Brutal black pill. Chad can be an abusive douchebag and girls dont care. Girls want CHAD. Not you, not me, not normans, CHAD. Personality doesnt matter, your haircut doesnt matter, your muscles dont matter. Face>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everything

41  2018-03-13 by [deleted]



this is the type of woman to give you a speech about treating them with respect

just look at her fucking glasses

Then when Chad ghosts them 'sick of men treating me like shit!!!!!'

lmao they love it.

Ultimate white pill! I’d have sex with an abusive douchebag Stacey.

If you feel that way, then so must every other man. Men are subhuman!

I bet she’s a feminist too that bitches about how women get treated like sex objects.

All that shit goes away as soon as Chad enters the picture.

Wow, this is a pretty high dose of black pill. Looks are the only thing that matters in life.

Tfw you get rejected at a job interview the second the interviewer sees your face, looks don't matter breh

The reason she wants everyone else to "respect" her is that she doesn't respect herself.

It's common for feminists to be camgirls, strippers, prostitutes (err, sugar babies), etc. Then when that doesn't immediately "empower" them and instead puts them in contact with shitty men, they go full feminist.

I wouldn't associate with a girl like this, she seems like a heartless person that will use you.

Premium fuel article

The Dickonomics of Tinder

It's a shame there are women this stupid out there.

All of you would bang a hot chick with an abhorrent personality in a heartbeat.


You’re literally lambasting her for behaving in the exact same way you would if you had her privilege.

You’re only criticizing out of jealous.

How is she being lambasted?

Most of the comments here are making fun of her one way or another.

So than at least admit personality doesnt matter. Incels never claimed a womans personality mattered

To just get laid: personality matters to almost no one. It is known.

To get romantically involved with: personality is a big deal, but not ALL that matters.

I have to politely disagree on the second point. If you were a really good looking guy i.e chad 9/10. Than most failed relationships happen becaud chad moves on to another girl rather than th girl leaving him

Chad wins whether he looking for a ltr or not.

I think many of you would consider me a Chad. I was married to a beautiful woman, didn’t work out, I banged a lot of chicks and had fun doing it, now I’m happily married again.

You’re speaking from a perspective of inexperience. You WANT the world to be that way because it helps you accept your sad reality. The real truth is that it’s far more complicated than that.

I think many of you would consider me a Chad.

Do you look even remotely similar to this guy by any chance?

I’m 5’8”, 155lbs, I work out a lot and have always done well with women. I know my target audience so I don’t spend all day striking out with super models, but I do well enough.

Many of you speak in absolutes. There is a whole world of gray area where most of us live happily, and you can too.

But you said "I think many of you would consider me a Chad". This guy is a Chad. Do you really think that this guy would waste his time here? Doubtful. No Chad or Stacy knows that this forum exists.

Some of you loosely refer to anyone that is not an incel as a Chad. I don’t give a shit if I amor not.

Who cares if a small fringe group of society is ultra good looking and behave by different rules? Why obsess over them?

There is also a small fringe group of society that is ugly and they have to behave by different rules too. Everyone is judged based on their looks. An attractive guy goes and says "Hey, you look cute." and females will be like "haha, thanks, hihihihi" and giggle. An ugly guy who does the same to the same girl will get repulsive looks. Females on reddit admitted that an ugly guys' compliments are often seen as negative.

I’m of mediocre looks. I know that hitting on a super model won’t be well received. I hit on girls that are comparable to myself, and everything works out. Why not do that?

Google pig woman experiment.



"Im a chad bros" lmao no where do you people come from

I don’t care, I don’t want to be anything. I’m not obsessed with what I’m not.

Other things I’m not: Pathetic Unhappy Clueless about women Full of unreasonable expectations


If personality mattered in relationships wife beaters wouldn't exist.

Weak faggots stay in abusive relationships. JFL at this article

Oh of course people rationalize it however they want. But the real reason is they stay because their partner is attractive.

I suggest that you go look at mugshots of men arrested for domestic violence and determine whether they're (on the whole) attractive or not.

But how do these wife beaters get into relationships in the first place?

They're not. They're "lambasting" you.

Thats part of the Incel ideology.

The point is not that men wouldn't do this. It's that women also would. Society/popular culture already stereotypes men as shallow and hyper-sexual. But women are portrayed as mature, thoughtful, and caring deeply about personality/character.

Females are just nude contortionists for Chad.


What a dumb cunt. Women can never make up their mind.

Why not catfish the living hell out of these sluts?

Because they’d just get a “u go grrl!” for whoring around, that’s why.

“Whoring around”, really? Who are you to decide how much sex someone has before they’re classified as a whore?

Oh, it’s not my decision. It was decided upon by dozens of generations that came before me.

Do you think it was arbitrary? Everything that’s happened for women since the sexual revolution has been bad for them. Families are destroyed and marriages fall apart due almost entirely to the inability of women to pair bond due to too many premarital relationships.

Who are you to decide how much sex someone has before they’re classified as a whore?

Wha...? You just repeated my comment at me.

Except a lot of alpha chads have merely okay faces. Height frame and status are major factors, and in many cases more than compensate for lack of face.

I'm sure this image is 100% real and not fabricated using an app like iFake. Yep. 0% chance of that.

THATS your excuse?

My excuse for what?

This is real, i can take more screen shots if you want with the time on top

In the interest of letting you defend your post from accusations sure, why not. I don't think i can claim to be able to verify it though.

But I stand by my statement that this sub is a place for people to feed terrible ideas, divorced from reality.

lol ur such a blue pilled white knight. thinking girls actually care about personality.. if your face is god-tier you can be the biggest douche ever and slay more than a “nice guy”

Heh, can a girl be a white knight?

Sincerely asking, is that how that term works?

If you're this confident in the truth ™ you think this sub is providing you, then I challenge you to leave it.

Invest your time and energy in other things and see if the world really proves the sub right.

If it does, by all means come back to it.

It won't.

If you've had a shitty experience with girls and women I feel bad for you son.

That shit happens. Sometimes it's your fault, sometimes it's not.

But that's YOUR life experience.

It's not how the whole world works.

There's all kinds of men and women out there. They don't all fit into the miserable little boxes that Internet intellectuals create for them.

The whole world is full of proof this subreddit is blind and toxic.

Lol we are already living in the world stupid, what the hell are you on about? Where do you think we get the money to pay out Reddit internet bills?

Gosh oh gee, I guess working my way through college with 2 jobs isn't fiscally responsible enough? I better get on that.

You are existing in the real world. If you believe the stuff on this sub you're not living in it. You're drifting through it tuned into your interior monologue so much that you perceive everything through a filter of entitlement and misery.

If I may ask, how did you get to the point where you started to believe the drivel on this sub?

How would a woman like you understand a mans life? You live life swimming in attention and privilege and 10,000 matches from chad on tinder. What would you know about the lives of ugly men?

This Chad guy sure must be messed up in the head to have made 10,000 accounts just to match with someone 10,000 times. where do I start with this one.

This is why I don't do digital dating. Creeps everywhere. (Save your breath I know chad is a catch all name)

Tinder is trash. all I hear is bitching about how much it sucks from people who use it. I don't need that shit. No wonder: It's essentially a hookup app.

Have you been rejected on tinder? Could it be that tinder is shallow?? A hookup app with shallow users?? No way!

I see guys pics in this thread and you know how you all look? Average. Average. Average. Your problems aren't your looks kiddo.

Don't pull that "what would you know" shit

I came on this sub once to find a bunch of guys abusing this one guy that came on here to talk about how he was sexually assaulted by a woman.

What did the angry fucks on this sub do?

They bitched him out. They told him he should be "greatful" because at least he had gotten action.

What a load of shit. What the fuck did they know about what it's like to be sexually assaulted?

That poor fucker came here for support from people he thought were his community

Ok hon, here's a revolutionary idea:

I talk to men and boys in my life and listen to their thoughts and troubles and interests. It's really illuminating when you actually listen to others instead of imposing your stereotypes on them.

Here's another humdinger of an idea:

Some people have healthy relationships with people of the opposite sex because they don't treat them like a hive mind.

question for you: why would you spout how would you know anything about the life of a man"

And also spout some of the most asinine stereotypes about the life of a woman?

Does that not strike you as absurd?

What on God's green Earth do you ACTUALLY know about the life of a woman?

And please, try to think for yourself about this one instead of spouting whatever you've been told.

This might be real.

There are plenty of men like this to. There are plenty of men who would have sex with an attractive woman regardless of her personality.

But I think the danger here is generalizing to all people. That all men or all woman only care about being hot and nothing else. Personally speaking I would never have sex with someone who I didn't click with as a friend, find interesting, like their personality, and think they are a good person. I've never been interested casual sex and hookups. Some people are, but not everyone.

I'm married and my husband is a nice man. I dated him because we were friends and got along really well. I've never actually dated someone I wasn't friends with. I agree some woman date assholes. Some man also date assholes. But not everyone in a relationship is an asshole. Plenty of people date nice people too. It depends on the person.

Throwin' that hard dick butter.

Down to fuck not down to enter long term relationship.


If you feel that way, then so must every other man. Men are subhuman!

Oh, it’s not my decision. It was decided upon by dozens of generations that came before me.

Do you think it was arbitrary? Everything that’s happened for women since the sexual revolution has been bad for them. Families are destroyed and marriages fall apart due almost entirely to the inability of women to pair bond due to too many premarital relationships.

My excuse for what?

Who are you to decide how much sex someone has before they’re classified as a whore?