The biggest lie normies tell: "You reject everyone who isn't a Victoria's Secret model!" What!? I'd literally date ANYONE.

52  2018-03-08 by TheIncelPill

I have never, ever, expected an 11/ 10. I've asked out big women, ugly women, below average and normal. I volunteered, I went out, I hopped bars, I tried online dating. Not a single one of these women accepted my offers, and a woman has never truly flittered with me in my life. Because IM NOT ATTRACTIVE.

The idea that any incel could remove his celibicy by "lowering his standards is a bold face lie: WE HAVE NO STANDARDS. You just think we are looking for a supermodel because we attach literally all negative traits to Incels.

Obese FA women? I WILL DATE YOU. My inbox is over there, ladies. I know you are not interested, but my point is this trope is one of the biggest, most blatant lies in the history of life. We're not entilted, you're just dishonest. And if you continue spreading this line, you're a fucking LIAR. End of discussion.


Will you date me? The title says literally anyone but I have doubts.

If you are a guy? No. A girl? YES!

So you lied :(

Take care, TheIncelPill, there are trolls

"its because your shit personality and demanding a women to date you. one of my friends dated a short guy who wasnt the best looking guy in the world, so you can get a girl"

Man look. I’m not an incel but this advise, as well meaning as it maybe, is not that easy to take/do. If you grew up with limited social resources and already have a bad outlook on yourself you don’t flip a switch and have mojo. I’ve been researching this thoroughly as a therapist and it’s just not that simple. There are guys here that yes have shit attitudes but the majority are trying to do things different... it is not black and white. Just as a side I’ve had numerous people speaking to me and the dudes are trying. Desperation causes very ill thinking and this stuff just further alienates them and puts them in deeper disparity.

He put it in quotes because sarcasm.

I'm sorry I didn't see it on the phone. We. Other people say it so it goes to them.

No worries. I agree with everything you said, even if it wasn't to the right person.

Not an incel but I've always found that argument kinda dumb. Where and how would any normal person know a LITERAL model. I highly doubt VS chicks are walking around in nowhere land. At least not without security.

Do they just mean "attractive woman"?

Do they just mean "attractive woman"?

Yes. Jesus, how is this not obvious ?

I'm just stating that calling every attractive lady a "model" is a bit hyperbolic.

You guys are the hivemind. We're just people - we can't understand your inane blabbering unless you make the effort to state your ideas clearly.

They reject your experiences because it doesn't fall into their just world theory.

There's been others who said "literally anyone" but didn't go through with it. Or, geography was an issue. Or, they had standards that didn't include "everyone".

They're not me. I'm not bullshitting you, I'd date ANYONE.

As if its suddenly bad to have standards, but I don't. I won't be attracted to them, granted, but Im still willing to date even the ugliest of females. HOW. CAN. I. GET. THIS. THROUGH. TO. YOU?

I realize they're not you. My first 4 words were "there have been others". Meaning, not you.

Just like women aren't all the same and don't want the same things, Incels aren't all the same and don't want the same things.

There's been others who said "literally anyone" but didn't go through with it.

No, there haven't. You're projecting the actions of women from r/foreveralone, r/FA30Plus and r/foreveralone women on men, for the sole reason that you hate men.

Stop lying, you pathetic evil bitch.

I'm not lying.

Then you're delusional, which makes you even more fucked up. Go take some meds or something.

Women did that on the old sub much more than men. Remember that black girl from NYC who was having trouble dating, and asked if their were any incels from NYC? We had a member here who lived like a block away from her, but she instead decided to go out with a normie who PM’d her while lurking this sub.

Did she decline to date him because of what he posted here?

I don’t remember, all I know is that they were set to go out, and then she told him a couple days prior to their date that she’s going with someone else, and it was later revealed that the “someone else” was a normie lurker on this sub who was attractive and had a big dick. I actually had to take a break from the sub for a few days to calm down.

Was the username beginning with a "z"? I'd so, I know the guy you're talking about. The one who says women are objects, not human, and says "it" instead of "her".

I don’t recall if it was Zielony or not

How legit could such a 'reveal' be? It sounds exactly like someone trying to mess with you ( or her! ). Specifically, who confirmed the size of his dick - that detail just shouts "troll".

The lady mentioned the guys username on a different subreddit a couple weeks after this all went down. He had a post to r/LadybonersGoneWild on his profile and he had an above average sized cock.

Ladybonersgonewild ? Why, reddit, why 😭 The other suspicious thing for me is - the idea that women want big dick is mostly a trope that guys perpetuate, and it sounds like the kind of detail that men would use to try to humiliate other men.

the idea that women want big dick is mostly a trope that guys perpetuate

I don't truly believe that but ok.

sounds like the kind of detail that men would use to try to humiliate other men.

He had it in his post history from well before this whole ordeal happened, he didn't do it just to fuck with the guy.

Whelp, it is really frustrating when people choose to go out with a- holes (it's hard not to conclude a guy posting dick picks on the internet isn't an a- hole), and I can imagine how much worse it would be emotionally if said woman gave a guy momentary hope and then flaked out in that manner. Re dick size - the vagina isn't infinitely long - having one's uterus prodded over and over isn't a pleasant experience.

Whelp, it is really frustrating when people choose to go out with a- holes (it's hard not to conclude a guy posting dick picks on the internet isn't an a- hole), and I can imagine how much worse it would be emotionally if said woman gave a guy momentary hope and then flaked out in that manner.

Welcome to the way all women act. If a better option presents itself, females will swing to it without a second thought.

dick size

Women will turn you down for having a small dick.

*some might - too small or too big could both be problems for some women. It's not a continuum where bigger is better and better. I dated someone who was small, we were together 2 years.

I've never heard of a woman turning a guy down for having too big of a dick, they still go through with it.

In most dating situations the size of the dick is not known until it's too late.

So you're saying that it's uncommon for women to say "I don't want to have sex with you" once she sees his small penis? I find that very hard to believe.

There are some women like myself who have sex with men who have a small penis. The ratio of women who will to the number of men with small penises? I don't know. I would NEVER ask or talk about dick size of partners with any of my friends, male or female. It's private, and it would be extremely poor taste to ask. However, it's not hard to go on other reddit subs and see that women feel frustrated that guys think a big dick will just automatically do it for us.

The past is the past, honey.

Pin this . u/board_gaming


Why ?

I don't pin things.

Are you autistic? You could have told me that instead of saying no.

No woman wants to go out with someone who doesn't care about themselves. It's not your face that's unattractive, it's you. If I was ugly and fat, I wouldn't date you just because you said "I will date you even if you're fat" because I want you to care about me and our relationship, not about the fact that you're finally getting some...You guys want us to love and give you a chance but you just want to use us like you think Chads do. You'll never care about a woman even if she cares about you, all you'll care about is your penis and your needs. No girl wants that...not even the ones more desperate than you.

Oh fuck off you dumb cunt, you have no idea what we want.

you want pussy but will never get it lol

Obviously, but you act like we just want sex.

It's all you talk about, what else are we suppose to think?

Plenty of us talk about wanting a girl to just cuddle with, when talking about sex we are mostly just mentioning it because women are sluts.

I know this is a long shot, but I have slept with only one man. That man is the only man I have ever been in a relationship with, and I still am. The relationship has been going on for almost 9 years now. How would you respond to that? Would you tell me I'm still a slut? Call me ugly, or tell me my pussy is worn out?

I'd say you are on the slutty side, there isn't much keeping you with him.

And you wonder why you're hated.

What? I don't believe in love just because I think there should be other binding factors?

I tell you I have been with the same man for almost 9 years, I've only ever had sex with him and no one else...and you still think I'm a slut because there is nothing keeping me with him...I have staid with him because he is the love of my life. If you believe in love, you don't believe a woman is capable of it...

I don't believe in loyalty, you'd leave him the first chance you got if you could find someone better.

I can find someone a whole lot better...better looking (even though I think he is a very handsome man) more money. Probably better in bed too since he was a virgin when he took my virginity. But I do believe in loyalty. His money, looks, sex...that's not what makes me love him. That's not what matters. You don't know me, but I'm female, so of course you know me better than I know myself.

How can you expect anyone to give you the time of day if you won't even try to trust them? I'm not even mad that you think I'm a slut. It breaks my heart. Even if you did find someone, you wouldn't be able to keep them long. You'd be waiting for them to leave. And why should they wait around for you to think they are even worthy enough for your faith? This is exactly what people mean when they say you have a shitty personality. I want love for you, but you'll just throw it away because all your little 'friends' on reddit tell you that you're not good enough.

But I do believe in loyalty. His money, looks, sex...that's not what makes me love him.

Okay and what if it was someone you found with a better personality? What is your reasoning for being as loyal as you say you are?

I think it's best not to trust people and generally assume the worst, even when it's someone close. If I found a girl I would be waiting for her to leave you aren't wrong about that, I have low expectations. It would take a hell of a lot for me to trust a girl not to cheat on me.

You literally just had a woman pour her heart out to you hoping to help you gain insight--and you dismissed every positive thing she had to say.

That's your real problem. You assume the worst about women, and then wonder why they snap to it so quickly, and find it an unattractive trait. (Hint: Women are human beings with the same big brains you have; we think actual thoughts, just like you do; we come to conclusions, just like you do; we have agency to act, just like you do.)

Well, it is an unattractive trait--but it's one within your control. You have to learn how to read people better than "you're just waiting to cheat on me."

It's like anything else in life.

None of us is guaranteed to live the "life script;" we either work to follow it and make it happen, work to find a different path to follow, or just give up and wallow in our own unwillingness to make an effort until we die.

The choice is yours.

I just don't see why a woman would be loyal if she could find a better option, I was just trying to understand.

If I assume the worst I can never be disappointed. I don't want my hopes to be too high only to be stabbed in the back.

People can be good liars no matter how hard you try to lie.

Your assumption that everyone is on the take is just wrong. I've lived a long time, met a lot of people in a variety of locations, and the one thing I can tell you for sure is that there are many more good, kind, helpful people of both genders (or all), than bad. Most people just want to get along in their lives, and understand the golden rule, "Treat others how you wish to be treated by them."

The thing is, people live up to our expectations. If you expect people to lie, cheat, steal, those are the people you'll notice and gravitate towards. If you expect them to be decent people who will help if asked--and who will often volunteer without being asked--you'll notice those people.

Yes, people make mistakes. We sometimes mistake our own intentions, or come across situations that change our minds about other people, but that's part of life, which will never quite follow the life scripts I mentioned. And yes, there are those who will use anyone and everyone--but you know them by their actions, not their words. 'Trust, but verify' might be a better approach than 'mistrust everyone.'

This may sound counter-intuitive, but I was once in a relationship I had a hard time letting go of after it ended. I spent my fair share of time wallowing, but eventually knew I had to let go and move on. A book I found, "How to fall out of love," has simple cognitive behavioral exercises that helped me identify and change my own negative thought patterns.

The reverse side of that, of course, is that there are also simple exercises that help you make better choices in pursuing the next relationship. (Google 'cognitive behavioral therapy' for a broader view.)

No one's perfect. We all struggle, even those labelled as 'normies' and 'Chads'--you just haven't seen their struggles because you're focused on your own, and it's easier for you to think, naturally enough, that their life is just easy. It isn't, though.

That's why you got such a kind response from /u/ceDrowRanger. She recognizes that life is hard and you're struggling too.

Good luck to you!

Your assumption that everyone is on the take is just wrong. I've lived a long time, met a lot of people in a variety of locations, and the one thing I can tell you for sure is that there are many more good, kind, helpful people of both genders (or all), than bad. Most people just want to get along in their lives, and understand the golden rule, "Treat others how you wish to be treated by them."

The thing is, people live up to our expectations. If you expect people to lie, cheat, steal, those are the people you'll notice and gravitate towards. If you expect them to be decent people who will help if asked--and who will often volunteer without being asked--you'll notice those people.

Yes, people make mistakes. We sometimes mistake our own intentions, or come across situations that change our minds about other people, but that's part of life, which will never quite follow the life scripts I mentioned. And yes, there are those who will use anyone and everyone--but you know them by their actions, not their words. 'Trust, but verify' might be a better approach than 'mistrust everyone.'

I just don't end up knowing anybody well enough to trust them. When someone goes out of their way to be kind to me that always makes me highly suspicious of them. I wonder what they are trying to gain whenever they are nice, I don't even believe in the concept of "virtue signalling" in most cases(unless the person actually has some status). I think I'm too boring for anyone to want to help out of kindness. My mentality isn't just "mistrust everyone", I go along with what people say within reason and I try to verify as much as I can, so it isn't like I have a "guilty even if proven innocent" mentality.

I've tried plenty of types of therapy but none really worked. And I'm also not a fan of self-help books by any means.

What a way to generalize women.

Do you expect me to give each individual woman the benefit of the doubt and just take their word?

Well, there’s something called trust and if you don’t trust your partner that relationship is pretty much doomed

Well I was talking to a girl I know nothing about, just because she was with the same guy for 9 years doesn't mean she's loyal. I also doubt trust is that important for a relationship if attraction is there.

Tee hee.


Does that really mean anything? Wouldn't "women always move the goalposts" and "I never understand that women don't like my (selfish/material) approach" always effectively look the same?

What? I meant that no matter what we say about our reasons for wanting a girlfriend or how we go about finding one, they'll find something wrong with it.

Right, but from your perspective, whether it was always excuses because you’re ugly, or it was something you were consistently doing that you don’t understand that you’re doing, it would look the same, right? In either case the woman is always going to make excuses to avoid a relationship. In either case they’re going to try to word what’s wrong with your approach to you. In either case you wouldn’t understand their point. It would look the same.

So if you accept that as a precept, then turn to the facts. Nearly everyone is getting laid. There’s a pathological similarity between the people on this sub. Not all of you are disfigured. Most of you are young nerdy men. Sure you probably have disadvantages sexually/physically, but most Quasimodo mother fuckers are still fucking Quasimodettes.

Then if you accept those, I could be the millionth person to try to describe what’s wrong and you could maybe try to understand? All of you view a relationship in material terms “oh I just want to snuggle” is still material. “But I do x, y and z good things for them” is still material. Relationships aren’t material. Relationships are all unconscious and naturally social and full of je ne sais quoi, that’s why people like them. You’re fighting that because you want there to be material reasons you’re not having relationship success. Women smell that a mile away because the main thing they’re looking for in a relationship is what you’re fighting. It certainly doesn’t help to sit around reinforcing the idea that it’s hopeless because of material factors.

I’m not the best looking guy in the world but I am a lawyer. I got laid a lot more as a frumpy looking guy in college when I was 50 lbs overweight than I ever have as a decidedly more dignified-attractive lawyer. There was just a lot more opportunity to randomly strike up conversations with single women. There was no magic to it on my end it was just kinda the magic of relationships. Same shit with friends, honestly. I’m guessing most of y’all’s friends relate to each other on hobbyist/practical activity/intelligence grounds and maybe depression grounds and you can’t really say what you have in common besides maybe a mild on the spectrum vibe. But you probably are funny, or compassionate, or wry or something, you just don’t value it in yourself or others because you’re too left brained. So when you hear “be more confident” or “be yourself” or “relax and go with it” “stop over analyzing” it may look like random unhelpful advice but everyone’s trying to tell you this same thing just in different ways, and it’s a pretty big/profound thing they’re actually saying, they just sound blasé because A) they think that’ll encourage you and B) it’s really not that big of a deal if you don’t get it because you can still be a nonthreatening, productive member of society and good friend as a mild autist.

Where are you from?

If I wanted just sex I could go to a prostitute. It’s even legal in my country and the next brothel is 30mins by public transport. Sadly my desires go above that.

I will literally date any brazilian femoid that is lurking right now

Well maybe there'd be a better chance if you said woman instead of femoid.

Be careful! Many "Brazilian women" have DICKS.

I think you’re supposed to have standards. That’s why it’s called lowering them, not getting rid of them. Getting rid of them makes you trash. Trash can be found anywhere. Don’t be trash. Be something that can only be found where you are.

I'm in no position to bargain. IncelTears would probably think even that is entitlement anyways. I just want to date, by any means nessicary.

"Lower your standards."


"lol your love is worthless because you would give it to nearly anyone."

It's the same shit that says flirting with strangers is creepy because the only thing you know about them is their appearance, but flirting with women after getting to know them is creepy because you weren't upfront about your intentions from the beginning. Normies love moving the goalposts.

^ Literally this.

I'm not gonna fuck an unwashed mong but it has been proven mens standards are lower. We prefer the more plain looking girls because we know we can't get stacies. The only problem is every other man makes the same assumption and it has the opposite effect. We orbit plain or ugly looking girls and can't even get them.

No standards at all? I'm not saying this to mock, I can't get women either, but surely some standards must be acceptable, even for us ugly shits. Do you have a maximum age? What if they're drug addicts? I think I might have trouble with those, but I feel guilty about it, you know? Maybe 80 year old heroin addicts are my looksmatch?

Where do you draw the line? I'm not sure I could be with a m2f transwoman, but at the same time, it's not like it ever came up...

date me. I'm a man tho

Only true sex is penis in vagene. If you don't have vagene, gtfo.

i’m in new york and will date any incel hmu lol

I'm not in New York, but wouldn't mind chatting online.

If you are willing to date any women and you are still single then the problem is you dont have a job

get a job, a women will show up

But I have a job.

Then get a better Job

No man, no matter how hideous, if he has a good job will be single for life if he does not want to be single

pick a religious organization, join it, make clear to the people involved that you are looking to meet people and make friends and start a family

done, you will get a wife, unless you are like 12

"Just put your self out there bro"

Lmao stfu cuck.

says the virgin?

cause thats working

also, you don't know anything about my sexuality-who i fuck or i fuck or why i fuck or what depraved set of disgusting horrible grotesque is required for me to cum- for all you know all i do every time i fuck is tear a tooth from the woman i am face fucking to fill her mouth with blood so i can enjoy the sensation on my cock

is that wrong? can i not do that?

does me having sex in a manner that you dont approve bother you

sorry that i dont wait for a teen on reddits permission to fuck

Just shower then brah

fuck you and your down votes you lying sympathy seeking bitch

i want details

whats your job- whats your country- whats age- who do live you live with- do you have criminal conviction- are looking at child porn- are junky- what the fuck are you doing- AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE FUCKING DOING IT

dont you fucking lie to me because other 12 year olds on this sub are giving up votes because you are working at some fucking fast food bullshit

explain- details- with pics- with numbers - with money

you siting here, pretending you are some fucking victim- victim of what? being lazy, and poor and expecting men like ME to pay for YOU

do you have a degree from REAL fucking school? are you some eu fuck cuck sitting on the dole barely doing shit?

fuck you

fuck this bullshit

explain to me what the fuck you do all day- you dont do shit!

and when i say- fix you fucking career- be fucking lawyer a fucking business man and fucking ADULT- you go 'reeeeeeeeeeeeeee noooooooo that sounds hard why cant i just be fitness model reeeeee"

well go be a fucking fitness model then!

go to a fucking gym and work out and sell smoothies and get laid- wtf is stoping you lazy fucking bitch









Take your meds or I will find you and have you locked in a mental ward where you belong

Typical femoid (or femoid sympathizer).......wants you to prove you worth by showing how much you make.....I love it when you people talk about how much better you are but it always boils down to one thing: "Your trash who doesn't make enough, kill yourself, shower more, you must be lazy and deserve this, prove blah blah blah", y'all always talk about how much better you are and shit but always manage to prove us right about your inferior intelligence

I'm sure you would not date me then.

Did your zielony account get banned? I missed you tbh.

Yea. Suspended from reddit. Not the sub. They dug through my messages and suspended me for something there. It was a 6 month old account. My 1 year old account got banned almost a year ago though.

Stop being a creepy asshole then?

PSA : creepy is femoid double speak for ugly.

/s....? Creepy is you have no inkling of a clue of how to be sociable

Good looking guy who is not sociable - cute, shy.

Average or ugly guy who is not sociable - creep, weirdo.

You mean lacks personal hygiene? Quit being a little bitch and do something about it instead of complaining that you will be a virgin for life

Personal hygiene, huh? I suppose you recommend shower lifting while getting a haircut everyday? Haha, you normie twats cannot be any more clichéd with your "advice".

Are you trying to argue against showering...? I honestly can’t tell if this is serious or a troll anymore. You don’t have to lift if that’s not your thing. If your personal goal is to be more attractive then yea that’s something that will help. Showering is necessary for everyone, get a haircut once every 2-3 months or some shit depending on your preferred style. It’s really not that complicated, no girl wants to fuck a girl who will leave Cheeto dust in her pussy

I say lurk more before you spout your useless platitudes of advice on here.

Every single post is someone whining that they can’t get laid because they are ugly and not even a fat girl will fuck them. Maybe you get the same advice so often because it works. If a thousand virgins all can’t get laid, obviously none of you knows how to, stop asking other virgins how to get laid

Literally no one comes on here for advice, now stop being a trigger happy retard and stop jumping to conclusions.

You literally posted about being tired of being ugly, about how you want to have sex with an escort. You do you and that’s fine but it looks like you aren’t exactly happy with some aspects of your life but you aren’t willing to take any action to fix them

You can't fix being short and an ugly face you dumb twat. Are you a broken tape recorder? Do you actually think through the bullshit you come here and spew?

You can 100% fix an ugly face, and being short isn’t a bad thing, plenty of short guys get laid. Have you ever thought about actually being motivated to make a positive change in your life instead of rejecting the easy solutions right in front of you? You complain about problems you can fix yourself but have no intention on trying to fix them, you’d rather bitch and complain about them and blame it on genetics

Alot of guys here have tried self improvement - look maxing, career maxing etc., and still faced only failure and rejection. I do not wish to express in absolute certainty that they (and I) are never gonna succeed, but it is apparent that some ppl are just severely handicapped due to issues out of their control.

Not out of their control, they just don’t want to fuckin try

They try and try and try. And nothing comes out of it. I can't change society and how women chose their partners. It's out of my control. I can't change my genetics, so I'll always be an anti-social creep. Besides, I'm not young anymore and I'm not going to become a "settle down" option for some slut who was fucking around with Chads all her life while I was always rejected.

Being anti-social is something you can definitely fix

Too late for that I'm afraid.

Why do you assume that everyone who can't get laid doesn't shower?

Because I’m convinced over 50% of incels don’t shower regularly

women care about your face for the most part..the personal hygiene meme is a strawman tactic

How so? I assume almost people with very poor hygiene are both creepy and weird at the very least. Just fucking shower and groom yourself it’s not hard

i have incurable acne and look twice my age (despite being a late developer) due to chronic stress/premature balding, i also have an extremely ugly bone structure

Alright you win, we will call this Darwinism and hope you don’t reproduce?

oh and i'm also going blind

Yea don’t reproduce

But if chad is creepy, its mysterious

There is a huge difference between your creepy and what you call chad’s creepy

What creepy thing did i do?

My fault for generalizing you with all incel stereotypes, but let me rephrase to incel creepy vs what you call chad creepy

Gtfo with that attitude you bitch i hope u die

Well, there's that, for starters. Barely even a full hour ago.

Chads beat girls but just because a frustrated virgin wrote an agressive comment its creepy

That's cool. But Chat's attractive, and you're not, so you've got to abide by different standards. Just like the standards you hold toward fat chicks!

I'm sure you understand.

Cool brah. Brb i am going to take a shower

Chad's attractive. You're not. So you're going to have to stop being an asshole in order to get a fat ugly chick to date you.

Look, I just solved inceldom. All it took was the otherwise universally understood acknowledgement that some people have life easier than you do.

I dont want landwhales. Why would i go with one disgusting unhealthy creature when i am fit? I want a skinny 4 or 3/10 girl, is it so much to ask? I dont want a landwhale (not human beings in my eyes)

I dont want landwhales. Why would i go with one disgusting unhealthy creature when i am fit?

Because you're ugly, remember? That's what you said prevents you from finding a girlfriend.

I want a skinny 4 or 3/10 girl, is it so much to ask?

When you're ugly enough that skinny 4 or 3/10 girls don't want to be with you, then yes, absolutely.

And if you're not that ugly, then you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that the kind of person who wishes death on people, considers women to be animals, and advocates that they be stripped of the right to vote has a shitty personality that's preventing them from getting laid.

Otherwise, yeah, you're just too ugly for a skinny 4 or 3/10 girl and should date within your league. After all, somebody has to make up the 1s and 2s of society.

I dont want a landwhale (not human beings in my eyes)

Perfect! That means you know exactly how the skinny 4 or 3/10 girls feel toward you, right?

Congratulations, this means you're volcel from now on! After all, you're just choosing not to have a relationship.

I told you. Landwhales are not considered females. I hat them i cant even look at them. They smell, they are generally aggressive.

Wow, have you nothing else to do , but to dog to my history? I want a 2, 3 , or even 4 SKINNY girl. I am ugly so i know i wont find. But i wont go near landwhales(i have tried with curvy women but they rejected me)

Wow, have you nothing else to do , but to dog to my history?

Only takes a moment with the magic of Ctrl+F and RES. Feel free to try it yourself, I don't mind.

I told you. Landwhales are not considered females. I hat them i cant even look at them. They smell, they are generally aggressive.

Cool, so pretty much exactly the reasons why 2, 3 , or even 4 SKINNY girls don't consider you to be a male, except you're ugly instead of fat.

So now that you understand you have no chance with anyone other than a 1, what excuse do you have for not perusing a relationship with one?

But i wont go near landwhales

Then you're volcel.

Please. Please don't hurt him more. What a beating.

Please. Please don't hurt him anymore. What a beating.

No it's just creepy

We think you want supermodels because all the Stacy pictures you post are incredibly beautiful women who are unattainable by most.

Stacy pictures

There you go

Is that supposed to mean something?

Yes, "Stacy" isn't an average girl, she's a very attractive girl. It's the female equivalent of Chad, not all men are Chad.


Stacies represent the peak of female beauty, yet also the peak of female narcissism and hypergamy. They represent the actions all women would get away with if they could.

Posting beautiful women doesn't mean they are the only ones you will accept. People look up to extreme individuals all the time, even while acknowledging they are outliers. For example, kids who play a sport might look up to superstar professional athletes, even though the vast majority of people will never approach their skill. Or fitness enthusiasts might look up to bodybuilders as inspiration even though the vast majority of people will never get that big.

Yeah, so every fat single girl who has a fireman calendar or saw a movie with Channing Tatum only wants Chad?

Those are posted by mentalcels. Not actual incels/truecels.

I don't even know why I came here. I don't even know why I keep browsing Reddit. I don't think anything could ever change ya'lls minds. You guys like feeling this way.

Weird normie cock self stroking right there

Another thing is that normcucks on Reddit tremendously overrate every femoid’s appearance and whiteknight the shit out of everyone.

It's because you're an asshole guy

Women love assholes though. As long as they are good-looking.

Now many romance novels would I have to show you to convince you maybe, just maybe, women find arrogance ftom high testosterone attractive? 10? Two dozen? 100?

Ah yes romance novels the perfect scientific study on the female mind. Perhaps you are the problem, not the women.

But the thing is, we all personally know asshole men who are in relationships. So, even if you don't make any sweeping judgments about women, being an asshole is clearly not a deal-breaker.

Some assholes treat women like they aren’t human, some assholes can’t control their anger. Treat women like people and they’ll be more open.

Yeah and we all personally know “deformed” men in relationships soooo

We all personally know short dudes with girlfriends, ugly dudes with girlfriends, dudes who aren’t ugly and short but don’t beat their girlfriends. Just literally all the stuff you are saying never happens.

Nothig you or others say is remotely based on science. At least I'm relying on the free market over faith.

You mean the same free market that happily sells lead-paint-coated toys to children? The one that raises epipen pricing by 4000% at one go? That free market? You're using it to justify a lack of real-world knowledge about half the population?

You might want to re-think your sources of information. They may not be reliable.

Just sayin'.

You're not making a point here. Im talking about the demand, not shaddy practices. For example, the 4000% markup for epipen means people who need epipen really want it.

Likewise, the constant frequency of buff, cocky assholes in romance novels means that...well, most women really love buff, cocky assholes. There is no reason to belief women are as innocent as you think they are.

I am a woman, and not in the least bit innocent.

A "demand" for sex is something you make of a sex worker who's willing to trade sex for money. Other human relationships are not as cut and dried as that practice, and require time and attention to be successful.

Women are people, and their desires are many as there are women, just like men are people, and likewise have a correspondingly broad range of desires in their partners.

If you aren't willing to look another human in the eye and say "I see you," in the fullest sense that phrase can bring, acknowledging them as a fellow human, your chances of getting a romantic partner are pretty slim.

Also, don't confuse greed with free market trade, and don't confuse a genre of fiction with real life.

Epipens aren't a "want" item, they're a "life or death" item, and price gouging is unethical.

Romance genre novels are written to a formula, they're no more relevant to normal human relationships than Western genre novels are accurate about life in the 1800's American frontier.

If women love assholes so much why did my girlfriend dump me for getting drunk and treating her like shit? You people are delusional


Okay, here the biggest FUCKING gripe I have about IT users and anybody agreeing with them.

Why exactly is somebody who can't get girls and identifies as an "incel" all of a sudden an "asshole." or somebody with a "toxic" personality? Is it because you say they are?

This whole "toxic personality." bullshit is literally not even an issue if you're attractive, and hell it's a plus to a LOT of women.

Virtue-signaling at it's best.

lol as an incel, i don't think you have any experience to talk about what attractive people can get away with.

soyboy sadboi

It has 3 upvotes...

And how many comments?

Comment aren't reflective of upvotes.

Anyway, I'm pretty damn sure a lot of girls and boys are "assholes" because most girls wouldnt marry a guy with a major genetic disorder.

Comments and upvotes are reflective of what this sub stand for. Nice whataboutism, bud. Yeah, a lot of people are assholes. You asked why people would think YOU are an asshole. I'm just giving you some insight.

I asked why you thought HE was an asshole. And you just shared a link of some offhand post.

I'm not an asshole, I know that for a fact.

"whataboutism." is just giving a nickname for the type question I asked, and using said nickname as an argument instead of responding to the argument at hand. It isn't an argument at the end of the day.

Neogaf tactics at play.

Why exactly is somebody who can't get girls and identifies as an "incel" all of a sudden an "asshole." or somebody with a "toxic" personality?

Is the question I was answering. The answer is because this sub shares, upvotes, comments, and condones the type of garbage I shared with you.

"whataboutism." is just giving a nickname for the type question I asked, and using said nickname as an argument instead of responding to the argument at hand. It isn't an argument at the end of the day

I actually called your deflection tactic out for what it was AND I responded to it. Other people being assholes has literally NO bearing on our conversation. Yeah, assholes come in all shapes and sizes. So what?

Producing genetically flawed children only for them to be made fun of and possibly commit suicide later in life: Good.

Calling out the former for what it is: Bad.

Most people don't want to date somebody with major genetic flaws. And the post you link is saying genetically inferior children should be bred. And I'm pretty sure no damn woman or man wants a child who looks like a half alive monkey who got punched in the face several times. It's not being an "asshole" because you don't want these people to reproduce.

If these people are fucking worth a damn, you'd share some of your genes with them.

But guess what? You don't.

These children will lead miserable lives.

See that's the problem. You ARE being an asshole, and most decent people can see that even if you can't.

Wow this sub became CANCER

Your poisonous personality is the problem friend.

Thats why you go for a chad who beats you?

Damn you're a thirsty little bitchboy. Go suck off your mums strap on and fuck off, faggot

There isn't a day where I don't think about mutilating my face and every other part of my body.

I hate myself so fucking much.

Why brother? Slavs are part of the master race! Be proud to be Slav!

Where are you from? Fuck me now.

I’m genuinely curious what you look like because I don’t think this is possible

Look at guys like blackops2cel and tell me he'd get a date. Even a 3/10 acne ridden landwhale wouldn't go for him.

I could be totally wrong but I don’t get why he is the incel poster child. That dude is honestly like a 3 or 4 out of 10. I’ve seen far FAR uglier people in real life.

Show me pics of people whose faces aren't the results of literal acid attacks that look worse than blackops2cel's.

2/10 femloids will get as high as 5/10 guys, because their SMV and demand is so much higher. Only Gigachad gets the 9/10 girls.

I agree that 2/10 girls can get 5/10 guys but I’ve seen short ugly guys that can captivate a room also pull girls much higher than how they look.

A quick google search and I can find plenty of dudes uglier than him.

Also I’ve hooked up with and dated girls ranging from 5/10s to 9/10s and don’t consider myself a gigachad. Yeah I’m good looking and was blessed with height but I don’t have the sculpted face that are usually the depiction of a gigachad nor do I have a 6 pack or anything.

You're on reddit and bothered to post on r/braincels. No one is delusional enough to think you're Chad, let alone gigachad.

I have seen 2/10 guys get 2/10 girls using personality. The problem is Tinder has fucked that up. Because 2/10 girl can sometimes get s 5/10 thirsty guy on Tinder, she think she's entitled to it and starts ignoring 2/10 guys. Personality only works if she gives the guy a chance in the first place. If she writes him off for looks right away, she won't even get to see his personality unless he's like a professional public speaker or CEO.


I've seen your post history and I wouldn't date you either.

Ditto this thought. Normies gtfo with that bullshit!

/s....? Creepy is you have no inkling of a clue of how to be sociable

"Just put your self out there bro"

Lmao stfu cuck.

Me liek hough u cair sow muche aboot gramammar, doz et maek yew feyl wright?

"It's been proven on this very sub"

Well dear me, did someone discover an echo chamber?

Why exactly is somebody who can't get girls and identifies as an "incel" all of a sudden an "asshole." or somebody with a "toxic" personality?

Is the question I was answering. The answer is because this sub shares, upvotes, comments, and condones the type of garbage I shared with you.

"whataboutism." is just giving a nickname for the type question I asked, and using said nickname as an argument instead of responding to the argument at hand. It isn't an argument at the end of the day

I actually called your deflection tactic out for what it was AND I responded to it. Other people being assholes has literally NO bearing on our conversation. Yeah, assholes come in all shapes and sizes. So what?

you bought it with your neet bucks

check mate libtard cuck