That shy average looking girl has guys like this messaging her to pump and dump. How can you even compete?

32  2018-03-11 by Hodgey54


No femoids are shy when Chad is present

You can't. Its over.

You compete the same way your ancestors eliminating your competition.

Should I start steroids?

I'd start with SARMS first. Google enhanced athlete. Cardarine and LGD4033 are supposedly really good. Make sure you by a post cycle therapy after so that your balls keep working properly lmao. I have never done any of these, but I'm thinking about it myself. Studies showed that people on drugs put on more muscle not working out than those not on drugs who did work out lol. It is actually very possible to attain something somewhat similar to the physique in that picture if you take enough drugs, diet properly, and train for 3-5 years, but the results do vary. But you will definitely make serious gains. If you have never lifted before, I recommend lifting and dieting properly for 1-2 years before you try any chemicals though.

I was just joking. I've been doing bouldering and lifting for about 3 years. I gained a lot of strength, I'm a lot stronger than most people in the gym, being only 173 cm also helps, I'm quite light so I'm very agile. Yoga helped a tonne in strength gains, shit is actually magical.

Well if you're already fit, hopping on a bike and leaving humanity behind won't hurt. You'll definitely up your smv rating by a point or two if you get jacked.

Idk, I don't really feel it's worth it, I've read a lot of people's balls shrinking. Maybe if I was trying to get a bit leaner. Then again, have you seen those CrossFit chicks, im absolutely mirin their cobra traps and abs, if results are that crazy for them, I can't imagine how much gains I'll make on the bike.

SARMS are a LOT safer than steroids in terms of side effects and test suppression, but they are also somewhat less potent. There is a reason every hollywood actor is jacked af nowdays. They are all taking SARMS. Roids used to be really dangerous and only for the most hardcore. A lot of hollywood types in the '70's used to just take amphetamines and smoke to lean out. These days, every fitness model and actor is on SARMS and that's why you see such aesthetic people. Look at fucking Ben Affleck or Chris Pratt as prime examples of what SARMS can do to a body.

Also, I mentioned Chris Pratt and Ben Affleck, both of whose marriages crumbled shortly after their transformations, so it shows anyone can get cucked lol.

Did the marriages crumble because with their transformations they became too godlike to be locked into one?

No...I bet they started cheating or the femoids might actually have loved their regular physiques and not actually liked that look...hard to say...Anna Faris is on record as saying that she liked doughy Chris Pratt better...Raw sex appeal can only carry a relationship so far...having a meal plan and needing to workout 3 hrs a day is a huge turn off to females

Of course she said that, it's politically correct. But girls didn't actually get into Chris Pratt until he lost a ton of weight

She left him shortly after he got buff though...

SARMS are a LOT safer than steroids in terms of side effects and test suppression

Why would you think this?

They are designed to be less severe in terms of side effects. Obviously, at appropriate doses...that's their main selling point.

Their only selling point is their legality and the fear of injections. I've never seen a study on a SARM finding less severe side effects or test suppression - I have seen a few with tiny sub-clinical doses 'proving' their safety profile though.

They are also generally a LOT cheaper.


really? how much is tren? I should get on that

What kind of yoga did you do? Did you attend a course? For the longest time I’ve been interested in yoga.

I did some classes for a while, so I can learn to breathe properly while holding poses to keep your core engaged. But after I got used to it, I just started reading more advanced stuff online, and doing them on my own.

Do you have thick bones?

I was very skinny when I started, but if you lift heavy and keep your macros and micronutrients in check, then your bones do grow thicker.

By lifting heavy, what do you mean?

I mean you should train for strength, not size. For natural lifters it's much more effective to focus more on strength, also it's a lot easier to maintain muscle this way, rather than trying to balloon your muscles like a bodybuilder.


Do you have thick bones?

SARMS are a scam and only fuck you up. Be a man and put the needle into your ass.

Or be a real man and lift natty. Needles in the ass are you kidding me? Lift heavy weights, eat clean and you’ll not only look the best you ever have in you’re life but you’ll actually be healthier in the long run.

Lol like being a "a real man" matters to any of us.

And that right there is what separates the chads from the incels.

If you really believe that you're a complete idiot. Get educated.

Oh the irony ....

lol i go to the gym and see losers who have been lifting natty for 15 years and they look like shit. If you are going to gymcel, there’s no point in half measures.

Lifting for 15 years is one thing. Lifting for Doreen years continuously with out breaks in addition to eating healthy is another. You can cheat and destroy your body with steroids but everyone else can notice...


That's your competition. Good luck.

that sub is sui fuel.

That's what femoids expect from men.

Not anymore than men expect from women. Wanting a DD blond 10 isn't that much different.

Drop the bullshit. Men will fuck anything from milfs to literal men dressed as women.

But would you post that to a boner-sub?

Men aren't going to turn down a girl for not being a 10 or having smaller boobs though.

Most women wouldn't turn down an average looking dude, either. Both the above link and most other porn subs are just ideal body forms, not necessarily indicative of the greater population.

Most women wouldn't turn down an average looking dude

LOL they do it all the time

If they're at a club or party, it could just be they don't want to have sex specifically at that moment, or they aren't looking for a relationship.

I understand what you're saying, but if it was a super attractive Chad, she would say yes. The only reason she's saying no is because the dudes aren't attractive enough.

Hot damn. This is the definition of sui fuel.

Man that sub is suicide fuel, it might be full of board gaming tier women though stacies and roasties see men like that daily.

I don't think I'll ever have any woman have anything greater than neutral feelings for me. Fucking kill me!

You posted the wrong sub dumbfuck


Pure unadultered 100% supercritical raw 100 octane grade ethonal based suicide fuel

It. Is. Over.

Implement the law of Allah RIGHT NOW or face defeat.

why did i even click that?

Not necessarily, less than 0.01% of guys look as good as this guy it would be beyond me if he settled for an average looking girl

He's not settling he's literally just using her for sex. This inflates the womens ego into thinking that he's her looksmatch

Why would he fuck a sub 7 woman? He is like an 8 or 8.5 he has a plethora of options he has literally no reason to have sex with women below 7/10.

It's not necessarily got to do with looks. Men are a lot less shallow than women, so it's not unlikely for chad to entertain an average woman sole due to her personality. Whereas the average man doesn't even exist to a woman.

You are mentally ill

How so?

If you had charm and charisma wprth half of how good that dude looks youd likely fond a faithful lady. You posting here in this shit hole sub, garnering positive attention for your negativity, is like patting yourself on the back for taking 2 steps back and 0 forward. Ive got spme ugly ass vrps missing limbs that i served with that lamded some cute girls by not being pieces pf shot amd being socially abled people which is a learnable trait.

If you had charm and charisma


Muh puhsonality

Its called social skills. You cant claim to be half way to smart without at least recognizing their importance. There is no red blue black pill bull shit. Work hard, dont be a dick, have a sense of humor, and dont be an idiot and things will be fine. Sulking in your iwn feces here will bury you.

Work hard, dont be a dick, have a sense of humor, and dont be an idiot and things will be fine.

Stop being such a sexist. Women don't need all of that and can still have sex on a whim. We just want equality.

You keep saying that but all I hear is meaningless echo from thousands like you.

You seem to think that we're some fringe weirdos. But we have our own lives and careers and people don't think much of us really. Take me for example, my friends and family don't ever ask me about how my love is going because they already know that I'm subhuman. No woman will ever think twice about us. Since women would rather die than to be with us, we have to just accept our place in society and just continue with our lives.

Unless you have actual aspys or autism chances are your mindset is just a bad habit.

People do not want to hear that they can control their own thoughts

Im starting to understand that thats how it works here. Laziness and blaming the world for it. Ive dealt with depression for a decade but i cant even resonate empathetically with this cespool of self sulking horse shit. How is this sub even here...

Repressing your feelings will always bite you in the ass, always.

Men are far more shallow than women on top of that.

This was the best part of your comment. Are you a comedian by any chance?

Youre probably just an antisocial piece of shit person which could change if you knew how to put effort into anything.

Charm and charisma are not even skills you can learn thus you're advice is pretty useless even if you are right, which I don't believe you are. It is fundamental for mere mortal men to have a good personality but when you are highly attractive personality does not exist and neither does sexual harassment. Since the people on this subreddit do not understand the social hierarchy they do not understand that a man like this would never touch an average looking girl he had no reason to.

Men are far more shallow than women on top of that.

Oh. my. god. How deluded do you have to be to come to this conclusion? There is nothing more shallow on this planet than the female mating strategy.

Your comments read like satire with your head that far up your ass. No wonder youre here.

I saw that you are into cryptos, taking the fight to (((them))), eh? Cool. I respect that.

You didn't need that karma anyway.


Don't understand the downvotes, I am talking sense

these people wanna think that somehow every woman get the alpha man but this isn't always the case

I think they're coping by telling themselves that they are not that ugly but it's the fact that women only hook up with men like this, obviously a fallacy to make themselves feel better

They want to think that a relationship is all loving and nice and shit and is only denied to them but no, it is open to anybody and it's not as nice as it seems.

Because she was there. Haven't you ever been in a place where the main source of gravity affecting your eyes was a 6?

nah dude. that's just not true. the vast majority of girls can only dream of fucking such guys.

Roided super saiyan chad.

Lube in the back, GAY

Get game maybe. I was fat and fucked a basketball players gf in highschool.

how do i "get game".

practice I guess, watch, listen, learn

who do i watch to learn, i've been rejected by every women i've approached and while im sure being ugly had a lot to do with it, im sure there are things im doing wrong when i talk to them.

yea, watch actual confident guys in real life, not in movies/TV maybe? And keep trying yourself with different things, trial and error. But, I'd say the most important thing is to stop thinking it's so important, stop believing that "getting" a girl will make you happy. Stop thinking of girls as prizes to "get". You can try to pick them up in that mindset, but don't take it too seriously, know that it's just a game and not expect to get anything out of it. Meanwhile, spend more time actually trying to improve yourself, and most of all, love yourself. Sounds cheesy but I'm serious. Do things that you can be proud of, be someone you can admire, even if it's just in little ways here and there. Find your real self, your inner soul, underneath the ego that is your physical being and the thoughts you have, and then set out to connect that self with other people's true selves. Seek relationships with anyone and everyone, based on that inner being, with no goal other than to connect. If you find romantic love, and sex, great. If not, doesn't matter, you'll still be a happier person. And it seems almost undeniable that a happier person is going to be much more likely to find that romantic love than a bitter person who is putting sex up as a prize that's going to make him happy... so it's probably gonna happen anyway. But remember... don't "fake" all this with sex still being the underlying goal. Do it for real.

but sex is the end goal of all self improvement. Personally, i dont care about relationships, i just want to lose my virginity .

I, personally, think that is an unhealthy goal and not a good reason for self-improvement. Losing your virginity won't make you happy, I promise. Loving yourself, loving life, loving other people, and being loved by other people is much better, but even those things won't "make" you happy. They can help, but being happy is an internal choice.

Agreed! even if u were slaying models left and right if you not happy with you it wont help.

Post face.

Revealed in due time all will be

Do you honestly think every shy average looking girl has guys like this texting her, get real bro

This is an exaggeration of course. The point I was making was: every girl you see already has 5 guys way more attractive than you texting her, so don't even try to bother her.

Hmm, I’m sorry bro. But not every girl has the attention of many guys, and if she does it’s not like she’s banging any of them. If you need some proof just take a look at r/niceguys, those are more like the guys trying to smash.

The shy average looking girl settles for the shy ugly looking guy who seems like he will want to be her boyfriend not pump and dump her. But then even the shy ugly looking guy dumps her eventually so in the end she did get used for sex, just by an uglier guy.

What world do you live in. Why would she settle for the ugly guy, when women are way more shallow than men. She needn't do anything and still get the attention of attractive men. You are living in a fantasy world if you think any woman will ever go out with a shy ugly guy. Unless they're attractive, every shy man will be ignored until the day they die.

Why would she settle for the ugly guy, when women are way more shallow than men?

Because women are less shallow than men. I see you ugly shy guys dreaming of Stacies and wishing you were Chads. No doubt in my mind you would rather let Stacy use you for sex than take a shot dating ugly Berta. Women, however, are different. That shy average looking girl you speak of has zero self-confidence and therefore chooses to date shy ugly guys who may stay with her longer.

You are living in a fantasy world if you think any woman will ever go out with a shy ugly guy.

I speak from experience though. I was a woman who never got approached until past 25. I specifically approached and went for shy ugly guys who were worse than myself in every way (money, intelligence, success, occupation, social, athleticism, talents) because I knew they were my only chance. Don't say it never happens lol.

Sad that this ultramarinepill femsplaining is getting upvoted on this sub of all places

Well, sorry I'm getting upvotes. I don't pay attention to upvotes, I'm just writing what I think. More often than not I imagine my opinions won't gather support from either side.

Tell the truth. The guys you allowed to court you were not ugly. Incels thrive on the truth. They make jokes and deal with it. They get pissed off when lied to. "I like ugly guys teehee" is a lie. Stop it. "Just shower and talk to girls" is a lie. Stop it. Stop the lying

They were as ugly as me, but they were fatter than me, shorter than me, less athletic than me, less successful than me, less smart than me, less rich than me, less invoked than me, less sociable than me, etc. That is the truth. They were worse than me in every way except maybe we were equal in face. They were so far below in all other aspects though. I was a med student with all the extracurriculars you can imagine and I got those grades easily without studying, they were unemployed stoners who got drunk and played video games who came from poor families and got mediocre grades. I really did have to date down to find a guy interested in dating me. Guys have it so easy, any half decent fellow can find an amazing beautiful girl, you're just unwilling to even try.

Sounds trollishly ridiculous. But I can't exactly prove you wrong so okay. You survived dating ugly guys. Look everyone I found saint nawalt!

Women date ugly men all the time.

Why didn't you go looking in the engineering department?

Sounds like you are agreeing with the incels; of all the qualities in your suitors you choose face above them all.

I did lol. I wasn't pretty enough for the engineers!

Oh please, PGR. You know full well you're a good looking woman.

If I were to show up in Canada a month from now intent on dating you with long term prospects you'd blow me off faster than I can blink.

Doesn't change the fact that I was rejected by average looking dudes with average grades and that no one approached me until past 25.

no one approached me even past 25...

You're a dude though.

So? I'm pretty sure that guy gets approached.

I was a med student with all the extracurriculars you can imagine and I got those grades easily without studying, they were unemployed stoners who got drunk and played video games who came from poor families and got mediocre grades. I really did have to date down to find a guy interested in dating me.

Fucking lol are you serious, this can't be real.

Lurkers vote with their feelings. Sheeple can't tolerate cognitive dissonance and crave feelings of happiness more than anything else in life.

Makeup, pushup bras, fake nails, fake eyelashes, high heels, hair extensions, yoga pants.

“B-but women are less shallow than men guys!”

Now if you’ll excuse me I've gotta go work on my personality.

Stop whining and try to develop a personality to at least make yourself seem more tolerable than a rat in a prostate but knowing you you'll be content moping some more.

That guy is smoking hot. Yum! That towel...mmmmm.....

Why are grovelling of this guys dick. You have guys orbiting you, why don't you suck them off. Or, do you just like the attention?

His body is not achievable without heavy roid usage. His dick is also 9 inches which is top 1% in dick size.

Daily reminder to lurking normie men that unless you are a roiding male model with a 9 inch penis you will never be attractive to women. This is the MINIMUM looks level to have a woman love you.

no actually, that body is extremely achievable. And you can tell he doesn't use roids because his Traps are still reasonable.

His shoulders are clearly enhanced. You don't acquire massive capped delts naturally.

Jeff Seid and Zyzz both roid and they aren't even close to as big as him.

You guys post the best pics! Thanks!

You mad because I made an observation! LOL! He is smoking hot. His dick looks huge. This is a fun pic. Who doesn't like hot guys?

We aren't mad, we understand that looks are the only thing that matters for men and unless you look like this guy (top 1% in muscle, height, penis size, and being born white) your woman will probably cuck you.

If you get married and this guy DM's your wife She will fuck him in a heartbeat because he is genetically superior to other men. Nature is unfair and that's life we've accepted it, our goal is to awaken others men so they don't fall for the trap of marriage.


I can't. That guy is in his 20s, healthy, good looking, fit, ripped.

I'm a 30 yo chubby guy who's somewhat above average.

I wouldn't dare to take a photo of me in that situation. :D

You're right. My messages have been inappropriate and mean spirited. I apologize.

Lol like being a "a real man" matters to any of us.

If you really believe that you're a complete idiot. Get educated.

practice I guess, watch, listen, learn

lol i go to the gym and see losers who have been lifting natty for 15 years and they look like shit. If you are going to gymcel, there’s no point in half measures.

Agreed! even if u were slaying models left and right if you not happy with you it wont help.