BEFORE and AFTER image of a truecel taking a COLD SHOWER

65  2018-03-08 by xbenagiL


Haha I told you silly incels, you just need to take care of yourself!

Y'all don't realize a couple more years of puberty, a change in style and haircut, and a better attitude and the guy on the left can look as good as the guy on the right

You forgot to mention lifting at the personality gym

You guys just need to stop hating women so much. Women can sense your animosity towards them from posting so much on these forums. They have special radars that have evolved specifically to tell if someone respects women online or not, but fail to detect if a guy is a serial killer, pedophile, or abuser.

Oh yea, you're talking about the creepDAR. That shit is op bro I feel like the second I speak to a woman they instantly know I'm an internet misogynist no matter how hard I try to hide it, fuck they're good

The creepDAR is so advanced women can detect if you will be an internet misogynist even 10+ years into the future. That’s why girls treated you like shit in middle school and high school before this subreddit even existed.

puberty, a change in style and haircut, and a better attitude and the guy on the left can look as good as the guy on the right



You are fucking insane.



lol at "change in style." The hot dude on the right is literally wearing a t shirt.

Y'all Followed by the most repeated generic retarded advice

am i being memed?

It's satire, 100%

nah, normies are just bots

holy fuck hahahahahaha


loooooooooool 5*



This guy has strabismus. Parents' fault for not taking him to the doctor for surgical correction as a little kid. As far as I know, it's impossible to fix this at his age.

I forgive people without strabismus for not willing to date someone who has, tho.

Parents' fault

/every incel thread

my dumbass mom never put 2 and 2 together, now im paying for her sins

You forgive people for being shallow AF?

We are biologically hardwired to go for looks and be attracted by some specific features for the purpose of procreation. I don'think the word shallow is very appropriate. What's more, this guy has a disability which makes you unfit for a lot of things. We could surely understand people for willing to have a "complete".

I know a couple where the wife has a genetic condition resulting in a progressive muscle weakness. Eventually she will die young due to inability to breathe. She is not at the stage of being pushed around in a wheelchair and unable to go to the toilet by herself. Call me shallow but she is a burden.

Yes. Shallow is precisely what I’ll call you.

But Im sure you’re perfect, so.... /s

I edit all the time because English is not my mother tongue and I want my sentences to be as correct as possible and without any typos.

Everyone wants a healthy offspring unconsciously and while I agree it's shallow to reject someone because of a purely cosmetic issue, not so much if it prevents you from living your life to the fullest.

I can respect that, that’s a distinction. But again, I don’t see how your partners lazy eye prevents you from living to your fullest but here we are

Not the healthy partner's life, but the life of the affected one. Not having stereo vision is not a mere inconvenience.

Let me tell you a slightly different story. A 26 year old friend of mine has a genetic condition called Retinitis pigmentosa. It has something to do with impaired metabolism of vitamin A which plays a central role in the chemical reactions inside the retina cells needed for vision. In high quantities Vit. A is toxic so it accumulates in the cells and kills them. As a result his eyesight is worsening over time. He has to avoid carrots and all foods that contain it to slow down the progression of the disease. I've known him since high school and his situation is way worse now. He is completely blind at night or when the light is dim, meaning someone has to go with him to the toilet when at a party. We have to pour his drinks and hand him the glass every time. He bumps into objects and people who sometimes get mad straightaway and we have to explain to calm them down. During the day he wears lenses with minus 12 Diopters. However, this guy is a total Chad. Incredibly handsome, 6'3'', naturally well built with broad shoulders and muscular body. He totally doesn't care what he is saying to girls because he doesn't see them so that helps too. He only asks "Bro, does she look ok?" and when the answer is yes, he says "Alright, I'm going in''. He can't hide his problem and doesn't try to but he is a slayer nevertheless. Some say that it provokes girl's empathy and mother instinct which adds to their desire to fuck him. I'm inclined to agree it's a factor but looks are mainly at play here. Can't say who will want to have his kids tho. The faulty gene is dominant which means there's a 50% chance that the offspring will be affected. Right now he is making a world tour and I mean hiking in the wild ( Siberia, New Zealand, Chile) and so on. He totally has to do it before he only able to tell the difference between light and dark. Doing it with a girl who is a 5/10. He's been on the way for 6 months now, I don't know her, might be his girlfriend.

So a medical ailment not an aesthetic flaw? That’s more than a slightly different story.

Still, no matter how good looking we, his friends can tell, that most girls won't be inclined to take care of a disabled person in the long term. After all, someone has to stay beside him at a party at all times in case he needs to pee or go somewhere so we listen to his conversations.

You’re right. A girl would have to really love him. Which is not impossible.

No one here seems interested in love.

Yeah and he is a good guy too, not superficial at all, only a bit vulgar at times but doesn't care. Graduated university with 4th best grades. A hot guy telling girls, he's never seen the stars is such a low blow and I live it. They can't help but go "awwww". :D

Fuck off dipshit.

i’ll bet your strong point in dating is your conversation skills.

You can't even get dates if you don't have the LOOKS, dipshit. Truecels don't even get matches on online dating platforms, let alone dates.

Well, with your attitude, I dont care what you look like - I wouldn’t want to be seen in public with you let alone date you. What a disaster of a human.

I wouldn't want to date a fat roastie feminazi like you anyways. Go back to /r/inceltears.

Im a skinny ass dude 😂😂😂

I wouldn’t want to be seen in public with you let alone date you.

Then why do you assume I am gay? Idiot.

I wish people stop using the word shallow so god damn often. There is nothing shallow about not wanting to date someone you are biologically repulsed by. The word shallow demonizes standards and what you find attractive. I'm 100% repulsed by ugliness. Because of this i'm not going to date someone who is ugly. There is nothing wrong with that.

That’s not biological, that’s personal choice.

Do you consider yourself without physical flaw? You’re genetically perfect?

No. You’re shallow. It’s okay, but it’s not okay to blame other people for it, own that shit. It’s not society’s or nature’s fault that you are shallow.

Do you consider yourself without physical flaw? You’re genetically perfect?

No, I don't. And I'll happily accept that most people in this world aren't attracted to me either. It's only natural.

Well, by your standards, then, I hope no one dates you ever. I feel it completely unhealthy to value only the physical - does there need to be physical attraction, absolutely, but if you’re waiting for perfect, you’re going to die alone.

Enjoy wallowing in sadness and anger!

are you reading something I didn't write? Of course I don't only value physical appearance, I never said I did. I also never said anything about someone being perfect. Seems like you came into this conversation with a stick up your ass.

Nope. Im responding to words you’ve written. This sub has a stick up its ass. Clearly, I wandered in not knowing people like this actually existed. The cognitive dissonance is SO strong.

I’ll see my way out, but most of the people interacting with me here are their own worst enemy. Real talk.

god your pretentiousness is just oozing

Moreso is the oozing delusions of people here.

Maybe I seem pretentious because Im disrupting the comfort of your dissonance.

Maybe I seem pretentious because Im disrupting the comfort of your dissonance.

le rational observer putting deluded plebians in their place

Whatever you kids are calling yourselves these days 😂

You are garbage. It is PROVEN by SCIENCE that we are biologically wired to find certain facial features attractive or not.

FUCK OFF you normie piece of shit. You aren't any better than someone claiming that the eart is flat, despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary. Fucking retard

How would you define ‘shallow’?

Because this thread seems to feel anyone not a 9/10 or higher should have no reason to hope for coupling. <- this is preposterous, humans would not have survived and we wouldnt have ‘ugly’ people.

And biologically attractive/unattractive is NOT the same as aesthetically perfect/universally unloveable for a minor cosmetic reason

Looks are not black and white. A 5/10 will clearly be treated better in almost all aspects of his life than a 3/10. Same for a 7/10 compared to a 5/10, etc. Obviously the higher the better.

Nature is absolutely BRUTAL and science gives us the methods of understanding nature and its cruelty. Read this paper:

"2) Do we judge books by their covers? YES

Adults and children judge other adults and children more favorably than unattractive adults and children, even by those who know them. Furthermore, Adults and children treat other adults and children more positively than unattractive adults and children, even by those who know them. "

At least now youve dialed it back to better or worse rather than good or repulsive.

Its the extremism im responding to.

Personality is important too, it's not all looks.

Now the unfortunate thing about personality is that it's based on looks aswell. As the paper I linked shows, people that are more attractive are judged more favorably and treated more positively.

Who do you think will develop the 'better' personality. The guy that gets bullied no matter what he does, because he is ugly. Or the attractive guy that can do retarded shit, but people will still accept him for it?

Personally, I was already getting bullied from the age of 4, because I had to wear an eye-patch (lazy eye, fortunately looks okay-ish now) + I was fat (parents are fat themselves and fed me crap my entire childhood). To be honest, my life never started, it was terror from the beginning, fighting for survival. Untill I discovered I could isolate myself by playing videogames at the age of 13, which is what I've mostly been doing with all my free-time ever since.

Life isn't just, it isn't fair. Some people like me are fucked from the start, never having a chance at a decent life, others have normal lives and get to actually believe they somehow get these nice lives by their own hard work. Must be awesome to believe it's all your own hard work that separated you from the miserable lives of people like us incels. Congratulations.

There ya go! But...

Bruh, youre proving my point. I was also born with an eye deviation (FEVR). Ive been bullied since daycare, too. My self-defense strategy manifested in middle school when I became better at making fun of me than other kids - self deprecation can be liberating when done right.

I saw it has having two options 1) let then get the best of me (and kids are fucking brutal), or 2) fuck what they think, I like me

And in my experience, more often than not, the prettier the person, the shittier the personality. The best personalities Ive known have probably been on the low-mid range (3-6s). This is anecdotal, but a large sampling group from several different regions. I use my eye as a social filter. I can literally see shallow people a mile away. Avoid that shit.

Im sorry you feel your situation is hopeless and miserable, truly I am, but man! I feel like youre just in a rut (maybe a long rut), but could still change things with a little perspective change.

You only lose when you stop trying - it may sound cliche, but damn, hang in there

Well it depends how you judge personality. I have had friends, mostly friends who were just as ugly as me and therefore also more often into videogames than the standard social activities for normal/pretty people.

So yeah, obviously I have better experiences with ugly people aswell, since normal and pretty people didn't want to be my friends and therefore treated me worse.

However if I look at personalities in a grand scale there is no denying that normal/pretty people often have more out-going, adventure-seeking, relaxed personalities than the ugly people I am used to hanging out with. And that kind of personality is what women crave, not the 'boring', but nice and kind guy that wouldn't ever harm you.

I guess we just see things differently - I wish you luck

Different life experiences, different views on life. That's how it goes.

I was also born with an eye deviation

COPE posters will NEVER learn

I dont know that term. Are you a COPE poster?

His parents should have had him baptized as a baby.

This would never have happened.

That's not even his biggest problem. His eyes are trash tier even without strabismus, he has a long face, 0 chin, tiny jaw, long philtrum, shit eyebrows. He couldn't get a date anyway, and his parents should've never bred.

he still mogs me

I always see that guy on here, is he the new incel god?

Don't be blasphemous, now

There is no God but Allah and Saint Blackops2cel is his messenger.

Don't pick on this guy, he uses Reddit and he's chill.

Who is he

I forgot his username but he’s a poster on /r/teenagers and did an /r/amiugly.

That's sad, what's sadder is he borderline mogs me, ethnicity and probably heightmogs, face isn't too far off if at all

I am shocked by how often a shower is actually reccomended by femoids on here

stolen meme

Can't you see the difference a haircut makes?

You guys just need to stop hating women so much. Women can sense your animosity towards them from posting so much on these forums. They have special radars that have evolved specifically to tell if someone respects women online or not, but fail to detect if a guy is a serial killer, pedophile, or abuser.

Oh yea, you're talking about the creepDAR. That shit is op bro I feel like the second I speak to a woman they instantly know I'm an internet misogynist no matter how hard I try to hide it, fuck they're good