Meeks strikes again!

60  2018-03-12 by derpyderpderp42069


Good to know...

It's fake.

Chad is even invading our safe spaces.

Meeks also is 10/10 status as a female sex doll.

Would like 20 minutes alone with the guy on the right.

Meeks life just keeps getter ng better

fucking lol, meeks dominates our sex robots too

Good bones knows no gender

Lol are you a therapist

Yeah I’m the resident therapist here. Tell me about your dad?

Only one gender requires good bones to be attractive though.

If guys were pickier about female bone structure it would be ogre

I wonder if he'll be getting royalties.

How far can genes get you in life? ITS UNREAL

Meeks is living suifuel

the guy's face has a great personality

bbc theory plus light skin halo = god tier slayer

BBCs and mulattos cannot lose at life. that's why white men tried to keep them locked in sheds. bc they are natural first choices for white women

Except the fact that vast majority of mulattos, are ugly as fuck. Just like happas, some are succesfull with women but most of them aren't.

Chappas mog everyone

It's true. Women are more or less monkeys. Without the ability to have a higher level appreciation of life and culture, they gravitate toward lower level human beings with certain physical figures.

If men of the past were cuckolds like modern men and allowed women to choose their own partners, we would never have gotten to this point. We would have civil wars every 30 years, and would be like Africa where dictator Tyrone takes all the spoils and builds himself a palace where his thug military men get table scraps and everyone else is poor, uneducated, or if they're very lucky, "refining" gasoline while on the express train to cancertown.

That's just not true dude. Sure some are good looking, but most of the time they're just weird. Kinda like hapas

Wish that Meeks faggot would get hit with a brick and die of cancer.

Fucking meeks haunts me everywhere even my damn sexbot

Meeks’ face would look beautiful after a hammer destroys his jaw, and a knife pulls his blue eyes out.