to die on. Allow me to reiterate it for you, since you seem exceptionally dense: you’re digging your heels in, and boasting about, hitting a girl in grade school. How do you fit in your bed at night, big man? If you want to keep digging in and keep affording me opportunity to illustrate how completely sorry, sad, and worthy of pity you are then, by all means, keep it up. But my suggestion (which you will ignore, because as I said, you’re a special kind of stupid) is to move along – I’m sure there are other, new and exciting, internet stranger you can jerk yourself off to threatening on reddit, tough guy.
I was using an event from my life to illustrate a point - I never pretended to be a tough or big man.
The fact that you see that in my comments really illustrates this insecurity if some virgin loser telling a grade school story makes you question your own manliness.
It's like those people that see a "nice guy" in every comment. Not everybody fits into your nice little categories, cretin. As I said, the story that I told did in fact occur, not out of some some sort of misogynistic force but because I was assaulted by the same girl twice. I cannot prove my story however if I could, I absolutely would.
My comment about not caring if you believe me was an attempt to end the conversation, but instead you sent me a novel about your life and your insecurities. I don't care about any of that.
Surely you're the one who must feel massive right now, having made a point on sine shit forum online. How sad do you have to fucking be to debate against losers online. Go protect your precious women, whiteknight.
It's actually pretty funny how angry you seem to get just because I hit a woman. If women want equality that means next time I won't pull any punches. Maybe I should tell more of my stories on this board, if it triggers pissy little whiteknights like you.
The Blackpill is truth. Even our own mothers and sister behave in the way of the Blackpill. That’s the truest Blackpill, when you realize the women who raise you, are the very ones beta cucking you.
I just can't get over the hypocrisy. You say "agh it's hopeless cause I'm ugly" but at soon as some guy mentions he has found romance, you interrogate him about whether the girl was beautiful, as if it doesn't count if she wasn't.
"I'll never get a billion dollars so I might as well just be unemployed", "I'll never be the smartest man alive so I might as well stop studying"...etc.
Lots of ugly guys have extremely high criteria. If you only can stand to be with a supermodel and you look below average, then your expectations are way too high. There are a lot of cute but not stunning girls who are written off by guys with super high expectations.
I've never hit on any girl that came anywhere close to being a supermodel. I'd give you accolades for your bullseye, if you hadn't hit the target the next county over.
pats your back you did good, son. but it's time for me to go. our journeys might cross again in the future. turn 360 degrees and head to my car shovel the snow around it, drive off and get into an accident
The vaaaaast majority of them...funny that a sub with less than 12k readers thinks they are any representation for the world as a whole. Ask the women in Asia if a guy being 5'3 matters
I went to college with alot of people from New York. Hairy little hobbits, most of them sub 5'9. I myself am a 5'7 hairy dude. We didn't struggle. Still don't struggle.
If a girl has a height limit she sucks. Thats not on us. There are plenty of girls that don't suck.
Not gonna say 5'3 doesn't limit the pool man. But personality and decency and humor and being a loving person just matter more. The shortest guy i know was one of the first to get married. His wife is hot. Believe in yourself.
Not at all man. He is 5'3 on the button with a beer belly, a beard, and a law degree from a great university. He married young because he found a person he loved while in school. There is no lack of confidence in him, he hasn't let his height stop him from being the man he wants to be.
I’m 6’ 4” (thank god) so that’s never been a problem for me, but I’ve asked girlfriends and friend girls why the arbitrary 6’ 0” minimum.
The reasons are as ridiculous as can be. The main one is because they feel “safer and protected “ by a bigger guy and “nobody will mess with” them if they’re with someone bigger.
The other main reason is so they can wear their “cute” high heels 👠 and not “tower over” the guy.
The same high heels that get kicked off at the first opportunity.
I’m kind of new to the whole Chad Stacy thing. I mean no disrespect but can you explain what makes someone a Chad or Stacy ? Or whatever ?
Is it just because I’m tall and have had relationships and girlfriends that make someone a Chad ? Is it an insult ?
Again, I am genuinely interested in understanding this whole paradigm.
Believe me, I’ve been screwed over in some relationships and have more than my share of cynicism and skepticism about male/female relationships but not enough that I’m going to swear off getting laid.
Thanks for any insight you can share.
I think it is fucked up that women will automatically write off a guy because he’s <6’ tall. Because I know some pretty bad ass dudes that are 5’ 5-7” and I wouldn’t mess with them.
Conversely there are some tall guys who would shit themselves if they were confronted in a dark alley.
You are not here to make incels feel bad. Chad is epitome of what women want. It is not an insult it is a compliment. Most chads don't call themselves chad. You certainly don't because you never bothered to learn these terms, there was no need.
And you agree with us because it is truth. We know it is true that most men are not desirable to most women. Women want the 20/80 out of the 100% in the Pareto principal. You happen to be in the 20% or higher. We have a board that is dedicated to hating men who know this to be true aka /r/inceltears
you're a definition of a chad. You will never understand how being invisible and worthless feels like. Having no woman remotely showing any sort of positive interest in you. Being rejected over and over again. Trying out all the normie advice about 'being yourself', 'getting a shower and a haircut', 'show some confidence bro' and still facing rejection.
Chad is basically a person who because of his looks, mostly height and facial features, can be an absolute shit personality, but still is 'wanted' by women, especially above average looking ones.
Chad is someone who can 'ask a girl out for a drink' and see a positive response 9/10 times as opposed to 0/50 times. Chad is someone who doesn't need to develop any skill other than existing for getting a girl attracted to him.
Chad is someone who can afford to be a minimum wagecuck and still slay and have healthy sex life.
I’m 6‘5“ and been told I’m good looking (from others than my mom), but proactive interest from girls is something I only heard about. I’ve got much hate from them though. I think it’s because of my autistic vibes.
I don't see anything wrong with that. It isn't fun to date someone shorter than you, the same way that shorter men wouldn't want a taller girl most of the time, unless they're the desperate kind on /r/short
You're nothing but a cum dumpster for Chad. He's going to beat you and abandon you while pregnant but you won't care because you can tell your friends "teehee look at how strong Chad is, he's 6'3 and knocks me out in one punch".
Sorry i thought the post were about how women ignoring short men. But yeah its possible for chad to be faithful to one girl. My hs teacher is alpha af and he's been with his wife since hs. Well, he might be sleeping on the side however you never really know
Thank you for the insight and respectful responses. It’s making more sense to me.
In high school I was invisible to girls. This led me to basically marry the first one that looked at me as “more than a friend”.
I’m kind of old (53 this year) so I’m learning a lot. I pretty much lived in the friend zone all through high school before it became known as the friend zone.
Every time I asked a girl out they “just didn’t think of me that way”.
After the 1st marriage collapsed, I was deathly afraid of ending up alone and rebounded into a 2nd marriage where I ended up raising another guys kids until the whole thing left the rails.
When that ended, my friends, I made up for all kinds of lost time/opportunity.
I discovered online dating and then it was like a buffet.
I don’t know why guys like “you” ( not you personally) are having trouble. It was waaaay easier getting laid after 35 than anytime in my life. It seems the older I get, the easier THEY get. And the younger they get. I was 48 and slept w my neighbor’s 29 yo daughter who was just out of the army.
My god, women give our blowjobs instead of a first date kids sometimes.
All I can say is keep trying, you’ll get there. Sometimes your time doesn’t come until later...
Where are guys who struggle meeting women setting their sights ?
If you’re realistically a 3-4, then no; you will not be getting a 10.
At my best physical shape and looks wise, I was a solid 6, maybe 7 if the lights were dim enough and I never got anything below a 7/10 and mostly 8-9’s but 7-8’s on the regular.
I know you’re not looking for advice necessarily, but indulge this middle age fucker for a minute...maybe look for women who equal you closest on the following:
A level playing field where everyone is evenly matched will definitely improve your odds.
Thanks again for helping set me straight and for being cool and respectful about it.
Please don’t lose heart and please don’t let it make you bitter or keep you from enjoying your life.
Please. The 10/10 in high school rejected hoards of 3/10 who bought them gifts. The 3/10 girls never received any advances.
It changes as guys grow older and wiser, but it's completely false to say 3/10 guys don't ask out 10/10 girls. That's the whole point of beta orbiting. 10/10 girls in college have an army of 3/10 orbiters.
Fuck up autist. Beta orbiters aren't incels, and eventually the 3/10 guys ask out the 3/10 girls. But even those girls reject those guys. It's fucking over for incels.
Also, I was never nice to Stacy. Not every male loser is a "nice guy". Fuck off with that nice guy bullshit, I was never nice, cocksucker.
I apologize. I'd be pretty sick and tired of hearing one sided arguments. Echo chambers aren't a good thing for anyone. Hearing the same opinion over and over, I bet it gets pretty tiring.
Another tallboi here. I'm not even ugly, just average. Been approached by up to 8/10 back in HS (because of my height, I assume) and still a khv in my 30's. As someone put it, "autism is nature's condom".
pats your back you did good, son. but it's time for me to go. our journeys might cross again in the future. turn 360 degrees and head to my car shovel the snow around it, drive off and get into an accident
I’m 6‘5“ and been told I’m good looking (from others than my mom), but proactive interest from girls is something I only heard about. I’ve got much hate from them though. I think it’s because of my autistic vibes.
Sorry i thought the post were about how women ignoring short men. But yeah its possible for chad to be faithful to one girl. My hs teacher is alpha af and he's been with his wife since hs. Well, he might be sleeping on the side however you never really know
I shanked a girl in the face with a ruler back in Year 5 because she slapped me. And that same girl slapped me again in Year 7 and when I threatened to deck her, she flinched.
Fuck up autist. Beta orbiters aren't incels, and eventually the 3/10 guys ask out the 3/10 girls. But even those girls reject those guys. It's fucking over for incels.
Also, I was never nice to Stacy. Not every male loser is a "nice guy". Fuck off with that nice guy bullshit, I was never nice, cocksucker.
The vaaaaast majority of them...funny that a sub with less than 12k readers thinks they are any representation for the world as a whole. Ask the women in Asia if a guy being 5'3 matters
Not gonna say 5'3 doesn't limit the pool man. But personality and decency and humor and being a loving person just matter more. The shortest guy i know was one of the first to get married. His wife is hot. Believe in yourself.
1 Hodgey54 2018-03-14
Daily reminder: if you're short, all your life accomplishments will be seen as compensation.
1 Salvador66 2018-03-14
That is the truth. Short men are hated the most by women. When will facecels learn that height is more important than face, unless they have a 3/10 and below face. Then it's over.
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
WITH ME !!!!!
1 Currycell92 2018-03-14
What if you are short and ugly?
1 Salvador66 2018-03-14
Then it's double trouble. I am afraid that most short men are ugly. That's why short and ugly are correlated. Me being short and cute helps me in being invisible which is far better than being bullied.
1 Sadguy213 2018-03-14
If you have a bit of face then you can atleast get a girl.
1 Hopecel 2018-03-14
1 ScrewWomyn 2018-03-14
Cope. 6’1”cel here, get the same amount of pussy if I was 5’1” which is zero. Face>height. Besides I don’t even feel that tall nowadays, lots of roasties literally look at me face-to-face. 6’3” is the lower limit for being tall now.
1 f9d8hv3sl 2018-03-14
Another tallboi here. I'm not even ugly, just average. Been approached by up to 8/10 back in HS (because of my height, I assume) and still a khv in my 30's. As someone put it, "autism is nature's condom".
1 ScrewWomyn 2018-03-14
I was approached by some 4s and 5s too but it was obvious it would never ever lead to sex because I’m a mentalcel.
1 ChubbyFailure 2018-03-14
So my being a 5 foot 8 female, and mainly dating men that are my height and shorter, where do I fit in in this scenario?
1 Salvador66 2018-03-14
Username checking in.
1 skezhbaby 2018-03-14
if DRUMPF were short you BETTER believe he'd get rolled, burned, and smoked because of it
instead he made fun of someone else being short
1 Sadguy213 2018-03-14
It's over for me
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-03-14
Not just short. Fat balding guy with a ferrari? Eww, overcompensating. Tall handsome guy with a ferrari? Ovaries explosion.
1 ChubbyFailure 2018-03-14
Ferraris are overrated.
Then again, I have a soft spot for classic cars. Ideally, I'd love to own a 1977 javelin.
1 currynator3000 2018-03-14
Manlets btfo
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Body shaming only applies to women. They want to create a world where they're allowed to be unshaven landwhales while men have to be part of the genetic elite.
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
What? No matter the sex, body shaming happens. Is it right? No, but attractiveness does play a role in romantic interest. What makes a relationship last, are the personalities involved.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Why type such an irrelevant reply? Did you even read the OP?
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-03-14
Normtards are like robots, they detect key words without actually comprehending the text itself and have a "socially condoned" reply ready.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-03-14
That's herd mentality for you
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
I was replying to you... I'm genuinely curious about your opinion.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Your reply is irrelevant to everything I said. I was replying to the OP and pointing out the hypocrisy.
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
I understand that you're pointing out the hypocrisy of the double standard being pointed out in the post. According to the post, women want to avoid being body shamed, but easily body shame men. I'm simply curious as to why you believe that generalization.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Stop replying to my original comment every time. And because it's beyond obvious? Because feminists are pushing for just that?
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
Sorry about that, the mobile app is a tad odd to use at times. I see what you're saying now. Extreme feminists are hypocritical. I feel like most people think that extreme opinions under any group are ridiculous.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Where I live, "extreme" feminism is now mainstream.
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
I apologize. I'd be pretty sick and tired of hearing one sided arguments. Echo chambers aren't a good thing for anyone. Hearing the same opinion over and over, I bet it gets pretty tiring.
1 skezhbaby 2018-03-14
shut up cats don't like waffles or grain-based foods in general
youre a fraud
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
I love this comment. I only wish that it had been commented on a less distasteful post. I appreciate your humor.
1 skezhbaby 2018-03-14
it k
*hugs (for more than 3 seconds)
1 skezhbaby 2018-03-14
it k
*hugs (for more than 3 seconds)
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
1 Claymore-2000 2018-03-14
really? just go to twitter and every other single social media. look at what these women say about short men, men with small penis, fat men, socially anxious men...
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Yeah dude that's what I'm saying?
1 electrogeek8086 2018-03-14
it's pretty normal to be comfortable with someone with social anxiety.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-14
The person with social anxiety is the uncomfortable one. The other people are just assholes to people with social anxiety.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-03-14
Well they get away with being an unshaven landwhale, so they must be doing it because of their fee fees. Fatty girl cries out in pain on their boyfriends' chests as incels rot.
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
WITH ME !!!!!
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
I wish I could just give you a hug
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Suck his dick instead cunt
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
I would if it makes him feel better and confident with himself
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
For real? Where do you live
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
lol france
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Suck u/foreignincel4's dick then
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
thanks for the tag bruh , i will verify if this is true or not.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Turns out she was "joking", sorry to disappoint
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
ah shit, i was really happy about this one because if she was in france there is no probleme for me to travel , but thank you man , what is your location so i can tag you if any femoid is in your area
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Thanks bro, Sweden
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
i guess you arent as tall as the average swedish guy?
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
I'm 186 cm which feels like a little bit below average in Stockholm because I get slightly heightmogged by most young guys. My main problem is my subhuman face and that I'm balding.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
for my case i am very short but there is no heightism in france , you will see girls with short guys all the time but all those guys are literally handsome more than tyler from target , also the fact that i have baby hands i think and my subhuman face , if you were 6'3 balding wouldnt be a problem as more of an inch you are from 6' the more beauty points you win
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
Yeah but I don't think 6' applies in Sweden. 6'3 is where "tall" begins here.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
how do they treat short people there ? here i am treated as equall as a 6'0
1 Hal_Inceldenza 2018-03-14
You are French? I always imagined you were a curry.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
1 CuckFestus570 2018-03-14
Tee hee!
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
Dis moi que tu n'es pas un barbu qui tu les petits puceaux mignons ?
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
lol :)
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
lmao you are weird.
I wish you wouldn't think that
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
I do want to, I feel like you don't get as much love as you deserve and I just want to give you a hug and make you feel better
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
lol if you tried to assault me IRL i'd slap you
i think you're projecting your own problems onto me. I don't want a hug haha
FALCON bLOCKkkkkkkkkk
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
yeah, I do love hugs. lol go ahead and block me, wouldn't be the first time someone do it to me
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
well don't try to hug me, i'd bitchslap you lol.
wouldn't be teh first time i've done that haha
this one drunk chick got cute with me once, tried to hug me and i pushed her off me. she then punched me. I backhanded her and knocked her out cold. then the white knights chased me away lol,goodthing they punched like bitches
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
You seem like a great person.....
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
yea your right, i should just let people hit me with out doing anything.
you seem like a real pussy
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
Okay Internet tough guy, go back to your Hawking conspiracy theories and spam posting your thread.....I'm sure a big strong man like yourself has better things to do than talk about beating up an itty bitty tiny pussy like myself
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
lmao, i love people like you. just because you are weak you assume everyone else in the world must be weak.
I actually am a pretty tough guy. 10 state greco roman wrestling champ. What have you done?
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
Yeah man I'm sure you are one of the baddest of asses, the hardest of cores, the whatever of whatever. You win this imaginary dick measuring contest of 1. Congratulations!
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
speaking of dicks. do you want to see who's is bigger? I challenge you
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
Nah I'm sure your 15" schlong is way more impressive than my 2" pecker lmfao
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
it's not 15.
so why you talking shit? Im wiling to back it up. Want me to take picture of my wrestling trophies ?
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
As much as a straight male relishes seeing the thought of another man's penis....I think I'll have to pass on that one
Am I saying it's wrong to defend yourself? No it isn't but there is also a limit to it.
You act like this big tough guy "hur dur I'm this great wrestling champ, I could beat up you and your dad" attitude while also unironically bragging about pushing a drunk chick who was trying to hug you, then getting mad at her for defending herself (aka being pushed for no reason), then knocking her out for doing what you were supposedly doing ("defending yourself") makes you seem pathetic........
Are you this super tough guy who can beat up anyone or are you so pathetic you need to beat down women for trying to give you a hug?
You see, to me it sounds like you have this SUPER big chip on your shoulder and are very insecure about something and because of that, you are super aggressive and angry. And boy, nothing is more fun than messing with you super aggressive and angry people. I can't wait for your stupid response because, even though I am telling you straight up you can't get to me and I'm going to continue to bait you, you are going to continue responding anyway
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
that's a long way of writing
"no i'm weak and have a small dick, i just like to talk shit"
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
How did I know that is exactly what you were going to say? It's okay, ignore everything I said and pretend like you are a big, strong man with the biggest dick around ;D
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
I am a fairly big dude. I do have a pretty big dick. I challenging you but you declined. I'm willing to prove it. either accept my challenge or quiet
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
For all the dick measuring contests I've seen they have mostly been via other means i.e. cars or athletic ability or whatever but, I have to say, I'm impressed that you are the first guy to actually suggest a dick measuring contest
Or I could go with option C: say what I want to say on the forum I am a member of and not listen to the hyper-agressive user
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
You're a softcock if you let people bully you around. I shanked a girl in the face with a ruler back in Year 5 because she slapped me. And that same girl slapped me again in Year 7 and when I threatened to deck her, she flinched. If people hit my they can expect my fist in their mouth right after.
1 incelliarmus 2018-03-14
Ok let me break this down for you a little more:
1) Drunk girl goes to hug him (unaggressive action)
2) He pushes girl instead of shrugging her off or stopping her with less force, claims it is self defense (aggressive action, unwarranted)
3) Girl decides to defend herself, punches him (aggressive action, warranted)
4) Guy decides to defend himself against the girl defending herself from him, backhands her and knocks her out (aggressive action, started dilemma, unwarranted)
5) Guy talks about being a 10 state greco-roman champion later in the chain I currently have ongoing with him where he brags about knocking her out
Assuming he is not lying and he is this super talented wrestler who used excessive force on this chick who wanted to give him a hug. That means he is a little bitch for being talented enough to diffuse the situation but picked on someone smaller and inferior to him in a completely dickish way.
I'm not saying that you should let people bully you at all, that isn't what I'm saying. I used to get the shit constantly beat out of me as a kid by different groups, I'm all for beating down a bully. But what I am saying is in this case that fuckwad was wrong. If it had been he tried getting her off, she wouldn't take it, then he pushed her I would agree with him in this case. If she punched him for rejected her hug I would hype him up because I'm of the opinion if a female punches a male, then the male gets to return the favor. Either both sexes are equal and that means equal treatment, in this case both parties throw punches OR men are physically superior to women so women should know their place and not hit men or they will get put back in their place. But in this case he initiated the violence. There are at least 5 things I can think of that would have stopped her without escalating to that.
He is a bitch for not being the bigger and better person in that scenario. Congratulations OP with the supposedly big swinging dick, crazy gainz, and mad skillz, you must really know your stuff and be that hardcore alpha you think you are if you can't prevent a small and drunk femoid from hugging you without knocking her out. You are the most badass dude I know for that
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
No you didn’t.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
I didn't what? If you're pretending to know events that you've never witnessed, go take a bath with a plugged in toaster, faggot
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
No, you didn't.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Got me. It wasn't a ruler, it was a triangle ruler, one of these 📐. Jabbed her on the forehead with the one of the sharp bits because she slapped me to get my attention, annoying bitch. Her mum made a big deal out of it but the teacher said she deserved it.
Then when she slapped me in Year 7, I slapped her back (softly, because otherwise I would've really injured her) and raised my fist up to strike her, but I didn't do it. She flinched and started crying, and then we both got detention (she got 1, I got 2, obviously, women are always less harshly punished).
I don't give an ounce of fuck if you don't believe me, retarded cocksucker.
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Cute story. Very entertaining make-believe. You’re adorable.
None of it happened, but it’s still adorable.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Nothing ever happens, huh?
I don't care anymore. Why try to argue for something I know for a fact happened?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to be a patronizing, retarded and all knowing douchebag, you fucking loser.
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Oh, you misunderstand – I’m not one of those “nothing ever happens” sycophants – I don’t call that on very many thing, just stuff that’s clearly bullshit – like your story of grade-school tough guy antics. Though it doesn’t surprise me that you’d miss that point, as you’re clearly the sort of person who regularly misses points.
Just like you’re the sort of person, who as (I assume) an adult, latches onto and regurgitates made up stories of hitting girls in grade school as if that’s the sort of thing utterly pathetic man-babies are somehow proud of. And, what’s worse, you’re doing it online – you’ve pulled your thumb out of your mouth long enough to word-vomit pitiful (and again, made up) anecdotes at total strangers online in a misguided effort to distract yourself from your clearly miserable and inadequate existence. And THEN (unsurprisingly, it gets worse), you insist on claiming over and over “I don’t care if you don’t believe me!” but then proceed to detail paragraphs worth of desperate explanation pleading for people to please please please believe that you did, indeed, hit a girl…in grade school,
And THAT’S the hill you’re choosing to die on. Allow me to reiterate it for you, since you seem exceptionally dense: you’re digging your heels in, and boasting about, hitting a girl in grade school. How do you fit in your bed at night, big man? If you want to keep digging in and keep affording me opportunity to illustrate how completely sorry, sad, and worthy of pity you are then, by all means, keep it up. But my suggestion (which you will ignore, because as I said, you’re a special kind of stupid) is to move along – I’m sure there are other, new and exciting, internet stranger you can jerk yourself off to threatening on reddit, tough guy.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Phew, you done? Take a deep breath, it'll pass.
I was using an event from my life to illustrate a point - I never pretended to be a tough or big man.
The fact that you see that in my comments really illustrates this insecurity if some virgin loser telling a grade school story makes you question your own manliness.
It's like those people that see a "nice guy" in every comment. Not everybody fits into your nice little categories, cretin. As I said, the story that I told did in fact occur, not out of some some sort of misogynistic force but because I was assaulted by the same girl twice. I cannot prove my story however if I could, I absolutely would.
My comment about not caring if you believe me was an attempt to end the conversation, but instead you sent me a novel about your life and your insecurities. I don't care about any of that.
Surely you're the one who must feel massive right now, having made a point on sine shit forum online. How sad do you have to fucking be to debate against losers online. Go protect your precious women, whiteknight.
It's actually pretty funny how angry you seem to get just because I hit a woman. If women want equality that means next time I won't pull any punches. Maybe I should tell more of my stories on this board, if it triggers pissy little whiteknights like you.
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Cute that you think I'd read any of that - I was just waiting for you to prove me right. And, see? Of course you did.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Okay, if you don't to argue because your thin and baseless claim had no backing up whatsoever, fuck off retard.
And take the normies with you.
0 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Haha still proving me right? I mean, okay. Keep it up I guess.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Wow still here? Go orbit a landwhale fucktard beta. And stop spamming my fucking inbox, cocksucker.
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
You’ve got some real anger problems, friend. You should go get laid, that would help.
But, if you want to just keep proving me right, then that’s cool too.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
That's like me saying, "you should stop being an asswipe."
It's just not gonna happen
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Keep it up.
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
No you didn’t.
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
I actually did.
just because nothing has ever happened in your life, doesn't mean everyones life is as boring as yours
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
No, you didn’t.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-03-14
We need to blackpill more normies. I don't want an echochamber like r/incels was, I want to convert people to our cause.
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
you can't blackpill cucktears. ban cucktears and femoids. leave the none douche normies then
but we must block the others
this place is 95% cuck tears,we need some sort of change
1 CuckFestus570 2018-03-14
I believe we can convert them to our cause.
The Blackpill is truth. Even our own mothers and sister behave in the way of the Blackpill. That’s the truest Blackpill, when you realize the women who raise you, are the very ones beta cucking you.
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
Exactly, our own mothers betrayed us.
1 GoldFuzzy 2018-03-14
<3 from a non-douche 25% normie
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
1 bonusfruit 2018-03-14
Reclaim the virginland
1 trevmon 2018-03-14
just went thru this thread and reported and blocked all cusk
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
yes!!! good job brocel
1 PEPSI_MAN_93 2018-03-14
You all just need to chillax
drink an Pepsi-cola
ya'all seem paranoid or something
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-03-14
Only tall Chads get an Pepsi-cola. Incels are left with Shasta.
1 PEPSI_MAN_93 2018-03-14
I don't know what Shasta is but i definitely know. anyone can enjoy the cool refreshing taste of Pepsi-cola!
1 mashed_poetatoe 2018-03-14
Username checks out
1 ZepaMs43 2018-03-14
Do incels ever win
1 rest_me123 2018-03-14
It’s over.
1 warmestblack 2018-03-14
Pepsi shilling now? This sub so cucked.
1 PEPSI_MAN_93 2018-03-14
I'm not a shill, I just enjoy the taste of an ice cold Pepsi.
1 AnnoyingSeaAnt 2018-03-14
You are clearly not Pepsiman.
1 PEPSI_MAN_93 2018-03-14
I beg to differ.
1 WhyNotLayDownAndRot 2018-03-14
my pussy tastes like pepsi cola
1 electrogeek8086 2018-03-14
yeah but they don'T say or think that.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-14
All it takes is one look on Tinder or any other dating service, or any of the female dominated subs here. Don't be lazy.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-14
lmao they do. Even in irl women keep talking about tall guys all the time. Its worse because they say that to my face and I am a king of manlets.
1 r12535 2018-03-14
Personally, never had a problem finding romance by being a decent human being. I am 5'7.
1 Tarkakibehen 2018-03-14
Good for you bro.
1 NoTimeForCucks 2018-03-14
nah good for you
1 Mest666 2018-03-14
was it ideal romance with beautiful girl?
1 pitbull_phobia 2018-03-14
I just can't get over the hypocrisy. You say "agh it's hopeless cause I'm ugly" but at soon as some guy mentions he has found romance, you interrogate him about whether the girl was beautiful, as if it doesn't count if she wasn't.
1 Mest666 2018-03-14
so where is hypocrisy
1 Ghandithegman 2018-03-14
"I'll never get a billion dollars so I might as well just be unemployed", "I'll never be the smartest man alive so I might as well stop studying"...etc.
1 Mest666 2018-03-14
"I can never get beautiful girl so I'll force myself to be with girl I'm not even attracted to" - betacuck
1 Ghandithegman 2018-03-14
Lots of ugly guys have extremely high criteria. If you only can stand to be with a supermodel and you look below average, then your expectations are way too high. There are a lot of cute but not stunning girls who are written off by guys with super high expectations.
1 Mest666 2018-03-14
If I can find that "supermodel" in a mall in 10 minutes, she can't be that super
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-14
I've never hit on any girl that came anywhere close to being a supermodel. I'd give you accolades for your bullseye, if you hadn't hit the target the next county over.
1 pitbull_phobia 2018-03-14
Thats exactly what girls things about dating guys they're not attracted to as well 🙃
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
That's amazing how you managed to find romance through what normans constantly tell us is the minimum requirement.
1 CptErection23 2018-03-14
That's really inspirational. Someone give this man an award.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Give him a Nobel Prize
1 TeaSippinJew 2018-03-14
yo how much you weigh fellow 6’2 lankcell (i’m 150lbs)
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
I hover around 130. Kill me now
1 TsarHarkinian 2018-03-14
pats your back you did good, son. but it's time for me to go. our journeys might cross again in the future. turn 360 degrees and head to my car shovel the snow around it, drive off and get into an accident
1 Squ1shyFace 2018-03-14
Bunch of these people are just going to reply to anything that contradicts their sweeping statements with nonsense.
1 grimm_ghost 2018-03-14
Just be a world famous actor bro.
1 r12535 2018-03-14
Most women would take a normie before the famous hobbit...y'all just have no idea what women want in a partner
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
How many 5'3 men do you see dating?
1 r12535 2018-03-14
The vaaaaast majority of them...funny that a sub with less than 12k readers thinks they are any representation for the world as a whole. Ask the women in Asia if a guy being 5'3 matters
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
So 0
1 r12535 2018-03-14
You're cheeky. I like you.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
I have never seen any guys under 5'8 do well. Honestly.
1 r12535 2018-03-14
I went to college with alot of people from New York. Hairy little hobbits, most of them sub 5'9. I myself am a 5'7 hairy dude. We didn't struggle. Still don't struggle.
If a girl has a height limit she sucks. Thats not on us. There are plenty of girls that don't suck.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
5'3 though? There's definitely a cutoff. New York City smells like trash
1 r12535 2018-03-14
Not gonna say 5'3 doesn't limit the pool man. But personality and decency and humor and being a loving person just matter more. The shortest guy i know was one of the first to get married. His wife is hot. Believe in yourself.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
Do you think marriage is something that he did because he was afraid of being alone? Being that height, and also how marriages favor women?
1 r12535 2018-03-14
Not at all man. He is 5'3 on the button with a beer belly, a beard, and a law degree from a great university. He married young because he found a person he loved while in school. There is no lack of confidence in him, he hasn't let his height stop him from being the man he wants to be.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
Thanks for the inspirational story. You don't seem deluded.
How long ago was this? Was it before online dating?
1 r12535 2018-03-14
We finished under grad in 2012. Tinder wasn't what it is now but was on the scene. Real online dating was already a thing, think etc
1 NoTimeForCucks 2018-03-14
Being 5'11 is literally the worst height. You feel like you are fitting in with your 6' friends but women see you as a FREAK
1 cleverbutnotoverlyso 2018-03-14
I’m 6’ 4” (thank god) so that’s never been a problem for me, but I’ve asked girlfriends and friend girls why the arbitrary 6’ 0” minimum.
The reasons are as ridiculous as can be. The main one is because they feel “safer and protected “ by a bigger guy and “nobody will mess with” them if they’re with someone bigger.
The other main reason is so they can wear their “cute” high heels 👠 and not “tower over” the guy.
The same high heels that get kicked off at the first opportunity.
Go figure.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Why the downvotes? He's just explaining something
1 redchords 2018-03-14
Because what he wrote makes women look bad. If he made a comment that made women look good, he would have been upvoted.
1 cleverbutnotoverlyso 2018-03-14
Don’t kill the messenger. This is a pretty wide cross section of women; all ages, socioeconomic status, races, cultures.
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-14
Yeah, I've heard similar reasons. It's fucking stupid.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
You are the first Chad I seen here. I like your posts. It's obvious you understand the incels.
1 cleverbutnotoverlyso 2018-03-14
I’m kind of new to the whole Chad Stacy thing. I mean no disrespect but can you explain what makes someone a Chad or Stacy ? Or whatever ?
Is it just because I’m tall and have had relationships and girlfriends that make someone a Chad ? Is it an insult ?
Again, I am genuinely interested in understanding this whole paradigm.
Believe me, I’ve been screwed over in some relationships and have more than my share of cynicism and skepticism about male/female relationships but not enough that I’m going to swear off getting laid.
Thanks for any insight you can share.
I think it is fucked up that women will automatically write off a guy because he’s <6’ tall. Because I know some pretty bad ass dudes that are 5’ 5-7” and I wouldn’t mess with them.
Conversely there are some tall guys who would shit themselves if they were confronted in a dark alley.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
You are not here to make incels feel bad. Chad is epitome of what women want. It is not an insult it is a compliment. Most chads don't call themselves chad. You certainly don't because you never bothered to learn these terms, there was no need.
And you agree with us because it is truth. We know it is true that most men are not desirable to most women. Women want the 20/80 out of the 100% in the Pareto principal. You happen to be in the 20% or higher. We have a board that is dedicated to hating men who know this to be true aka /r/inceltears
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-14
you're a definition of a chad. You will never understand how being invisible and worthless feels like. Having no woman remotely showing any sort of positive interest in you. Being rejected over and over again. Trying out all the normie advice about 'being yourself', 'getting a shower and a haircut', 'show some confidence bro' and still facing rejection.
Chad is basically a person who because of his looks, mostly height and facial features, can be an absolute shit personality, but still is 'wanted' by women, especially above average looking ones.
Chad is someone who can 'ask a girl out for a drink' and see a positive response 9/10 times as opposed to 0/50 times. Chad is someone who doesn't need to develop any skill other than existing for getting a girl attracted to him.
Chad is someone who can afford to be a minimum wagecuck and still slay and have healthy sex life.
An incel is the opposite of a chad.
1 rotcel2 2018-03-14
Height literally doesn't matter at all. I'm 6'3" and have a decent face but still incel because I'm not popular.
1 NoTimeForCucks 2018-03-14
You're ugly then
1 Short_Bitter_Faggot 2018-03-14
Tallfags are volcels.
1 rest_me123 2018-03-14
I’m 6‘5“ and been told I’m good looking (from others than my mom), but proactive interest from girls is something I only heard about. I’ve got much hate from them though. I think it’s because of my autistic vibes.
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-14
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-14
Us under 6 feet men aren't considered human.
1 DrFeel_MD_PHD_NOGF 2018-03-14
Manlet uprising when?
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
Part of the beta uprising
1 BeyondEarthly 2018-03-14
Ugh fucken smol boyes r thee wurst.
1 Ai_Li 2018-03-14
I'm 5'7" so I'd just prefer a guy who is taller than me. But then again I come from a family of tall women. My grandmother is 6'0" in her old age 0_0
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
I don't see anything wrong with that. It isn't fun to date someone shorter than you, the same way that shorter men wouldn't want a taller girl most of the time, unless they're the desperate kind on /r/short
1 sneakpeekbot 2018-03-14
Here's a sneak peek of /r/short using the top posts of the year!
#1: The saddest thing I've ever read | 102 comments
#2: The real reason women don't like guys under 6 feet
#3: Sometimes you've gotta have some fun with it | 128 comments
I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out
1 Hopecel 2018-03-14
Pretty superficial.
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-14
You're nothing but a cum dumpster for Chad. He's going to beat you and abandon you while pregnant but you won't care because you can tell your friends "teehee look at how strong Chad is, he's 6'3 and knocks me out in one punch".
You disgust me you degenerate whore.
1 Ai_Li 2018-03-14
"Degenerate whore"? Sorry, but that title isn't mine to claim. And this Chad guy sounds like a dick.
1 CherubOfBael41 2018-03-14
Let's face it, if a girl wants you only for your height, she's going to ditch you when you grow old
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
Chad doesn't care, he can get a younger prettier roastie.
1 CherubOfBael41 2018-03-14
But I thought the posts was about how women care about heights?
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
1 CherubOfBael41 2018-03-14
Sorry i thought the post were about how women ignoring short men. But yeah its possible for chad to be faithful to one girl. My hs teacher is alpha af and he's been with his wife since hs. Well, he might be sleeping on the side however you never really know
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-03-14
They won't even see the irony in this
1 cleverbutnotoverlyso 2018-03-14
Thank you for the insight and respectful responses. It’s making more sense to me.
In high school I was invisible to girls. This led me to basically marry the first one that looked at me as “more than a friend”.
I’m kind of old (53 this year) so I’m learning a lot. I pretty much lived in the friend zone all through high school before it became known as the friend zone.
Every time I asked a girl out they “just didn’t think of me that way”.
After the 1st marriage collapsed, I was deathly afraid of ending up alone and rebounded into a 2nd marriage where I ended up raising another guys kids until the whole thing left the rails.
When that ended, my friends, I made up for all kinds of lost time/opportunity.
I discovered online dating and then it was like a buffet.
I don’t know why guys like “you” ( not you personally) are having trouble. It was waaaay easier getting laid after 35 than anytime in my life. It seems the older I get, the easier THEY get. And the younger they get. I was 48 and slept w my neighbor’s 29 yo daughter who was just out of the army.
My god, women give our blowjobs instead of a first date kids sometimes.
All I can say is keep trying, you’ll get there. Sometimes your time doesn’t come until later...
Where are guys who struggle meeting women setting their sights ?
If you’re realistically a 3-4, then no; you will not be getting a 10.
At my best physical shape and looks wise, I was a solid 6, maybe 7 if the lights were dim enough and I never got anything below a 7/10 and mostly 8-9’s but 7-8’s on the regular.
I know you’re not looking for advice necessarily, but indulge this middle age fucker for a minute...maybe look for women who equal you closest on the following:
A level playing field where everyone is evenly matched will definitely improve your odds.
Thanks again for helping set me straight and for being cool and respectful about it.
Please don’t lose heart and please don’t let it make you bitter or keep you from enjoying your life.
Wishing you all the very best.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Thing is though, nobody that's 3/10 would ask a 10/10 out.
It's depressing because even the 3/10's are rejecting us. They think they deserve Chad, and they get Chad.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-03-14
Please. The 10/10 in high school rejected hoards of 3/10 who bought them gifts. The 3/10 girls never received any advances.
It changes as guys grow older and wiser, but it's completely false to say 3/10 guys don't ask out 10/10 girls. That's the whole point of beta orbiting. 10/10 girls in college have an army of 3/10 orbiters.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Fuck up autist. Beta orbiters aren't incels, and eventually the 3/10 guys ask out the 3/10 girls. But even those girls reject those guys. It's fucking over for incels.
Also, I was never nice to Stacy. Not every male loser is a "nice guy". Fuck off with that nice guy bullshit, I was never nice, cocksucker.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-03-14
So are you the other type, the one who never talked to a girl?
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
I talk to women regularly.
Which is why I'm certain I never want to live with one.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-03-14
Oh okay then maybe you are happy that way?
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
What do you care, sugartits? Leave me alone
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-14
3/10 girls have hundreds of normie dudes online begging to take them out on dates, the roasties just want to wait for Chad.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-03-14
How do the math work for you?
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-14
Where the fuck do you see math involved in this
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Cute story. Very entertaining make-believe. You’re adorable.
None of it happened, but it’s still adorable.
1 sashimiunagi 2018-03-14
yeah, I do love hugs. lol go ahead and block me, wouldn't be the first time someone do it to me
1 CatWhomLikesWaffles 2018-03-14
I apologize. I'd be pretty sick and tired of hearing one sided arguments. Echo chambers aren't a good thing for anyone. Hearing the same opinion over and over, I bet it gets pretty tiring.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-14
how do they treat short people there ? here i am treated as equall as a 6'0
1 f9d8hv3sl 2018-03-14
Another tallboi here. I'm not even ugly, just average. Been approached by up to 8/10 back in HS (because of my height, I assume) and still a khv in my 30's. As someone put it, "autism is nature's condom".
1 Tarkakibehen 2018-03-14
Good for you bro.
1 Mest666 2018-03-14
was it ideal romance with beautiful girl?
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-14
That's amazing how you managed to find romance through what normans constantly tell us is the minimum requirement.
1 CptErection23 2018-03-14
That's really inspirational. Someone give this man an award.
1 Cuckfestus69 2018-03-14
yes!!! good job brocel
1 TsarHarkinian 2018-03-14
pats your back you did good, son. but it's time for me to go. our journeys might cross again in the future. turn 360 degrees and head to my car shovel the snow around it, drive off and get into an accident
1 NoTimeForCucks 2018-03-14
You're ugly then
1 Squ1shyFace 2018-03-14
Bunch of these people are just going to reply to anything that contradicts their sweeping statements with nonsense.
1 Short_Bitter_Faggot 2018-03-14
Tallfags are volcels.
1 grimm_ghost 2018-03-14
Just be a world famous actor bro.
1 rest_me123 2018-03-14
I’m 6‘5“ and been told I’m good looking (from others than my mom), but proactive interest from girls is something I only heard about. I’ve got much hate from them though. I think it’s because of my autistic vibes.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-14
How many 5'3 men do you see dating?
1 CherubOfBael41 2018-03-14
Sorry i thought the post were about how women ignoring short men. But yeah its possible for chad to be faithful to one girl. My hs teacher is alpha af and he's been with his wife since hs. Well, he might be sleeping on the side however you never really know
1 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
No, you didn't.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Thing is though, nobody that's 3/10 would ask a 10/10 out.
It's depressing because even the 3/10's are rejecting us. They think they deserve Chad, and they get Chad.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Fuck up autist. Beta orbiters aren't incels, and eventually the 3/10 guys ask out the 3/10 girls. But even those girls reject those guys. It's fucking over for incels.
Also, I was never nice to Stacy. Not every male loser is a "nice guy". Fuck off with that nice guy bullshit, I was never nice, cocksucker.
1 r12535 2018-03-14
The vaaaaast majority of them...funny that a sub with less than 12k readers thinks they are any representation for the world as a whole. Ask the women in Asia if a guy being 5'3 matters
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-14
3/10 girls have hundreds of normie dudes online begging to take them out on dates, the roasties just want to wait for Chad.
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-14
1 r12535 2018-03-14
Not gonna say 5'3 doesn't limit the pool man. But personality and decency and humor and being a loving person just matter more. The shortest guy i know was one of the first to get married. His wife is hot. Believe in yourself.
0 GOpencyprep 2018-03-14
Haha still proving me right? I mean, okay. Keep it up I guess.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-14
Wow still here? Go orbit a landwhale fucktard beta. And stop spamming my fucking inbox, cocksucker.