Same age. Same species. Nature is cruel.

38  2018-03-12 by Eggman9


Same age? No way.

One could be 7', the other 4'. It's possible

One of them will be spreading his genes to the next generation, one won't.

I still bet a roastie is going to comment they prefer the right because he is more cute teehee

Good thing they never have to actually go through with it.

It's not though, is it?

That would be the literal solution to inceldom.

I meant from their perspective. All those women are say "oh I'd totally date you, you're great" or otherwise tell you you're a good guy (nobody's ever told me I'm a bad person) don't ever actually have to live up to those words and take you out on a date.

I doubt that

Holy shit. Put this up in the mog hall of fame along with the STEM chad + ricecel

How short is the guy on the right?

If your height begins with a number less than 5 you don't even classify as a guy anymore this is truecel territory


Face is everything. But yeah, if you have a below average face, a shit height will just be fuel to the fire.

Bro, face can compensate for 5'6 5'7 etc. but this guy is sub 5 ft, literally no hope at that point

Ah yeah. He def seems like 4'10"-4'11".

I didn't read your comment completely lmfao.

Why do you guys insist so much on "Face is everything"? In my personal experience ugly tall guys pick more chicks than handsome short ones, or at least the same. Pretty and short guys tend to come out as too girly.

If anything I would say height and face are more or less even in importance.

Tall average looking guys maybe. But never y’all ugly guys.

that guy on the right is way too short.

should be no problem according to IncelTears

Science says otherwise though

Holy shit wasn't ready for that blackpill

Also probably has a shit-tier personality

I’m 6” lol but I’m still a subhuman? Height doth not an incel make.

Being NT is all that matters.

"I would date the right one, he looks cute, teehee xd"

your point is?

6"1 vs 5"11

Manlet facemogs him, not that it makes any difference though

Are you fucking high

the guy on the right reminds me of myself


Wood not smash either of them to be honest

G e n e t i c s

Survival of the fittest

Technically if they lived on an island with limited resources the smaller dude would be more fit. Survival of the fittest implies someone is “best fit for a particular environment” it does not inherently mean strong or big...

Survival of the most adapted.

That’s not necessarily true either. You could say that the guy on the left is most well adapted for this particular environment (modern industrial world) if there is a consensus that his body type is the best for sexual selection. Certain women are going to want a smaller dude though it is all preference. However, there’s more to human adaptation than just physical appearance, like what is their mental health? If there were a famine would the larger guy be fucked at needing additional resources to stay alive? Perhaps he could return to “might is right”. It all depends on what the particular environment is like. Everyone is uniquely adapted for different types of niches in the same environment. For example, a musician or athlete have carved themselves unique niches which cater to their particular adaptations. I’m a non aggressive person, so I become suicidal when considering corruption in the world and injustice. The person with antisocial personality disorder is probably better adapted than I am in that regard.