ROASTIES BTFO. Women fear sexbots. Soon we will be able to have wonderful unabashed sexual release whenever we want without the approval of a roastie. Cut out the middlewoman to sex.

34  2018-03-10 by derpyderpderp42069


Life fuel

Not sex if it’s not a living thing

roasties don't have a soul so roastysex isn't really sex

The fuck is a roastie

I'm female, and I don't see sex bots as a bad thing. It's just a more advanced sex toy, and if you want it, get it.

I'm not mad if a man owns a fleshlight, and I'm not mad if a woman owns a dildo, so why should it be any different with sex bots?

Because at one point we will not want other people. We will want robots. I think it's a good ending for everyone. Every incel gets a Stacy. Every roastie gets a chad

Oh I do funnily enough. You're so angry and bitter and it makes me happier. Maybe I should turn off the notifications. I can't help myself to respond if it just flashes at me all day ha ha

pretty sure the average is 35

Why would women need low value males?

Yeah. If anything, I think it's a good thing for guys who have issues. Then no one is hurt and every one is happy.

Always remember, normal people with happy lives don't spend their time stalking and harassing people worse off than them. Happy folks don't go out of their way to fight with strangers on the internet.

Get help.

They will probably kill themselves because most of those pathetic subhumans have fully devoted their lives to stalking and harrasing us, we are everything they live for. I'm not even exaggerating, take look at this specimen for example:, it can't last more than an hour discussing incels.

This is one of the best comments of all time. At the same time it makes me sad because of how true it is.

Women will never derive the same value from sexbots that men do. a good looking sexbot won't be able to give them the tingles that chad does, a large part of women being turned on is by a domineering personality.

Meh. We are so unchadly women won't care. It's completely and utterly over.

Yes they do. They're jealous of sex robots like white nationalists are jealous when they see a white girl with an ethnic guy.

Lol no most of the sexbots "for women" are being purchased by gay men. Women don't need sexbots because they can get real sex any day for free, men can't do this unless they are exceptional in some way (looks, money, status). A sex robot can't provide a woman emotional intimacy and money yet. What women dislike about sex robots is that it takes away men caring about them and this triggers females, the thought of males not worshipping women. It's the same reason why so many women shit on incels while having a successful happy sex life. They want to keep men in check.

Women don't need sexbots because they can get real sex any day for free, men can't do this unless they are exceptional in some way (looks, money, status). A sex robot can't provide a woman emotional intimacy and money yet. What women dislike about sex robots is that it takes away men caring about them and this triggers females, the thought of males not worshipping women. It's the same reason why so many women shit on incels while having a successful happy sex life. They want to keep men in check, Incels culture and sex robots are something that they can't keep in check and want under their control. Look how triggered women react to being called a slut needing to defend their self, they obviously care what men think and want to control it

They're gonna miss their beta bux and orbiters though

Are we still talking about being productive here or getting a date? Cuz I get a lot of validation from being productive that has nothing to do with finding a partner. My co-workers and managers validate me when I do something cool at my job, my friends and family also validate me when I have cool things or skills/accomplishments. Having a romantic partner validate all the stuff I do would also be cool but I didn't have that for almost 3 decades and there wasn't a problem.

What I mean is you can make more money by increasing your desirability in the market place, not by increasing hours. Increasing desirability means increased pay/hour. If I double my salary then suddenly I can work half as much for the same pay. If you don't have a family it doesn't really take a lot of money to support yourself. As long as you work a decent job and advance up a reasonable amount you can probably support yourself with just 20 hours. But that might get boring so most ppl get a family.

roasties don't have a soul so roastysex isn't really sex

"sexbots for women"
KEK Sex for any woman, no matter how ugly or fat, is about as easy as taking a fucking dump in this shithole culture, tard!

didn't read TFA did you?