Accurate portrayal of women coming to Braincels

74  2018-03-11 by Incelvester


Very accurate.

Womens right and their access to the internet was a mistake!


This is never not funny


Fair enough, let me clarify for accuracy: To me, this is never not funny as of this point in my life

Yes, I remember when some of us girls started r\braincels XD

You're so funny XD


And correct.

She isn't 300 lbs with dyed hair though.

ROasties are useless. Always destroying male space

If they had anything worthwhile to say, they would create their own spaces

You can bet your ass there aren’t any Staceys here because upper tier women actually go out and do stuff instead of being obsessed with incels

Maybe some post-wall Staceys are here.
They'll be "depressed" because they can only get Norman instead of the Chads they got ebfore.

Post wall Stacy’s aren’t real Stacy’s but just roasties. Everything has an exportation date, even chad (unless you found the fountain of youth)

I like the implication that her and braincels both sling shit just braincels slings more of it.

Well she's apparently a feminist so i'd say they sling aroubd the same amount of shit

Yeah, but per individual, look how much more she's slinging.

Women and their damn "safe spaces" but it only applies to them.

Nah there are subs fucking them up like tumblrinaction or pussypassdenied. Don't feel too singled out, all douchebags gets flak

Only because the mod team here is fucking pathetic.

I'm not opposed to the concept of a "safe space".

I just have no interest in making my sub one.

Get FUCKED you /r/IncelTears pandering trashcan.

lol, I hate r/inceltears with a fiery passion and I'm permanently banned there. Why on Earth would I "pander" to them?

Because you don't ban them on sight.

Good attitude. Every sub on reddit is already an echo chamber, the whole platform is becoming more and more boring.

as a female....

Y'all say some fucked up shit but this is v accurate

The female victim complex always triumphs. Fuck this gynocentric society

And this subreddit doesn’t have a victimhood complex either? I thought real always recognized real.

I'm sick of you normies coming here to be condescending and patronizing. If only you knew what it was like to be subhuman trash, then you'd ask shut the fuck up.

Just stop talking about shit you have not the first clue about.


Aw no honey :) aw sweetie, you're so empty headed, dear :) :*

You're so funny XD

Aw no honey :) aw sweetie, you're so empty headed, dear :) :*