weird nerd mocking the beta uprising

58  2018-03-08 by sc2isadeadgame


A falseflag to end all falseflags.

wow how did you deduce that it was "satire", organs for asexual reproduction or autistic incel clones

Scifi Cope.

If we kept maybe a dozen males alive in captivity for harvesting sperm, we could safely eradicate the rest of them and still continue to grow numerically as a species in this new order of peace and prosperity. Something to think about.

i thought you were an incel

We’re all incels in this glorious future

Haha normies, the change is coming.

these fucks don't read history, incels always rise up and overthrow the chads

just look at napoleon overthrowing barras, stalin killing trotsky and every anti-colonialist movement


Oh yeah, that incel who had the two wives and multiple children. Napoleon had charisma. He was far from an incel.

he was a greasy nonwhite manlet (shorter than his peers, don't focus on this for fuck's sake) who got a wife who wanted him for his money and cheated on him multiple times, then got a wife in a political marriage

his children were sired on mistresses who he paid off/ threatened

Napoleon had charisma.

he removed everyone who didn't find him charismatic/ gained charisma with power, in the early days everyone thought he was an idiot

Napoleon was taller than the 1810 average. But the Imperial Guard required all members be tall and fit, making him seem shorter.

Stalin was also taller than average and looked like what people in this sub call a Chad

These dudes where "Chads". Tall, often attractive, charismatic, energy-filled leaders.

lazare hoche and paul barras were over 6 feet

alexandre dumas, kleber and tallien were over 6 feet

But the Imperial Guard required all members be tall and fit, making him seem shorter.

he was seen as short way before he went to italy, when he formed his first bodyguard unit, because the french elite was taller than the average peasant

Stalin was also taller than average and

he was one of the shorter leaders on the world stage and was shorter than trotsky by far

looked like what people in this sub call a Chad

that image is photoshopped to shit to remove his pox scars and it doesn't show his withered arm

That's not Stalin.

Wat they're both total hotties. Maybe they looked ugly when older but that's basically everyone. Like my grandpa look like a gremlin now, but holy shit was he smoking hot. 10/10, totally knew what grandma saw in you

Wat they're both total hotties.

napoleon was super skinny, had greasy hair and yellowish skin

his portraits do not resemble him accurately, they were made for propaganda

stalin had a withered arm; the grey stuff on his "handsome" photos is what they used to hide his pox scars

There will be no Incels in the future. We are being erased from the gene pool.

No there will likely always be a small percentage of the population that doesn't get to mate

how do you think they exist in the first place?

Incel is a relative term. Current 2018 cels would M O G 30,000BC Chads

And in 50 years every one will be 6'5 and handsome due to rapid evolution from hypergamy

Beta uprising is coming.

The oppressed proletariat (Incels) will seize the means of reproduction (roasties) and kill the borgeoiuse oppressors (Chads, Stacies, and Norman's).

i'd edit this to remove kill so the post doesn't get removed

just some advice


To evolve such an organ, we should start practising self-fucking: bending our dicks to shove into our own asses, like those earthworms do.

you can't get pregnant from your ass

Not to mention males cant get pregnant, but your point is equally valid.

Yeah. We’ll take over the wor with our gaming PCs and waifus! We can do it!

oh yeah because incels have never been able to sieze control of the state before lol

do you not know what revolutions are

Yeah. I do. And they’re usually the result of strength and organization.

incels NEED to start getting into politics so we can start having an effect on laws

For a group that stringently bases their claims on biology, they have a shitty understanding of Evolution.

its satire genius

We will create life like artificial intelligence driven fuck dolls for everyone within your life time.

You wont have to be alone. Just be patient.

That's not how evolution works dumbasses lol

hey shut up, don't wreck the narrative

Oh right,

Asexual reproduction? No thanks.

wow how did you deduce that it was "satire", organs for asexual reproduction or autistic incel clones