IncelTears in a nutshell

119  2018-03-09 by Liquifox


I thought /r/trashy was for guys with whore fetish

This. I will never know why some boyos here get so worked up abt IT. Sure, I have participated there for a while, but only with an intent of triggering their crowd, given the nature of it, should be quite easy and fun. Now that they are heavily moderated, shitposting there is not possible anymore. :(

So I just choose to ignore them completely.

This might be something the rest of us are going to do. There's nothing but aggressive spam of the copy-pasta platitudes and the same tired out arguments. I think people are get pissed because of the amount of spamming.

And then they pretend to have a life yet when you check their post history all they do is troll on r/braincels and then post whatever reaction they get on r/inceltears.

They're pathetic.

Or maybe they have a sock account just to do that? lol

Idk most of the "active" inceltears posters have post histories littered with them posting on r/braincels.

i hate incels but i'm obsessed with them tee hee

You seriously think anyone's going to believe that excuse? Well, you ARE an ITer, so yeah, you probably do think that.


Tough shit.

Like who? Like what?

Educate me. I haven't seen the behavior you claim to have seen.

FoetusCorruptus (as in, his entire MO), PorgiAmor- Andy- and Glitter happily generalizing incels while banning dissent, one of the other mods (no clue what his fucking name is) constanly false flagging, MRRRAGAN spouting off how she doesn't generalize incels and only wants to help only to turn around and generalize incels, Orange-Paisley and her condescending snark and DrJohanza or whatever his name is being an utter cuntwad, from the top of my head.

Then there's the fact that a good portion of folks from IT just want to shit over people, doesn't matter if the "incel" in question is actually hateful or not.

Also the constant dismissal of any experiences that don't fit in the narrative, especially if the experience comes from someone here.

And the dismissal in general.

And the constant willful ignorance.

And the deliberate misinterpretation of things said for the sake of some stupid "gotcha" moment.

Bottom line, fuck IT and anyone who goes there. Tried being reasonable, and that was fucking pointless.

...okay, so some people generalized incels based on the content posted there and now you generaloze back because that makes it okay?

If they can do it - why can't we always retain granularity of the discussion? I mean, the opponent never gives us the opportunity to make ourselves heard beyond occasional flagellator, who goes to places like IT to loudly proclaim "ah, I was wrong but now I see, my former self was wrong I was totes dumb and because I was an incel, all incels are dumb".

Nice name, by the way, real evocative.

So why is generalizing incels okay in the first place? Because some incels says some stupid shit, it's okay to generalize incels?

Where are you even going with this? Where do you think this all starts from?

I never said it was okay ever....

But why does it keep happening at all?

I don't know.

It doesn't happen very often in regards to IT.

I regularly see posts that directly don't generalize and posts calling out those that do.

Nope, don't care if it's okay or not anymore. They engage in blatant hypocrisy all the same, I'm merely returning the favor since I'm tired of trying to reasonably argue and getting shat on for it.

Hats off to you, sir.

Yeah, some are just plain old assholes who don't even have the excuse of a pathetic empty life to justify their shitty behavior and lack of morals.

What lack of morals?

Being assholes.

How so?

Like that.

Like what.

Like that.

Like ur mum.

Fuckin r/neckbeardd. Biggest pieces of shit on this god forsaken website.

I'm fine with this.

Atleast you can accept that you are the bigger loser.

Embrace being an exhibit in the world wide zoo

I think the frequent posters in these subs are a bit obsessed. But a majority of users browse these subs out of curiosity, something about seeing opposite opinions is interesting.



Active posters on any of these ridicul subs have just as many problems as the people the ridicule

Maybe so, but at least we direct those negative emotions at hateful ideas and not at people totally underated to the issue.

Its still venting negative emotions at other people instead of dealing with them

Maybe. I don't think many people are like that. I was just working with your bad assumption.

What's the difference between an idea and a person, if talked about on a reddit thread? Absolutely NOTHING. They both are just words on the internet. Stop this false sense of superiority, but I know you won't. you really not know the difference between those two?

1 is the words on the internet. The other is the human being living in the world...

Pretty easy bro.

That's not exactly wrong reasoning, but at the end of the day you're the ones actively hurting people and causing them misery, not incels. Your community is the one that has now goaded several people into suicide, not incels. Your community is the one that has doxxed and inflicted god knows how much damage on people, not incels. Your community is the one that actively harasses people, not incels.

How are IT posters actively hurting people?

And how does this work with the posts on this sub telling people their lives are over?

When did IT dox anyone?

How are IT posters actively hurting people?

Bullying, dismissal and mockery.

And how does this work with the posts on this sub telling people their lives are over?


When did IT dox anyone?

Keep up with the willful ignorance. The mods have endorsed doxxing before, one of them constantly went on incel websites to try and grab personal information.

When who how?

These are all things I've never seen in my time there.

So, incels can tell each other to just rope and it's okay, and IT saying "stop hating women" is bullying?

When who how?

Keep being willfully ignorant. You're proving one of my points.

These are all things I've never seen in my time there.

Confirmation bias. There's a reason I hate IT you know.

So, incels can tell each other to just rope and it's okay


and IT saying "stop hating women" is bullying?

No. If that was all IT did, I wouldn't have a problem. However, IT users saying that incels killing themselves isn't a big loss, invalidating their experiences, shitting on them even when the incel in question isn't hateful and being all around cunts, is pretty much bullying.

Then fucking link it.

I read every post on there since I started following it and I haven't seen anything like what you're describing.

I read every post on there since I started following it and I haven't seen anything like what you're describing.

Maybe because you're biased against incels. But, as someone from IT, that would be silly, right?

Here's Porgi being a generalizing prick, with the thread following through with the circlejerk.

Here's Foetus being an utter prick

Here's Glitter happily generalzing along.

And then there's this post.

And here are some screencaps: (here's the hypocrisy I mentioned).

I'll have to edit then in this comment once I get back home but I quite a few. That's also if this user doesn't disregard these as well.

But yeah, we have plenty of proof where people are being assholes for the sake of it.


Even at the worst they are just incels with a different target.

But some of those you really missed the point being stated. Calling incel subs and forums a heap of hate is accurate because it's there is spades.

The subs rules themselves state that only crazy incel talk can be posted, not making fun of virgins and the loveless.

The subs rules themselves state that only crazy incel talk can be posted, not making fun of virgins and the loveless.

Which totally wouldn't contribute to skewing peoples perceptions of incels by only signal boosting the hateful shit and disregarding everything else.

Calling incel subs and forums a heap of hate is accurate because it's there is spades.

Still a straight up generalization of the whole situation.

Well, yeah. It's "inceltears" if it isn't tears, it would just be an incel sub, now wouldn't it?

And? Still a bullying circlejerk deserving of being treated in the same manner they treat people here. telling them life is better than they think it is, they shouldn't give up, and that looks aren't everything?

IDK, that's the kind of bullying I can get behind. telling them life is better than they think it is, they shouldn't give up, and that looks aren't everything?

As well as telling them that they deserve to die alone, that they're hateful cunts, rapists, abusers, psychopaths and all the other shit you folks keep pulling out of your asses. If it were just the stuff you mention, I wouldn't have a problem with the place.

IDK, that's the kind of bullying I can get behind.

Guessing the other stuff is, too, then, since you obviously don't take an issue with it judging from your history on that sub.

IDK, that's the kind of bullying I can get behind.

You shouldn't get behind any kind of bullying.

Alright, I'm done with you.

You don't vent by talking with people that support rape, tell others to just rope, tear each other down, and advocate for child porn.

That's not venting.

None if this is venting.

Stop focusing on those shitty incels then, but I know you won't. You just see these posts and go off from them.

You're being blocked. Literally links of proof are in front of your face and you're just deciding to cross your arms and go 'bUT incELs.'


The name of the sub literally implies that you want to emotionally hurt people. Like how un-selfaware can you possible fucking be?

No, it's a description of what is posted...

The sub contains tears of incels.

It doesn't promote the creation of said tears.

Are you just plain dumb or trolling?

This is what pisses me off. Just admit you IT users are cunts as well and it's all okay. But you keep denying your cuntish behaviour.

And we'd prefer that.

Your community is the one that has now goaded several people into suicide, not incels.

I see incels tell people to kill themselves all the time... 'rope now' and all that crap

Yep. And yet, you guys are the ones responsible for actual suicides. Doesn't it suck to realize what a shitty excuse for a human being you are?

I'm not even gonna justify that outrageous claim with a response....after this response explaining lack of said response.

It's only outrageous to you though - you're part of the hivemind and the idea that you are anything but a group of successful well-adjusted people send your hivemind into a frenzy every time it's mentioned. I'm glad you're outraged - that's stress and stress means you're feeling shitty and will live a shorter life, which in turn means you'll have less time to hurt others.

I literally only am on Reddit for this type of content. It's like you're having a conversation with yourself lol what the fuck are you talking about? Hivemind? You assume I'm a part of some group of people dedicated to shaming you. You're wrong. I don't even care enough to have an emotional response to you. I'm laughing, man. I think you take life AND yourself waay too seriously, bud.

Hits too close to home does it?

Nope. Couldn't care less what you think, your thought process is skewed. You're the same type of person who thinks women don't want you because you're ugly...and being a complete asshole has nothing to do with why you can't get laid. You think that sex is owed to you, that someone who isn't attracted to you should still have sex with you and how they feel about it doesn't matter, I don't think I have to explain the narcissism behind that.

That kind of closed mindedness means that I cannot reach you. Therefore, I don't want to. And don't care what happens to you.

Lol. I know I have a shit personality and I don't feel entitled to sex. You must have me mistaken for someone else.

Just looked up your profile...I don't even know where to start lol

I'm not gonna dig into you because you seem pretty pathetic already...but I will say that you need to work on YOU. Stop looking for and excuse to make an excuse. I don't have you mistaken for anyone. I was generalizing incels. But was still half right lol that's sad af, to be honest. Stop posting that woe is me shit to people that YOU KNOW will validate your bullsht, btw. If you KNOW you have a shit personality, and refuse to try and change it, that means you'd rather stay where you are than to change for the better. If you're gonna dig your own grave, you can't be mad at me for watching you climb in. The ladder is down there with's up to you to climb up and out.

Sure buddy, I'll continue to refuse to change my personality for the better, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean

That means that I'm sure you've put forth ZERO effort toward reflection and self improvement. Only spotting the negative and not trying to build on the positive.

It means that when someone says something to you, you hear it/read it, but take no time to actually think about what what they said means. Even when they provide context and a specific explanation.



But we aren't HATEFUL.

I don't know why you ignore that part.

the hell you aren't, you pretend not be an incel then come here under a fake account to post stupid this then post that back to IT. you're a piece of shit

....fake account?

Wtf are you talking about?

This account is rather old....

wow, IT users are stupid. YOu obviously have OTHER accounts lmao


Why would I have more accounts?


-cucktears member

Not everyone has fake accounts or even cares enough. No one is seeking Incel's approval- literally no one cares about you. It's why you can't form relationships. Why would someone waste time trying to seek validation from you? It's funny to see how backwards people are. For someone who isn't able to get laid- you sure do command a lot of respect apparently.

yea i bet you don't have fake accounts, you care enough that you hang out on a sub for incels all the time to harass already damaged people. It's not a stretch to think you go a bit further and make accounts to fuck with the sub more. who are you trying to convince ? me or yourself?

Just because i sympathize with incels and agree with them doesn't mean i can't get laid. I would say you probably can't get laid.

want to go to a rate me sub and see who's better looking?

sure. I'm at work now but let's see this go down. Why not?

can we do a NSFW one? i want to see who's more hung

you can start the thread, here's my pics. I'm even using one i don't really like. face


Good luck!

i underestimated you! i shouldve used a better pic!!

i think i got you beat in body though

You probably do. I’m under 5’8’’ but I’ve done well. Zac Efron is really 5’6

i'm 5'8. you're a good looking dude. not all incels are bad people. we have caught from IT forgetting to switch accounts and posting stupid stuff so they can accuse us of doing it. the reason i have so much sympathy for them is because my best friend is an incel. he is actually a great guy but he's just not very good looking, he doesn't have a bad pesonality either he's a gentleman but he's short and like a 2/10. he's a 30 year old virgin.

some incels are assholes but a lot of them have just been rejected all their life which takes a toll on people. I see it on my friend it makes me feel really bad for him.

you're a good looking dude so i'm sure you don't get rejected by every single girl. can you imagine though getting rejecteed every time for two decades straight? it fucks with a persons mind

actually a great guy but he's just not very good looking, he doesn't have a bad pesonality either he's a gentleman but he's short

Thanks for the compliment dude. One of my best friends is 28 year old virgin. Not bad looking either- just lost a LOT of weight but still has the anxiety from being bullied as a kid (some people truly are assholes). He doesn't look like an 'incel' but getting bullied or rejected so long def messes you up. Rejection does totally fuck with you- no one is perfect with girls. I have had a dry spell of a few months but never 20 some years- I can totally empathize. I don't go on braincels to make fun of people, I know the issues involved. I don't think obsessing over it is healthy- but people always crave what they don't have most. I dont know how I would be if I were rejected for 28 years of my life. I feel bad and I just want to 'be there'. You can't tell someone to shower to go fix their social anxiety. I have bad anxiety also- but nothing compared to some incels because of the rejection.

you're probably one of the few good looking users on IT. i've challenged so many people to post their photos but you are the very first one to actually do it. IMO, i think a lot of people in IT are just incels in denial

Lurker here, you look like what this sub would call a chad tho

Are you offended?

God forbid.

Reddit "normies" are pretty much incels in denial. Instead of directing their hate to society, they direct their hate to fellow incels in order to suck up to the true normies.


Neckbeards are white knights though

It's honestly funny to see people so upset over such a non issue. 'oh no, I can't get laid! I have everyone now' lol

Virtually everyone in a relationship gets laid, thus we can't get relationships.

If you can't see why this is a big deal, being that we are highly social creatures and pair-bonding and/or forming physical relationships is one of our most fundamental drives as humans, then most likely, you have a cognitive disability (100% not a joke, and I recommend testing just so that your retardation can be certified/recognized by the professional community).

See, this is the shit I talk about. You want a relationship and love or whatever the fuck, but the second someone says something you don't agree with, you basically just start hurling insults and toxicity their way.

What the fuck makes you think that someone would want to be with a person that has a constantly toxic personality? The issue isn't that you're ugly, dude. It's that you're an asshole.

You guys talk like you're victims, but in reality, you just have an over-inflated ego and an under-devoloped personality.

So instead of working on yourself, you just complain about everything and everyone else. And you can't figure out why you're single....and I'M stupid.

He's right, you are an idiot.

How? What makes me wrong? Explain your logic, please...

Your entire comment is completely wrong. You are guilty of the fundamental attribution error, something westerners are most guilty of because of their huge ego's.

Your entire comment is nothing but unverified assumptions to discredit the other.

By what logic is my comment wrong? Are incels not mean and toxic? Would you have sex with, let alone, allow yourself to be with someone who is constantly negative? Demeaning? Complaining? Making excuses?

I stand by what I said.

By what logic is my comment wrong?

I just explained it clearly. You really may have low cognitive abilities as suggested by that other guy.

No, YOU made a generalization. What EXACTLY is your argument? Because mine is that you're mean, negative, un-inspired, and cancerous people, as a group. Which is the problem that makes your 'incel' problem....but you're too weak to look within for answers, so you project your frustrations back into the world. When in reality, it is you that has low cognitive abilities because you can't fucking figure out that YOU'RE the problem.

What EXACTLY is your argument?

Don't mind it anymore, move on. You're actually retarded.

It's honestly funny to see people so upset over such a non issue. 'oh no, I can't get laid! I have everyone now' lol

Yes, I'm the asshole

Do you people even listen to yourselves?

Do you people even listen to yourselves?

No, they're that arrogant and self righteous

Explain....I'll wait.

You're laughing at our grievances...

Y'know. I haven't been on Reddit very long. But I found incels (which I had never heard if before) and felt bad for you. And you guys are a legitimately interesting follow. But the more and more comments I looked through, I was able to figure out your guys' problem. You're toxic to everyone and each other. Why? And when I bring that up I get called 'retard', 'stupid', etc. So then why feel bad? Why help who doesn't want help? It seems you give would RATHER feed into the negativity as opposed to fighting it and trying to win your own way. You guys need to realize that nobody can lower you as a person, only you can do that. There should be no combination of words that make you feel like a lesser being. None. Life is fucking hard, yes, some have it easy and some don't. But success feels a lot better when you know what failure feels like.

Lmao. You come barging in here missing the point like a retard, when someone calls you out on your retarded behaviour you play the victim. You are the epitome of the type of people that are hated here, not that you will realize nor care

Play the victim? THATS WHAT INCELS ARE PRO AT!!! How can you be such a hypocrite?

not adressing the actual point and jumping to outrage instead

Totally unexpected

Another hypocrirical statement. Please, sir, may I have some more?

Relative normie here. On some levels, u/LM1120, you may make a point. That bring said, the only reason to argue with someone is to either change their mind or make you feel some kind of accomplishment. You will never change minds by going into someones space/forum/voicechat/etc and insulting them.

Look man, I dont just look to argue with people. And to be honest, petty drama is the reason I don't use social media. I just think that a lot of people use excuses to justify why they're not where they wanna be. Yeah, I apologise to anyone I offend with my opinion, but I truly feel like these guys have a chance and aren't giving it to themselves....then they get around other negative people and then get worse. So should I not tell them to get it together? And to stop making excuses... sometimes what you need is for someone to tell it like it is.

If I whispered to you and you told me my breath stunk, I would appreciate it, not call you an asshole.

Another thing, I was just browsing my followed threads when I saw this post. I wasn't LOOKING for these guys to talk shit to, I don't condone or participate in bullying of any kind.

shitty attempt at sarcasm while still lacking self awareness and still not realizing the point


Being self aware is having the ability to realize that you can't always be self aware. So be aware of that lol

You can't continue to be offended by people laughing at you. They think you're ridiculous, you won't get to them. Don't worry about it. All you can do is work on you. Yeah I've been kind of a dick, but honestly, that's the vibe here. If what I say isnt agreeable to you, you're gonna insult me anyway....right? I'm honestly not your enemy, dude. I hope shit goes right for you.

But aren’t you the retarded one if you can’t even get a date?

You've seen downie girls dating

No relationships where they both have downs.

I think the problem is you guys aren’t willing to date the equivalent of you, or even slightly lower. Whether that’s because you think too highly of yourselves or not. I don’t know. But either someone can always find a partner.

They like the pity party because it gives them control.

While we are social, I know so many examples proving that humans are generally unable to co-exist properly.

I’m at work.... god your creep just creeps out always.

You’re better than I thought. I don’t make numerous accounts to flood braincels and I’m not a 10 but yeah I’m lucky. A few of my friends are truecels. I just am trying to understand the logic but I do not try to hate on incels or give false hope. There are some really nice observers (in rare) but there are also a ton of assholes on inceltears. It’s a grab bag- much like braincels. Not all incels advocate rape.

eh CringeAnarchy has become less of a cringe sub and more of a rampant “fuck liberals” sub

I fucking love that sub. But the post is right, I'm extremely dissatisfied with my pathetic life and hate myself

I don't get bullying subs like niceguys, justneckbeardthings and niceguys were the whole reason the exist is to laugh at guys that are sad and lonely.

They aren't laughing because you're lonely, they're laughing at your incredibly unhealthy/unrealistic views towards society/women/etc, that only serve to self-perpetuate your loneliness.



I have read the posts in those subs it is pure bullying.

These guys must have multiple orgasms watching news of Africans dying of hunger in Africa or of men dying in Syria

The so called "nice guys" are not nice at all. Haven't you seen all the screenshots from chats posted there? When the "nice guy" doesn't get a response or gets rejected, he starts insulting and calls the girl undeserving of nice guy like him. LOL They think that opening doors and making compliments is what will get them sex and being "nice" only because of that. It's not genuine and immediately becomes clear after a rejection.

Neckbeards don't get it that you can't be a fan of MLP and pull girls. You cannot watch anime, hentai or whatever and transfer the behavior of the male characters there into real life either. Waving a katana and thinking you are living by the blade, wearing a trilby and a trench coat under witch you have a crappy T-shirt and shorts is pathetic and nothing more. Same goes for acting all shy and shit and expressing yourself with astersiks. People don't chat like this and it's creepy.

Incels are so nice and lovely. This sub is simply a place to blow off some steam, otherwise you are not like that IRL and we are supposed to believe it. Sure thing.

Oh a rude girl gets a rude message back.

Rude for not replying? Sure. She totally has to do that to every stranger who messages her.

Most of them are actually really nice.

Don’t get why they want to waste time with us, they are the true scum.

because they are the real losers

These guys must have multiple orgasms watching news of Africans dying of hunger in Africa or of men dying in Syria

That's right! We are in just as bad of a situation as the people of Africa and Syria.

Forgot r/Braincels lol

All 5 of those subreddits makes it implied

Maybe that’s true, but it’s like going to the zoo. Sure people are also animals, but that doesn’t make the zoo less fun and interesting.

Lol, I'm actually pretty satisfied with my life, I just like laughing at stupid people.

People who look at r/niceguys aren't the same people who look at r/cringeanarchy. They often make fun of opposite sides.

"I'm not like the other virgins"

I’m on a few of these and I agree. I’m really sad.

Your entire comment is completely wrong. You are guilty of the fundamental attribution error, something westerners are most guilty of because of their huge ego's.

Your entire comment is nothing but unverified assumptions to discredit the other.

i underestimated you! i shouldve used a better pic!!

i think i got you beat in body though

actually a great guy but he's just not very good looking, he doesn't have a bad pesonality either he's a gentleman but he's short

Thanks for the compliment dude. One of my best friends is 28 year old virgin. Not bad looking either- just lost a LOT of weight but still has the anxiety from being bullied as a kid (some people truly are assholes). He doesn't look like an 'incel' but getting bullied or rejected so long def messes you up. Rejection does totally fuck with you- no one is perfect with girls. I have had a dry spell of a few months but never 20 some years- I can totally empathize. I don't go on braincels to make fun of people, I know the issues involved. I don't think obsessing over it is healthy- but people always crave what they don't have most. I dont know how I would be if I were rejected for 28 years of my life. I feel bad and I just want to 'be there'. You can't tell someone to shower to go fix their social anxiety. I have bad anxiety also- but nothing compared to some incels because of the rejection.

So I just choose to ignore them completely.

This might be something the rest of us are going to do. There's nothing but aggressive spam of the copy-pasta platitudes and the same tired out arguments. I think people are get pissed because of the amount of spamming.

Your recessed chin makes you look like a bird with the way your nose sticks out. Your tiny ears stick out and make you look like a little boy. Also, you have no muscle at all. You're skinny but being skinny is easy. Work out because you have the body of a little boy. Unfortunately, working out won't do anything about your height. I'm guessing that you're about 5'5", which itself makes you less than any taller man in femoid eyes.

Ghosting is the problem.

His first pic was a good angle fraud. If he had stopped there, I might have believed he was a 7.

The second one with the girl...definitely not more than 5/10.

How exactly are you helping non shitty incels?

I'm happy to be corrected but you are probably just a braindead pathetic lazy sack of slime who can't help anyone. I can't think of any other reason why you'd think IT helps non shitty incels.

I was a non-shitty incel once, and the constant condescension from you guys made me more extreme and hateful. I implore you, if you do want to help people, then at least try and understand them before doing so, instead of jumping to conclusions.

I mean... you're not wrong.

I thought incels only cared about looks- was I wrong? You guys have ridiculously high standards, no wonder a lot of incels are virgins. Is the incel motto 'Stacy or fap (and complain about it to everyone)'? Unable to take any accountability and when you complain that women only care about looks if you see an avenue you don't take it. You can deal pot and then that isn't bad, you won't overdose. If incels care so much about personality defects- why would you think it is wrong that a Stacy or any woman for that matter dislike the blatant misogyny and 'blackpilling'?