44  2018-03-11 by jaghatarhonor


For every tit pic with u/carpathianflorist written on them I will respect women for one (1) day

Same but with my username

I too would like to sign up for this woman respect program.

But will they ever respect themselves again?

They should take one for the 3.5b-strong team

What if they sent you two pics with one boob each? Will you respect women for two days, one day or two separate halves of a day?

It would amount to two half days, but applied in quarters. It’s all right there in the manual.

Are there any customer loyalty programs an interested consumer could take part in?

Do pecs count too?

I don’t discriminate

TIL everybody on the internet is an unattractive man, apparently?

Shut up you silly whore

A silly whore, now that's a good idea for a musical number

Pretty sure a silly 4 would be a better musical number. Bitch.

That doesn't make any sense. A silly 4 sounds like a Sesame street thing

If you aren't a low status male, you shouldn't need sites other than normcore social media.

Nobody needs any sites. We're not online because we need to

Wow that's sooo deep. God you're fucking stupid.

Deep? What makes you think it's supposed to be deep? It's just true. Also, you can't go around posting things like that and then call people stupid. I mean, make up your mind.

You think it was an intelligent and relevant thing to say but in reality you're just an idiot.

Sorry no, it didn't take much intelligence at all to refute that, anyone with half a brain could.

You seem to lack half a brain then since you didn't refute anything, you just said something irrelevant because you're too dumb to get his point. Either that or you're playing dumb like cucktears users love to do.

What's the point of trying to tell me things I know not to be true? Are you trying to convince yourself? Letting off steam? You come across as someone who thinks just saying things makes them true.

Lol that coming from a woman

That doesn't even mean anything.

It definitely does

If you are women , don't you have an infinitely large social circle to talk to and a backlog of Chad cocks to review?If you're a man, why don't you watch some netflix capeshit and farm karma on r/politics by posting a meme of drumpf hands seen throught a microscope?

I am a woman, yes. But I find time for some other things besides talking about cocks somehow.

Well, if you're really a internet women, cite me the three lastest ways on how internet dwellers are oppressing you by existing in your general direction. And the second must surprise me or else you are a fake.

First of all I don't feel oppressed by internet dwellers or anyone in particular at all really. Secondly, you don't have to believe I'm a woman, I don't see why that would be an issue to me (or, indeed, to you).

You dumb women don't even know SJW cuck tier memes. Go lurk more and come back when you can contribute something funny.

XD memes...

Everyone on the internet is a man until specified otherwise.

En svensk Incel. Tjenare


Är du etniskt svensk?

Vad är du

För personligt men är född och uppvuxen här med europeiska föräldrar

Ching chong chin Chan wa pa Cho tzu min

not even close m8

Varför är det så intressant?

han är NMRcel

Vilken bög, vi incels måste hålla ihop

Inte alls

För finns fler svenska incels än ickesvenska

Haha ok

är du?


an immortal post

and immortal picture

Don’t mind me, just screenshotting this amazing post so I can look at it and smile. Fucking quality.

they are upset they are being treated like a man fucking retards

"As a woman, teehee, I'll have you know that women can totally be incel too! Like oh my god only ugly guys ask me out and not Brad or Chad like I'm totally incel can't you see!"

How the FUCK will the femonoids EVER recover?

This needs to be framed on a wall.


hahahahahahahahahahaha no wonder you are all pathetic virgins

tits or gtfo roasties

I am a woman, yes. But I find time for some other things besides talking about cocks somehow.

What's the point of trying to tell me things I know not to be true? Are you trying to convince yourself? Letting off steam? You come across as someone who thinks just saying things makes them true.