"Oh yeah like you guys know about sex. My wife's ex of 5 years was a 6ft tall hung rugby player, but she says she has the best orgasms with me. I like a woman who has experience."

58  2018-03-13 by Hodgey54


Lol cope IT members and normcunts are all living happy lives while the 1% gentrash 0/10 males will be executed in the masses during The Genetic Cleansing.

huge cope. You should read some of their post histories. Roasties "depressed" about getting pump and dumped by Chad, numales getting excited about a new nintendo game, and femails who say they only date down because they like having beta buxes.

Cope. We aren’t the majority. They aren’t like us.

They live happy lives, saying otherwise is the biggest cope on this sub.

We are outnumbered 1 - 1000000 and will die in The Genetic Cleansing.

Dude you're 15. Wtf are you doing here

Way less males live truly 'happy' lives than you think, and this is only going to get worse with the rapid acceleration of hypergamy.

Within the next five to ten years, getting a date in real life will be harder than getting a Tinder match is today.

Btw, what's your deal with the 'The Genetic Cleansing' shit? I've seen you mention it in every comment (you even mentioned it in a reply to me earlier).

there is a reason 80% of suicides are male ;-(

Hah! great minds think a like

I'm sure we'd be much better off being whiny assholes on the internet instead.

I do like video games though, sports too, I'm sure my excitement about both of those things relates to my sex and relationships in more ways than I can imagine!

How could any man who at least has a bit of self respect for himself willingly marry a non virgin?

She doesn't say that to her girlfriends..

Or to her acquaintances, online strangers, coworkers, her orbiters she is comforting (as in "don't feel bad, I used to date a hot guy who dumped me and now I married an unattractive male and am really in a much more stable relationship I learned to appreciate. That could be you one day!")...

I've never thought about this, damn.

Like Ross and Rachel from friends. No wonder Ross got mad when she started talking about her past.

The face mask is very appropriate.

some of the best sex i've had has been phone sex, because the emotional connection was better.

and i'm sure i'm about to get shit for that statement, but i whatevs, incels don't know what they're talking about when it comes to sex.

And with all the emotional sex she had with her exes, what makes you so special? She thought the last guy was special.

i'm going to get shit for this claim too, but: the girl i had the best phone sex with was a virgin ...

Damn, excellent use of that pic lol.

Experience is overrated. Person A humps person B until climax. How do you fuck up something so simple a hamster can do it? Only virgins think it's rocket science.

Person A humps person B until climax.

Only 20% women orgasm from PIV. Feel free to look it up.

Why should I do your research for you? Go ahead and link it.

That's cuz most guys dicks are small lol. Majority of women would orgasm from piv if men had bigger penises

That's his point idiot.

Normies cope and say penis size doesn't matter and that their 5 inch pencil dick is better at pleasuring their gf than her ex-boyfriend Chads 8 inch thick dick.

Size really doesn’t matter as much as males think when it comes to female orgasm. Either she is to part of the 20% built to cum from PIV, or she’s the 80% who are not.

That sounds so boring and dull... I don't think you did it right.

Tf is this sub's obsession with height? Just proving the Napoleon complex to be right lol

Imagine being this ignorant

It is mostly backlash to the denial by wider society regarding height

I was rejected by several women exactly this way, "You'd make a perfect boyfriend, if only you were taller."

Sooooooooo why did she leave him? Because his orgasms are way better, obviously

Who's implying that she left him? If anything it's more likely the other way around, the cucks wife is still hung up on her ex ROFL

It's true, sex is entirely based on the physical appearance of someone. A really hot girl can just awkwardly jack you off and it feels 500x better than a talented but less attractive one