You are so obviously insecure about the fact that someone would believe you're from the south, how sweet. I hope you get better darlin'. Oh shit whoops, I think your accent is rubbing off on me.
It gets confusing with all the white boys running in here spouting this shit and immediately jumping to "I''m from the south" the moment they get called out for roleplaying as black Americans with the way they type.
2 Hope915 2018-03-13
Guess I'll invest in a ship rigging business.
1 asdasda5453 2018-03-13
3 ropes pleas3
1 womenshouldnotvote 2018-03-13
one and a half chair
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-13
why is this funny
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-03-13
Coz u stoned to the bone lyk myself
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-13
1 stronglydislikeweebs 2018-03-13
Buy the chair, pocket the dollar, the SDAR
1 Red_Rocket_Rider 2018-03-13
Stop misusing Fallout art for this cringefest
1 rottingsubhumantrash 2018-03-13
Fuck off normfag.
1 Nederweed 2018-03-13
Fuck off normfag.
1 Red_Rocket_Rider 2018-03-13
Never heard that one before
1 DUSTY1985 2018-03-13
So true tho
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-13
Absolute classic from the og sub.
1 Involuntarily 2018-03-13
$1 cope
$1 hope
$1 rope
1 Zangano1 2018-03-13
Ill take 3 ropes just in case
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-13
I get what you're trying to convey (no hope but the rope), but life doesn't work like this.
1 rottingsubhumantrash 2018-03-13
This is how life is for us incels.
1 fishet 2018-03-13
This isn't how life is for anyone. You in fact cannot buy anything after the chair.
1 gigachadd 2018-03-13
This makes no sense
1 Luckylancer96 2018-03-13
This makes sense but it is so dark we canrlt see it bro.
1 JahovaBrony 2018-03-13
I’ll take 3 ropes
1 PM_me_UR_duckfacepix 2018-03-13
The way I read that, this person should have $15 left even if they bought the chair and rope.
1 Lil-Leon 2018-03-13
I would buy 1 Rope and sell it to an Incel for 2 Dollars. Then i would continue doing that until i am rich.
1 7339er 2018-03-13,204,203,200_.jpg
1 Lil-Leon 2018-03-13
Yeaaah i'm not going to press the Link that some sketchy Incel leaves in the Comment Section.
1 7339er 2018-03-13,204,203,200_.jpg
1 Texas_Indian 2018-03-13
I just want $10 in this game is that too much to ask?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-13
1 Frogmemer 2018-03-13
This nig so fat he b needin 2chairs and 6ropes to off him self my dude like damn boi yus one cracka snacking mf
1 W0xtr 2018-03-13
ur cracking me up dude
1 incelwriter 2018-03-13
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
Why do y'all subject yourselves to such depressing humor
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-03-13
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
Im not a fucking southerner
1 PM_ME_UR_FAV_QUOTE_ 2018-03-13
doesn't matter, you talk like one
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
No, I do not. I talk like someone who grew up in the inner city. I dont talk like a southerner. Fuckin mook.
1 PM_ME_UR_FAV_QUOTE_ 2018-03-13
You are so obviously insecure about the fact that someone would believe you're from the south, how sweet. I hope you get better darlin'. Oh shit whoops, I think your accent is rubbing off on me.
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
Nah, I just don't wanna be associated with trump supporters.
1 PM_ME_UR_FAV_QUOTE_ 2018-03-13
holy guacomole. YOU are the one associating southerners with trump. Also what an odd thing to bring up. You're fucking weird dude.
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
No, I'm no, i just dont want my name blasphemed with such a title
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-03-13
It gets confusing with all the white boys running in here spouting this shit and immediately jumping to "I''m from the south" the moment they get called out for roleplaying as black Americans with the way they type.
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
I am a black American wtf are you even in rn.
1 Madeon929 2018-03-13
Because, it helps us cope
1 IronMeltsinmyHands 2018-03-13
You sound like Krillin from dbz
1 Madeon929 2018-03-13
1 m--ampa 2018-03-13
You sound like Krillin from dbz
1 Bugsy_Corleone 2018-03-13
Lucky guy. Krillin pulls the hottest girl [android who turns human] in DBZ hands down
1 IronMeltsinmyHands 2018-03-13
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
Cope with what
1 Chef_Lamar 2018-03-13
Because, partner, we thinks it’s funny! Yeehaw!
1 BlackieMacReary 2018-03-13
Im not a southerner you fool
1 wvsfezter 2018-03-13
Use my chad body to bully incels for their lunchmoney while I fuck all the stacies.
1 sprecker1 2018-03-13
ill fukin put that inna bank n let it build up vro
1 Madeon929 2018-03-13
Because, it helps us cope
1 Chef_Lamar 2018-03-13
Because, partner, we thinks it’s funny! Yeehaw!