Good Guy Normie vs Asshole Chad (on Jezebel)

33  2018-03-08 by omegacel70


Imagine being married to an average woman. She doesn't find you sexually appealing, she doesn't like the fact that you are a decent human being, and lusts after sociopaths.

why marry him if she dont like him jesus

Beta bux, alpha fucks. She settled with him because he was probably a better safety net/provider than he was a sexual being.

BIOLOGY reigns supreme

Beats ideology every time.

No, no it does not. Explain how biology beat ideology for all the millions dead from communism in the 20th century.

(((Millions dead)))

Are you retarded? Mao and Stalin both proudly kept records of their purges.

Stalin's purge killed an estimated 600,000 people not millions.

Enjoy the rest of your day. "Stalin's purge" fyi it was not a singular purge loooooool

I wonder how many have died due to neo colonialistic policies of capitalism in the third world...

Whattaboutism is not an argument.

stating facts is tho

why decide to only go against communism in this sub which is not the place for it?

The great purge was just one purge of many. Also they were only times of high killing, the killing continued every year just not as bad. Also Stalin near genocides and starved populations to break there wills, it wasn't just purges. The idea that Stalin did not kill millions is ignorant and stupid , ask any Ukrainian.

cia couped Ukraine and put literal Nazis in charge.

Well stalin killed almost 10 million of them.

Most reputable sources put it at 3-4 million. Anyways Holodromer wasn't intentional. At worst it was mismanagement during a drought.

I'm counting Holodromer , purges and regular famines after that. And it was very intestinal. The fact that Stalin did it to break the will of Ukrainians is well known. There were rotting seeds in Ukraine itself so that they could see them and know that this was the power of Stalin. Your trying to be an apologist cause you don't like it that the ideology your one is associated with has killed such stupid numbers of people.

How it did not? Communism as ideology was not focused on killing people. But biological desires for power, killing and fear of its leaders still prevailed.

Communism goes against almost every ingrained biological drive, it is no surprise that the leaders (free from fear if reprisal) denied the ideology and surrendered to their biological urges.

Yes, so biology beats the ideology, like I said.

Communism is based on the most basic biological social drive, sharing.

I forgot that you survive by giving all your shit away. That must be why there’s such a high life expectancy among Africans.

Sharing allows social animals to pool resources and risks. I never said sharing means giving all your shit away, just that communism is based on sharing, which is biological.

Societies that valued individualism as well as community greatly surpassed the collectivist human societies of the third world thousands of years ago. If you want to see your theories in action go live in the fucking Congo you spoiled retard.

Communism goes against almost every ingrained biological drive

My only point was that communism does have biological basis. I didn't make any judgements about communism vs capitalism, not sure why you're so triggered.

Lol sharing is not an innate drive. Read up on reciprocal altruism.

cold war was phony, that was made up to make people scared and support more war

You're wrong, how old are you?

facts hurt kid

The will to power is biologic

A woman reveals her true colours.

More proof that personality doesn't matter.

Looks are the only factor that plays into sexual attractiveness, never forget this. It doesn't matter what you do or what you say, you cannot escape the Blackpill of genetics.

Personality does fucking matter, only in the opposite direction society want us to think.

The more selfish aggressive violent bad boy impulsive prick the more attractive a man is.

Chad nice guy > prick average normie

Looks prevail over everything

The fact that someone could write these words and not instantly choke to death on their own vomit is proof that the world and human design are flawed on a fundamental level.


Well I'm definitely not shocked that she is a feminist.

She didn't give a vivid enough description to know if he was a Chad, but I'm also not surprised he's a doctor. Might have something to do with it.

there are no normies commenting on this post

Makes me think


No sign he's a Chad, just someone who has status and doesn't role over to her every desire like her husband who clearly has no backbone, any guy married to a woman who hasn't had sex for 2 years is a low T copecel.

I mean for all we know, the guy hasn't initiated sex in two years and she wants him to take charge.

Haven't had sex in two years and she is in her 30's?! Wtf...

Their brains are in their pants.

All those backrubs for absolutely nothing. This is quote a big black pill.

Nobody wants to fuck a stuck up feminist. Shave your snatch and he might hit it.

This makes me want to vomit

Personality does fucking matter, only in the opposite direction society want us to think.

The more selfish aggressive violent bad boy impulsive prick the more attractive a man is.