So I messaged the girl from Starbucks! How did I do guys?

55  2018-03-07 by sad-asiancel


Great job!! đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


Agreed. I thought the interaction was cute.

Agreed! I’m really happy to see this. Good job.

You are in the friendzone boyo, its over.

Inceltears is only supporting you because you are being a good goy and taking your rightful place at the bottom of the social heireachy by becoming a beta orbitor.

Jesus Christ, absolutely no chill.

Idc she's cool

If she wants to be your friend that is great.

Maybe you end up friendzoning eachother so it doesn't go further but the experience with socialising will help your anxiety. At least 80% of a relationship is being friends - if you get that down that then you can interact with any woman.

Thats the spirit. Even if you'll "just" be friends, it will push your confidence with women by talking to her. I wish you best of luck and please keep us updated!

Don’t call yourself awkward dude

he mogged himself

I don’t think saying you’re awkward is a negative. If you’re awkward be honest, but don’t make it the center point of your conversation. For example if you have anxiety, go on a date, and are acting all anxious and shit it’s better to say something like “I’m sorry, I’m a bit anxious” rather than pretend you’re not (since she is literally watching you be anxious and isn’t oblivious to your lack of eye contact and various shades of red from pink to rose).

Yes being awkward is a ducking negative you idiot and telling people you’re awkward makes you look like a pathetic loser. Don’t do it. The fact this even need to be said is pathetic.

In comparison to not saying you’re awkward when you really are, it really isn’t a negative. You know what makes you look like a pathetic loser? Not being able to admit your short comings. Noticeably believing you need to have a different personality than you really do to impress the person you’re talking to. Being fake.

You did great! The length of her replies implies that she's interested and engaged in the conversation which is really important. You two sound like you hit it off pretty well. Good job!

Thanks man

Well you got her number from the get go, so bravo!

Her Instagram

Well.....go ask for it :)

Good shit

Aw that's sweet

"Your hair is cool." Cringe...

How is that cringe? She might have interesting hair.

She does

Exactly, and depending on how she feels about it the compliment might have meant a lot to her.

How is that cringe? Her hair is cool

Dude you really think you gonna get a relationship with her?she would lose all her status if she went out with you,probably if you say hi to her while she is with her group of friends she would ignore you

At the least I'd be her Beta orbiter. My other friend ( he's an incel but not sure if he wants to make a Reddit account) said she talks to tons of subhumans.

Well if so go ahead,maybe there is a genetic mutation in her that make her crave subhumans looks,lucky you

go gloat somewhere else, dick

I was just sharing some hope

she better not be white either

She's not

Why do you care if she's white

cause ur asian

And? Tons of Changs at my school fuck white girls and black girls. Same with Tyrones

yeh it's fucking disgusting go back to ching chong land gookcel

Lmao racism at its finest. Btw she half black and white. Her mom is white

muttmerica ladies and gents

Yup. Race mixing actually has benefits and white girls love anything that's black

you are evil

And you wonder why you can't get laid.. Because your personality SUCKS

dios mios la americano

Go fuck yourself you ignorant asshole.

Removed for racebait

Fuck her in the ass on first date.

First of all booty stuff is gross second of all I want a good relationship and sex

booty stuff is gross

Definitely beta

Also idk why you mention good relationship and sex, are you implying that's somehow mutually exclusive with booty stuff?

First of all you know how nasty someone's ass is.

I meant to say I just don't want to fuck her on the first date

Enemas and baby wipes exist

I meant to say I just don't want to fuck her on the first date

Fair point

Still nasty.


Nope it's just nasty

he wouldn't lick his gf's sweaty bootyhole

lmaoing @ u volcel

How is it volceling? The idea makes me uncomfortable

time to lay off the soy milk buddy boyo


Use a condom.

Dude you should’ve kept going, the conversation wasn’t done yet

What do I say after that?

U kinda ended it by just saying “okay will do”, you could’ve asked her how her day was and simple stuff like that, then hopefully a common interest will come. Anyways for now I suggest u finish that book quickly

Lmao yeah I'm going speed reader mode

Nice one, also don’t forget to ask her about what books she’s reading or books she would recommend. I wish you luck

Oh thanks that's smart

Just hold off on texting. Finish the book in a week or so, then reach out. Try to set up an in-person meetup. Say: “Hey, I finished the book. You’ve gotta read it. When are you free to meet up?” Then wait. Don’t turn into her texting pen pal.

I wouldn't try to artificially extend the conversation. This seemed like a great start

Send unsolicited dick pic.

I would highly suggest you take a good look at which kind of people you're asking for advice from, don't want to screw this up now

Propose to her


Effing nice, man. That book is your hook. The fact that she brought it up is huge. Imo that's the biggest positive indicator with women. It's bad sign if all you get are responses and you have to keep moving the conversation. It's a great sign if they come up with a topic of discussion.

Yeah, it also shows she's not one of those girls who only care about makeup,drinking, and Chad

More importantly, it's an open invitation for you to contact her again. "I hope you enjoy the book!" is very different from "tell me what you think of the book". Good luck!

Good luck! Hope it works out for you

Just want to throw this out there - don't ever bring that talk up with her.. especially about "Chad"..

Okay will do


Either that, or editor-zoned

This might mean absolutely nothing and lead absolutely nowhere. Don't get your hopes up just yet. Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Still, it's a good start I guess.

Also you're a fucking fakecel

How am I a fakecel

because she reacted positively? if you were an ugly subhuman she would have told you to fuck off

I'm really awkward, sorry.

Jesus guys, stop fucking apologizing for everything. Makes you sound like a wimp.

Oof oh well

No worries.... Everyone's awkward just fake it til you make it. Finish the book fast and lend it to her.

but he is a wimp. he's literally being himself, he shouldn't pretend to be something he isn't

stfu wimp

el goblino...

Fuck off Swedecuck

Whiter than you mohammad


He 100% should pretend to be better than he really is. What are you talking about

I thought he was supposed to bee himself and then girls will like him for who he is?

No, never. Put on a good show, advertise yourself as someone they would date. Do it subtle, be the cool guy. Don't act like a loser, even if you are one. If you're an undateable nut, and act like that everytime you meet people, you will fail 100% of the time. I guarantee.

I was linked to this sub from somewhere else, so it's my first time here btw.

and when they find out your true colors? you can't keep an act up forever

It's not really an act, like you describe it. It's more like, you put on your best behavior, know your weak sides and hide them. You talk, they talk. You don't apologize for nothing (like op), you don't make weird looks or ask strange things. These details is what makes you a loser. You're not a bad person, psycho, dumb or without dreams. So when you make a good first and 5th impression, she will like you and think you're a decent dude. If she notices you say weird stuff or seems overly quiet sometimes, she will simply shrub it off and don't take notice. Because she already likes you and thinks you're a decent dude. Remember?

If these 'details' that makes you a loser is visible and noticeable at first sight, they will dislike you. If they're not noticeable until the 7th sight, it won't be enough for them to dislike you.

Now here's the magic of it all. This 'act' will get easier with time, and you'll get good at it fast. After a short time you will notice more and more that it's no longer an act as much as it used to be. Your loser details are diminishing. You're getting used to hiding them because you know them so well by now and have hid them many times in social situations.

Everyone acts differently depending on context, it doesn’t mean you’re being “fake.” Do you consider it lying if you don’t bring up every flaw you have in an interview?

Chad can act like a loser though and still pull. Fuck all that noise if a woman doesn't accept me for who I am then I don't need her

Hate to break it to you. But yes, you do need her. You're just being stubborn.

Be yourself but don't apologize for it, just own it instead

Nah it's called self improvement nigga

You really are a piece of shit, aren't you?

you are a wimp.

I don't think he meant to.

Yea, complete self fulfilling prophecy.

get out normie

Nice man. How attractive is she /10? How would you rate yourself (srs) /10? I'm trying to compile some stats on looksmatching.

I think she's a solid 7/10 and I'm like a 3.8/10

Not over till you have sex. Or in your case, both a relationship and sex.

Fakecel out!

Way to go!

dont EVER insult yourself in front of a chick unless youre doing it for a joke, otherwise good shit broski

Why not. I've heard stuff like that makes you seem more relatable

shows her you dont think much of yourself. dont talk about yourself much in general tbh, go along with whatever she wants to talk about and act interested, mimic her text speech (emojis, “lmaooo”) etc. just anything but yourself if you have no confidence

This is great advice. I never thought I'd say that in an Incels post lol

It means you're lacking in


Get off muh sub, CHAAAD (really, nice job)


Could the mods remove threads like these, please?

You aren’t very hopeful for a guy named hopecel, just because you’ve given up doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t stop trying. Get a life

Oh, where do I start? This fakecel / troll has created an account a day ago and suddenly he tries to sell us his bullshit fairytale story on how he escaped inceldom? Now I get called out by another one day old account telling me to get a fucking life? Like who the fuck are you. You need to get a life. You are not an incel and you will never understand why a real incel would want to have this post removed.

Sure it could be a fake account and a bullshit story but you have no proof of that over than his account is only a day old? And so what I’m new to reddit it doesn’t change the fact that I’m involuntarily celibate. Anyways he didn’t escape inceldom he’s taking steps to get there. Unless the definition of incel is more broad than I thought it was and if so I’m sorry I guess? Maybe get a life was a lil harsh so yea soz. By your profile I can tell you find women liking attractive assholes upsetting, when nothing u will do can stop that so why even bother?

Get the fuck out of here, normie. LARP somewhere else. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

You really put me in my place there, I hope you’re cured of your autism soon and find a vagina that’s just right for u xxx

Tell her she's a whore, don't get with this bitch you fucking cuckold.

Why not?

Because you're a cuck if you do that.


Because you're an incel, don't cuck yourself by sleeping with women.

That sounds more like r/MGTOW

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No but I'm incolvuntarlu celibate

I thought the incel's hopes and dreams were to get laid?

Exactly. By doing that he's escaping inceldom and therefor ditching us.

Keep her updated on the book a little, maybe talk about how it’s getting good or how it’s putting you to sleep. Maybe message her one day telling her you’re craving a drink from Starbucks.

Don’t come off as desperate by replying too quickly, don’t use excessive emojis, and do not apologize for things you don’t need to apologize for. You don’t need to come off as a douche but you don’t need to come off as weak and fragile either. You’re just simply communicating with another human being, don’t over think it.

Never apologise for being yourself.

If "being yourself" makes you want to apologize then you need to figure that shit out and put it in check.

Act first, apologise later only if you absolutely must.

Good job on texting her back, you will be more prepared for the next one.

Okay thanks. I won't buy her anything unless it'll save her life

Nice job man. We definitely need a positive story and someone escaping this hell, especially in the wake of u/stagetail's tragedy.

Thank you

Ok . don't EVER apologise to women .

A woman who hates you is more likely to fuck you than a woman who is lukewarm towards you .

What if I accidentally hit one with a car?

You should be annoyed that she was in your way

What if it was my fault

Lesson 2 is take incel advice with a grain of salt

Lesson 2 is take incel advice with a truckload of salt


I'm not incel , I have 2 GFs right now . I know how women work


It's text, stop talking like a cuck

Seems promising!

Don't let up, if you feel awkward then be that way with 100% confidence that you are awkward. Nobody is more confident about being awkward than you are. It pays just to say what it is and relax about it. Good job man!

Thanks man

You could ask her for help with the book. Say you are not sure if a certain paragraph flows well or a particular word is fitting etc. 🙂

For real, good job man. She wants you to keep in touch, which is always a good sign. Also, you have something in common (that book) so if you both read it you can always take her out for coffee and discuss it.


Maybe she doesnt care if you're awkward, but find it annoying for people who are caught up on that shit. You're basically being a holds up spork I AM SO RANDOM SO AWKWARD meme right now. How about just talk about something else other than LOL SO AWKWARD. jesus the cringe dude

How did I do?

You messaged a woman and then asked an Incel forum for their commentary.

You were doomed before you even met this girl.

Also she will ghost on you eventually. Count on it.

Im someone who doesnt really post in this neck of the woods but I feel like I have to tell you that im really fucking proud of you. You made an attempt at talking with her which is a huuuuge deal, man. Good on you.

She's being friendly and showing signs of wanting to turn you into an orbiter. You can tell because her responses are either forcibly "cute" or dry. She's trying to make you think that something COULD happen so you keep giving her attention (make a note of the hearts and hmu), but doesnt say anything that shows genuine interest. Drop her and move on. There is no point in going after women unless you are under 16 or delusional. Under any other circumstance, you have to know that she's taken or fucking multiple dudes that "dont count" for some quantum leap-tier reason. Delete her number or resign yourself to posting here again in a few weeks about how much you hate women etc. Same old story every damn time.

I'm still gonna try

Oh boy, it's another "Anon Tries to Commit Sudoku" episode. Cant wait.

Don't hate bro

So I'm in the wrong for trying to help you not jump off the cliff that you can see as well but stupidly refuse to turn away from? Alrighty then. This will be a great episode.

Sure will

Keep it up and don't listen to this shit. At the very least this is good practice for the future ya know?

I heartily agree with silkygoombah! I didn't see this anywhere else so far, so I'll chime in. This is so stereotypical, but, most normal women want to be appreciated for their personalities/brains (like all humans) first, so counter intuitive though it might seem, compliments on appearance aren't necessarily truly flattering until a lot more meaningful interaction has occurred (maybe it already has, I don't know!). If it hasn't, you might think that you are alone in not knowing this, you are not. So called "Normies" and alpha's do this all the time, assuming that appearance is what women most want to be noticed for, and that they want to be noticed for it immediately, by everyone - I'm a woman, btw. She is being cool and telling you "this is the kind of interaction I want - tell me about this book" - hope it's an interesting book.

Oi, try to meet up with her to discuss the book irl. Don't hang around in her dms too much.

Okay thanks

My version:

Hey it’s the dude from Starbucks!

Stacy: (no reply)

That's rough

Good shit dude. I mean it. You got your foot in the door so to speak, you'll be able to be more open the more you talk. Showing interest also helps.

Thanks dude

Dude... Nice :)

Okay thanks! I think ricecels should open our preferences to more than just white and Asian

make absolutely sure to be confident and sound at ease with yourself (even if you aren't really). don't paint yourself as a loser. theres nothing more unsexy than a guy who goes in with zero confidence and self esteem. fake it till you make it buddy. you got it my guy just make sure to ask her about other things she likes etc. don't let the conversation die.

Okay thanks dude

Aside from the apology, you did pretty well boyo. I hope you continue to talk to her and eventually start a relationship. Good luck!

Dude, that’s awesome. She seems to like you. You did great!!

I'm really awkward sorry.

Lmfao no wonder your a incel

You are officially a fakecel


A girl who saw you in person replies to your messages and even shows some interest.

It kind of seems she wanted to cut the conversation short by telling you to tell her how the book was, IMO not interested in keeping up with engaging with that chat.

Goood. Stop apologizing though! Makes ypu sound like a whimp

don’t call yourself awkward. pretend like you’re cool causal

Nice job m8. You may be on the road to getting out of here.

Tell her you started to read 50 shades


Wait a day or 2 to message her again boyo otherwise it'll seem desperate

Good job man!

I bet some pathetic IncelTears member will still crosspost this to creepyPMs or something even though it's a totally normal conversation just because an incel posted it.

You talked to a girl!

Probably not the best place to ask for advice

Smartest goddamn thing I’ve read on here yet.

You did awesome!! The only thing I'd say is to make sure not to say things like "yeah that's true" make sure she always has an easy way to respond, otherwise even if she wants to it might be hard for her to find a way to respond.

Yep. This is what attraction looks like. She was forthright, didn't try to play you, didn't make did it.

Your gonna get ghosted

just a friend

Idc she cool



still she's just a friend

Yeah and idc

but still :)

I don't care she's actually cool

stop repeating urself , no matter what u say, im still right

Ask questions. Gotta keep the conversation going!


Fakecel fuck off

“Omg i just got a number xddddd”

She’d still fuck chad over your measly self so shut upe

How does that make me a fakecel

Because you are attractive enough to get a girls insta

I found it lol

So you stalked her?

More like searched her name through a friends account

Stalked lol. Fucking creep.

Aw, gonna cry?

Ouch... too nice, too casual.

A for effort though.

Good work man!


You did really well, OP. My advice when you text about the book is to keep is short but sweet. Congrats! You shouldn't be in this sub.

This twat is self proclaimed 15. 15, mind you. Why can't we ban posts of these larpers?

I'm actually 15

That's awesome dude! Hope it continues to go well.

ask her to talk about the book near a cofee !!

She's probably texting Chad right now..!!!

Nailed it.

is she hot

I was just sharing some hope


Yup. Race mixing actually has benefits and white girls love anything that's black

You aren’t very hopeful for a guy named hopecel, just because you’ve given up doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t stop trying. Get a life

And you wonder why you can't get laid.. Because your personality SUCKS
