
32  2018-03-09 by Gole_The_Shredder


It's over if you're an ugly ethnic in 2018. Absolutely nobody will like you. Even ethnic women hate ethnic guys.

So happy im not indian also

People say that being Indian= death sentence but it's really not that bad. I live in India and my life is pretty much perfect. I would def not want to live in the Usa tho.

Youre not indian in india n you have arranged marriages

Youre not indian in india n you have arranged marriages

I'm an Indian in the US, most people think I am below them because of my skin color

If you act like it then you'll feel that way. If anyone actually says some racist stuff to you then call them out. Or kick their ass.

No we don’t you dumbass. All the Indians I know are highly educated with great careers and families.

That's not what he meant. Highly educated and great career mean Jack shit when you're the least desirable race in the planet.

"on the planet"

Have you ever seen australians native ? It's another level.

Well I guess aboriginals have it worst but still.

Tough shit. Play the cards your dealt. With your attitude, you are correct. No one will or does want you. It’s self fulfilling until you stop being a whiny bitch.

Said the white guy.

I speak truth. Your personality and attitude do way more harm than any physical appearance could.

My personality is far better than yours. You were just born a lot more privileged.

That is the point bro. Westernised Asians girls go after white guys. Even average white guy can be a chad when he comes to India lol.

i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.

Wow are you insecure about being indian...

It's a misc copypasta


Curries will be the new jews soon. We will repay all the hate we received with interest

Brains over brawns.

Curry femoids are some of the most entitled cunts you'll ever meet next to white girls

nuke india

More like nuke the west, most of the NRIs. On the other hand most native women are generally nice.

It's sad but there are a lot of people who don't date anybody in their own race. Idk what the reason is. You aren't alone

We should invade India and kill all their women. Fucking sluts

I hate curryfems so much

Brutal currypill v2.0

Nothing brutal.

Just direct.

Brutal, direct and shallow. isn't even insulting, much less brutal.

Shallow, sure, but we have incels complaining about going after fat girls, so it isn't really different.

Dating is discrimination. That's how it works.

Being fat is something that can be changed, being ugly isn't. Rejecting someone because of something they can't change is worse than rejecting someone because of something they can.

Adding to this most fat people have disordered eating and can be hard to dealing with

I mean, some incels here will go on and on about plastic surgery.

That's not a guarantee. There's still race, height, hair and other things men get judged for.

And personalities, the biggest factor.

I doubt the woman in the OP was thinking about personality.

She also didn't mention height, hair, or other things men get judged for.


I also said race. Give it a rest already, this bitch is obviously shallow, and I can't think of a single reason why your defending her except that you probably are shallow too.

Yeah, and I'm sure you're not.

What, shallow? If I had the chance, I would never reject a woman based on something she couldn't change.

Even if you were fundamentally unattracted to her?

I think I would at the very least try.

You are okay with self hating internalized racism Indian roasties going after only whites because you yourself are white. If white women were doing the same thing with black or ethnic males insecure white males would literally take over the government and start mass genociding us. wouldn't...

And I've met white women that were like that. No problems.

Like what you like.

The difference is that those white women are relatively rare, whereas Asian/Indian women disliking men of their own race is relatively more common (at least in Western culture). You have to look at the context - it's not just about the one individual woman in the post, she is an illustration of a more widespread phenomenon. And there is meaningful discussion to be had about the influences behind these trends, such as negative stereotypes and media portrayals. It goes beyond simply individual preferences.

reported for supporting racism which is directly against reddit's rules. isn't supporting racism....

Your logic is shit.

LMAO it's so disgusting. They hate themselves so much. They think that by covering themselves in enough of Chad's hot white cum, they, too, will get to be white. Ethnic roast beef. Curry flavored. Gross.

Currywhore only wants white cock. Filthy traitor. Know that she will ALWAYS be second choice to white stacies for chad.

Inferiority complex.


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Not even second choice. There are latinas and many others.

Roastcurry ranks as low as currycels, but still want to swing for BWC.

Move to India.

Ok that's actually brutal.

Currycels btfo

Nothing wrong with being picky. Sorry you can't be picky, but it doesn't make her wrong with being picky.

Brave womyn rejecting subhuman ethnic shit skin not racist btw lol

And personalities, the biggest factor.

I doubt the woman in the OP was thinking about personality.