The difference betweeen good and bad personality is literally a few millimeters of bone

160  2018-03-13 by Dellarie


Jesus Christ you guys need to go back to math class or get a ruler and learn what a millimeter is

I have to agree lmao

The guys at work who are good with women view them as a piece of meat, but I'm the creep because of my eyes

I'm the creep because of my eyes

If they are constantly staring at someone, then... yeah.

No it's that i'm cross eyed sometimes and i dont think my eyes are symmetrical

And all the other reasons

Its like character creation and the slider is called "attraction level"

Interesting, did you photoshop the second photo to make the first. Or in reverse? Or are these really two different guys?

I didn't make this, if I'm not mistaken they're both just two opposite extremes of a normal-looking guy(pretty boy-normie tier).

If this is your idea of a normal-looking guy(pretty-boy-normie tier) then you are delusional.

nah that's accurate you just wanna cope

What cope? There is a reason why this dude is strutting around on catwalks all over the world, and it's not because he looks normal. Thinking that's what you have to look like to have fulfilling relationships and a sex life is complete insanity.

this is not a normal dude at all

Didn't know it was him. I take it back then, he's renowned mogging-machine.

normal looking guy

international model

Lmao fellas no wonder you have a complex.

Strong brow ridge and chin for the win.


Serious question I have a well defined jawline but for some reason there is still a little bit of skin running from my neck to my chin . How?

Genetics, there are some youtube video’s with tricks on how to get rid of it.

Dude , but how? My jawline is wide and defined but because of the skin I don't look as good from the side unless i am sucking it in

do you mean it's a double chin? maybe you could gymcel or dietcel

Nope . As I said my jaw is visible and well defined , so is my chin . I am slim too. It's just that from the side some skin run to my chin for some reason

havin trouble visualizing your issue here, but I'm no plastic surgery doctor but it might be a minor issue that is fixable. or they might cut it out but then it grows back quick.

I might have a thyroid problem

ahhh a fatcel

Like i just said, I am very lean . But I heard somewhere that it might be the cause as my mother has a thyroid problem

side profile dont matter tbh, front view is what matters

Side matters to an extent as well

True, as long as its not subhuman, the side view is acceptable. Even lachowski has a normie side profile but an insane front view

My jaw from the front forma a very visible V shape . It looks from the side if I am sticking my tongue to the roof of my mouth . Otherwise, from the side, a piece of skin is left dangling

probably just need to get plastic surgery if you care about it that much dude, I doubt it matters much

you have a retruded maxila and a class 1 malocclusion, stop mouth breathing, fix your posture and chew gum.

Google mike mew, reclaiming power and orthotropics.

Not much can be done in your 20s though it can improve a little, if you're over 30 forget it. Best is to start in childhood. But at least follow this advice to make sure it does not get worse.

How is the maxilla related to this? And I 17 btw


you're fat

Nope. In fact , I am very lean . I don't have a double chin. From the front my jawline is visible and so is my chin. But from the side, aka profile shot, a bit of skin run to my chin . But even from the side my jaw looks fine , it's just that piece of skin . Unless I am sucking it in of course

Lucky for you "300" style beards are in style.

I don't like beards

And I don´t like irrational spiritual western bullshit like astrology or vegans. But I put with it for the sake of a fuck. Just barely.

You have a low something something bone. Look it up it's caused by bone placement in your neck.

low hyoid.

the most reposted meme

That's a bit more than millimeters

They even thickened his neck lmao.

Inb4 "that's more like centimeters losers"

Them eyebrows though. It's like he's dashing even when stationary.

Hi! You've been selected to get shit on by a normie! You will block me everytimeb but everytime I will come back with a throwaway to deteriorate your state of mind little by little, until you can't anymore! Congratulations! Let's begin (:

Why haven't you stopped to consider that your parents are to blame for your ugliness, instead of us, God's gift to the world?

tfw definied jaw line that could cut rock

high, visible cheek bones

7.5x6" penor

bald at 25

just lol if u think lack of hair is your problem

just lol if you think having hair isn't one of the few actual deal breakers that many women have that you simply cannot do anything about (toupee aside)


you can get women without hair easily you just have to make up for it in other areas

I somewhat agree, but if you can grow s decent beard youll be fine

Only white people bald that early so you're fine, being white is way more of an advantage than not being bald. Save up for hair implants or try and pull off the Vin Disel Hairless Roid Chimp look

where did you get that idea? other people go bald early too

wear a hear piece.

The one on the left actually does look creepy af, one on the right looks a tad brainless though


That's cause it's shipped to look creepy

if you got rid of the protruding brow bone he wouldnt.

Halo effect is real folks. There's no denying it.

This is photoshop now that i see it again and see the same sideburn pattern, i used to think it was plastic surgery.

Chin implant, nose job and eye ridge implants. Eye socket seems to change a little too. About how much would this cost in total with plastic surgery?


it will probably take multiple ones over a great span of time.

LMAO u fucking wot m8? Chin implant is 4-5k, rhinoplasty is 5-8k. Even those 2 alone are enough to bump him up well into normie status, which would only cost 9-13k tops

jfl at 100-300k

Much cheaper in EE or some asian country.

I dont think you know how expensive clinical services are in us.

Bitch where the fuck do you live cause I need to know ASAP

“Just get a haircut”

The right looks like a wife beater tbh.

its only beating if she doesn't enjoy it, which she does if a chad does it to her.

Are you sure she's just not a degenerate pain slut? If you hit me I don't care how hot you are, I'll punch you back and call the cops

This doesn't even make sense, why the fuck would anyone find enjoyment in being physically abused?

why is rihanna still with chris brown? There are countless staceys who are even more attracted to their chad abusers.


Because abusive relationships are much more complex than the idea that woman like to be abused." When a woman is in an abusive relationship she is usually either:

Afraid to leave in fear that there would be retaliation from the abuser.

Fear that they would be lonely if they leave due to constant mental abuse from the abuser.

Or believe that the abuser's actions are normal (especially if it's her first relationship).

abusive relationships are much more complex

stopped reading right there. Report to the fucking police and get the fuck out.


Yeah I agree, but it's much easier for a dude browsing an incel forum to say that than an actual person experiencing an abusive relationship.

incels aren't actual people?

You know what I meant.

But some of you guys don't see yourself as human beings so the answer varies.

Lots of people do. Paraphilias are one of the things I study as a PhD student and I'm pretty much actively working on the question of why people would have arousal responses to "unusual" stimuli. I'm finding that it's different for different paraphilias, though. (E.g., pedophilia appears to be in a class unto itself, unlike, say, balloon fetishes or whatever.) Sadism/masochism is a pretty big thing. I've got my ideas on why this happens, but it's hard to empirically study, as you can't just ethically attempt to induce paraphilias!

Lookism proven once again.

It's just you guys try to compare yourself with the grossest people possible. At least try somebody decent looking

LOL WTF? Even Chad isn't even considered "decent looking".

That's not chad. His eyes makes him look like a shark. Well, Chad is a predator so I guess

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Hot damn. Knowing I could save up $20,000 and get that done in Eastern Europe. Tempting to say the least

Ok that's a much better picture.

Ur on an incel sub yet you don't know Francisco lachowski? Are you new here?

Yeah? I've been here for a few months. I've seen his pics before, but no idea who he is

One of the most famous male models on the planet...

Do people actually care about models? I feel like they lack a cult following like celebrities

Not sure if you meant actors but male models are celebrities lmao.

Hot damn. Knowing I could save up $20,000 and get that done in Eastern Europe. Tempting to say the least

It's a morph the first picture isn't real

A few mm of personality

How can I get a few mm more personality?

You guys realizes you can do jaw excersises right?

Do they work though?

Probably a little bit with the risk of ruining your jaw for it's actual purpose.

For the millionth time, genetic quality is expressed through bone structure and not variable soft tissue. You can't fraud a high-T frame through lifting and you cannot fraud a decent jaw through clenching exercises. Females are attracted to superior genetics, not superior effort.

muscles and fat change how your face looks also

genetics is king, but effort definitely helps. it can only do so much, but that is a fact.


The guy on the left is slightly abnormal. The majority of the population has a normal shaped face. Even then, it's not gg yet for someone who looks like left.

The guy on the left is perfectly average.

Is that lip from shameless on the left?

I agree the photoshopping is a tad overdone

The guy on the right looks like a right cunt though...

Peanut butter and Jelly

Calling an uber with the smell of dick on his celly???

He looks like a cunt so he gets all the cunts

Not longterm though, maybe just unfulfilling one night stand after one night stand, kinda sad really... Need some emotion there you know?

I’ve had nothing, so even unfulfilling one night stands would be greatly appreciated

How long until you fall back into a depression again though? Some of the psychological benefits of sex only really work if you care about each other...

If I had consistent sex I would never be depressed again.

Are you sure about that? It's not the cure all, although it has alot of health benefits.

All of my depressed feelings come from my unfufilling love life, so yeah I'm pretty sure.

So there's nothing else you can think of? Not enough cuddles from mum?

What? Are you retarded?

So that's a yes then, mummy issues?

Confirming normies are retarded theory

You're not denying it though? Do you hate your mother for not giving you enough love?

I love my mother but motherly love is not romantic love

Its not, but did she give you enough attention? Why are you so bitter? It's the inner child man it makes sense.

I have a very loving and supportive family. I am bitter because no matter what I do women will never love me (romantically).

You dont know that for sure. Depression is a shitty thing.

Yes I do. If in 20 years no women I've met has liked the way I look then it's over. I am in the bottom 10% of men.

Ugh fucking hell, stop playing the victim and get some meds mate or see a therapist. You can get sites where its way cheaper than traditional therapy. Also your depression isn't caused by women it's an actual fucking problem in your brain.

I don't need therapy, I am satisfied with 90% of my life. My only source of sadness comes from my failed love life.

Everyone needs therapy, seriously, even if you don't have any issues it's good for you, not so much for your wallet but it's totally worth it. Trauma can come from anything from stubbing your toe to being assaulted or abused, everyone, including women, experience life differently.

I know my online persona may not seem like it, but I lead a relatively happy and fulfilling life.

If this was a less bitter and toxic place I'd say this would be a pretty therapeutic sub tbh, it's a shame it drives some people that are already detached from the real world further into hatred and depression though,

Trolling here is very cathartic for me. It's the only place I can vent about my dating frustrations.

Fair enough, stay safe pal

Just as sad as... You?

Nah im pretty good actually, are you?

I'm a normie sucking on a Chad daily. I can't be sad, ever (:

Ouch your jaw must be sore any tips lol (((:

Why would it be sore when I've been gobbling Chad dicks since middle school? I'm built for it (:

Wow I got a jaw problem after sucking too much dick and I can't do it anymore (real story though, just the 1 dick though don't have a roast beef mouth, although roast beef is delicious)

I hate roast beef but love me some big cock. 8+ only though. I constantly have to delete matches ugh.

I feel so bad for you man, honestly none of this role play shit, I genuinely feel bad for you I'd try and get you some roast beef if I could.

What exactly do you feel bad for? That I'm a normie who gets comfortably pounded any night I wish to without having to worry about getting a replacement if the current chad isn't as favorable as I once thought, or that I don't like roast beef?

The beef man jeez o

How do you figure? About beef being better than sex? Isn't that a total contradiction to your beliefs? Aren't you here to bash wimins because they won't give you that which you want the most? What was that? Oh, right. Sex. I do agree a fillet is delicious though, especially when paired with my SO and a nice restaurant.

Sex is overrated, sometimes it's great sometimes it's shit. However when it is paired with a bloody 28 day aged Angus beef and a lovely 18 year old Lagavulin single malt, and your man/woman made it for you, that's the best fucking sex ever. You should try it.

I prefer spending my summers having brunch with the family of my S.O. up in Washington, and reveling in the warmth, love, and acceptance of all the people that surround me, then letting my S.O. have his way with my romp in their guest cabin. I can't suggest you try that though; it might be too much to handle since all you've known most of your life is rejection, amirite?

It seems like it always winter in my country, have breakfast before the sun comes up every morning no brunch here, also that's a pure American thing. Theyre not very respected here. You have a perfect life, and family in "law"??? That's lucky....

Wait. You're not being overly hostile towards me, and you're a volcel? There might be hope after all. Being competent and giving ITers a run for their money on a thread discussion is something rare on this sub, I've noticed. If all the peeps in here could be half as decent as you, maybe I wouldn't be going around making throwaway accounts reminding you of how worthless y'all are while snuggling up to my S.O. /:

Sorry to burst your bubble but im not an incel, just trying to bring a bit of positivity/reality... So we're kinda the same but different ends of the spectrum I guess. I've known a few of these guys in school but there much happier now and are getting on with their lives...

I was also trying to do that, but once I started giving out advice on other accounts I realized these peeps don't want to change. One thing led to another and now I'm just trolling the whole damned sub because you literally can do nothing else. We can't change someone who doesn't see their problem as one.

Yeah they're very stubborn. You're the bigger man to say you were wrong, I'm not sure they realise that. There's more to life than sex too, (e.g steak and whisky) thats the problem with abstinence only sex Ed and no relationship education. It doesn't help that most of these guys are probably on the spectrum or have an undiagnosed disorder. Nevermind some anti-depressants have side effects that make you impotent, suicidal (ironically) and aggressive.

Thanms for not outing me as a femoid. For all intents and purposes here, I'm a chadlette (; I'm also assuming most of these poor souls are in fact anti social and don't know how to find help. Which baffles me because they literally have their PC in fron of them at all times and can google free mental health services.

No bother I'm also a hairy cunt femoid. You find alot of people that have suffered abuse from their parents, be it not enough attention up to physical and major psychological abuse, have some sort of victim/worthless complex and use their victim hood for attention because thats the only way they've ever got any. All about the inner child man, all about that shit.

Chads don't bother with LTR, only cucks do

Are you being sarcastic? Cause that sounds pretty daft to me...


nah that's accurate you just wanna cope

Didn't know it was him. I take it back then, he's renowned mogging-machine.

Nope. In fact , I am very lean . I don't have a double chin. From the front my jawline is visible and so is my chin. But from the side, aka profile shot, a bit of skin run to my chin . But even from the side my jaw looks fine , it's just that piece of skin . Unless I am sucking it in of course

abusive relationships are much more complex

stopped reading right there. Report to the fucking police and get the fuck out.

Ur on an incel sub yet you don't know Francisco lachowski? Are you new here?

The guy on the left is perfectly average.

Hi! You've been selected to get shit on by a normie! You will block me everytimeb but everytime I will come back with a throwaway to deteriorate your state of mind little by little, until you can't anymore! Congratulations! Let's begin (:

Why haven't you stopped to consider that your parents are to blame for your ugliness, instead of us, God's gift to the world?

You're not denying it though? Do you hate your mother for not giving you enough love?