I sympathize with you guys - a lurkers perspective

41  2018-03-14 by MoreStuffz

Holy mother of st. BlackOpsTwo you guys get way too much shit. I don’t know why Reddit hates you guys that much.

I’ll admit it, I’m not an incel in the slightest. I’ve had multiple partners and a vibran social life, but that’s irrelevant. I first came here after being linked to r/incels (rip) like a year ago after hearing how “terrible” you guys were. Well after sifting through posts for all of 5 minutes I realized that reddit is shitting on you guys because you are right and are expressing your opinions, which in all honesty are correct.

I’ve lurked both this sub and r/incels for about a year and I don’t understand why reddit can’t just let you guys have your subreddit and leave it alone. You guys are hardly the worst people I’ve seen on this site, the community seems fairly accepting of other incels and sympathetic normies. It just seems to be a lot of frank discussions, coping and memes. Shit you all managed blackpilled me for sure, I used to be pretty blue pilled.

So for all it’s worth I’m incredibly sympathetic to everyone here. You guys have the black pill all figured out. God speed you guys. I wish you all luck.

Sorry for the wall of text. I’m on mobile and just wanted to spit this all out.


Subreddit about killing animals are accepted, but subreddits with male virgins who haven't killed anybody are banned.

Exactly. There’s absolutely obscene shit on this website that needs to go. I don’t understand why they can’t just leave everyone here alone, I’ve never seen an incel brigade, but I’ve seen plenty of inceltears brigades. Hypocrisy.

Because cucks think crusading for Internet roasties will get them laid.

I’ve never seen an incel brigade, but I’ve seen plenty of inceltears brigades. Hypocrisy.

This is a very underrated point. The only brigrades I've ever seen are from inceltears or like-minded outsiders. No incel group has actually gone out of their way to specific subreddits and stir up trouble(they would probably get banned if that happened).

I’ve never seen an incel brigade, but I’ve seen plenty of inceltears brigades. Hypocrisy.

This is a very underrated point. The only brigrades I've ever seen are from inceltears or like-minded outsiders. No incel group has actually gone out of their way to specific subreddits and stir up trouble(they would probably get banned if that happened).

r/watchpeopledie exists too

thats my lifefuel

Yea, I was going to write this also, but the killing animals one better fit my comment.

Yeah but Isis HD executions and burnings And African teenagers getting lynch mobbed and necklaced

Just no. I can smell your pandering.

Sorry. I’m not trying to pander. Just my honest thoughts.

I'm not buying what you're selling.

Do as you will.

Both communities are fucked, r/braincels, and r/inceltears, mentally ill assholes on one end, social justice snowflakes and bullies on the other.

Inceltears is worse because literally everyone there is a grade A asshole. Braincels has a few major assholes but most people aren't that way.

You can generalize and then expect not to be generalized.

It lies in the nature of the communities. Braincels is a bunch of lonely virgins who are generally pathetic, but may or may not be hateful.

Inceltears is a whole community dedicated to demeaning and ridiculing the less privileged, while shaming them for their inadequacy. The very foundation of the subreddit is toxic, and so are all of its users.

It’s like how I could say “r/debatealtright has a bunch of racists, r/science doesn’t”. That is generalizing one group and not the other but is still an empirically correct statement.

Khajit has no business with you

I like that BlackOpsTwo is a way of cursing, that should be used more often

I think the reason why we get a lot of shit is that in the Norman's mind we shouldn't be able to complain and voice concerns about our situation especially not if it concerns females.

You should be able to complain because the shit you guys deal with started in elementary school and hasn’t gone away since

source: my childhood obesity

Yep even if it involves shitting on their precious females. Fuck females, if they haven’t ever done anything for me why the fuck should I suppress the genuine hate and anger I have towards them

I was skinny and have a thin bone structure naturally but had an appendix issue and after surgery and medicine I started to eat a lot and get fat, elementary school really is where it all started . . . damn

So the misoginy is fine with you ? The hate against normal people and women ? The "fags, normies, cucks" bullshit is ok ?

Yeah, it’s completely fine so long as it is A: contained within the echo chamber of Braincels, and B: never actually acted upon. You can’t try to silence or bully people just because they have “bad opinions” (lurkers perspective)

"You can’t try to silence or bully people just because they have “bad opinions"

Come on. They are not even bullied. They are the source of insults and misoginy. And in the end they whine being bullied. No right to object or criticise what they say ? What a load of BS.

wAHHHHH they don't put pussy on pedestals and worship them. you'r a loser, want to know how i know? You spend all day on braincels. If you had someone, you wouldn't be on braincels

They are not even bullied.

Your history on this sub proves otherwise.

And there's the hypocrisy, the oldest bullying trick in the book. Well spotted mate, good job.

Aye. Ngl, the hypocrisy displayed by him and the other IT users I've encountered in my time here is the most frustrating thing about the whole situation :/

Tbh I think it's high time us lurkers banded together to give boards like Braincels and inceltears a fair trial. The offenses of this board are blown completely out of proportion while those of IT go completely unaddressed

Agreed, however there's a problem with taking that over to IT. Dissent is banned and users from here get watchlisted, which is totally not like shadowbanning btw. Totally.

Dissent is banned? Jesus... that settles it then. IT is just objectively morally inferior to Braincels.

Also, how much power do they think they have? Putting people they might disagree with like that... or rather, how much power do they think they diserve?

Inb4 your comment gets posted to IT for calling them morally inferior.

That's busybodies for ya.

I’ll see you there mate, boutta make my fame as “that one guys who said IT is bad that one time”

Also, how much power do they think they have?

Well for starters, the OG incels sub got banned. Fairly certain they had push. And since then other incel sites got banned too.

They well deserve it. Did you expect normal people would give them love ? Are you blind to the amount of insults here ? They have to be ridiculed. Any young virgin looking for support should be appalled by what is going on here. This is not a support group, this is a hate community.

Shove it.

Man, me being a prick here ? I hope so for this bunch.

It's truly amazing how you keep insisting on providing even more examples :)

Even more to come.

You don't get it do you?


They waited for us to be mysoginists, yeah right. Every week, I see normal people coming, posting regular stuff, words of encouragements, advices. All they get is "fuck off normie fag cucks" and the likes. This community is toxic and has no excuse.

Toxic for who? Maybe for themselves, but that's THEIR problem to deal with, not yours.

Maybe what they say it's wrong, but still I see more humanity in a sub where frustrated people try to vent their hatred instead of a sub created for the sole purpose of make fun of people that CLEARLY have problems. Honestly, IT seems just a way for people to feel good by convincing themselves they're fighting evil so they can sleep at night. But seriously, who are you doing a favor to by mocking and offending incels? No one but yourself. IT is an end in itself, and is not helping anyone, not incels, nor women, nor Jews, no one.

"rapey rapey fun toy" or something like that was one of the new way to call "femoids". And the parricipants were laughing at that. Yeah, not toxic at all.

You said well. "Participants". Not kids during their daily class at school. If this is toxic, it's limited into precise boundaries. It's your choice to lurk in here. And again, what do you think you'll obtain by mocking and offending them? Absolutely nothing, except your increased personal sense of superiority.

Limited boundaries ? To what extend will you defend their misoginy and in this case this promotion of violence ? You seem ok with everything going on here

Ok since you're apparently unable to answer my points but keep focusing on yours, there's no need to continue this conversation. I'm pointing at the Moon and you insist focusing on my hand.

This is a textbook example of a straw man argument.

They are bullied, both on reddit and irl. They have their platforms taken away on here, and have boards like inceltears dedicated to mocking them for their opinions (which are spawned from their own experiences rather than misinformation). While IT claims to be "semi-watchdog", it's a shallow excuse to sit around and mock the less fortunate. This board already has mods, there's no need for extra "watchdogs".

They aren't the source if insults and misogyny, they are where those who might insult or have misogynistic opinions might gather. While I agree that going out and directly insulting people online is quite needless, I also believe that reacting to them is waaaaaaay bloody worse. If you don't want to be hurt by insults, take the power away from said insults by not reacting to them. Don't make a board about said insults. And even if you were to make a board about it, base it around the insults themselves. Don't make a board about mocking one culture and go cherrypicking the bits you don't like.

You have every right to object to and criticise the things people say, but you should, if you have any desire for change or actual progress, do so in the comments rather than using their posts as the butt of jokes. If you disagree with someone; sit them down and talk about it, don't take pictures of them and advertise them as hateful subhuman.

Do you mind if I screencap this? This comment is on point.

Go right for it mate, I hope it helps

Thank you kindly :)

They are bullied. You are just trying to justify it because you disagree with them. You are an intolerant swine.

Wow I just realized what incel means. It stands for "INvoluntary CElibacy".

Does Braincel means "BRAIN CElibacy !!??

Thank you for defending Incelistan. We declare you, Norman, an honorary knight.

Rise, sir MoreStuffz in recognition of his service towards inceldom!

I'm in a similar position. I knew biology and appearance ruled the feild long before any of this "pill" nonsense hit the floor. I too am not incel, been with my woman since the dawn of time, and I'm an older dude.(at least by Reddit standards)

Looks wise I'd say I'm an upper tier Norman, and my experience of the world reflects that. I've got lots of buddies that are 'chads' , some smarter some dumber, some chill some annoying, yet they all get more tail than they can deal with. The same the other way around with the ugly people I know.

Notice how one group is buddies and the other is 'people I know'? Ya, that's just how it works.

I feel the same, also being a normie-lurker. Guys from IT are like people not recognizing depression as a mental illness. They live in their Disney world of not accepting that being ugly fucking sucks and sometimes there’s no escaping it. I knew from a young age that being beautiful also correlates with being kind - scientifically proven, so it never came as a surprise for me that there are unlucky people in this world who really have it bad. But hey, if you won the genetic lottery it’s easy to say that it was a fair game.

I love how IT takes everything we say so seriously. It honestly shows how autistic most of them are because they can't pick up the satire.

Yeah I was browsing incels for a long time. Switched to braincels after the ban. I love the memes here and get the frustration. I just don't like the racial stuff and one user here is crazy about jews. And the bonus factor is the female moderator here, I live when the guys shit on her, the McDonald's marriage thread was pretty funny.

Why don't you like the race stuff? The racepill is true, women put white men at the top of the sexual hierarchy.

Yeah in some threads everyone says Tyrone is King, then it's Chad. It changes a lot. I am german, we kinda invented that shit and my grandparents saw what came out of shit like that. I'm over that, and we don't have black people in northern Germany.

The rare competent norman.

I second this strongly. I like to come here just to see the dumpster fire playing out between incels and normies tbh. The ribbing of their female moderator is hilarious. When I originally came across r/Truecels a while ago I was somewhat appalled at the animosity towards women, but there is absolutely underlying truth to their way of thinking. Much like literally every person on the planet, their perspective is shaped by their personal experience. As a male who was once quite sexually frustrated, I can relate to these men. I hope they grow and change in a way that makes them happier, but if they don't it's no great loss. Let them have their community.

I think I'm below average so I symphatize with your frustrations. I don't hate women at all or anything though so can't really relate to those posts.

However, people really like to pretend that ugly people don't exist. Most people are average, hence average. But for every model out there there is someone on the opposite side of the spectrum.

I'm balding and the amounts of bald jokes you see on the internet everyday is obscene. Then people dare to say "There is nothing wrong with being bald". Lol wtf, together with small dick + short, balding has to be the most common insult for men.

I also dislike how accepted it is to shit on short guys (I'm not really short but because I'm balding I symphatize).

Sorry. I’m not trying to pander. Just my honest thoughts.