What normies will do to you if you try and get a gf

32  2018-03-10 by derpyderpderp42069


Normies truly hate us

Are you from the countryside?

Stfu little bitch

Take your fake empathy elsewhere.

If you had any real empathy you would understand the correlation between incels forced social ostracization and to being a caged animal. But no you don't you see incels as worst than beasts, and that makes you the monster not us.

Please go choke on your gfs boyfriends dick you bacteria

Yeah, how dare you insinuate that being shot 86 times isn't equally painful to the shyness a neckbeard feels when approaching a girl.

Your list was bs just like you. You and every other redditard normie think your mind is just so incredible and that you can be a motivational lifespeker guide. It's cringey af.