Why are inceltears so quick to say "everyone is different , you can't generalize", yet their entire sub is cherrypicking screenshots and then generalizing all incels ?

93  2018-03-10 by MMDT

They find cherrypicked screenshots that only the biggest mentalcels post, then generalize all incels based on that .

Yet when incels post studies , experiments and research about women , their go to phrase is "Well not all women are like that "

The hypocrisy is astounding


Ehh theres hella gender hypocrisy here too

Because what defines you guys as a community is the mindset, and not like in the case of women, a biological characteristic.

It would be wrong and hypocritical to say all young adult male virgins have certain personalities or character traits. You will find lots of guys who are in the same situation romantically but have a drastically different outlook on why that is and how to live their lives.

What makes you guys incels is the victim mentality, fatalism, shirking of self-responsibility and blaming factors outside of your control. And this mindset leads to either wallowing in self-pity or hatred against those who you blame for your misery, aka lashing out against women, chads, normies, sexual liberalism and so on.

You go and sift through the last hundred posts on this sub and find me even one that wasn't one of the two things

a biological characteristic.

Being ugly is all in your head bro, being 5ft2, having mental health issues, and a physically unattractive face! Its all in your head bro! Totally not biological! teehee

What makes you incels is the victim mentality, fatalism, shriking of self-responsibility

This is really nebulous, and doesn't exactly explain much.

If you're constantly getting rejected, guess fucking what? It isn't always your fucking fault, believe it or not.

Fatalism is valid in almost every instance with people who aren't attractive.

If you look like this: http://i.imgur.com/IXcgg2e.jpg

You're not getting this: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d9/a8/d9/d9a8d99821d1f64a3063fa8d28612fa0--amazing-eyes-hot-selfies.jpg.

they're alright.

Yes but they're not as pretty as the first woman. What I meant is that looking like that you'll hardly have a chance with any woman.

Some aren't, thats the thing.

Even as somebody who gets considered "average" by girls, I haven't been able to get a girlfriend myself even after trying many times. What is it? Seriously, what is it?

Aiming for women that have (or fell they have) more and better options. Or social anxiety making you look bad.

I shouldn't have to lower my standards.

IDK man... I'm already 30.

It's very unlikely I'll be able to make up for my lost 20s even patially in the next 5 years. And then I'll be 35. And truly fucked in terms of romance.

My only real option will likely be to marry (or LTR) a divorced single mom. But I doubt even that's possible.

Because what defines you guys as a community is the mindset, and not like in the case of women, a biological characteristic.

And the mindset is also a biological characteristic. The brain is a biological entity that is affected by sexual dimorphism.

This is why incels are quick to generalize women. Because women can be easily generalized. They prefer the same sort of men, and present the same sort of attitude towards us (incels).

What makes you guys incels is the victim mentality, fatalism, shirking of self-responsibility and blaming factors outside of your control. And this mindset leads to either wallowing in self-pity or hatred against those who you blame for your misery, aka lashing out against women, chads, normies, sexual liberalism and so on.

There is a mindset, yet, but the mindset is still relatively broad. In particular, incels' mindset certainly cannot all be reduced to pure misogyny and rape-promotion. Yet this is what /r/IncelTears claims. Not all incels hate women. Incels aren't rapists, certainly (I'm sure you're aware of the "rapist virgin" meme).

In some sense, incels are rape victims as well. When a woman rejects us, she is effectively saying that we are subhuman. That we are beneath her. She is asserting her power over us and destroying us psychologically. It's not unlike rape.

Rape is being forced to have intercourse against your will. Rejection is a woman saying "I'm not interested". Those are two extremely different things. Now if she did it in a snobby bitchy way, that would be her trying to say you are beneath her, but even still it is not her trying to say you are subhuman. Rejection is a simple no, that's it. Move on to the next girl you think you have a chance with.

Also, unless it's through physical torment or harmful words said from someone close to you, psychological destruction can only occur if you allow it. It is not the end of the world if you get rejected by a girl. It will always hurt a bit even if you're a Chad.

It is definitely not similar to rape in any sense. Chads get rejection, but they move on, they don't say "you should've said yes". Sure they'll egg the girl on a bit if Chad is dim in the head (well, most are anyways), but if a girl makes it clear that she is saying no, don't stress about it, and just move on.

There's more to life than getting laid. Maybe go to a nun or monk or somethin who've sworn to stay virgins (not pope's cause it seems THAT problem is getting worse), and just ask them about stuff. I dunno, not saying that's your only option, but just stop caring about getting laid. 9/10 non-virgins will tell you that it's not all they expected. Just do stuff other than worrying about it. Do stuff that makes you happy

dsmn stfu

Get the fuck out, normie.

Knock yourself out.

I wouldn't hold my breath for any kind of evidence, they blame women for their social problems just like they blame the dog on their farts.

There is literally nothing but memes, confirmation bias, and misinterpreted/misrepresented science posted here. And the BS science makes up .05% of the posts.

The head mod is mentally unstable and loves having some sense of ''power'' over a female mod. That's the most rational explanation I can think of.

Intuition isn't reliable as well

Never said it was.

saying that women somehow double up when it comes to that is pure nonsense.

Nope, women are more intuitive than men that is what research shows.

Both men and women can't exactly tell what one person think/is like just by seeing them or having a short conversation.

Never said otherwise

Stop with this ridiculous bullshit.

I fully support your decision to do so.

Never said it was, inceldom is however

There's no reason to post the same statistics over and over again.

Taller men are more attractive to women. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201306/why-women-want-tall-men

Looks are more important then ""personality."" https://www.yourtango.com/experts/hayley-matthews/looks-really-matter

they "cherry pick" screenshots because its not fun to make fun of someone who is depressed and sad and its more fun to make fun of someone who is hateful and delusional

"Hateful delusional" and "depressed" are not mutually exclusive.

made by ACTUAL psychologists and sociologists

Sociology and psychology are not apolitical fields. They is a heavy amount of political correctness in the softer sciences, and many professors and academics themselves are far-left activists. I don't trust them to actually criticize female behaviour.

You're delusional. And in the very back of your tiny little mind you know you are.

Yes but they're not as pretty as the first woman. What I meant is that looking like that you'll hardly have a chance with any woman.

she sent nudes to the cuckmaticanarachistt

You don't get to decide whose comment is bullshit and has a lack of self awareness. You are not an authority.

No seriously dude, I said fact because regardless of whether you were trolling or serious, you have a personality disorder, most likely a B cluster disorder, I suggest you get treatment.

Yeah, most culster Bs never get treatment. Y'all just die bitter and alone spiteful that everyone you were ever close to wants nothing to do you. But hey I did my good deed for the day, I gives no fucks if you want to be a loser your entire life, go for it.

. The fact you actually believe this [empirically verified fact] is hilarious and shows how immature you are.

Seriously due, I hate to tell you this, but all people are shit, most women I know who get with assholes will admit they thought they'd be an asshole from the get, (low selfesteem is common amoung our culture, and frankly some traits that make men assholes also make them attractive, sooo)

yet every time he cheats that "intuition" fails, LOL

I see, and when did you discover that you had the power to read minds? Also, It's interesting that you think the fact intuitive thinking isn't 100% accurate means it doesn't exist