"Just don't wear a fedora, bro!"

49  2018-03-11 by Hopecel



the walking black pill

jeremy meeks is a blackpill blessing

lol this guy could wear diapers and still get pussy.

That's a fedora?

The hat is called a fedora. You probably post on r/niceguys and r/justneckbeardthings too much. Improve your personality.

Lmaoo k

I can sense your androgyny from a mile away.

Lmao k

Here we see the roastie is broken, she can now only repeat sarcastic phrases signaling disinterest as her only defense mechanism when faced with the black pill.

Lmao k

Say Lmao k , if all women are sluts.



Reply to this comment if all women are sluts. Sucks when you don't get the last word, huh?

When criminals are loved


If anyone can say that, its him....

Yeah apparently gangbanging thug has better personality than incels who never harmed anybody in their lives

The modeling agency that gave him a contract should be ashamed.

They are properly black pilled

Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is an atheist who studies euphoria, I am telling you, specifically, in atheism, no one calls trilbys fedoras. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you should too. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "fedora family" you're referring to the euphoric grouping of le reddit army, which includes things from neckbearded gentlesirs to highly intelligent intellectual like myself. So your reasoning for calling a trilby a fedora is because random people "say that only neckbeards wear fedoras?" Let's get Mountain Dew and Doritos in there, then, too.

You're a fucking tool.


Pretty sure there's a big difference between trendy large-brim fedoras, and the plaid Wal-Mart Trilbies that Reddit makes fun of.

You would 100% bully "neckbeards" if they wore this ridiculous black flying saucer,

Not much for bullying. Sure, I'm crass and a bit of a dickhead. But, I don't make it a point to pick on people just for the sake of picking on them. Personally, I find large-brim fedoras to be mostly a lesbian look.

Funny how of all the words in the previous comment, the one that stood out to you and inspired you to write a longish reply was "you". So self centered.

I like how you think being self-centered is supposed to insult me.


Turkish for cake?

what if there was a turkey cake mmmm

You're so fucking annoying Jesus. No one gives a shit about your condensending ass here. You got the rest of Reddit.


Seriously you're not funny, original, interesting or convincing in the slightest. Just annoying.

But, I like you

Now you're just running out of things to say. Do yourself a favor and just let it go.

I’m not the obsessed one.

Sure whatever you say.


It wasn't though. What the comment was supposdd to be is apparently beyond you because you're so self centered.

Lol wut? I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.


Oh my God, shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a shit about which flavor of fucking HAT you put on. You're in such bold face denial that you look at a huge, steel-jawed, blue-eyed sex symbol and go "Woah, nice HAT! Just pick out the right cap bro."

Attractive man wearing anything = hot. Ugly man wearing anything = Really, REALLY creepy.

Whatever you have to tell yourself Tinkerbell

Yes...attractive people are attractive. Thanks Sherlock. There's always something you can do to improve your overall look . You could be uglier than the ugly duckling but if you're clean, smell nice (and no I don't mean spraying yourself with scented hand sanitizer) and dress decently (Pinterest is your best friend) I GUARANTEE you will look good. Stop getting fashion advice from your similarly dressed friends or grandpa. You literally have the internet at your disposal. Freaking use it.

You're such a delusional retard it's hularious Fashion only complements good looks, fancy clothing won't disguise your manlet frame or subhuman face. You can polish a turd all day but in the end it will always be a turd.

put a smelly 5ft3in indian guy on his own yacht and he'll be more attractive than the OP pic youre so scared of

there has to be a reason for girls to like you, did you not figure that out yet?

Fashion enhances. And no, you are not a turd, you are a human being. However, to some degree you are right. No matter how good you look, how clean or polished, women (and people in generally) will be able to smell your disgusting hateful personality. No matter HOW good looking you are. At the end of the day, how you treat people and carry yourself determines your overall success. If your goal is just physical sex, eventually you'll find it. Guess what..even rats and roaches reproduce. But if you are looking for a MEANINGFUL holistic relationship, than your looks should be the least of your concern atm. If you clean a cup on the outside, but forget the inside...the cup is still dirty.

If women can sense that men post on incel subreddits then how come they can’t sense that men are going to abuse them?

Do you think women under 40 read romance novels? Really? Where are all of these romance novel reading objectifiers, cos I haven't seen any

Romance is literally a billion dollar industry thatbl makes up a third of the fiction market. To say they say nothing about what women want would be like saying there's no way Call of Duty's popularity could possibly indicate a violent element of male psychology.

I'm not saying people don't read romance novels. I'm saying that the demographic might be older than you think. Although from googling it, they seem to be more popular in America, so maybe they just aren't a thing in the places I've lived. But I've literally never met a woman under 25 who has unironically read one.

I'm actually pretty curious about this subs thing about romance novels. Have you ever read one?

You are so in the closet.

Pretty sure most peole with "trendy" hats also look ridiculous

I think cargo shorts and graphic tees look lazy and ridiculous. But, they’re still hugely popular.

If chad was wearing a star wars tee and cargo shorts with one to many pockets, he would still slay

I don’t work with ifs. Good-looking people generally know how to dress themselves and outside of sports don’t wear their fandoms on shirts.

Thats a spanish priest hat. Pretty weird.

Me:doesn't wear fedora, gets mogged by 99% of humans Meeks:wears fedora, mogs 99% of humans It's fucking over

Meeks is a black pill dispensary

There are always people who can pull off any look, but most of us are better off going along with the common conventions. This isn't really a revelation.

Look at that neckbeard bro

jeremy "blackpill" meeks.

Not a fedora.

Meeks never ceases to amaze me, he's the Chad of Chads. Went from criminal to millionaire model dating a billionaire with one mugshot. He made the news by millions of facebook roasties getting wet over him and now the world's best selling female sex doll is modeled after him. TOP KEK what a slayer.

Just be a nice guy and respekt womyn.

Respekt them with your fist, by cheating on your wife, and neglecting your child.

Romance is literally a billion dollar industry thatbl makes up a third of the fiction market. To say they say nothing about what women want would be like saying there's no way Call of Duty's popularity could possibly indicate a violent element of male psychology.

I'm not saying people don't read romance novels. I'm saying that the demographic might be older than you think. Although from googling it, they seem to be more popular in America, so maybe they just aren't a thing in the places I've lived. But I've literally never met a woman under 25 who has unironically read one.

I'm actually pretty curious about this subs thing about romance novels. Have you ever read one?

Yeah apparently gangbanging thug has better personality than incels who never harmed anybody in their lives

Funny how of all the words in the previous comment, the one that stood out to you and inspired you to write a longish reply was "you". So self centered.

Turkish for cake?

Lol wut? I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.