Life of an average man vs Life of an average woman.

41  2018-03-12 by vvvvvvvvvvv11


Makeup should be banned.

As if she'd be treated any worse without it. Also something's fishy about that transformation how can painting your face remove multiple bags on both eyelids it doesnt add up

The transformation is real.

it's called concealer superman1145

Become a goth, then you can wear it

I'm not a faggot.

Goths get a lot of girls

Show your tits.

Agreed. Fakeup is literally lying. If a man wore a crotch enlargement or some shit, there'd be outrage.

agreed. we can't have half the population living in a fantasy world where they think they're way hotter than they actually are.

I’m pretty sure neither of them resemble the “average” human being lmfao.

LOL. My bad, my choice of a title wasn't the greatest.


You're idea of a typical day for a woman is completely wrong.

Of course its an exaggeration. Both of them are.

The way I see some of you talking on this sub, I wouldn't be surprised if they literally thought this was true.

This is basically a meme sub now, sure there are some who actually have depression but this isn't the right place for them.

Yeah, there's 11k people here but probably like 9-10% of that are actually incels.

Almost everyone is larping to some degree...


Tfw when the rope breaks

lol it happened to me. well, the branch broke. even though i tested my weight on it beforehand

Tfw a tree extends your misery. If I sui I wouldn't rope too risky

you mean well above average woman and incel. Average man doesnt get treated this way.

I once knew a girl who looked exactly like her and she was slaying on tinder. Mind boggling

she has such typical incel features. would be an absolute death sentence for a man.

This is extremely accurate. I hate wimen.

That's why you can't get laid.

That's why you can't get laid.


Any man or woman who has experienced severe depression or social anxiety will relate to the second box from the man. I'm not going to read further because if you think for one second women don't feel that way all the time you are crazy. The ones who put up the most boast are often the most sad.

Just because Chad didn't smile at you doesn't mean you have it as hard as someone who has been abused and isolated his entire life.

Females that are really depressed are very few and very far in-between, since women constantly receive external validation and attention from the opposite sex regardless of their looks.

Only the most deformed and unsightly women can say they have experienced depression, the rest are just cunts who think its trendy and edgy.

As someone who worked in counselling for depression, I can tell you first hand it doesn’t discriminate. I’ve had men and women from different backgrounds, good looking, bad looking, rich, poor. It literally doesn’t matter.

One of the big things is that people who acknowledge they shouldn’t feel depressed because they have money, looks, or whatever they want, tend to feel even worse as a result of feeling guilty.

I had one very pretty young woman in who had not long secured a dream job tell me she felt awful for wasting my time, because she had what she wanted and she shouldn’t be feeling down. Poor soul ended up trying to end it on train tracks. She broke her leg but luckily didn’t lose it because the train knocked her away instead of slicing through her. For a while she beat herself up because she couldn’t psych herself up to do it.

So if you honestly think it’s just a small percentage of women, and especially pretty women, you’re deluded.

It does descriminate, because isolation is a gender related issue. It's a lot easier to feel isolated when no one wants to fuck you.

Nice link. Unfortunately for you, we were talking about depression. here’s a link that you should check out.

For those who won’t, it actually shows that the depression affects women “about 2 thirds more than men”.

This is an old source, waaaaay before third wave internet feminism burst onto the scene, so the writers aren’t biased towards women.

Good try my friend.

So you're not even smart enough to understand that there is a connection between isolation and depression, and yet you are responding to me like you know better than I do. Interesting stance.

Well seeing as I did it as a profession I think I do know a lot better than you, actually. Of course isolation and depression are linked because isolation is a strong symptom of depression you dimwit.

And by how fast you replied, you didn’t read anything in my link. Throw unrelated articles to support your argument, ignore your opponents information and then claim to be more experienced than a professional. Interesting stance.

You did it as a profession, but you just openly denied that isolation and depression are related. Why would I continue a discussion with someone who wants to be dishonest with me and everyone reading?

Quote me. Seriously, I’m pretty sure I didn’t say “isolation and depression are not linked”. I don’t actually think I’ve mentioned isolation at all until you started clutching at straws.

Not only that, but I literally just openly said that they are strongly linked. I’m only dishonest with your opinions.

but we're talking about depression

I'm ready to have a discussion, when you're ready to start acting like an adult.

I mean, I wasn’t denying what you said, it just wasn’t relative to the point I was making. And I bought the argument back to the point.

it just wasn’t relative to the point I was making.

Like I said, if you're not smart enough to acknowledge the relationship between isolation and depression, you should not be talking to me like you know what you're talking about and I don't.

Fuck me. Sideways.

You just don’t get it. There is an obvious relationship between the two, but it didn’t support your argument that women can’t be depressed. Then you posted a link about gender gap suicide rates which again, had nothing to do with the point I was making about depression not being a problem exclusive to men.

So how about wake up, brush your teeth and stop talking shit.


When you're having a fucking discussion with someone, your first fucking response can't be to dismiss the person and INTENTIONALLY pretend to not know what the fuck they meant, just so you can pretend to be right on the internet. You are still pretending to not understand the relationships between depression, isolation, and suicide. You are purposely misrepresenting the very argument you are trying to disprove.

Women get diagnosed with depression more




so guess what, blackpilled people don't buy into some non-scientific bullshit about how women are more depressed than men are just because they're getting diagnosed more. we look at the fact that men are literally killing themselves. in fact, the same isolation that is getting men to kill themselves is the same isolation that prevents them from getting diagnosed. it's the same lack of isolation, that causes women to get diagnosed and prevents them from killing themselves. if you didn't spend every ounce of your energy trying to pretend that you don't understand what i'm talking about, you would have woken the fuck up. but you want to sit there and pretend that you can't understand English, while carrying on like you know better than everyone else.

fuck off.

You’re still wrong. Bold text doesn’t make your argument anything more. Playing ignorant to the fact you put in irrelevant arguments doesn’t make me wrong. Ranting about black pilled people being ‘woke’ just goes back to clutching at straws.

Do you really think that just because men isolate themselves, that means women can’t get depression, because that was what your original comment said. Read it again. And again. And again. Until it sinks in what I’ve been pointing out this whole time.

Do you really think that just because men’s suicide rates are higher than women’s, it means that women can’t get depressed? Read it again. And again. And again. Because that’s what your first comment said.

Do you really think that Responding to a post about a woman I personally met, who was depressed, WHO ATTEMPTED FUCKING SUICIDE, with ‘buh male sewercide rays’ nulls her story into ‘oh no she wasn’t really depressed because she’s a woman and that doesn’t happen to women?

Do you really think any of those 3 things?

Anyway, I’ve spent way too much time on this. Do you know what? If you reply again, you win! Simply because you won’t get another reply. I’ve said my bits. I’ve repeated them. I have nothing more to contribute. I’ve made my point and disproved yours. I’m done here.

not reading

Of course not, it goes against what you believe. Goodbye.

He responded to your anecdotal evidence with a statistic and logic.

You're responding with illogical emotional bullshit, I can tell you're either woman or an extremely effeminate man.

You’re wrong on both fronts. Am male. Am not celibate.

Sure, I started off with anecdotal evidence. Then backed it up with an article (which everyone is glossing over.) in response to a Wikipedia page. But of course, it goes against the incel narritive so it must be horrible and wrong no matter what, god praise blatant selective hearing.

She's talking about depression and you're linking something about suicide. There is a correlation between isolation and suicide but her link factors in isolation as it is a symptom of depression.

There's a difference that is going over your head.

no, you're just using wordplay. a person could just as easily say depression is a symptom of isolation.

No, they couldn't. Stop being obtuse.

yes they could

How does this prove anything? Women are more likely to bitch and moan while men are more likely to hide it until it gets out of hand.

The suicide statistic however, proves that more men are actually brought over the edge than women, because women are constantly validated regardless of looks and have more to live for than depressed lonely men.

The suicide statistics only prove that men are killing themselves more than women. It doesn’t prove that ‘women are constantly validated regardless of looks’ (and that’s a miracle cure for depression?) because that’s bullshit.

If you don’t understand this, educate yourself. I love the incel argument ‘all women are validated’ because you’re just trying to seek validation from other incels.

I also love how anyone who disagrees with an incel must be ‘retarded’, ‘handicapped’ etc. Like it’s not the incels that have something going wrong mentally.

Do you just not know that male veterans kill themselves at an astoundingly high rate compared to every demographic except transgender teens? Of course that's going to skew the numbers.

I'm a clinical therapist and diagnostician. I do not have a learning disorder but I have spent 18 years study mental illness and working with those who have it. The vast majority of disorders referred to as "mental" illnesses have known physical causes and are just as real as any other physical illness.

Clinical Depression is a PHYSICAL ILLNESS that alters certain chemicals and/or receptors in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. One can compare it to diabetes in which the body mismanages insulin & glucose.

Just as "validation" will not stabilize blood sugar, it will also not cure depression. The only thing that truly can control chronic clinical depression is appropriate medication management.

Clinical Depression is a very insidious disorder in that it tricks the mind into feeling as though there is nothing left to live for, regardless of however full or "validated" one's life may seem.

Clinic depression can affect anyone at anytime and there are no external factors that make one less prone just as having a girlfriend does not lower one's chances of getting cancer.

What you are referring to, albeit incorrectly, is SITUATIONAL depression in which a person feels depressed due to specific circumstances often outside of one's control such as death of loved one, otherwise known as external factors.

There are times in which situational depression can trigger a clinical episode however it is much more common for situational depression to eventually resolve once the underlying external factors are dealt with. Mental health counseling plays a huge role in helping the person identify and resolve said factors.

I always wondered...if you guys feel isolated why not hang out with each other IRL and go do fun things together?

That’s too sensible

lol I immediately tagged the person as "sensible incel" after reading what they wrote, and then I read your comment

We are from all over the world. Also a romantic companionship can't be compared to a platonic friendship.

If you're from all over why not find some local friends that share this interest? And one of the issues is feeling isolated then going out and hanging out together would at least solve some of the feelings you have. That's what single people who don't consider themselves incels do. I also am not sure how you can confidently compare romantic and platonic relationships if, as incels claim, you've never had romantic relationships.

I'm not trying to talk down to you I just know you guys have responses for a lot of suggestions to help your situation and I haven't seen your community talk much about why you're not interested in going out IRL with like minded people and making friends with them or playing cards or board games or something.

I also am not sure how you can confidently compare romantic and platonic relationships if, as incels claim, you've never had romantic relationships.

Reading dumb shit like this triggers me hard.


Dumb people just trigger me.

I never had sex yet I can confidently say that women like to get pleased orally. I hope that I don’t need to explain myself any further.

Even if I were to completely accept your logic, I could say that I've never had a million dollars but I can confidently say that people who have a million dollars have a lot more fun; thus since no one will give me a million dollars I will not pursue a middle income job because it is not comparable to having a million dollars.

That being said, I've had many platonic relationships that were deeper and more fulfilling than some of my romantic relationships. You still haven't mentioned why you're opposed to seeking those out.

Stop being so fucking dumb. You took my comparison and made something totally different out of it.

I've had many platonic relationships with males and females. I hope this shuts you up.

I logically expanded your statement after you claimed to be able to subjectively evaluate an experience you've say you've never had, which is absurd.

My original point had to do with feeling isolated, and I'm not sure why you would have such an angry response to the suggestion that if you're feeling isolated you might try isolating less.

I logically expanded your statement after you claimed to be able to subjectively evaluate an experience you've say you've never had, which is absurd.

I'm not an incel so I'm not here just to attack you, but how is this absurd? People frequently evaluate experiences they've never had.

Do you have to get raped to say it is an unpleasant, traumatic and horrible experience?

Lol I didn't realize what sub I was in. My apologies this was totally my bad.

Because women definately don't get abused and isolated? Grow up

Females that are really depressed are very few and very far in-between, since women constantly receive external validation and attention from the opposite sex regardless of their looks.

True or not, external validation has literally nothing to do with depression.

Except for the fact that not getting external validation whilst depressed makes depression worse.

Not really. Depression is all about a lack of internal validation. The person suffering it has decided they're worthless, no amount of external validation will change that.

jesus you really are a fucking idiot if you believe depression stems from outward appearances rather than a chemical imbalance in the brain

You are a fucking idiot if you don't know about situational depression.

You are even more idiotic if you think chemical depression is more common.

Denying science just because you haven't had sex in your life.

Convince me that doesn't sound stupid.

There are no women with social anxiety.

The moon is also made out of cheese

There are no women with social anxiety? Is that so? So women also can't experience social anxiety brought on ptsd from childhood sexual abuse either I guess? Please explain...

Okay, being raped as a child is probably the only exception that could cause social anxiety for a femoid. In the other 99% of cases when a femoid says that she’s socially anxious it’s a lie.

There is no way that is true.

Women feel "depressed" a lot because their brains are wired to see threat everywhere. While male brains are wired to disregard risk.

So when a woman feels "depressed" it's almost normal and not a cause for concern. But when a man is "depressed" then you know he's fucked up.

Unless you have actual proof, don't go around shitting from your mouth

it makes you look stupid

Well maybe if he incorporated makeup and lost weight he could also be whipping off chad’s cum.

Fuck this is depressing that I can honestly say "relatable".

You can tell this is bullshit because it’s well known most incels don’t even shower.

I shower 12 times a day.

I don't shower. Most incels do.

i shower under a river.

Incels are not the average man, not even close

That's true. Like I told another guy, my comment was just stupid thinking. No way that guy is average.

You know our sub is infested with normiescum whe comments from truecels get downvoted to oblivion.

Fuck off normies, leave us alone

Holy shit. 39 downvotes as of 7 hours since the comment.

41 downvotes and counting. Bring it on normies, you cant silence the truth

Do you hate me because I’m 5’9’’?

“All women have it easy and all men like me have it worse than any human has ever had it.”


"Haha look at those cunts there attempting suicide, real problems? Hmpf, my starbucks was cold today!"

Women lie about their age, height and weight all the time. Why is bad for a man to lie?

Anything you do is bad as a man.

The 9PM girl section killed me

yeah the height part was hilarious, I'm 5'2" and I have no idea how to differentiate people over 5'7" since everyone is basically towering over me at that point

Just lol at incels thinking they know what "the life of an average woman" is like. Where do you get all this shit? Seriously? You're so disconnected from reality. It never stops amazing me.

I also am not sure how you can confidently compare romantic and platonic relationships if, as incels claim, you've never had romantic relationships.

Reading dumb shit like this triggers me hard.

I logically expanded your statement after you claimed to be able to subjectively evaluate an experience you've say you've never had, which is absurd.

My original point had to do with feeling isolated, and I'm not sure why you would have such an angry response to the suggestion that if you're feeling isolated you might try isolating less.

Lol I didn't realize what sub I was in. My apologies this was totally my bad.