IT cucks sure as hell have their priorities straight.

80  2018-03-10 by Thrwaway21981


tfw im both

Explains why not even Incels like you. Racist cunt.

triggered nigger

I'm white you coping twat. Fuck off back Stormfront. You give every incel a bad name.

no fairy boy i wont

Funny how you people pretend to be against discrimination but you discriminate so heavily against people with certain views on how the world should be, don't you think that's hypocritical?

No dumbass, that guy is just an asshole.

Excuse me for not being tolerant of your intolerance. Fucking Nazi scum.

Literally all your Nazi fucks.

Well I've been taught to not tolerate people who pretend to be tolerant but are intolerant of people who are! Nazis weren't even that right winged compared to what that image from a comic implies, they had a lot of left wing ideology(or at least what is left wing these days).

I'm sure you saw it based on your response but I had a mini-rant on the throwing around of the term nazi.

you're disgusting, here you are sitting in an incel sub andtrying to convince people you aren't a piece of shit

here you are sitting in an incel sub and trying to convince people you aren't a piece of shit

Is there something inherently wrong with trying to not seem morally like a piece of shit while on an incel sub?

Nazis weren't even that right winged compared to what that image from a comic implies, they had a lot of left wing ideology(or at least what is left wing these days).

Nazis were Leftists, they were however more to the Right than the Communists, therefore the Commies labeled them Right wing and so have their fellow travelers ever since. The farthest right wing would be autocratic monarchy, such as in Tsarist Russia, not ideologies that supposedly take their power from the consent of the people.

I admittedly haven't done too much research into the Nazi party and for the most part they seemed very left winged however I didn't want to make too many assumptions on about the parts I didn't know and how the right and left have changed since then. Almost everyone acting like the nazis were right wing extremists confused the hell out of me for so long.

Well I've been taught to not tolerate people who pretend to be tolerant but are intolerant of people who are intolerant!

I'll tolerate your views if they don't call for genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Nazis weren't even that right winged compared to what that image from a comic implies, they had a lot of left wing ideology(or at least what is left wing these days).

Here we go again... The whole "Nazis were actually leftists! shtick. The worlds "So much for the tolerant left" is being used by actual Nazis these days.

I'm sure you saw it based on your response but I had a mini-rant on the throwing around of the term nazi.

I'm not throwing around the label. The subs I mentioned are riddled with actual Nazis and white supremacists.

I'll tolerate your views if they don't call for genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Are you implying that they do? Because my views don't call for genocide or anything similar. '

Here we go again... The whole "Nazis were actually leftists! shtick. The worlds "So much for the tolerant left" is being used by actual Nazis these days.

I'm just saying the Nazis had a hell of a lot of leftist and modern leftist things in their ideology, I can't take anyone who self-labels as a Nazi seriously, they need to know when to rebrand their ideology so it can have a chance of thriving. The way you seem to closely associate Nazis and white supremecists kinda makes me think that you think that was some kind of unique part of their ideology when pretty much all of Europe and the north america would have agreed about that,

Besides you threw around the label when you threw it at me.

Are you implying that they do? Because my views don't call for genocide or anything similar. '

I'm talking about in the context of the post.

I'm just saying the Nazis had a hell of a lot of leftist and modern leftist things in their ideology, I can't take anyone who self-labels as a Nazi seriously, they need to know when to rebrand their ideology so it can have a chance of thriving.

Nazi ideology would never thrive in mainstream society unless you change it at it's core, but then it isn't Nazism anymore.

The way you seem to closely associate Nazis and white supremecists kinda makes me think that you think that was some kind of unique part of their ideology when pretty much all of Europe and the north america would have agreed about that,

I know there is a difference between Nazis and White supremacists, but it's minimal. Either way, the reason I included both in my post was because both groups do call for genocide. What do you mean Europeans and North Americans would've agreed to that?

Besides you threw around the label when you threw it at me.

I called you a Nazi because you were defending a Nazi and his ideology.

Literally all you Nazi fucks these days.

I see you're another product of Modern Educayshun:

Is there a point here, or are you just showing me links?

Excuse me for not being tolerant of your intolerance. Fucking Nazi scum.

stop dividing us


FFYI: if you ping more than three users it doesn't go through.

why don't you mods ban these trolls and cuck tears users? Can you please tell me why you guys let them troll every single post? Why? You mods have NOTHING on azavii, he was a true mod. St. blackops2cel is ashamed of your work

I dunno, I'll be less lenient when it comes to banning ppl. There are too many trolls shitting up the place. But yes, we'll probably always be a disgrace to azavii.

One edgelord actually admitted in the modmail that he was going to make accounts to circumvent the ban, lmao.

To that guy: Enjoy being stuck in the spam filter lol.

thanks for at least repsonding. don't feel bad, azavii was a god among men i don't think anyone can compare to him. All we ask if you make some sort of effort to weed out the constant cuck tears trolls.

I mean this sub is like 90-95% cucktears posters now. we gotta get that cut back a bit man

Get out of that sub.

If you're an incel you're not likely to qualify for ubermensch status

im the same height as hitler and i have white european blood

Slavic people have white European blood. They were still considered subhumans and millions of them were exterminated by the Nazis.

Show me a sub full of nazis calling for genocide, please. Total bullshit.

Still waiting...


It's just a meme bro :^)

Uncensored news, debate alt right, debate fascism, the_dipshit etc.

As the top mod of /r/DebateAltRight I can say very clearly that we do not allow calls for genocide or any calls for violence whatsoever. You are talking out of your ass.

the_donald doesn't call for genocide of anything. I browse there everyday and the people who talk shit about that place make everything up. That sub is very tame. it's simply a sub supporting for the president. It's a very diverse sub. We have lgbt, black, asian,latino, women everything.

we have a former bernie bro who just started posting there and made a thread thanking us for accepting him. and proceeded to show us an image of his inbox of people sending him death threats for simply posting there.

That man should have been shot or hanged back in the 70s.

50+ upvotes in a thread on the front page. Regarding a man who never killed anyone.

WHo are they talking about?

Bill Ayers. He co-founded the Weather Underground.

The only people who ever died in a WU bombing were MEMBERS of the WU and Ayers had nothing to do with that case. Calling for a shooting or hanging is pure barbarism.

it's not genocide. i don't know the truth to this matter. But they seem to believe it. If you believed what this guy did thining he should be hanged isn't that big of a deal IMO. if they knew they were misinformed i'm sure they wouldn't say that.

and remember, the sub has nearly 600k members. so that one post with 60 upvotes doesn't represent everyone.

and they do have quite a few links so it does seem like there is some evidence. i dont see why this is such a huge deal.

I was just pointing out that there are explicit calls to violence on the front page.

There are far worse instances in past threads. This thread:

is made up almost entirely of white nationalists calling for religious and race wars against foreigners and Muslims.

t_d isn't just white people, it's a very diverse sub. 600k people there. there's plenty of white, black, latinos.

have you seen what's going on in europe? the migrants are raping children all the time and doing all sorts of shit. iff hillary won she would've turned the US into sweden and germany. Look up on youtube the state of germany and sweden its really bad over there, the MSM won't report on it though. there's cell phone footage of the migrants in the streets causing chaos. telling geramans that its theircountry now and they will rape their daughters and all sorts of shit.

If we get the wrong leader, that shit could happen in the US. i've spent lots of hours reading into this man. western europe is in serious trouble this is no joke. They're trying to replace white men with arabas considering they breed A LOT. by 2050 germany will be a 3rd world country with hardly any actual germans at the rate it's going. It's not white supremacy not to want to get breeded out of existence and having your culture changed and your women raped.

spend a few hours looking into it man you'll see what i mean

If t_d is made up of all races and cultures, then you're gonna have to explain to me why they are purely concerned with Western European whites.

You, yourself, in this post talking about how diverse t_d is, have exclusively talked about the concerns of Western European whites. And I'm sure Mexicans feel very comfortable with the people calling for a "genetically-targeted plague" or the national guard to come in and kill them. Or the calls for a white ethnostate in America. Or the praising of Mein Kampf.

Seriously, did you even read any of that fucking thread?

People think it's just a conspiracy but it's not, they are trying to breed white people out of existence. there are more germans that die each year then born, then you have these migrants who have a huge amount of kids. this is all part of an agenda, islam wants to spread their relligion all over the world.

the silent white genocide is very real. i didn't believe it at afirst, but after spending many hours looking down the rabbit hole it's very real . the anti white agenda is very very real.

Why do you think the world is pushing for open boarders for every country with a lot of white people? Why don't they push japan and china, israel to do this? no one bats an eye at israel and japan not wanting migrants. but we in the us and europe are considered racist for not wanting open boarders. This isn't a simple topic, like i said i spent many many hours looking into this so i can't really give a simple quick explanation of the whole ordeal. if you are interested jump down the rabbit hole for a few weeks and check it out. i believe 100% there is an agenda going on.

t_d posters consantly make fake race accounts. look on /r/AsABlackMan

constantly, there is 600k members, a few people doing dumb shit doesn't represent the over half a million people.who knows, it could be false flag shit.people on reddit are so obsessed with getting that sub banned they will do anything.

the_donald doesn't call for genocide of anything. I browse there everyday and the people who talk shit about that place make everything up. That sub is very tame. it's simply a sub supporting for the president. It's a very diverse sub. We have lgbt, black, asian,latino, women everything.

You do. Go on any of the subs highlighting all the vile shit they say, you'll see people calling for genocide.

And you wonder why you are an incel

For pointing out subs riddled with Nazis?

There is even a sub about stealing and showing off what you get.r/shoplifting

But I guess ugly males are worse than literal thieves or nazis.

Let's be real there's plenty of calls for genocide on this sub

Of incels, we wish genocide upon ourselves

I started browsing this sub a few days ago and I already saw multiple users saying that want a genocide of female.

Yeah aka inceltears alts. You do realize fetus corruptus has like 10 alts here?

Ah yes, the "everything is a false flag" explanation that's so popular these days with people wishing to avoid responsibility.

So you're denying that certain people have too much time on their hands and create accounts just to post some outrageous shit?

LOL. Sometimes I just want ask these outsiders if they've actually seen other online communities with offensive content.

If braincels was full of fake extreme posts then these "totally not a complete psycho and definitely don't support the mass sex slavery or abuse of women" incels wouldn't hang out here. If every other post on the front page is "life fuel" of women being hurt or comments such as "fuck off cunt," or other gendered slurs, maybe you guys are full of shit and this is a hate sub that you've all chosen to be a part of.

I mean, you guys often fit under both categories

"You guys..."

Ban this person pls.

Incels are one of the most racially diverse communities I ever saw online.

Labelling them as nazis is just halo effect.

The Nazi is the only one that doesn't completely apply

fuck off with your racist projection, we love ethnicCels and blackcels.


Yeah, calling all black dudes "Tyrone" isn't racist at all...

they don't call all black dudes tyrone. it's the same thing as chad. Chad is the name for really good looking white dudes, tyrone is the name for really good looking black dudes. YOu cuck tears users are so stupid, you always come here spouting stupid shit. you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about 99% of the time you people come here and yap.

maybe your projecting your racist views finding it everywhere? incels are colorblind

Well the thing is that you guys say funny things that make me giggle. The Nazis are completely worthless garbage and the stuff they say is just depressing.

he was talking about the ones who try to get incel subs banned.

Isnt it already banned?

You dipshits fall into both categories.

Half of us aren’t even white, retard.

My point is that it's stupid to pretend these are mutually exclusive positions.

Stupid point, stupid poster.

I'm incel and from Chechnya, land of Muslims

Almost all incels I know would be victims of Nazism.

Nazism is the baseless killing of people who can't control features about themselves. Why would an INVOLUNTARILY celibate person support any ideology which fits that process?

If they do, they're volcel.

Dude, I'm actually alt-right and even I couldn't convince them.

Some incels are unhappy enough to join radical social movements. Most don't give a shit. You just think all of them are eviiiiiiil racists because you associate everything bad with male virgins. Like everybody does

I really don't. My brother is a white male virgin.

And I'm not racist, I have Mexican friends.

Any of them girls?

I have friends that are women, does that mean I can no longer be a mysogynyst?


please get rid of the trolls, your an incel and a mod please for the love of azavii ban them. StBlackop2cel is watching, don't dissapoint him

who is azavii?

The mod of a banned sub.

azavii was a god among men. Show some damn respect.

Another 6 word response

Another totally non-informative, emotionally sterile, low-IQ reply by board_gaming

the mod of the old incel forum. he ruled with an iron fist. cuck tears posters got banned right away over there. Now here they're allowed to troll everyday all day. everyone loves and misses azavii

and where is he now? what happened to him?

he got banned I think, unfortunately :(. he did 10x morethan all of these mods do together. He kept the forum incels only, all this trolling, women, cucks woudn't be here if azavii was here. ffs we have a female mod who is a cuck tears poster lmao. is a sad state this sub is in

Your flair keeps reminding me of TheEngineer19.

i'm also a flair thief

Guy had omnipotent powers.

99% of the time that I rifled out some reply to a normy, the comment had already been nuked by the time I pressed submit

yes the he was truly a demi-god among mere mortals. St. Blackops2sexy is taking care of our beloved azavii

What I wouldn't give to have this messiah back :(

Thanks for the heads up

What does Information Technology have to do w this?

Incel tears


The sad, lonely virgins call for rape, incest and justifying pedophilia. Some, I assume, are good people.

Typical cuck tears poster, yapping a bunch of lies. just because you're a pedophile doesn't mean everyone else. Take your disgusting thoughts else where you sicko. make me sick to my stomach

Your flair is accurate. Do you not remember previous posts about lowering the age of consent? Projection seems to be your specialty.

There you go, making shit up again. On a saturday night here you are on making shit up to try and insult incels. you must be a fat blue haired dyke.

I'm making it up, sure. Everyone who disagrees with you is making it up.

Is it tiring, being a victim, day in and day out? Looking at people being happy as "suicide fuel" and hating a majority of humanity?

Post some pro-pedophilia threads from here.

fat ugly bitch, you just got btfo's by that cel there.

Those are some anger issues on you, champ. All of your problems are because of your face, though, right?

My face is 7/10 easily bitch.

I mog all you deformed incelqueer cunts.

Then why are you an incel?

because these dudes are fun

I’m about as opposite from incel as a human could be, so it’s not like I have a dog in this fight. However, I’ve got to say, I’ve been lurking on this subreddit (and its predecessor) for close to a year, long before I even made an account. I know that’s a really weird thing to do, but I’ve got my reasons.

Anyway, based on my observations, the majority of these guys aren’t advocates of violence or extreme sexual deviance. There are some that say vile and hateful things, but for every one of those, there seem to be twenty guys who really are just frustrated about not having success with women and want to vent about it.

A lot of the theories offered here are paint women in a negative light, for sure. But a lot of what I read on here isn’t necessarily hatred of women so much as just overall unhappiness with the way society works. Many incels seem to not blame women whatsoever and instead blame biology and social factors for their shitty luck. Some don’t even care that much about finding a girl and instead just wish that they could fit in and find platonic friends of any gender. Some just want to be able to go out in public without feeling outcasted and miserable.

My point is, many seem to just focus on the few guys laughing about rape and praising Elliot Rodger and automatically assume that this entire community is focused on such things. In my experience, that’s just factually untrue.

My point is, many seem to just focus on the few guys laughing about rape and praising Elliot Rodger and automatically assume that this entire community is focused on such things

It really sucks that most of them do this. And when we tell the gawkers to leave us alone, they can't even do that.

Fuck off cunt.

Nobody here calls for all that horrible shit. We report that shit because it's not right. But coming here to make fun of suicidal and desperate virgins? You must be a typical sadistic and selfish woman. Go stuff your fat face with a fucking cock carousel you whore. Incels dislike women and by extent society because we were rejected by them first, so it's natural we reject society and women.

Not a whore, because I've been rejected by like 99% of the men I've ever spoken to.

And you don't think you're a part of the problem?

Yes, if the inability to attract anyone because of my deformed ogre face is a contribution, then I am part of the problem.

The fact that you seem to operate on cliches and like to make assumptions based solely on gender may have something to do with it.

Where did I make an assumption based on gender? Most importantly why is this sub filled with loose meatflap slags

You assume I'm a whore, because I'm a woman.

No I assume you're a slag because you peruse this subreddit, which exposes female nature and slutshames. I do think every female who frequents this sub is a slag, because they hate seeing this truth, so they do everything in their power to ridicule us or try to remove us.

Define slag.

A whore

So even though I have never had sex, I'm still a whore. Because I went on this subreddit.

Yeah, it's all women's fault nobody wants to deal with you.

No, it's not women's fault. It's genetics fault, do by extent, my parents' faults.

I'm exploring women for their behavior and it's getting called hate, which is why I said women have a victim complex. Because they do.

You do as well, though.

call for rape

that content gets removed by the mods as soon as we're aware of it

Uh, bullshit?

i said as soon as we're aware of it

you fuckers don't use the report function and just spam that shit straight onto inceltears

We use the report buttons plenty. You're pulling this directly out of your ass. Your front page always has some hateful shit. Never disappoints.

are you calling me a liar

Sure am, hot stuff. This sub fosters hateful shit because it's full of miserable hateful men. Then when those comments his IncelTears and they start laughing at you it becomes a "support sub", ignoring all the posts of incels encouraging other incels to kill themselves to go on a shooting spree. Full. Of. Shit.

Then when those comments his IncelTears and they start laughing at you

could you link me an example

Literally the second to the top post on your front page is a gif of a woman being hit by a goat. "Life Fuel" watching a woman be hurt. Classy as always.

she stole a baby goat from its mother

and i meant link me an example of an inceltears thread

It's a ten second clip. They could very well be her animals. There's no context other than it's a woman being hurt and that's why it's front page.

What the fuck are you even asking for? Almost every other IncelTears post is something ridiculously horrible that got upvotes and comments over here.

It's a ten second clip. They could very well be her animals.

you're really reaching here

Almost every other IncelTears post is something ridiculously horrible that got upvotes and comments over here.

an example of an inceltears thread "laughing at us", i want to make a point

And "Life Fuel"? That's got nothing to do with anything right? You're full of shit.

The only reason IncelTears exists is to laugh and cringe at the hateful shit posted in r/braincels and the incel subs.

And "Life Fuel"? That's got nothing to do with anything right?

i think that seeing a literal kidnapper getting their just desserts qualifies as life fuel

The only reason IncelTears exists is to laugh and cringe at the hateful shit posted in r/braincels and the incel subs.

lol that's not all they do, link me any random thread and i'll point it out

We use the report buttons plenty. You're pulling this directly out of your ass. Your front page always has some hateful shit. Never disappoints.

Not a whore, because I've been rejected by like 99% of the men I've ever spoken to.

And you don't think you're a part of the problem?