Looks like I pissed off a user from a certain subreddit. But it’s okay; they just want to help us, right?

82  2018-03-13 by Fuckingabortionnnnn


Every single normie in here wants us dead, without fail. This one was just more explicit than others

As a normie who found this place like... an hour ago? Why do I care what happens to you beyond my mild interest in the human condition that you display and the tiniest bit of sympathy? I don't "want" you dead, but honestly I'm not overly concerned with people who act like the entire world is out to get them.

No, you're here to kill us. You know this, and that's why you're here.

The fuck? I don't kill people, that's counterproductive. Peaceful movements have twice the chance of success as violent ones. "Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." -MLK. If I wanted you all to change, I wouldn't bother with killing you because aside from being entirely against my personal morals, it's totally useless in effecting any form of change in mentality.

Main thing is, why the fuck do you think I want to kill you?

Main thing is, why the fuck do you think I want to kill you?

Because these brigades (that you are a part of) are killing us.

that you are a part of

I just visited. I'll leave if it helps.

the last brigade already took the lives of one of our own

and no norman ever, and I really mean ever, has changed one of us. You can't change the blackpill truth. You can only delude yourself out of it

Guess I'll leave.

Why are you here then? To make fun of us?

because its an interesting phenomenon and people are curious

Yea, but this zoo ain't public. I'll link you my paypal and you can pay your entry fees. I'm going to use the money for surgery.

Because someone linked to it and I was surprised an incel sub still existed.

What if I told you that I just hate everyone?

then you wouldn't be much different from some of us

Fair enough.

Surprised? take a look at /r/IncelTears/

Yep, typical. Don't understand why they even feign compassion for us when they are so quick to say shit like this.

"they" are made of different people. Some were supportive. Few were I mean. They got rid of incels on Reddit. Then some witch hunted more on the incels site. A lot of then didn't want to report the site and didn't want to bully virgins anymore.

A tranny hooker told me yesterday that (it?) can't wait until I kill myself and told me to upload the video to watchpeopledie. Just lol.

Let me guess.....Brazil?

Surprisingly not! American I believe.

why were you with a tranny hooker and why do you value the opinions of the mentally ill and why does she hate you so much?

She started replying to my comments yesterday (here on Reddit, not irl lol) and I don't value them, I rekt her and I don't know why it hates me so much, probably because it's mentally ill.

are trannies sex humanoids or humans? tbh i see them as a humanoid forms

Well trans people are not even human so it's like a dog barking at you.


So, after DMing me to kill myself, that’s all you have to say? I bet you’re glad I made a post about you, since you seem to love attention.

I didn't DM you. Firstly you can see that the person who supposedly did that their username ends with 'om' whereas mine doesn't. Nice try

It says “6 minutes ago”. Don’t try to bullshit your way out of this one. You should’ve just not commented

Oh you meant my comment? How did you make a post about me then? Your twisting things to suit an argument


And i didn’t make this post in 2 minutes, I took the screenshot then uploaded it a few minutes later.

Look, dude, if you want me to kill myself this badly, you can just stay away from me.

I have never messaged you before. I have never DM you. I don't want anyone to kill themselves as that's just plain awful. Yes my grammar isn't exactly great. Yet that's the only arrow in your quiver. I just don't believe someone would just message this to you and either be serious (i.e a troll) or were missing context. So stop seeking pitty and karma as it's incredibly pathetic. I left the initial comment because I don't believe this happened. Try as you might to make this more than it is but it's painfully obvious your trying to start shit

Dude, if you changed your mind, you can just apologize, and it’ll be cool. If you really regret saying what you did, just come clean and apologize.

I never messaged you. Even though you've blocked out the username in the post it's clearly not mine. Either reveal the username or stop making yourself look stupid. Anyone who buys that I sent you that is either incredibly stupid or willfully if ignorant

How is it not yours? Look, if you don’t want to apologize, you can just go back to inceltears and keep telling people to kill themselves. I guess it makes you happy

The username starts with a t and ends with om. Not even close to being mine. Are you seriously this deluded?

He posted on IT only once, and that was recently. That shit is frowned upon there and you know it.

It’s funny how the inceltears posters are the only ones calling bullshit. You support incel suicide over there.

Remember when an incel nailed his dick to a board? Most of the comments were inceltear people saying shit like “I wish all incels would do the same”

Doesn't change the fact that he ain't a regular there. Thanks for the moral high-horse bullshit, though, that means a lot coming from the sub that posted numerous celebration posts after the Florida shooting.

High horse claim from a regular of a sub that makes fun of old virgins

How moral and wonderful. One of the regulars who trolls virgins made a new account, nobody there would do that would they?

Are you proud you regularly make fun of suicidal virgins?

Sure it is

Are you?

get married soon.

you really need to improve your personality, females can sense that toxicity

Hmm...well considering I have never had a problem with anyone. Including women I think I'm fine

looool I'm sure

Considering you refer to them as "females" maybe you should look at your own personality?

oh also a crybaby about regular words, you really need to self improve

You only find these people on reddit, lmao.

Hahaha jesus dude. I'm good. My life's pretty sweet but thanks

Are you too retarded to understand that women are females?

Considering I've already made the distinction between using the term women and then making the connection that you instead used the term female. It's safe to assume that I do. Or are you just incapable of understanding? I only pointed out that you use that specific term yet you call me toxic? Just doesn't really make sense. But of course you are being a classic Incel and refusing to accept you're wrong or even having a civil discussion because of the fact you're so bitter that the only vagina you have touched is your mum's.

Sorry dumb norman, you're still retarded.

Good luck with everything. Honestly wish you nothing but the best :)

Why would u blur their name anyway

Reddit rules.

It sure does


odoyle rules

LOL tell them if you are going down, you are taking them with you

Oh, that’s the current plan, baby.

That’s a stupid plan.

Report them. This is clearly against Reddit TOS and borderline encouraging suicide which is a crime in many places.

Who do they think they are that they can break the rules like that?? Their account should be deleted and when you send the report make sure to write that you will follow up on this and make sure reddit is accoutable.

Ban the Alta! It'll make a difference!


Anyone who receives harassing messages like this should report to Reddit Admins.

Incels: "This is harassing! We'll report you to the admins"

Literally the guy below :" LOL, fuck you mod. You're a female, that's why you can't do your work"

God, it's like shooting yourself in the head, because you don't trust yourself

fuck her and fuck you normie

Go and enjoy your PSL from Starbucks, and come back with a better attitude.

Idk what that is but a chocolate chip frap does sound good

Pumpkin Spice Latte. Never had it, but I make frequent jokes about it.

What good would that do? It's an alt. Nothing happens. They make a new one.

I really don't think this kind of content should have blocked names. It's protecting bullies.

It was probably Boar_Gaming's alt.

Why does everyone on this sub hate you?

Not everyone does, but for the majority who do, it's because I'm female.

it's because I'm female.

Do you think there could be any other reasons not linked to your sex?

None that i could see. Not sure why people dont like her

Can we run 🅱️enis' together?

Hey I don't hate you, but it ain't just because of your gender

I hate you because you're a horrible piece of shit. Don't put it on your gender you worthless scum.

It's because you're a bad person. You gender is just your excuse.

I'm not a bad person.

Don't worry, he's not even incel.

She hates unattractive men and is umapologetic about her diddain for this community. No wonder they hate her.

Because she's a woman.

My post that I deleted got so many trolls harassing me in the comments. A mod obviously saw this, but did nothing. You’re a useless female

stop stickying comments. It is fucking annoying. No one wants your advice, roastie cunts.

I.e. another excuse to let your IT buddied run unchecked. This is one of your friends harassing someone to coerce them into suicide, and you think it's okay anddefend them. Just how vile and utterly rotten do you have to be to get this malicious just because you can't date a hot guy? Disgusting. You are just disgusting.

I have no idea who wrote those messages. And telling OP to report the offender to Reddit admins is not "defending".

"Someone harassed you and told you to kill yourself? I'm not going to do anything about them or their buddies. Go talk to the those other people who have so far consistently been on the side of the harassers in issues like this"

Yes, you are defending them in the most insidious way possible.You're quite literally helping goad someone into suicide, all just because you're bitter you can't date a hot guy. I've seen all kinds of evil, but you managed to shock even me there. You're really a special kind of fucked up.

I'm not "goading" anyone. Whatever hate you have against me, I don't care, just stop accusing me of doing things or saying things that aren't true. You're not going to say anything that's going to make me leave this sub, so just quit wasting your time and energy.

I'm not "goading" anyone.

You're letting someone else do it and dismissing the victims when it's your duty to protect them. So you're worse - you're not just enabling others to harass incels into suicide, but giving them an additional push by ignoring their issues when they appeal for help. And all of this just because you hate unattractive men, just because they're the ones you have a more realistic chance of dating as opposed to the hot chads you feel entitled to. For all the toxic bitterness of this incel community, you're really taking the cake here, you disgusting monster.

That’s what they want from us.

WTF is wrong with this subreddit

I seen someone make a sub of/r/supportcels.

They're not all bad.

/r/supportcel - "Supporting incel suicides since 2017!"

She also makes comics...

The person that created that sub also posts on inceltears daily and tells incels to kill themselves in the comments so...

Did you read the mod's comments? She hasn't posted in a while. And I saw nothing of that kind.

You probably sent this to yourself with another account. For attention

redditor for 5 days

Why don't you make more alts to troll virgins? You're doing such a good job.

He's not a female. Only females do that.

He’s looking forward to being assaulted in jail for assisted suicide lmao

Incelcucks lol harassing incels on the internet. This black pilled normie laughs at them.

Blackpill saved! human is bullshit

IT = generlizing incels, and say that we shouldn't generalize them

inclels = get put in one category and be called an asshole for no reason.

called an asshole for no reason.

There we go, more disingenuous bullshit. You know why you're called asshole, nut up and own it

no i don't know why. explain it.

You post mean comments about wymyn on an obscure internet forum. The thought police doesn't allow this. WOMEN ARE WONDERFUL!

You know why you're called asshole

Because we're ugly. I mean this post provides pretty direct proof of that.

Because we're ugly.

How can we tell, you're words on a screen.

Because that’s what we literally tell you....

I don't know, go look at the Reddit alien logo of the subreddit you browse? /r/IncelTears?

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the top posts of all time!

#1: r/incels is now banned | 2343 comments
#2: Sir, you need to leave | 251 comments
#3: Not sure if this has been posted yet | 218 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Haven't ever been there. Legit. Got linked from politics weirdly enough. Given what's been said about it here, I'm not planning to visit.

IT will say this is fake news

I get lot of messages like this, just report and block em

You poor soul :’(

Is it even legal to push someone to their death. Man they're such big hypocrites.

There was that semi controversial case where the one girl pushed her bf to suicide and she got charged. I’m assuming that varies widely by jurisdiction.

I browse both subs and all I can say is fuck that guy. Anyone who does something like that should be banned from both subs for good measure.

I’m not an incel but I like you guys. Your memes are funny and I had a rough time when I was younger so I can somewhat relate. No one deserves that kind of shit. No matter who you are.

both subs? explain to a normie

Braincels and IncelTears.

Maybe not both. This sub is for people who've been mistreated in life and just wanna find solace in those that they can relate with but IT is just to make fun of the former's problems.

Some posts, yes. But a lot of posts aren’t even from this sub and represent the crazier, fringe parts of inceldom. The hoping women get raped, “I stalked this woman for fun” stuff.

Yeah I was implying that braincels shouldn't be banned and that IT is a bad sub.

No I meant the poster, not the subs.

Oh alright sorry.

I wanna dox this piece of shit. People are fucking horrible man

Because retaliation helps.

you're totally not trolling

Bullying "Victims" like yourself are more likely to commit suicide in the future

haha he ignores that they increasingly don't always go out by themselves :)

This is the plan, if I ever decide to kill myself.

Why only kill myself, when I can take out those who pushed me to commit suicide?

they want you to go out unnoticed and full of sorrow

but they aren't en-ti-tled to tell u how to die :)

Nobody is entitled to life.

or happiness, thanks normies for this wisdom

What the fuck is wrong with you?

many things, fuck off slut

You sound like a bitch.

that's someone else youre hearing, schitzo

and most people here are guys

the problem with this type of super fucked up logic you have here buddy, is that whoever you decide to "take out" is not the same person as this retarded, loser piece of shit who somehow takes joy in mentally abusing people on reddit.

This is what's always wrong with the "I'll take them down with me" mentality that most shooters have too. You aren't fucking actually getting revenge on the scumbags, you are killing innocents.

Why do you think normal people want to help you ? Who gives a crap about bitter misogynistic losers ?

If you didn't give a crap about bitter misogynistic losers you would give up and stop posting. The fact that you guys are not indifferent shows you do care.

This is a zoo for normies. You are fascinating and amusing.

That's not very nice.

This is a zoo for fat disgusting failed normies with barely human girlfriends who want to feel better about themselves.

So you do give a crap then?

Why does this seem absolutely fake to me? Because it probably is other Barry.

Nah, I don't want to help you """become a better person""". I come here to laugh at y'all wallowing in self-pity. It's like a zoo, but for free.

Removed for harassing people of this community

Nah, you come here to try and convince yourself your life is a modicum better than an incels. You keep coming back because you know that's not true. :)


Nope. Mid-late 20's, wife (hot as fuck) loves me to death, a few kids, college graduate, high-level IT Director job for aerospace company, six-figure salary, 3 cars, zero debt, 4 bedroom home, Republican, et cetera.

I think you're projecting, friendo.

and none of that is good enough to keep you away from here


His extended bragging about finances suggests that he's a beta provider. His wife must be refusing to fuck him now that they have kids. Incel posts must have really struck a nerve with that creature.

he seriously bragged about being an average middle aged person to impress mentally troubled virgins . . .

at least he knew better than to respond to me

imagine being this insecure that you have to try and prove your worth to anonymous virgins on redidt LOL

Imagine being so pathetic that you frequently post on an internet forum for rejects. Hanging out with the rejects and dredges of society in real life just wasn't enough!

That's literally you? You actually post here more tham me so congratulations.

I feel like this is false.


At least I got a laugh.

lmao keep coping my dude


Eh it's the internet. You could be a cat for all I know. But hey, you do you.

Howdy-do, partnah?

You didn't show what you did to get him to say that. For all I know you said the same to him

My last comment got removed by a salty admin because I said I don't intend to help anyone here, and this place is like a zoo, but for free.

Sorry, you guys. It really is a pit of misery here and bringing yourselves down over retarded shit, and it is funny. It's just a massive cringefest trying to hide itself as a "support group".


We seriously need at least 1 mod who ban losers like this. There 5 mods yet there is pretty much no moderation at all.

This is abusive or harassing It's targetted harassment At me


Due to this comment I will have involuntary sex with my dog sex with my dog



Keep Yourself Safe?

This makes me feel like the incel tears people aren't the only ones using fake accounts to make the other look bad.

I’d bet money this is an Incel

Ban the Alta! It'll make a difference!

It was probably Boar_Gaming's alt.


looool I'm sure

No, you're here to kill us. You know this, and that's why you're here.

Why are you here then? To make fun of us?

Don't worry, he's not even incel.

because its an interesting phenomenon and people are curious

Because someone linked to it and I was surprised an incel sub still existed.

Some posts, yes. But a lot of posts aren’t even from this sub and represent the crazier, fringe parts of inceldom. The hoping women get raped, “I stalked this woman for fun” stuff.