47 2018-03-13 by Claymore-2000
1 hiiamwhoiam 2018-03-13
Women are so privileged in modern western society. I seriously don't understand how things like feminism are a thing.
1 half_acre_lot 2018-03-13
Feminism is a supremacist organization.
1 monkeyboi0123 2018-03-13
The illuminati are all women
1 Mr-Mercedes- 2018-03-13
Females literally have, at all times, a safety net that spreads as far and wide as an entire gender
1 its_troll_time 2018-03-13
Because white knights exist who will put up with it.
1 Cristookie 2018-03-13
That is so sad
1 St_Blackops2cel 2018-03-13
Make that 10 years.
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-13
You pussy, let me know when you reach 20.
My lord, I didn't know. Your weapons, you will not need them, for you are now a jedi master.
1 Zangano1 2018-03-13
2 weeks
1 superman1145 2018-03-13
Lmao this, 2 years minimum to be truecel
1 Yemanthing 2018-03-13
He probably meant like no cashiers or random people for 2 weeks.
Try 20.
1 LoveSlab 2018-03-13
implying men pay attention to the sub 8/10 women who throw themselves at them
1 Moist___ 2018-03-13
I fucking wish they would, I'd take anybody equal and above my looksmatch
1 asdasda5453 2018-03-13
id date a good 3 points below my looksmatch
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-13
Nope. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/Braincels/comments/847ldl/comment/dvndnvf?st=JEQ7DCRN&sh=9ee1f16a
Troll account
1 hiiamwhoiam 2018-03-13
Women are so privileged in modern western society. I seriously don't understand how things like feminism are a thing.
1 half_acre_lot 2018-03-13
Feminism is a supremacist organization.
1 monkeyboi0123 2018-03-13
The illuminati are all women
1 Mr-Mercedes- 2018-03-13
Females literally have, at all times, a safety net that spreads as far and wide as an entire gender
1 its_troll_time 2018-03-13
Because white knights exist who will put up with it.
1 Cristookie 2018-03-13
That is so sad
1 St_Blackops2cel 2018-03-13
Make that 10 years.
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-13
You pussy, let me know when you reach 20.
1 St_Blackops2cel 2018-03-13
My lord, I didn't know. Your weapons, you will not need them, for you are now a jedi master.
1 Zangano1 2018-03-13
1 superman1145 2018-03-13
Lmao this, 2 years minimum to be truecel
1 Yemanthing 2018-03-13
He probably meant like no cashiers or random people for 2 weeks.
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-13
Try 20.
1 LoveSlab 2018-03-13
1 Moist___ 2018-03-13
I fucking wish they would, I'd take anybody equal and above my looksmatch
1 asdasda5453 2018-03-13
id date a good 3 points below my looksmatch
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-13
1 LoveSlab 2018-03-13
Nope. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/Braincels/comments/847ldl/comment/dvndnvf?st=JEQ7DCRN&sh=9ee1f16a
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-13
Troll account
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-13
Troll account
1 superman1145 2018-03-13
Lmao this, 2 years minimum to be truecel