"No one makes fun of virgins, you stupid virgin!"

39  2018-03-08 by SmolderingPieces

-Normoids, 2018


I make fun of virgins Well I would if I knew any

Why though?

Insults are meant to hurt.

In that case, you're doing everything you can for it to work.

Dumb slut.

Yes. By existing with my ugly face. I've worked hard on it.


"Incels are hateful" creates a whole sub to hate Incels

Do you not see how people would find incel subs interesting? Sure some people are talking shit and making fun but some are generally intrigued.

Inceltears isn't intrigued though. They're interested in the mockery and the shittalking.

Most of reddit is in it for mockery and shittalking. I would argue that there is a large portion of IncelTears that is generally curious about incels and they enjoy discussing the ideologies that are held by a majority of incels.

I have yet to come across more than a handful of users who would fit that description, ngl. A large portion of the content on IT boils down to those two aforementioned things, while incels and those who sympathize get downvoted and shouted down unless they tow the line in some fashion (and now dissent is banned thanks to the mods there and users from here get a spot on the watchlist).

I agree with you that there are members that fuck with incels. I have seen a lot of discussions on IT that revolve around discussing what they see on Incel subs. They tend to get more hostile when Incels defend rape, child abuse, or other things that fall into the illegal category. Incels should be more vocal themselves about getting rid of those members. It gives a larger portion of you a bad representation.

In my experience they also get hostile simply for defending more reasonable people here.

I'm trying to clean house here, can't say that I see the same on IT.

I'm trying to clean house here

Literally all you do is bitch about IT. Like, you haven't gone a single say without dedicating the majority of your comments to IT centric slap-fights for the past two weeks, maybe more.

So reporting hateful shit and talking to others about how to better adress it is wrong? K, I'll stop doing that then.

Are you suffering from delusions? I didn't say anything was wrong.

Then what exactly is your deal?

This is a turbo laugh

Im glad you are getting some enjoyment out of your day.

Please kill me

Not that much enjoyment I guess.

Intrigued by what? People not having sex?

You are well aware Incel subs are way more then just people not having sex.

Some women like virgins.

i really doubt that

Some women get turned off by someone who's slept with a ton of women. You don't want to be another notch on someones belt.

i really doubt that too. a guy who's slept with allot of women means he's very desired by them which can't be a bad thing. if anything i'm sure allot of them are gonna be turned on

Nah. If a man has bedded allot of chicks then you aren't special to him. More likely to have an std and baby mama drama too. Also their are allot of men who have a talent for 'persuading' women to sleep with them who arent attractive. We've all seen the guys at bars and clubs pouncing on the drunkest girl they can find looking for an easy lay.

women prefer a man like this (minus STDs) over v*Rgins anyday.

I guess i wouldn't know, being a woman and all, what other women want šŸ˜‚ or even what i myself wantšŸ˜‚ . Im sure you know me better than myself, right?

ok tell me this would you rather be in a LTR with an experienced guy who slept with 25 girls who were sober by charming them and made them all satisfied or with a v*Rgin

The same logic could be applied to women.


Only if he's a Chad.

Literally just read some fat slut write this on fbook lol:

"Well I mean obviously he couldnā€™t write ā€œIā€™m an angry adult virgin and my friends all stopped inviting me to parties because I wear my MAGA hat and inevitably fight someoneā€ on the mask, thatā€™s just too long."

See that shit everyday. It was on this post: https://www.facebook.com/FeminismAndDecolonisation/photos/a.499213826799333.1073741828.490510587669657/1654136064640431/?type=3&theater

And of course they resort to messaging the man's place of employment as they almost always do trying to get him fired.

Do you not see how people would find incel subs interesting? Sure some people are talking shit and making fun but some are generally intrigued.
