All this controversy over iQ9k's comment shows just how ignorant the masses are about incels

34  2018-03-09 by ConfidentLevel

There are many incels who are suicidal about their situation. Do you want to prevent anymore deaths? Stop insulting them. Stop attacking the community and calling it toxic. Stop blaming their personality. Stop blaming their attitudes. Stop blaming them for their situation. If you're a woman, stop rejecting ugly men and have relationships with them.

You are the ones driving them to consider suicide. You are the ones being hateful. Incels are the victims of society.

If you can't do any of this, then you do not have the right to intrude into their lives or their community. Period.

If you're one of those sick people who actually want incels to die, you are a disgusting individual and I hope you never have to deal with the aftermath of a suicide ever.


when I read incel's talk about incel shit, it fuels my suicide ideation. But as soon as I read normie things, even if it's just condescending and patronizing shit (not necessarily attacks), I truly consider the rope

This, just going on r/askmen or r/askreddit (even r/sex if I really want to kill myself inside) fuels any suicidal urges I might have.

So you can't interact with anyone who isn't an incel without seriously considering suicide?

Or you know, stop encouraging people to commit suicide. Just look at all the people complaining about /u/iQ9k posting numbers for suicide hotlines. That's not us normies, that's you guys.

Posting numbers for suicide hotlines is a slap in the face and the most dismissive, pointless thing you can say to someone who commented about being suicidal. Followed by "PM me if you need to talk". Self serving bullshit.

stop encouraging people to commit suicide.

Respecting someone else's decision and judgment about the situation they are best informed about is not encouraging people to commit suicide.

Posting numbers for suicide hotlines is a slap in the face and the most dismissive, pointless thing you can say to someone who commented about being suicidal. Followed by "PM me if you need to talk". Self serving bullshit.

If it was a direct reply to someone else's comment about feeling suicidal, I would probably agree about it being dismissive. But it's a sticky at the top of the subreddit, it's a resource that's there for anyone who does feel like they need it.

Respecting someone else's decision and judgment about the situation they are best informed about is not encouraging people to commit suicide.

No, but constantly posting "suicide fuel" and lovingly talking about how "rope is hope" absolutely is.

No, but constantly posting "suicide fuel" and lovingly talking about how "rope is hope" absolutely is.

We as a group of (to various degrees) suicidal people like to talk about it that way. Lol who the fuck are you to come here and say whether or not this makes things worse? What's the point of even having to explain it to you, you're fed on pop psychology and bot like replies to deal with every single topic imaginable, who could even hope that you'd accept that's not working for us, and stuff you're talking about aren't making things worse either.

For me and many other incels, suicide hotlines are a completely insulting suggestion of cope, and having someone post them as if it's helpful or doing the pm me if you need to talk bit just makes me want to become homicidal as well (don't kink shame). If I wanted Sui fuel I'd go to any female based sub or askreddit or IT when they are psycholanalyzing us so happy with themselves, and I'd want to kill myself because of the frustration that these people will keep on living their lives feeling good about themselves.

But they will keep on existing and talking and having opinions regardless of how it makes us feel, and it's a given, I just don't understand why the fuck you people think you need to intervene when we do the same. If stuff we say makes you feel suicidal then find your copes, it should be easy, we're a minority limited to one sub you can just avoid completely. We chose this sub so logically this is what we prefer of all the available options, so shut the fuck up and go to a more wholesome place to share your worldview.

You know what, if you want to talk about suicide that way, that's fine. But then when someone does actually kill themself, stop blaming everyone else for it and accept that your way of discussing suicide may have played a part.

If you think that's what played a part, you're both trivializing suicide and the person who committed it.

I don't see how that can be trivializing suicide if the roping and suicide fuel talk isn't.

It's idiotic. It's like saying a suicidal person killed himself because there was a rope store next door. The fact that an incel posts here about suicide is because he already is made suicidal by his entire life experience. The posts are not really a fuel for anything, they are just an expression, nothing else, shared observations and you people are what's observed.

You think it's easy to kill yourself? It's really not, even when you want to die in every way it's a very hard move to make, and while alive even if you don't care anymore and LDAR you'll still try to make things as bearable as possible for yourself. The fact that we chose this environment is because for us it is the best available option. But this is one small cope in one big reality, of course it won't save your life if you're finally ready to kill yourself, it will at worst be neutral and at best make the time spent until that moment a little bit better. you're blaming a placebo for dying of an incurable disease.

But of course you would because it makes things so much more simple and makes you feel better about yourself.

Depression is incurable, but it isn't untreatable. Unless you treat any attempt to seek therapy or medication as a "cope" and tell people that their lives are miserable forever and just to get used to it. Then yeah, it's incurable.

Unless you treat any attempt to seek therapy or medication as a "cope"

And a very costly one at that, not just financially speaking.

tell people that their lives are miserable forever and just to get used to it.

You frame it so stupidly, because to you people everything is some type of mind influencing advice. Life is miserable, and whether someone can get used to it or not is their business.

st. alia you're the most gangster incel on here

Suicide hotlines are a honeypot don't fall for the tricks.

Everyone says they’re pro choice until it comes to suicide

He said suicide is brave. That's not encouraging it. Doing anything that is completely uknown is brave. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

If you are a normie, I really don't understand why the lives of incels are so important to you.

I'm not talking about his specific post, which I agree was not as bad as has been suggested. I'm talking about this sub as a whole.

And the lives of incels are important to me because, you know, I'm not a psychopath. I can empathise for other people, and I can also recognise that a lot of the toxic stuff that comes out of this sub is born from genuine misery and suffering.

Again, I don't understsnd your logic. I wouldn't recommend anyone to come here because it is toxic. However the normie brigaders are, in my opinion, far more toxic than the most negative incels, who just want to be left alone to vent. Normies come onto a forum where they are not wanted, and just make incels angrier. Not because of their arguments, but because of their snarky condescending attitude (such as you're use of the term 'you know').

You guys have a different attitude to women and life and if you want to promote it, that's fine, but why do you have to be dicks about it. It's even more infuriating when you call us out for being dicks whlist indulging in the same dickish behaviour.

What iQ9k said was literally nothing compared to the stuff that IncelTards brigaders said.

Not gonna defend that, though without the context of what was being replied to it's hard to fully condemn it too. Yes, there are some bad IncelTears people who only come here to bully and insult you guys, and that's not cool. But I think it's misguided to think that the occasional venomous post like that makes more of an impact on this sub's state of mind than the constant talk of suicide fuel and roping.

If you want context, that was a response to an incel calling her out on her bs.

You make a somewhat fair point, however, venomous shit like that in real life drives us all to have the same attitudes towards life. That's why we're here. The vast majority of incels were bullied and shunned their whole life.

I get that, I really do. But then you dwell on that negativity, as people do on this sub, and when any attempt to overcome that is treated dismissively as a "cope", it should hardly be a surprise when people decide there's no other option but to end it.

And they'll go back to making fun of short ugly virgins in a day. The only reason they say those things is because they truly think they are being a good person at that moment, but don't give a shit. Pure narcissism. That cunt mragan does this constantly. She actually thinks she's a good person lol

she fits almost every awalt/roastie stereotype there is. I don't know why any of you guys even validate her opinion

I don't. This sub is filled with cucked orbiters who love arguing with her and boardcunting

You forgot to tag them so you can respond and try to hit on them. While they sit on a computer half way around the world, on a forum dedicated to complaining about how much our lives suck, cause that's gonna work.

Still don't know why there subs haven't banned her account? Is there something in missing here

What was the comment/controversy?

All I see here is a compassionate comment when there is very little to be said anyway. Fucked up the explanation had to be added to it. Normtards obviously felt like they were saving lives with each downvote.

I love how the normies are virtue signaling and calling the mod shitty for the comment, when the normies themselves just come here to make incels lives worse.

Fuck you normies, eat shit you hypocritical cunts. That goes for the fakecels and cuckcels who are supporting the normies too, you don't belong here if you are supporting against that mod for his comment.

Classic deflection. It's easy to blame the mod than look at their own behaviour. I suppose their logic is that if you are nasty to someone but dissuade that same person from suicidal you're all good.

I would think telling them they're responsible for their life is anti-suicide.

Suicide support would be telling them they can't do anything about it and just have to live (or die) with it.

Or of course the actual incels telling everyone it's over.

they're responsible for their life

Genetics do not matter, it is all your fault, just try harder xD. That's even more suicidal.

...yes giving you the power to make things better.

That's good.

Being powerless is bad.

False hope and delusion.

....and yet you will say you aren't the one driving people to suicide.

Stop pretending to care. If someone wants to kill himself, it is his choice to make.

....okay bro

You would be completely correct on any other sub but people around here get off on being powerless so they don’t want to hear that is the problem.

The masses are fucking retards with no sense of morality. They won't help us anyway.

this sub allows upvotes now? did it become uncucked?

All of the points of the first paragraph are good except for the last one. To demand that women stop rejecting someone they don't wish to have relationships is much like asking someone to eat food they don't want to, to make a bad chef happy. Being undesirable to women is shit, I understand that for the most part, but attempting to pin the guilt on women for personal choice will only alienate your voice to the masses you wish to convince.

Normans see as a threat to their psychological well-being. They are dealing with the cognitive dissonance that comes from the realization that there are people who are suffering from the social structures that benefit them. It is similar to how poor whites supported slavery in the antebellum South, even though they did not possess slaves. It raises them up one or two points in the social hierarchy. They too defended the institution of slavery to avoid the cognitive dissonance of realizing its immorality.

Normans do not want to feel guilty, nor do they want to accept moral responsibility for our fates. If the blackpill is true, it would necessitate support for programs that would help us. Instead, they blame us for our misery in a move similar to how many libertarians and Randian objectivist blame the poor and the sick for their plight. It is not too difficult to help us, and there have been programs suggested on this sub recently which many reasonable Normans would agree. Alas, they still refuse to accept it because it would necessitate the acceptance of the blackpill.

It is not unlike how many religious fundamentalists refuse to accept the theory of evolution, despite its incontrovertibility. One can still be a faithful Christian, Jew, or Muslim while accepting evolutionary theories. But for fundamentalists, it would pose problems for their literal interpretation of their scriptures since it does not include the theory of evolution. Normans do not want to accept the blackpill because it would problems for the status quo that they accept and believe in. It challenges their simplistic worldview, just like the theory of evolution challenges fundamentalists’ simplistic view of scripture.

They will disagree with anything we say simply because we said it.

Nah, never think about you guys out side of this tiny time kill called reddit. Couldn't care less what you do or what happens to you. Apathy my dude, pure apathy towards your cause.

Keep coping.

Lol will do buddy.

If you don't care why post? Lol

He has to do something while his wife gets plowed by chad.

Oh yeah? Why, you worried your boyfirend is running around on you?

Same reason I do anything, cause I felt like it.


Nice personality you got there, buddy

Totes, I'm a fan.

Apathy my dude, pure apathy towards your cause.

most people lack moral empathy, eh?

sometimes i'm glad this world is on a path to extinction. serves most of your right.

Morals are largely overrated.

But hasn't it always been on a path to extinction? Isn't the sun supposed to blow up at some point anyways?

Morals are largely overrated.

god, i live on a planet full of neolithic monkeys. seriously, the vast majority alive aren't worthy of the term 'conscious being'

But hasn't it always been on a path to extinction?

it's not a guarantee.

Isn't the sun supposed to blow up at some point anyways?

in billions of years. we would be off this planet, and probably outside this galaxy, by then.

but no, we're a bunch of unempathetic neolithic monkeys literally too damn unconscious to recognize how we're systematically guaranteeing total annihilation.

doesn't have to be like this, but when we live in a world full of idiots like you, that's the result we will inevitably get

Bringing about the annihilation of mankind one shit post at a time. I'll have to apologize to my kids when I get home.

it's the chronic lack of empathy and dismissal of basic morality that's going to bring humanity to its knees. because the world we've created is chalk full of suffering and is not suitable for conscious inhabitance.

and yes. you definitely should start apologizing to your kids. because given the idiocracy of adult humans, they'll probably realize they're fucked before you do.

Nah, I think I'll blame it on you instead. When things fall apart Imma be like it was that dude u/why_are_we_god

i know you think that responding irrational are meaningfully equivalent to words backed up with reason. but that's just cause your subconscious.

and it's just part of why people like you are systematically dooming humanity to its fate of extinction.

Or maybe I just enjoy being glib to fussy hyperbolic people on reddit. I'd say don't over think it bro, but it seems to come so naturally to you it might be unfair.

yes, i understand you are a controlled sheeple unconscious of the situation humanity is actually in, dumbly thinking you're being clever.

but i'm not bring hyperbolic, humanity really is set on a path to kill itself off, on a much shorter time frame than the unconscious masses are aware of.

no, i'm not using sheeple ironically, this is literally just the world i find myself in.

and i understand you're going to be obvious to it.

Nothing gold can stay ponyboy, I'm sure I'll do fine, thanks for worrying tho super sweet to see you care. It's you I worry about my lovable lonely lad.

2edgy5me ayn rand

I fancy myself more of a keynesian, but for real tho watch the edge my dude, no need to get hurt out here.

Morals are largely overrated.

It's funny how Reddit gets all moral nihilist when it comes to incels, but are smug, self-righteous virtue signallers on practically every other issue

You can't force women to have relationships with men they don't find attractive and you can't guilt trip them either. If someone is suicidal, you need to encourage them to get the help they need rather than blaming women for not sleeping with them.

Louder for the people in the back

you can't guilt trip them either

No, we certainly can't do that. Guilt tripping is only possible if they have empathy. But women don't have empathy for sub8s.

you need to encourage them to get the help

What is this magical help™ you speak of? Some people can't be helped. Sometimes there truly is no hope. That's something that normies, and American culture in general, simply does not understand. Sometimes suicide is okay. It is okay for a depressed person to come to the informed, reasoned decision that the future is bleak, and that it is better to end his life rather than continue suffering.

The bullying by these stupid Normans needs to stop.

Again, I don't understsnd your logic. I wouldn't recommend anyone to come here because it is toxic. However the normie brigaders are, in my opinion, far more toxic than the most negative incels, who just want to be left alone to vent. Normies come onto a forum where they are not wanted, and just make incels angrier. Not because of their arguments, but because of their snarky condescending attitude (such as you're use of the term 'you know').

You guys have a different attitude to women and life and if you want to promote it, that's fine, but why do you have to be dicks about it. It's even more infuriating when you call us out for being dicks whlist indulging in the same dickish behaviour.

I've seen his name on IT before, but have never interacted with him. Seems like a purposefully obtuse individual. I also don't know why someone would name themselves after the holocausts "night of broken glass"