Meanwhile in r/Braincels

35  2018-03-10 by Zangano1


We are almost a feminist sub at this point. This is how cucked we are. r/cuckels

95% cuck tears posters


Reminder that we have a female mod that for whatever reason thinks she should run an incel sub.

Reminder that she could step down anytime but she doesnt. Ask yourselves why that is.

lol she does all the clean up duty more than any other mod

she's basically our bitch. no one else realizes that?

Run a shitpost train on her.

You realize this just hurts the incel mods when I'm not around, right?

she's almost always around, do it

I was asked to be a mod.

im thoroughly convinced that she's a mod to keep braincels from going down. i think having a roastie as a mod kind of gives us a shield from the IT cucks trying to take this sub down

You know what? That cope is good enough for me. I'd be disgusted at any roastie modding for us but if she can protect us from spez's big dick ban hammer with a pussy shield, I'm good.

This is pure suicide fuel m8

fucking hell what happened while I was LDARing away from this shit

Normies invaded and converted 100s of now fakecels to the dark side.

Only an atomic blackpill can save us now

@ Zangano1

Thank you. I'm glad that I'm not the only one noticing all the posts here buying into feminist bullshit.

He's got decent tits.