"""Women can be depressed too! I have too many ugly men in my tinder matches, male models won't have sex with me."""

34  2018-03-08 by vvvvvvvvvvv11


Accurate tbh

Man how do I take the courage pill to just sui.

This. I want to so bad but I'm too weak

It's fucking hard no matter what any normie says about it being easy or cowardly. Alcohol could possibly help.

Lol easy way out my ass

If you are not yet ready, dont do it bro

Holy shit this is awful, y’all can have a community of lonely ass people but that doesn’t mean you gotta be the most sexiest mofos ever


every time


Triggered. Check.

Y'all. Check.

Cuckold. Check.

Guess I am triggered, but depression is an issue for both genders. I’ve had female friends attempt to commit suicide, but I guess since you’ve been trapped in your tiny bubble you wouldn’t understand

Why are suicides something like 80% males, yet unsuccessful "suicide" (eating skittles, leaving ominous twitter messages, cutting themselves with a spork) female dominated?

Are women just too stupid to be able to even kill themselves, or are they doing it for attention? Hmm.. really makes STUPID normies think, huh?

Yep, honestly when a female I know says she's going to kill herself or someone tells me she tries I don't even bat an eye lol.

Female suicide is FAKE NEWS

I honestly don't get why more people don't have my mentality, I'm seeing "I want a sympathetic chad" while they are seeing "OMG you actually tried to kill yourself! and then were fine and went on with life as normal r u OK?!"

Shut up slu

...I think you might have me confused with one of the brigadiers.

Man, sorry about that. There are too many

No problem, that actually answered a lot of the questions I was having about the last response you gave to me on this post.

being that ignorant


attempt to commit suicide

Women have significantly higher rates of suicide attempts while men have significantly higher rates of suicide deaths (by a large degree for both stats). It’s clear that women don’t actually have suicide in mind as a goal when attempting it.

Tumblurina are you trigerred? Back to cuck tears u go

Women can be truly depressed. It's odd how you can't understand that.

Like how you were depressed when you rejected the incel from discord because he was ugly?

I never rejected anyone for bring ugly.

The guy from discord who you claim is dangerous. I had two women in a row who ghosted me claiming the same nonsense. The difference is that they were virgins from some other and saw my incel stuff. Two women day after day. So I know that is some bullshit excuse.

Or there is actually truth that if you post hateful stuff, people will judge you for that.

Just like how I judge and shame women for having one or more partners. I haven't rejected them for doing something that affects their personality and their labia, yet they reject me.

It’s funny how hypocritical you are though. You said you would never post pictures of yourself, you don’t disclose your weight or anything like that and you keep claiming (not verbally, but you certainly imply) that you are FA - BUT when it came to Skype with gambler you had no second thoughts on showing your face to him.

That was quite a while ago when I was trying to make friends. I've showed my picture to other people I trusted but I've become much more cautious in the last ~6 months.

Seems like a random question but do you think I am dumb? Do you think that you are dumb?

Gtfo hoe


Lets fuck. If you live anywhere in europe i am cumming

I'm American.

How many tons do you weight? I bet 1 or 2?

Under 10% of a ton.

But I have a ton of personality! 🖖

Yeah you are a carbon copy of every female in existence


This sub is cancerous

I hope women get cancer.

kek. Always come here. We'll be happy to offend you with mere shitposts.

More annoying than anything. Like who spends time making this shit

Absolutely spot on. You know you’re right when you see triggered Normans in the comments

I like how this post assumes that women can only have depression from “NoT gEttINg MatChEd WIth CHAAAads!” according to this subreddit... Women have actual issues, the same as men, and depression is equally as serious in all genders.

No they don't.

As a woman, I can guarantee that we have actual issues and that we actually do suffer from depression.

Like what, male models forgetting to text you back?

No, like grief, anxiety, and any other normal event or emotion that happens to any other human being...

Women are validated by the other 3.5 billion of the population even if a family member dies. Men aren't.

That is entirely inaccurate. Do you really think that once someone “validates” us, we automatically feel better? Depression is primarily caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, not invalidation from others, and grief is not overcome by validation from others. What do you even consider to be “validation”? What is your definition?

(Fellow woman here) Just coming to agree with you that women are, in fact, also humans, and of course depression is real for both sexes :/. Thinking otherwise is insane.

Thank you for that anecdotal evidence

Could you provide some scientific evidence that suggests women don't suffer depression?

I mean, part of the evidence within itself is that I am a woman, who currently is not interested in being in a relationship, and that I have been suffering from depression and anxiety issues for several years... and that hundreds of woman are experiencing the same exact thing... women are actually twice as likely to suffer from depression, compared to men. Do you honestly believe that every woman in the world who suffers from depression, anxiety, ptsd, et cetera, is suffering because of “ChhAAAaaDDs!1!1!”?

What do you have to say about the children, nuns, priests, and married people (to name a short list) who are depressed and have anxiety?

It’s obviously not about the men rejecting us or some bullcrap. It’s about serious issues that many people suffer from that stem from the brain that greatly impacts their lives.

I agree that women also suffer from depression but I think their point is that women have a much bigger support network by default while men essentially have none. As a normie I agree with them due to the availability of women's centres as opposed to men's centres. Women seeking help is encouraged while men seeking help is demonized (this is reinforced by both radical feminists and toxic male masculinity).

Of course they do. It's called being a human.

Idk if you're trolling or not (and i hope you do), but if you aren't i really advise you to move your lazy ass and actually start living in the real world.

Implying that women are human.

How to be a virgin 101.

I'm just gonna pray this is a shitpost

Nope. It's real. Only a stupid kid would think it's a shitpost.

I'm just gonna pretend it is, I've never seen something so wrong

It's okay. I don't care if you're triggered.

Not triggered you're just so wrong

Then show me your tinder matches. I'll prove you wrong.

I'm 15. I can't use tinder

A 15 year old incel? You can still escape. You don't have to be like them.

I'm a girl

Cuck its true.

So PPD is fake?

The female side looks pretty sad tbh. She become sex obsessed and gets addicted to candy and crappy tv to cope with the emptiness. If somebody have way too much sex, something is probably wrong with them

HAHAHA, you comedian.

Cmon don't be this way. Sex is all fine and good but if you're doing it 50 times a night you have mental issues

This is like obese person telling malnourished kid that food is all fine and good but too many of it can actually kill you.

It's not wrong. It's also not useful.

Fine wanna fuck? Maybe that'll stop your complaining

Can someone explain the skittles thing? I've seen it referenced multiple times over my months in this sub, but I still don't understand it.

theoretically women try to commit suicide through harmless means whereas guys use more lethal methods. for example, the comedic twist of trying to OD on skittles. at least that is what it used to mean. Haven't been on this sub in months so maybe it has changed.

Women also tend to fake suicide attempts for attention... which makes you feel really shitty when they didn't reach out to you for attention...

It's supposed to be a play on death by pills/drugs. Women have skittles instead

Have you ever wondered why you’re an incel?

Not really. Luckily females told me that I’m ugly. Not a single time a female said my personality is the problem.

That's because they are smart enough to block you before they could see how fucked up you are

Lol what? I mean females I’ve interacted with in real life who saw my looks beforehand. I must have forgotten about le personality detector, though. Try being less dumb next time.

It's because femails are evil people.

Gtfo with that attitude you bitch i hope u die

It’s almost as if sex isn’t the only thing woman need to be happy

For some reason that picture of the lanky guy contemplating the noose always cracks me up

Lol same.

Yeah science is just lying to us. It’s not like they’ve done a ton of studies and research to show that women can be depressed. It’s all lies!

I died of laughter when I saw the male side

Lol, women cannot complain about loneliness as it is self induced 99.9% of the time (with the other 0.1% being some woman stuck in a Siberian forest.)

Even if both sexes can be depressed, only one most of the time gets the job done when it comes to a certain thing... Could it be the other does it mostly for attention?


My god you're pathetic

Downvote me, call me names. Statistics don't lie.

As a woman, I can guarantee that we have actual issues and that we actually do suffer from depression.

Of course they do. It's called being a human.

Idk if you're trolling or not (and i hope you do), but if you aren't i really advise you to move your lazy ass and actually start living in the real world.

It's okay. I don't care if you're triggered.

Cuck its true.

Lol what? I mean females I’ve interacted with in real life who saw my looks beforehand. I must have forgotten about le personality detector, though. Try being less dumb next time.