From /r/hapas. Nuff said.

58  2018-03-13 by changeIsTheWay



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So many asian women are like this, and it is fucking disgusting and sad.

Lemme guess. You're a ricecel?

Currycel, but it's all the same. Every ethnicity just wants white guys due to their history of dominating everything, slaughtering everyone, stealing everything, and injecting their standards of beauty into global media.


Currycel, but it's all the same. Every ethnicity just wants white guys due to their history of dominating everything, slaughtering everyone, stealing everything, and injecting their traits as those associated with beauty into global media.

Caucasians wouldn't even exist if they weren't objectively more attractive, because all the hallmark "white" traits are recessive (fair skin/hair/eyes), since they give such a reproductive advantage, they managed to crowd out dominant genes from entire populations (some countries are up to 99% blue eyed).

That's bullshit. In societies that have been isolated from caucasian meddling, when exposed to caucasians, they do not view them as attractive.

General symmetry seems to be considered attractive regardless of race. But that is pretty much it.

Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night.

Those facial features are possessed by Europeans more so than any other group. You look at a Korean thot presurgery and postsurgery and tell me which one is more attractive.

What features, facial symmetry? That's the only thing mankind as a whole finds attractive, and whites don't have more of it than anyone else. Most of it comes from exploiting non-whites and crafting a literal century's worth of media portraying themselves as more attractive than everyone else.

Yep, those Papua New Guineans are just as objectively attractive as a Swede or Frenchie.

Considering I'm not some retard white supremacist, I'll say, they are as attractive, simply because there's no such thing as an objective standard of attraction, and even if there was, it wouldn't be along racial lines. I'd ask if white supremacy rotted your brain to the core, but I already know the answer.

Your cultural relativism is 90s tier garbage.

And your Nazi bullshit belongs in the 40s, dumb fuck

Nah, everyone recognizes that whites are prettier than pygmies in Africa and aboriginals in Australia, my friend.

People in nations colonized by white people do, really, it's all about media pushing European beauty standards.

I don't buy your premise for one second, but just so you know, the media is not white. The media is Jewish.

Uh huh, well then, I'll just assume you have absolutely nothing of value to say and ignore you accordingly, thanks for the heads up.

Good night

Imagine it being 2018 and you still don't see that the media is entirely Jewish run.

nah they bow down thinking they're gods first time they see a white person

I guess race is all you people have huh? Keep clinging to that. It's your only saving grace.

actually that’s not true. white people are more susceptible to diseases especially skin cancer. they’re traits give them little to no advantage. the only reason they are seen as more attractive is because of the system of oppression they created through colonialism. they put having light skin on a pedestal, gave them more privileges and created Eurocentric beauty standards. without the standards they created they created they would probably never been seen as the most attractive group of people.

You are fucking idiot. Chinese valued white skin LONG before coming into contact with Europeans. Take your post-colonial retardation elsewhere.


Nah, it is because we objectively are the most attractive (when we are attractive). You honestly think the average Chinese bitch thinks of anything other than "muh mixed babies" when lusting after white men?

Well you guys wouldn't be very attractive if we took all your wealth, killed a bunch of you, and made you poor as hell for a few generations. Then you'd be shitting in fields just like everyone else. In fact, prior to 1500 or so, Europeans were viewed as disgusting, barbaric trash by most of the rest of the world. It was not uncommon for Europeans to not wipe at all.

Your postcolonial bullshit don't fly, my friend. No idea what shithole you hail from, but I can guarantee it was nothing but improved by the presence of Europeans.

lmao OK dude. India was one of the top countries of the world in terms of GDP prior to British exploitation and plundering. But keep talking shit, you white supremacist cuck. You can't keep them down forever. Eventually, India and China will be top 2 GDP again just as they were for most of human history.

Biggest genocide in history was what the Muslims did to the native Hindus, and you have the gall to talk shit about the Brits, who literally built and modernized your country. Stay butthurt.

P.S. your country won't be a worldpower as the braindrain is very real. Also, none of you shit in toilets and you rape the shit out of your women. Filthy country whites only go to when they want to indulge in poverty tourism.

First of all I'm an American. My country is the USA. Second of all, I use a toilet. Third of all, I agree, fuck the muslim empires as well. Fourth of all, you are wrong. The British plundered India, and they would have been much better off without them. On a personal note, I am absolutely certain that I know more about physics, math, chemistry, and biology than you. Your understanding of science and technology is likely 400 years out of date so the idea that you would speak to me like this is laughable. Were dueling legal, I would gladly duel you and kill you where you stand. Also, the rape rate per capita in India is one of the lowest in the world. They have a large number of rapes because they have a large number of people. I know math is hard for you.

Lol, some Indian living in a white nation because his is a shithole is trying to argue for why that shithole isn't a shithole. Indians bathe in the same filth they throw dead bodies, and every tourist has to accept that they will get diarrhea at some point when visiting. Not to mention you people have designated shitting streets.

Enjoy living off what the white man built and not having a chance with our women. Would you not be happier in an environment full of pajeets? From a sexual dating standpoint, you undeniably would. Hell, if you really are an incel and hideous, just hop on board the arranged marriage train.

This IS my nation as much as it is yours. I was born a US citizen. You're labeling me as an Indian purely due to my race. You are a white supremacist piece of shit. I hate people like you. People like you bullied me and treated me as an outsider my whole life. I sincerely hope you die horribly.

Just like a typical fuckhead. You exist in a white nation full of people who look better than you and are smarter than you and yet for some reason you refuse to go back home where you might actually have a shot at a girl.

I'm doing this for your mental health. You don't belong in a white country, and you should be upset with your parents for forcing you into a scenario where you are surrounded by guys more attractive than you and girls that won't even look at you.

I'm a published author in a couple languages, by the way. Your sad little brag about knowing my language better than me is pretty sad. As is the fact that you hate the white man yet communicate in his tongue and live on his land.

India is calling, pajeet. You can get a girl there.

"Are smarter than me"? Okay. Let me know how many people you personally know who can explain representation theory of Lie groups.

I am upset with my parents for coming here, but I understand that they thought I would have a better life.

People like you make it impossible for me to belong anywhere. I don't belong in the US, and I don't belong in India.

Yep. And it's no one's fault but your parents. Your misdirected anger is saddening.

It's not misdirected. If you read the vitriol you wrote about me just because of my race, you would realize YOU really are my enemy. YOU are a racist piece of shit.

I was never your friend. You clearly are going through life buttmad about what Brits did to your country and how whites treat you in America. I'm just another white boy for you to froth at the mouth at.

If you really felt USA was your home, you wouldn't be so hung up on British colonialism. I have two Irish grandparents but don't give two shits about what the Brits did there because I'm American. You're clearly not American in any sense other than geographic.

If I should go back to India, you should go back to Ireland.

If I should go back to India, you should go back to Ireland.

Nah, I'm one generation too far removed. You have to have parents who are Irish to apply for citizenship.

Also, I'm not seething with hatred regarding America and her people, ie Europeans. It was founded by Europeans for Europeans.

I'm serious about moving back for your mental health. You would not be a local wherever you go, but you will have family and a chance to get a wife, and if you could think unselfishly for two seconds, your potential children would be Indian and wouldn't have to deal with your circumstances.

There's a reason you and every nonwhite in America is a hyphenated American. You don't need to exist in that marginalized space. We'll get by without a handful of hotel managers in it guys. Multiculturalism is a fucking farce, and you are living proof. You should reflect on that instead of wailing about how terrible white people are, racist. White people didn't vote to allow your parents in. In any of our countries. Remember that.

I'm seething with hatred towards racists like you.

My parents obtained legal citizenship. While your grandparents were probably shoveling shit and getting drunk in Ireland, my relative was a prominent engineering professor who was appointed to a political position by President Reagan.

My family has every right to be here. They are mostly engineers and doctors. None of them manage hotels or work in IT, but some of my relatives own hotels, I think. You are a racist pile of human garbage. You act like this is YOUR country. It is as much yours as it is mine. You don't have a claim to it just because your skin is white.

I'd really like to meet you for a friendly boxing match somewhere.

Immigration Act of 1965 that is responsible for the current state of USA with this flood low tier Hispanics and mid tier Asians was sold to the Senate as a giant fucking lie.

America was founded by Europeans for Europeans. You. Don't. Belong. Just as I don't belong in India. But keep living in the delusion that you are a true American steeped in America's cultures and values and not yet another foreigner voting for big government and hoping for America to become ever more the clown world.

LOL. You're a coward. Racist piece of shit. I really wish I could "meet" you one day. I bet your white skin feels really nice.

Of course you're in California, the biggest pile of trash in America.

I've literally spent a larger percentage of my life in America than you have. I have never left this country. What a joke. Some kid who can't do basic math is talking down to me and disputing my right to be here. Go learn to solve the Schrodinger equation. Then, talk to me.

What exactly are you going on about math and science for? Because I mentioned India is a rape happy country where busloads of men rape a single woman? This is about your clear unhappiness and disdain for USA, which is understandable seeing as you yourself admit you don't fit in and newsflash never will.

The subcontinent is calling.

P.S. you have no idea how old I am, nor does living somewhere for a long time make you a local. I could spend 100 years in India or China and never be considered Indian or Chinese. And that's fine. You'll spend your life in USA and never be American. That's the way it works.

I'm American by the definition of what it means to be American.

I'm mentioning math and science because you act like you are so smart and sophisticated, but you actually don't know anything. You brag about technology you don't even understand. You're pathetic and weak. Your mind is weak. Your body is probably weak too. Like I said...friendly boxing match? We can settle this like men, Mr. published author who can't handle math.

I'm only half Irish, my friend. The other half is Scandinavian German mix of some sort.

Thank you for the laughs. You are obviously so butthurt. I don't like Indians outside of India. Sorry not sorry. But I don't think you are a worse group than other groups. You gotta get out of European nations and make India great. If you are an amazing math whizz, go use that to help your people. They need it more than us.

You're such a coward. Real tough guy talking shit without backing it up. I have absolutely nothing to lose. I hate people like you. I hope our paths meet one day in the future. I am sure you will regret your words here today. If not, I can only take comfort in your eventual death, and the fact that you led a life of ignorance. I hope you suffer.

Every people in every point in history has lumped others into groups, especially people who share nothing in common with them. Enjoy fighting against human nature.

The only place where you can be an individual is one where the people are a homogeneous group. I feel terrible for how (((brainwashed))) you have been.

Unless you want to fight or you have finally decided to catch up on the last 400 years of science and math, stop talking to me. I have nothing more to say to you. You are a racist, an idiot who can't handle basic math and science, and a coward.

Your insistence that I'm some kind of Luddite is baseless but very cute.

What is the highest level of any science or mathematics course you have taken for university credit? List which books you have read and believe you understand. List areas in which you believe yourself to be proficient. I am guessing you have never even finished a calculus course. That does make you a Luddite, since you cannot even understand basic mechanics and thermodynamics without that. You probably haven't the slightest idea about electricity and magnetism to understand basic aspects of circuits. You certainly have no understanding of semiconductors, solid state physics, or lasers. So, yes. You are a Luddite. You are no better than those savages shitting by the river. You just have access to technology. You don't understand it at all.

Go to bed, my man. You're shitposting and strawmanning way too late into the night.

I don't do internet e peen contests, by the way. I'm sure you're engineering degree puts you above me in the STEM knowledge sphere, but I do have a familiarity with the highlights of the entire scientific endeavor thanks to a few of my hobbies. However, I do not know minutiae like the specifics of semiconductors because I am not paid to know that, and it's a bit dry to read up on in my free time.

Also, I recognize that there is so much specialized knowledge at this point that I could never hope to keep up with every field. I get paid to know about the medical field. so that's where I am the most up to date.

You do realize everything has been radically compartmentalized and biology Phds likely haven't a clue about current tech industry nonsense, right?

You're arguing like someone on the spectrum. Nothing wrong with that, but that's how you come off.

LMAO pathetic. First of all, you used the wrong form of "your". Published author my ass. Second of all, I do not have an engineering degree. I have a background in math, physics, and biology. You do not know much of anything. You cannot even explain to me rigorously how a fucking screw works. You do realize I know quite a bit about biology, math, physics, economics, engineering, and just about everything that has any substance to it, right? I don't care how I come off. You have confirmed my claim. You don't even know calculus. You literally can't rigorously explain to me how a screw works. You are a fucking savage, and a Luddite.

Why do you assume I can't explain a screw? Lol.

Some of your posts are approaching navy seal copypasta cringe. But I get it. Let it all out, my man.

Correcting grammar on an anonymous internet forum is also pretty damn pathetic, by the way, especially given phone posting increases the odds of a mistake slipping through. Oh, and most of us don't give enough of a shit to proofread our posts. I proofread all day. Why would I expend the effort when I'm shitposting alongside the king of strawmanning?

You're supposed to be a fucking author, and you can't even type proper English. It isn't a strawman. You can't explain the technology you use quantitatively or rigorously. You just want to take credit for everything that white people who were smarter than you invented. You are no more one of "them" than I am. You have no understanding of the technology you use. You're a fucking hack, a coward, and a racist.

Your obsession with calculus is also quite bizarre. Are you a NEET as well as an incel? That would explain why your dick is so hard for high school level math, something that most people fall out of practice in once they get a jorb unrelated to math. And yeah, I make money without using math.

I did AP Calculus and a few math courses in college. I'd need to refresh my grasp obviously, but it's not some unknown concept :).

Got another glorious rant I can try to copypasta into a meme?

P.S. full disclosure: I'm a weak ass kaczynski type idealist. Science and math are great, but tech has ruined humanity. For one, roasties and thots would not be so disgusting if dating apps weren't a thing that fed their whorishness.

I just bring up calculus because it is probably the most difficult area of math you understand. You obviously have never heard of modern algebra, functional analysis, differential geometry, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, or any other advanced math areas. The fact that you essentially have no idea how a screw works confirmed my statements. Read a book on simple machines. Well, first read a book on classical physics at the sophomore level. Then, you will understand how a screw works, and then you will have earned the right to talk shit to people who do not use screws. Otherwise, you are just a parasite.

I'm poor as shit, friend. Stop. Strawmanning, you piece of shit. I'm not going to go to the trouble of explaining basic shit to you. Not worth my time.

I'll leave you by repeating this: you'd be happier in India. America clearly isn't the right place for you. I can feel your hatred of it and its people from here.

I hate people like you. You represent the worst of America because you are a racist asshole. My parents came here legally, just like your grandparents did. In fact, I bet your grandparents didn't even come here legally lmao. Fuck you. Seriously. And it's not a straw man. It speaks to your competence. You are exactly what I said. But you know that. It's clear to me that you know that. You have nothing in your life, but your race. That explains everything now.

His ancestors were whores and potato farmers and he "we wuzes" like he is a direct descendant of Tesla himself.

99.9% of white people on history contributed nothing to scientific advancement. Only 0.1% intellectual elites ever did and then 1000 years later some descendant of a peasant is claiming their achievement for himself becaude they share the same skin color LMAO.

William Rowan Hamilton was Irish, so at least there's that. Although, I am sure Hamilton would scoff at this guy's lack of understanding of basic math.

Pajeet, I am not bragging about America's technological wealth. You really are incapable of not strawmanning.

You see someone proud of being white and you immediately revert to your kike-infused Pavlovian reaction of OMG RACISSS. It's really sad that someone who is supposedly so learned is so transparently conditioned.

You don't know me, and you don't know the breadth of my knowledge.


P.S. There are something like 700 or 800 million whites. All of us together is less than the population of your subcontinent. "Billions of whites" betrays how utterly ignorant you are. You have inferred all sorts of shit about me based on nothing. Here I have evidence you are an ill-informed, uneducated sack of shit arguing in bad faith. Boom.

And yes, all my ancestors immigrated legally when USA was explicitly for Europeans of good character and not a fucking refuse bin for the entire world.

They usually count white-hispanic as white, but okay if you say so. I know you don't know much about math or science, which is pretty much all that matters in this world. LMAO I'm "uneducated?" I'm not the one here who doesn't know what a fucking Lagrangian is. Get the fuck out of here. I'm done with you.

Great. You'll die on this hill that you are American (Indian American lol) and live the incel life instead of going home and having a shot at a healthy life. I'm sorry you are so broken. But then, you are a Californian. Hate to clue you in on this, but everyone outside California hates your state. In fact, few of us consider it a part of the US at all anymore. Hence the desire to see the pozzed parts split off from the actual Americans in the upstate and interior. Enjoy your socialist shithole! I hear they shit in the streets in San Francisco and elsewhere, so you'll likely feel right at home!

If you're in Washington or Oregon, the same applies. The interior would prefer if your pozzed leftist shitcities fell into the ocean. Lots of street shitting too :P.

LOL Now you are acting like 3 of the United States of America don't count as states. Wow. You are literally a traitor to your own country. And aren't you not even in the US right now? You're in fucking China? Are you serious? You're a fucking joke. Your ideals aren't even american, yet you call yourself an American (Irish-American lol). Also, I'm about as anti-socialist as you can get. Listen, I'm serious. This is it. I'm not replying anymore. I really don't want to waste anymore effort on this. Go away.

You live in your shit west coast bubble. Us actual Americans HATE YOU. Yes, even white Californians. You are a pozzed hellhole that allows HIV positive faggots to not disclose their status even when giving blood. You live in a literal clown world.

rape happy country

lol America is more of that.

100 years in India

You'd be considered Indian if you can speak one of our languages, know our cultural traditions, and adopted.

Probably wouldn't be in ethnocentric China.

Don't exclude Nigerians, or how this motherfucker ought to thank us black folks for 90% of American music as well as the Blood Bank which saves thousands of lives every day.

He's a fucking racist. We are all as American as he is. People like him are the reason I doubt my loyalty to my country. He isn't the first person to treat me this way.

Same, but don't let this pathetic fuck get you down, I mean, come on, he's a fucking sexpat of all things.

You exist in a white nation full of people who look better than you and are smarter than you

Again. Lol. You're on an incel forum.

Exactly. Why not go home where you are on par with so many more dudes.

I'm saying you're ironically a whitecel on an incel forum, lmfao.

I'm not an incel. Curious about this here subreddit.


Also, we're 600 years past shitting in fields, my friend. Your brothers and sisters meanwhile shit on the beach, in the fields, in the streets, really wherever.

Oh, and just lol if you think it's impressive that the tiny number of high IQ Indians that American companies skimmed off the top of India ought to be compared to any entire country of whites.

Additionally. It's sad that you bemoan Britain using India for tea and whatnot but have no problem with America and Canada and elsewhere stealing your high IQ citizens.

Oh, and Indians are bitch tier it zombies and hotel managers. You aren't running shit. (To head you off, google was created by whites with glow in the dark money, and only after it gained a monopoly did it do a diversity hire for its CEO.)


Oh, we're just using you guys as our shitting street while we channel funds back home and build businesses back there :)

Enjoy living off what the white man built

We aren't living off it, dear. We are contributing far more than we take, in the USA.

Its us who are best at managing our money, opening businesses, and NOT crying about finances while you whites rot and yell "dey took er jerbs reee" and making smart decisions over projecting on others.

and not having a chance with our women.

lmfao whitecels who get rejected by their own women talk about "not having a chance with our women."

Convenience stores and hotels and restaurants are not impressive businesses. Lol

That was the start of it.

Late millennials will take that forwards.

Haha, you honestly think the clown world will last that long.


Enjoy being parasites in white countries while your homeland struggles.

Lol "parasites."

don't you live in asia you fucking gook loving cuck?

Yep, much healthier dating pool of white women. We're talking tens instead of thousands. Too much choice is a terrible, paralyzing scenario.

Also, white women don't find Asians attractive, so very little competition.

Is killing a white supremacist even morally wrong?

He probably has a really shitty life, and all he has is his skin color. Whatever.

That seems to be the deal with white supremacists.

Nah, that's just your projection. Us young whites are not buying the bullshit anymore that every single other race and ethnicity gets to shout about how great they are, but the second a white speaks of his people in a positive way, it's WACISM. That shit don't fly no more.


Being 14 words isn't being a supremacist you brainwashed kike disciple :). It's called being a biological being and wanting to pass along your genes.

Also, it's clear that non-whites can't into small government, so fuck all of you who are in America, a nation founded explicitly to have as small a governing body as possible. Your horde do nothing but vote for the biggest government possible. Fuck off.

oh look another Nazi who lives in asia

what a surprise, fucking cuck

Fucking brainlet. I am not a German and don't support any pan German movements. I support all groups having their own space. I'd prefer if ethiccels weren't in white nations because they act like giant faggots and would obviously be happier in their country of origin.

Lmfao. "Improved."

Is this a joke? The British prevented infrastructure from being built in India while siphoning funds for their own hungry desires.

Yes, the trains and tracks that are still in use today were not built by the Brits.

That was for their own benefit. And there's something called "trade" which we could have done like how the Japanese did to acquire early locomotive technology from the Brits, Americans, Germans, etc.

Dude, you went to Thailand because mainland US girls don't want you

Never been to Thailand :)

Oh yeah, sorry, meant to say Taiwan

Taiwan is not a sexpat location. And I did not come here for chicks but for language fluency.

Taiwan is a major sexpat destination and they keep encouraging more. And yes, Asian women do think “cute mixed babies” when they go after white men - r/hapas proves it

Thailand and Philippines are major destinations. You can't compare Taiwan to them.

i thought it sbecause you treat your women like shit?

Way to sweepingly generalize an entire race of people.

and you didnt?

They actually do though. You can look at OKC stats to see it. There is a disproportionately higher response to white men compared to other races. This is backed by statistics. What backs your claim that Indians, on average, treat their women like shit?

We're just uglier on average.

Masculine features, but they are just weird usually.

Quite the opposite, actually among educated Gen X and Gen Y Indian dudes.

I appreciate hapa rage, they're honorary incels in my opinion, but as someone who tried to run JBW game they're nowhere near correct on this.

do you have light eyes/hair?

it literally doesnt matter how you look otherwise, so many ethnic females will want to get impregnated by you just hoping that the genetic diceroll gives them a baby with blue eyes

I'm balding

Its over.

Then wear a snapback or something, not a fucking fedora obviously. If you then still can't get laid you're probably both really ugly and actually have the personality of a wet towel. In that case just go to Thailand/Philippines.


I don't think they are all incels though.

don't think they are incels, more like fakecel ERs in the making

idk what you talking about, HAPAs were envied and "worshiped" in my HS.

WMAF hapa males are certainly not envied anywhere

Why would high schoolers care a hapa kid's parental racial origins?

During HS, i noticed my peer group always saying how beautiful HAPAs look and how attractive they are. Even right now in grad school we have a HAPA in my class of 100 people and I notice people saying how attractive the hapa is.

Yes, its not uncommon to see hapa genes causing good facial harmony.

Lmfao, sure, white passing or almost passing hapas are considered beautiful, which causes more insecurities to normal hapas that don't pass.

Hapas aren't angry. Only the ugly ones are. And a few Elliot's.

JFL at any white guys who think they’re chad for getting laid in Asia.

I date expat girls now after I spent a few years casually dating lots of locals. Thanks though.

What, have you had enough of white worshipping Taiwanese girls?

I mostly went through girls who spoke no English. And it's more I want to find a girl I can marry and impregnate, and I for sure am not making mentally ill hapas/throwing away my blue eyes and various other huwite genes with a local.

Please tell that to your other sexpat friends who keep making more hapas in Taiwan

I do. They aren't fans. But then, 95% are leftist pieces of shit who think in terms of being a global citizen and long for the day when the world is one group of deracinated low IQ brownish mutts.

Good luck with that buddy. Taiwan is so desperate to copy the liberal western model that they're encouraging WMAF on a national scale

Meanwhile the guys are all buying Thai and Vietnamese poverty brides. This country doesn't have long. I won't be here but for a year or two longer, so no skin off my back.

Just hoping I can nab a nice Euro girl, but likely not. The ones over here are pozzed beyond belief.

Thailand and most of SEA is just one giant red flag. If they weren't so cucked by buddhism the men would be revolt over what's happening to their women

I think they are also cucked by the $$$ sexpats bring in, too.

$$$ can buy dignity. The fucked up part is that I've seen White begbackers make money off local Thais so they're not that hardup for cash

That makes me fly into a rage. Those fuckers who want to backpack around the world and try to do it by begging on the streets of thirdworld shitholes. I would be pleased to see them publicly flogged and jailed for a year or more.

You're a fucking loser that had to go to Thailand to get laid, lol

Correction: Taiwan. But both Taiwan and Thailand are equally western worshipping

I’m not even Asian, and /r/hapas managed to turn me off Asian cunts. I never noticed how cuntish they act in real life, or how badly they treat Asian men.


What'sso funny?

Nothing. I agree with you.

all races of women mistreat the men of their race except black women



I disagree about black chicks not dissing most black guys.Most black women aren't attractive d to average black guys,they generally prefer a small minority of black guys.... narcissistic player types, thuggish types,or buff,athletic men who are built like Nfl running backs.They only settle for average black men if they are desperate.

JFL at r/china, r/thailand, r/japan, r/korea, r/taiwan users who act like getting an Asian waifu is some kind of accomplisment and that they're cucking Asian men.

biggest cunts in the world? believe they're on the top of the pyramid because of their "exotic" race? bigger racist than your uncle during thanksgiving? hates their own race and culture and talks shit about men of their race? biggest heightist in the world, always wanting a 6'2" man despite being 5'1"?

yup, that's an asian woman for you!

These pathetic Asian women are beginning to wreap what they sow now that their Hapa children are waking up and turning against them.

tbf, Asian women (especially from Asia) have extremely low standards when it comes to White men. They could be a 5'1 manlet but as long as he's white some Thai or Filipina will chase him

Does this only count for Asian girls who chase white men or Asian girls who chase any no Asian dude?

asian femoids are the only reason white privilege could even be considered a thing

It's because of niggers tbh. They weren't incels before Asians came around. Niggers make all blacks look bad.

The "I dont date asian guys" starter pack

  1. Be an asian woman

My uni has a very high population of Asians and maybe it’s me but I only see them dating each other. Maybe not Americanized yet.

It's such a double edged sword, swings widely one way or the other it seems depending on the person.

This sub is now basically turning into alt right

Did you know many of them are over 25 year old incels?

The comments here are scarily racist. Don’t blame myself or shitty genetic luck, Blame all non-whites and drop slurs

That sub is half asians, arabs, blacks and indians. Racists comments get downvoted usually.

That’s the beauty of us

Some lonely angry white guys think they have to be alt right because no one understands them, we understand them here and they don’t have to become alt right if they don’t want to

lol there is only one racist comment and it's downvoted to hell.

Based off of this post? This post is more or less decrying the alt-right. The alt-right despises /r/Hapas

So glad I finally blocked that pan seared tuna piece of dogshit racist faggot.

Who are you talking too ? There are some pathetics trolls here you should not give them attention.

pan seared tuna...he made a bunch of racist posts telling me to "go back" to India because I do not belong here etc. Made fun of Indians for being poor and not having toilets. I told him I was born an American citizen, and he acted like he had the right to tell me to leave. He literally believes he is superior to me because he is of Irish descent.

Yeah there is 2/3 assholes. Report them, they are usually banned.

Your ethnic group also will continue to be bred out of existence as your own women ignore you and go after Chad. I'd rather be poor with pussy than a rich Incel.

Why are there so many Indians then? Seems like they aren't breeding out of existence at all.

The reason there are so many Indians is because until recently, Indian society was based around arranged marriages so even ugly men got a mate. Now that India is becoming wealthier the women are no longer dependent on a man to survive so they ignore the Indian men and either stay single or go west and find Chad. Tinder was the best form of birth control for Indians.

This hypothesis would make sense except the birth rate in India is still insanely high. This means Indians are still procreating and not breeding out of existence as you claim.

I would recommend you to try to date Asian girls especially from South East Asia like Philipines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Because it’s cope and they do not really love you for you but for your skin color and the possibility of mixed babies. Not all people love being fetishized


Asian women are ugly af


They have flat faces that make them look like pugs


Lol just look at the comic you’re posting on. It’s eerily accurate. But keep dating your geishas while the rest of the world snickers behind your back


why the self hate?

So it is racist to date a girl of another race who think you are handsome. That doesn't make sense.

They don’t think you’re handsome, they just love the status that comes with being white. Do you think there’s anything wrong with Asian women dating white men who think they’re submissive?

Women likes exotic looking men that applies to everywhere. To communicate in another language than your native tongue can also be better since the words don't have the same weight and then it is easier to say what you feel that is also a reason to look for foreign women. No one dates Asian women because they think they are submissive some think they are really atractive.

Lol are you kidding? Women don’t like exotic men, women only want vanilla white men. Face it, everyone knows that white men who date Asian women had no other options and are losers (especially white men with filipina women). It’s like walking around with a waifu pillow in public

You are an idiot.

Look at the comic your commenting on lol. Even other incels think dating Asian women is cringey

Their loss.

Yeah it comes from the children of such couples lol

That is only an excuse to be bulllies.

It’s actually their parents who bully the kids. Imagine being the spawn of a white worshipping self hating Asian woman and a neck beard who’s into anime and couldn’t get a woman of his own race?

That is just fantasies.

Then explain Elliot Rodgers. The only fantasy is thinking that scoring Asian pussy while white is some kind of accomplishment

I don't know that is. What women other men prefer is not your business.

And how others perceive you is none of your business either. Just don’t be surprised when you bring your Thai or filipina bride back to the states and everyone looks at you in disgust

I date expat girls now after I spent a few years casually dating lots of locals. Thanks though.

Exactly. Why not go home where you are on par with so many more dudes.