Duality of IT

129  2018-03-07 by hugeostrichegg


you'd think they would just move on after a while, but they don't

inceltears posters are some of the most obsessive personalities i've seen online

Whilst this is true, only reason I subbed was to laugh at the shit posts true /b/ material, I actually have started to agree with some of your reasoning whilst I'm not a true incel by any stretch doesn't stop you from being right.

Same I find myself agreeing with them while not really being one, also the memes aren’t bad.

true /b/ material,

Hmmm, interesting point.

normal people get a few laughs then move on. meanwhile these idiots literally obsess over us. it's legit pathetic. they're coping subhumans themselves; mentally ill and/or incels in denial, so they go there to feel better about themselves. and if you have to mock someone else just to feel good about yourself and feel normal, you are definitely not normal.


The repulsive roasties have infiltrated this sub and continue to mock us and rule over us. AnathematicAnarchist you dropped the ball.

Quality post

still haven't seen a proper normie rebuke of the atomic currypill

All they'll have to say is the classic "NAWALT"

the nawalt bacons at midnight

i remember when that happened. how long ago was that? i've been on this site wayyyy too fucking long


normies aside, we as a community need to find a cope for that or it's going to take an untold number of lives lmfao

We as a community need to start copemaxxing.

I'm already ahead of the game, I cuddle with a pillow while listening to a femoid voice and imagine its coming from the pillow.

with that pill in particular, yes lolol :')

whats an atomic currypill?

I don't get it... an ugly guy is getting called ugly? What are we supposed to "rebuke"?

I need to see a pic of these guys. Unless they are Brian Peppers level of ugly...

he probably looks like one of the fuckers you say looks handsome when it's posted in a different 'is it over?' context...

he looks like an incel, and that's all that matters

A lot of the incel pictures I see here really aren't bad.

Its confirmation bias. You NOTICE the average to above average incels who post here.

if that blackops2cel guy is the worst, I don't think it's that bad. He's ugly but not hopeless.

Funny how all of those sound fabricated as fuck.

We need to stop calling them normies. They aren't normal.

Need a new term for them.



They have no dignity. Cuck is not a derogatory term for them.


"normaloids" is my preferred term.

Normaloid - a person who thinks of his or her self as normal but proves themselves to be otherwise.

I called then normoids

they're failed normies

Cucks and cunts.

Normie larpers?

The mentally disabled.


vents about crippling loneliness

This one bothers me the most. It’s like they look for the worst and ignore the real, heartfelt posts. It really shows that they’re only here for their own entertainment, which is pathetic.

When one of them mentions that posts like that make them upset and feel bad for us they get banned for "concern trolling"

IT members are the types of people who cyber bully depressed people into suicide. They belong in jail.

What does IT stand for?

This abomination 😂


saying mean things on the internet should land you in jail

kys for even entertaining this thought

Really because a woman was jailed for this very thing. Looks like you're a retard.

We don't ignore them because we sont care but because we have nothing to say to them. You ignore and/or reject any sympathies we have to offer so we just don't.

You ignore and/or reject any sympathies we have to offer so we just don't.

When those sympathies boil down to backhanded insults, people being unable to relate while spouting "it gets better" and general condescention, I can see why they'd reject it.

This is exactly what im talking about. Any advice we give, you write off as just anither normie platitude, or just some condescending bullshit even if it isn't. You have a battery of retorts you use to discredit anything we say whether its helpful or not. You are equally guilty of dismissing experiences and opinions based on their origin. So maybe you can see why no one takes you seriously or even cares anymore.


Read the flair.

And I'm talking from my experience on the sub. Instead of “sympathies“, most IT users give the stuff I mentioned.

why no one cares or takes you seriously anymore.

That's on you then. Take your not caring some other place.

your """"sympathy"""" is condescending, dismissive garbage or useless platitudes 90% of the time. when someone points it out you have the audacity get mad. "how dare they not accept our sage advice???". you downvote and and completely shit on anyone who doesn't agree with everything you say. you don't want to help; you want to be sanctimonious cunts and have others blindly agree with you, and when they don't, you show your true colors.

literally fuck off

Dude just be yourself.

hahaha nigga just take a fucking shower like nigga wash your hair haha


"Sorry you almost killed yourself. It's your own fault with your toxic misogyny." is not showing genuine sympathy.

If you respond to those posts as you would to any depressed suicidal human being IRL, not some faceless member of the hivemind "incel" that you so despise, then your sympathies might be better respected. Try treating them like human beings.

Agreed. I'm shocked by how some people respond to posts about feeling lonely and hopeless. They would never respond to a depressed person like that IRL unless they were ignorant, cruel, or both. Like most people who are mean on the Internet, they think they have license to be nasty and unempathetic just because they're hidden behind a screen.

I respond in kind to how they treat others. If you want to generalize based on origin, gender, orientation or any other factor you are stop characteristically biased against then I will generalize with you. That being said i do often try to speak to everyone here as individuals and am met with the same tiresome rhetoric.

Debating people is one thing. If you want to challenge their generalizations on various threads, fine.

But talking down to someone discussing their suicidal depression is downright sociopathic. If your priority is to challenge generalizations, focus on debate posts but stay the fuck away from people discussing suicide.

I debate incels because i find them to be the most wrong of all the groups available to talk to. I am always against suicide or anything related to it and its something i don't and don't intend to ever joke about. And i think there isba difference between your sympathies not wanting to be heard and your sympathies being wrong. There are many things incels seem either incapable or extremely reluctant to accept, which are the things i try to focus on in these threads. And yes most of the time i think incels are in this position because of their own actuons, a change in outlook can make all the difference but i know you will equate it to me just saying go take a shower bro.

If your sympathies include trying to make incels accept something they're reluctant to accept, your sympathies are wrong. Whether or you not you agree with incels views, that's not how genuine sympathy works.

Perhaps sympathies is not the word I'm looking for then. I think you know what i meant though.

If one of y'all is lonely you're welcome to hit up my messages if you just want someone to message or vent to. As long as you're nice, y'know.

Idk why you got down voted, that’s a very nice and reasonable offer.

Idk either but it's okay

We normie would constantly comment on incel posts on the old sub and every time we'd be told to stop trying to comfort or support because we are normie scum

How about leaving us alone? This place would be a lot less “””””tOxIc””””” without all the normies.

Because you're bullshit blue pilled platitudes offer us no comfort or support, they just hurt us more.

I'd suggest you learn how to actually comfort and support someone, or take your concern trolling and shove it.

Your so called support being "oh yeah just be nice and likable then maybe girls will talk to you hehe" fuck you cunt

An IT poster claims to be a man who gets laid. He claims that personality is the main factor in getting laid. He has a worse personality than most incels, and doesn't even bother hiding it.

They are being assholes just to be assholes. Their concern trolling is some of the most shallow, conspicuous garbage on the internet. No thought goes into it at all.

Sorry am new around here, what is IT referring to?

men commiting suicide from lack of sexual intimacy

-yawn- "Can't be our fault because our religion says we can't be oppressors"

men say stupid generalization about women as a whole


Calling feminism a religion, nice. Exactly what it is. Zero validity and based on false premises. How this shit ever made it into the mainstream is baffling to me.

If you commit suicide due to lack of sexual intimacy.. you’ve got massive problems. News flash; woman do not exist to fuck you. You are not entitled to a fucking.

News flash; woman do not exist to fuck you

Especially when economic conditions are bad, you make that loud and clear to us. The point being, the degree to which we are allowed to feel like a sexual being and that women want us is dependent on our status as a success object, collectively and individually.

Also no one is fundamentally entitled to anything. Think anything you think you deserve or think that you expect from any entity or person, and no you don't fundamentally deserve it. What determines whether or not you deserve something is entirely a social construct. It's determined by consensus or law.

Appealing to the current social contract as an argument for whether something or not is moral is only a powerful argument to those who like the current social contract. Obviously we don't, and a lot of non-incels don't either. And not just on issues related to sexuality.

That last paragraph is a great argument when discussing fundamental principles of society in general. I'm stealing that.

Look, I get it. You make a good point; you want women to give you a chance. Everyone wants that and I want society to stop rebuffing ugly people because they’re ugly. The difference is we are genetically coded to find attractive mates. It sucks, but it’s true - so it will be fundamentally difficult to change that. I don’t mean to kick someone when they are down, and I’m sorry for that. But you can’t blame women about it, because women don’t have to do anything. Women are not all looking for Chad thundercock - on the contrary, that stereotype is seen as stupid and boring, things women are not attracted to. I see where you guys are coming from and I’m sorry. But the only thing you can do is be the best person you can be. It’s hard, especially because we as men are coded to need Sex. But saying all women are whores because they don’t fuck you (I’m not saying you do, dear stranger, or anyone else), or outright insulting women because of the same reason, makes you a social outcast.

Now you seem like a pretty well spoken and intelligent guy. I just want to ask, have you considered that considering yourself an incel becomes a self fulfilling prophesy? By saying “I can’t do it”, you wont. That’s my two cents. I’m just sick of seeing such venomous misogyny coming from some incels - I responded brashly.

have you considered that considering yourself an incel becomes a self fulfilling prophesy?

Putting a label on yourself as a loser isn't the best way to try to tear down other men to get to the top of the male sexual hierarchy sure. Also telling women you aren't preselected isn't ever a way to do anything but turn women off, so yea we won't be getting any women on Reddit and makes us social outcasts on Reddit sure.

most don't want chad

We (or some of us) use chad as just a metaphor for a fault in primal female sexuality. So while the fault in man's primal sexuality is promiscuity and (a now) irrational taste for constant variety, the woman's main fault in her primal sexuality is her desire for the ultimate preselected man to settle down with into a long term relationship (which today doesn't really men a ripped dude, it's just easy to convey that way).

The problem with that part of a woman's primal sexuality, and I'm sure you've heard people complain about this, is that this "chad" is unobtainable BECAUSE he is selected for so much.

As you said, not all women like chad, but enough do that it makes navigating dating impossible for men who don't like pretending to be someone they are not and

best person you can be

can't by definition be. By definition, to have a chad, you have to have a sexual hierarchy of men and there always has to be men at the bottom if we allow a certain segment of men to be extra-successful with women. When women are all trying to outdo each other with make-up to fake their genetics, telling themselves that most men are below average, and competing with each other to fuck above their weight, they are in an arms race to avoid a growing number of men at the bottom.

If I become a chad, women would punch down other men to get to me and compete for me rather than settle, that doesn't help incels that only helps me

Could incels, or average men with social anxiety mostly, be attractive if women gave them a chance? Sure! Women's sexuality is incredibly flexible to societal values. Shaming and insulting women isn't the most diplomatic or effective way to make women flexible to more men, but it's something we do (out of other things to try to change society).

Look. You guys have a point, and I want everyone to be happy in society. But you guys need a crash course in psychology - people see negative actions much more often than positive. If you guys get the label of being misogynistic and whiney (not saying you guys are), the whole movement collapses and NOTHING you say will be taken seriously. I want society to be less superficial, but it doesn’t happen by insulting them. You have to present it diplomatically.

The fact that 4channers took over the incel label and put it into mainstream consciousness means we can't take it back. The word is damaged now. But as horrible as our tactics are, it might have some value. Even though you are right that being diplomatic is better, being caustic at least makes you heard more than being nice.

Also, about half of us have girlfriends and just troll. Even in the deepest pockets of incel spaces. Again, because incels were used as a political and trolling tool, this is what it is unfortunately.

Other avenues take a more diplomatic approach like /r/foreveralone and socialanxietysupport.org as well as MRA sites.

Your right. "Incel" is fucked. Maybe we should co-opt "foreveralone" and stick to using that label. It IS more accurate, anyway. The problem isn't sex, but loneliness and being undesired (and painfully aware of it).

I don't understand why this is being downvoted. This is a damn good point, guys. For real. Please, read what the poster said above. Particularly this quote:

"If you guys get the label of being misogynistic and whiney (not saying you guys are), the whole movement collapses and NOTHING you say will be taken seriously."

That's the damn truth, guys. Please. Listen up.

Meh, I don’t expect them to. I hope they do, but they may be too far gone at this point.

It sucks, but it’s true - so it will be fundamentally difficult to change that.

Then we are allowed to be angry

But you can’t blame women about it

Yeah i can

But the only thing you can do is be the best person you can be.

Tried that for all my life. Guess what, it doesnt work, retardo

have you considered that considering yourself an incel becomes a self fulfilling prophesy?

The sky is blue whether you say it's blue or not

Yeah... it’s this rhetoric that makes everyone hates you. You guys have good points! But guess what, you’re absolutely horrible rhetoric completely invalidates everything you’re saying, even if it’s right.

That's how you shift the overton window though. You need to be radical to allow for public discourse on topics that are considered to radical, to over-the-top to discuss at the moment. Just being diplomatic will never get the change that we (and many other men) desire.

it’s this rhetoric that makes everyone hates you

I don't care if they hate me or not. Like no fucks given. Why should I care?

I don’t mean to kick someone when they are down, and I’m sorry for that.

Apology accepted. Thank you. I read the post about equating suicide with "entitlement", and it deeply offended me, then I read the quote above. See, I lost 2 close friends this way. A lifetime of rejection and loneliness, and couldn't cope with it anymore. One hung himself, the other took a gun blew his brains out. Each left a note and cited the incel life as the reason. These guys were hardly the entitled types. Never once did they talk or act like women owed them anything. I myself narrowly escaped the same fate. Spent almost 20 years on a constant quest trying to figure out what I was "doing wrong", devouring self-help books, putting myself out there, etc, etc, yet still continued to fail, and felt more miserable with each passing year. I eventually found out it was my appearance that was holding me back, so I spend a few years fixing that, and that worked. In fact, far better than I even hoped for. If not for that, I wouldn't even be alive today. Anyhow, thanks again for being willing to listen to what that other guy said. Most people don't do that, and frankly, all the hate towards women in the incelsphere doesn't help the situation.

The difference is we are genetically coded to find attractive mates.

Problem is that people don't accept that. They act like attractive people are successful by being virtuous hence why they are good in the sexual marketplace.

People act like sexual attraction is a social construct. What you just up there would spark lots of outrage in mainstream society even though its truth.

What I wish is that society would accept reality for what it is, and then maybe things would be better for those who are worthless trash.

It won't get them laid, but at least they won't have to feel bad about their situation.

lol. How do you go from being isolated from society, having no relationships, and desiring a woman's love to WOMAN NEED TO FUCK ME NOW!!!11 THATS THEIR DUTY. There's a huge gap between those two things. Maybe try and be a little more understanding of the men here who honestly get zero validation in life.

I can completely respect that. But you guys have to realize - by declaring yourself an incel, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It’s defeatist thinking and does not help anyone. And I know it’s difficult, fighting that depression and sadness. Dude I suffer from psychotic depression, I know how it feels. But you can’t give in. If you give in, you’ll never get what you want. And that’s what pisses me off about incels. They have so much potential! They’re usually smart and well spoken. But most of all, they are defeated and have given up. And I can sympathize with that. But when telling them some things about women that really are true, they become hostile. That’s my problem with incels. You guys say you are defeated. Trust me, ugly people are loved at the time. Otherwise... evolution would weed them out, and the world would all be attractive.

Just wanted to say that despite all your downvotes I think you've said a lot of rational things that were good. Unfortunately, when people believe they are a victim, it is really hard to help them.

Thank you. I don’t hate you guys... I just want you guys to understand that if you’ve given up, you can only a blame yourself. Trust me, this is from a guy who has given up.

I'm 22. Supposedly at the "best" I will look physically as a man. How will it get "better" suddenly for me?

If you give up, it sure as hell won’t. The future is what you make it. I know, cliche right? But it’s true.

The future is determined the day your father's sperm hits your mother's embryo.

Unfortunately, when people believe they are a victim it is really hard to help them.

How aren't we fucked of a fate we can't control?

Why did you give up?

Since it’s over?

You already said that. I was wanting to know more of how its fucked.

All in all, it doesn't really matter how you define yourself -cel wise because the underlying problem is you are spending far too many resources in your life reinforcing your own negative views and engaging in a community that celebrates those views. This is creating a gigantic negative feedback loop / downward spiral of emotions for you.

That's the point xplodingducks raised:

by declaring yourself an incel, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy

If you can't succeed in a relationship right now then the best thing is to live life in an alternative path. Finding new hobbies and pursuing interests will not only make you happier as a human, giving you a positive feedback loop, but they will also open up doors to developing socially and often times result in a relationship being a possibility. Even if it ends up with you just earning more money, more autonomy in your life makes more happiness.

Life is shitty a lot of the times but if everyone was born equally there'd be no point to having individuals. Maybe you haven't found your "calling" yet but the more time you spend feeling sorry for self the longer it'll be until that happens. Maybe "love" comes by at 35 and you don't even know yourself as an individual and you miss it...

Thats the other point xplodingducks raised:

They have so much potential!

Maybe that all falls on deaf ears, I know I wouldn't listen in your situation, but I hope you focus on other parts of your life and build yourself as an individual where you can.

reinforcing your own negative views

how does it matter what I do? Won't change anything.

live life in an alternative path

I don't want to. I want to live a life. Have normal relationships, and get married. Is that too much to ask for?

hobbies and pursuing interests will not only make you happier as a human, giving you a positive feedback loop

It does the opposite. I get reminded that I'm single and alone.

Just like anything, you will have withdrawals - or regression. It's not easy to drop feeling like that. It's even harder to drop that feeling when you don't have anything else to occupy your mind. Idle thumbs make the Devil's work and all that.

A relationship often builds on whether two individuals share morals or share interests. I hope you can realise that the morals of an incel are not attractive, and if you don't have any interests outside of posting on reddit then you don't have anything that makes you an individual.

You also need to think about when you do get into a relationship, where do these feelings go? You will be stuck feeling like this even then. Nothing that you spent so long on your life enforcing will go away overnight. What happens when these mindsets you've developed lose you your best shot at marriage, girlfriends, children and friendship?

Let's not kid ourselves: today is a write off. However, tomorrow can always be better if you make it better. The downward spiral is hard to escape but you need to recognise it and avoid it as much as possible.

News flash; woman do not exist to fuck you.

Yes, they do. And we exist to fuck them.

It's one of our very strongest fundamental drives as humans. Not to mention that our entire species, and many before leading up to us, propagates itself (survives) purely through sexual reproduction.

Alright - technically, they do. But you are not entitled to being fucked by her. But I get what you’re getting at.


God damn have you guys even been on the sub? They only really make fun of incels who insult women unfairly. Give me an example of otherwise or shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up whore. Get!

shut the fuck up.

look how aggressive you are. Christ dude, maybe leave the internet for a while and cool off.

We can insult women however we want

Great - then expect nothing to change.

Nothing will change whether I insult women on here or not

Yeah... but you’ll be seen as a dick... and if anyone finds out I guarantee they’ll be pretty repulsed... so good job man. Way to be a dick.

They’re already repulsed without knowing. It makes no difference.

Way to be a dick

shut the fuck up

I lol'ed.

lol caln Down

Lmao nah they got it right. You guys are pathetic.

funny how they are almost completely inactive on the post about stage offing himself. almost like on some level they know how tortured incels are but lie to themselves about it.

Oh they were not inactive. I had to [remove] some posts outright encouraging him to commit suicide. You can find some screenshots in my post history.

I was subbed to IT for a long time, never posted or commented, but had fun reading it and laughing at the caricature they’ve made of you guys. Then I came to this sub and found out what it’s really about and now I find myself agreeing with y’all more often than not. The terminology you guys use is fucking hilarious and of course the memes are preposterously dank. Y’all get a bad rap and it’s kind of ridiculous now that I’ve seen both sides

Welcome aboard :). Glad to know there's others out there willing to look at both sides before pronouncing judgement. It's so easy to get taken in by all the muckraking tactics used by IT, the media and other groups. Granted, there's legit crazies in the manosphere, but for the most part, these guys have been socially/sexually ostracized for reasons beyond their control (very short, disabled, ugly, etc). It's very naive of people to think they wouldn't themselves be angry/depressed/frustrated after spending decades living in the same situation.


Hypocrisy at its finest.


I love u guys.

The fact that 4channers took over the incel label and put it into mainstream consciousness means we can't take it back. The word is damaged now. But as horrible as our tactics are, it might have some value. Even though you are right that being diplomatic is better, being caustic at least makes you heard more than being nice.

Also, about half of us have girlfriends and just troll. Even in the deepest pockets of incel spaces. Again, because incels were used as a political and trolling tool, this is what it is unfortunately.

Other avenues take a more diplomatic approach like /r/foreveralone and socialanxietysupport.org as well as MRA sites.

Just wanted to say that despite all your downvotes I think you've said a lot of rational things that were good. Unfortunately, when people believe they are a victim, it is really hard to help them.

This is exactly what im talking about. Any advice we give, you write off as just anither normie platitude, or just some condescending bullshit even if it isn't. You have a battery of retorts you use to discredit anything we say whether its helpful or not. You are equally guilty of dismissing experiences and opinions based on their origin. So maybe you can see why no one takes you seriously or even cares anymore.

I don't understand why this is being downvoted. This is a damn good point, guys. For real. Please, read what the poster said above. Particularly this quote:

"If you guys get the label of being misogynistic and whiney (not saying you guys are), the whole movement collapses and NOTHING you say will be taken seriously."

That's the damn truth, guys. Please. Listen up.

That is making it both harder to acquire

That makes no logical sense. If I put it at the top of my list of priorities, then wouldn't that improve my chances?

You are telling me to put the few opportunities I have over an entire decade to the side which makes no logical sense since I have so few chances.

You need drop ideas like this - any woman who shares these ideas will not be attracted in anything but the "scale" and it makes it sound like you only care about the "scale" too.

We are more mature than you. We don't mirror our thoughts completely into words. We have a filter.

Bars and clubs aren't great to meet people properly - they literally blast music louder than the normal conversation level which pushes the focus off socialisation and into more instinctual attractions like body language, dancing and physical features. It's almost implied that you go to a club just for a bit of casual flirting, banterous socialisation or for "something more" - if you hit it off you'd be expected to have some sort of sexual action, but if you don't enjoy the music or pull women then there's no point going. If you don't think you can "play the field", then don't.

Yes, and for most my friends, the idea of "fun" is going out and doing that. Every. Single. Weekend.

Maybe your friends are shit as well, who knows, but recognise your envy for their lives and try to respect that they will have their own problems which they had to overcome. If they drink and go out a lot, then they are probably still avoiding problems one way or another.

They are happier than I am. So nah, I'm pretty sure they aren't shit. They might have problems, but it isn't the same that I have. And it may be solvable too.

A relationship without friendship can only exist when there is sexual attraction on both sides. If you think you can't appeal to women physically, and you don't want to spend time to get to know what makes them tick (or become friends in order to ask them how to make a woman tick) then you've closed off your two doors to a real relationship.

No, but when a woman has made a decision to NOT date you, she probably never will. End of the story. You can't "win a person's heart." This isn't hollywood.

Some people learned to socialise through their childhood - I didn't, at least until ~23 years. You need to work up through Acquaintance -> Friends -> Romantic Interest -> Girlfriend Material -> Long-Term Girlfriend -> Wife Material. If you want to jump straight to wife, you are missing out so many steps. If you don't know how to be a friend to a woman, you will struggle having romantic interest. If you think that some guy with none of your bad features is getting easy pussy or whatever - he is just good at steps 1-2-3-4, and can probably skip 1-2 because of it yet he may struggle with 5-6. You want 5-6, but haven't got enough experience in 1-2-3 to make it. Get that experience.

That's the thing. You're making wild assumptions. Such the assumption that I can't socialize. That's not my problem. My problem is that I won't ever be seen as a sexual being.

Your first girlfriend might not even be your last because heaven knows you will fuck it up or be aiming so far below your actual league that you will cheat yourself out of a more ideal partner.

I'm not haphazard with dating. I know better.