[Blackpill] Convicted abusive misogynist Chad has dozens of females fawning over him

52  2018-03-10 by Hopecel


Nope not halo effect. I can relate because I’ve been through the same thing.

After you are done getting pumped and dumped by Chads in your youth you will settle for a beta provider. Remember to be nice to incels, we might be your future husbands, there's lots of doctorcels and engineercels here.

Where could you look in real life? I can't even sit in my car in a parking lot without being accused of being a pervert!

I'll bite. 37 matches isn't really a lot and those women that he matched with are not very attractive.

Agreed, I haven't even been in a relationship but I know I'd be pissed if a girl I cared about cheated on me

People need to be desensitized to the word "Nazi" so they can understand what it means and stop thinking it basically just means genocidal racist, or conservative.

thinking the "niceguy" gets the girl in the end unless he's ugly, then he's a manipulator

fixed it for you.

Yeah, that’s fair enough

Do you know how to write sentences?


Good bot
