fuckin lol

47  2018-03-13 by Claymore-2000


Women are so privileged in modern western society. I seriously don't understand how things like feminism are a thing.

Feminism is a supremacist organization.

The illuminati are all women

Females literally have, at all times, a safety net that spreads as far and wide as an entire gender

Because white knights exist who will put up with it.

That is so sad

Make that 10 years.

You pussy, let me know when you reach 20.

My lord, I didn't know. Your weapons, you will not need them, for you are now a jedi master.

2 weeks


Lmao this, 2 years minimum to be truecel

He probably meant like no cashiers or random people for 2 weeks.

Try 20.

implying men pay attention to the sub 8/10 women who throw themselves at them

I fucking wish they would, I'd take anybody equal and above my looksmatch

id date a good 3 points below my looksmatch


Troll account

Troll account

Lmao this, 2 years minimum to be truecel