Women will never understand true loneliness because they are handed social life's for free

33  2018-03-07 by behindcloseddoors1

All a woman has to do to escape loneliness is walk outside.

Ladies night at the bar? Girls drink free

House party? Girls don't pay cover

Going to a hobby meet up and don't know anything? 20 dudes will drop everything to help you

Going to a hobby meet up and you are an expert in the subject? 20 dudes will drop everything to marvel at your work.

Women are constantly invited out to lunch at work and to co-workers barbecues.

Women get mass invited to every school party held by the popular kids.

Women are never really alone, they are valued by all of society while we sit here and rot while the normies laugh at us.


Who gives a fuck. All of this happens because most guys are thirsty and desperate. It's not women's fault for existing.

They encourage it. They love the validation. You cant blame a guy for wanting to get pussy either

Tbh if guys stopped putting women on a pedestal then literally all of your problems would be solved.

We are a small minority of people who aren't getting any women in the first place. Your comment means literally nothing

If men stopped worshipping women then women would naturally have to settle, just like guys do. Equality. Solved everything.

Right, and we have no control over other men, so it doesnt matter...

We have no control over anything but we talk about what “should” people do

helps to vent. if ya don't like posts here get off and go outside.

Wrong, men need to wake the fuck up and stop putting bitches on a pedestal. All you ever see is Stacies looking good laughing and eating, they’re the least interesting humans but their egos are insane. We can help equality, treat women as they are. If you’re incel don’t chase, it’s useless and it just boosts their unwarranted egos.

if we're here stating facts about em are we really putting them on a pedestal. exact opposite.

mainstream society or us? two very different things. did you watch the oscars? i didnt but i can tell. if you think society isnt jacking women off i dont know what to say

Who gives a fuck

Women... to Chad.


Thirst and desperation is a byproduct of hypergamy, a majority of women are ugly as shit yet an overwhelming majority of men would settle for them any day

Women could do their part to fix things. But they'd rather deny places where male virgins can vent and discuss instead of actually helping.

It's not women's fault

Never, they are perfect and can do no wrong.

If you have to pay to get into a house party, you're going to the wrong house party..

Unfortunately most of the kids in western society are assholes.

I think it's standard practice to charge for a kegger

It was. $5 per cup, which if you think about how much you drink, you get way more than your money's worth.

Lmfao damn you got charged by the cup? We just charged to let people in

You can refill the cup.

Oh so same shit. Anyways I remember keggers being a blast, even if I was a shitty incel. Jfl at the normie saying paying for a house party is weird



and the other thing

As a person who lives in the US, I can assure you that you're just dealing with a special breed of asshole. If it's that bad start your own house party.

Yeah why would you even want to be "friends" with someone who charges you money to enter their house? So retarded.

If they are charging you money and calling themselves your friend, they aren't your friend. If your friend started a house party and people had to pay (Most cases that do this it's a college frat) you shouldn't have to pay.

there's no such thing as friends just people that can bring more social value to you. black pill

Friends exist

I'd go just for the sake of drinking, I don't give a shit about friendship in that kind of situation.

I was always under the impression it's to help pay for the keg(s). At that kind of rager you don't usually know everyone there, even as the host. You're providing the venue and taking the risk of letting a bunch of strangers party at your house.

For a regular house party it's different. Host provides some booze but everyone else contributes or brings their own.

a house party started by an incel is a sad thing indeed

If you say free booze people line up

true you're right

I know

still sad to buy drinks for a bunch of chads and stacys and get nothing in return

The party and enjoyment is in return.

Also "Chads" and "Stacys" have names and don't need to be labeled by false views.

nah it's accurate it's in the lexicon now deal with it. and the enjoyment won't happen for an incel. he'd be host of party and get a few fake thank yous and that's it.

haha what?

they don't ask me to pay but you need to bring 2 girls with you. so even if I was rich I wouldn't have the chosen currency to get in.


if it was a woman making a typo you'd say wow look how bold she is

Hell, want to eat dinner with someone and can't afford. Don't worry many men will pay you to eat dinner with you. Life is so hard for women.

Many men will pay for the dinner, AND the time.

Literally keeping femorrhoids alive

dont have to buy dating app memberships because every swipe is a match


As a female with social anxiety, I have NO social life whatsoever. None of the things described in your post have happened to me when I do get the nerve to get out of the house.

I believe you. I had a femalw friend for 15 years who had no social life, a few BFs, no chads. Great smart girl. Very rare.

did you watch her 24/7? guaranteed she had a few chads plow her


okay, guarantee it - prove it, I'll wait.

I don't care for Chads nor have I had sexual relations with one. I don't want to contribute to the list of girls they've plowed to boost their disgustingly high egos.

has no social life but probably has had boyfriends and sex, top kek

Sex to a female is not seen as an accomplishment. I'm voluntarily celibate so my view may differ from other females.

Cause they live life on easy mode

Sex to a female is not seen as an accomplishment

You literally just proved our point right there. It's not an accomplishment because you can get it so easliy.

That doesn't mean I want to get it. I'd rather be a virgin my whole life.

I guarantee you aren't a virgin. Been pumped and dumped at least a couple times or sucked a few dicks.

I never said I was a virgin. The one time it happened was due to sexual coercsion. Other than that, I choose to remain celibate for the rest of my life.

Pathetic whore. I always wonder why women can't take responsibility for their own actions. Sex they regret always becomes coercion or assault and let me guess, it wasn't with an unattractive guy or your looksmatch. Just because he didn't want to stick around with your autistic self doesn't make it coercion, it makes you a worthless whore who gave your virginity to a stranger.

It most definitely was coercion. Everyone would agree if I explained the scenario to them. I was in a long term relationship for over a year when it happened so it wasn't a stranger either.

How about you explain the story then. Also merely being in a long term relationship is more than any incel here has gotten. You have nothing in common with us.

I don't want to create more arguements on a sub that hates women, so I think I'll just leave it at that.

The bottom line is YOU decided to have sex with him. Nobody made that decision but you and you need to take responsibility for your own action. In this day and age, no guy is going to continue pressuring if you give him a firm no and that's all you had to do. You wanted sex and you regretted it, that doesn't make it coercion.

yeah doesn't make any sense to me tbh

Lmao why would anyone want to have anything in common with you anyway? You guys are fucking sad. Your life literally revolves around your lack of sex and female attention and you live in a perpetual state of ragequit. You make yourself feel better by attacking females yet all you want is to be given attention by one.

You liked the guy enough to date him for over a year but not enough to have sex with him? You sound really annoying

Is your boyfriend okay with never having sex? It’s your choice but I’m genuinely curious how this works in a relationship

You have social anxiety yet you've been in long term relationships by your own admission. Do you understand how far removed that is from 20 something year old men that haven't so far even had someone LOOK at them?

Men will never understand loneliness because they can drive to,a bar

Except for all the unattractive, socially anxious girls who are literally in the exact same position as you guys...

It's hilarious how you're all so blind to anyone else's predicament besides yours.

Remember unattractive women are invisible to these guys.

Fat females reject me most brutally

I literally dream about a cute 3/10 acnefull autistic gf everyday.

If you literally dream about her - your exact words, not mine - then she’s not unattractive to you and therefore not the type of woman being mentioned.

You defined unattractive circularly or something you fucking idiot. “They’re not attracted to women they’re not attracted to”.

You’re not gonna understand my comment. Dumbass.

That said I agree with the parent. What do those anxious girls do? Go on Reddit?

They did the pigwoman experiment already. Unattractive women will still find male partners.

Nope, they still have sex and relationships

Ugly girls are in demand from even above average guys due to hypergamy. Socially anxious girls go on tinder and get fucked by chads who don't give a shit about them. There are literally no women in our position.

Yeah hella ugly girls have banged chads or chadlets at least.

I would do anything to trade places with an unattractive, socially anxious girl. Granted, she's no "Stacy" -- but she still lives a happier life than I do. If it were possible, I would happily switch bodies with any unattractive, socially anxious girl out there willing to swap with me. In my case, it could be nothing but an upgrade.

But you’d have to deal with periods, my dude

That's a fair trade. You bleed once a month and in return you get society treating you like a human being instead of an outcast.


Except for all the unattractive, socially anxious girls who are literally in the exact same position as you guys...

I thought we were incels because we are rapist misogyinsts who hate women? Are these girls that too or...?


Naahhh. Ugly women are still approached by countless men. But these women will feel lonely because Chad doesn't approach them :'(

Except for all the unattractive


socially anxious

"cute, endearing"

ho are literally in the exact same position as you guys

Try again, fucktard.

What about really ugly women?

Get a grip mate

I have done more than that, I have given myself deathgrip.

Boo fucking hoo.

You'd be white knighting the shit out of this thread if it was a female posting about how lonely she was, though.

I definitely would not be because I am not this imaginary “white knight” you pathetic losers are so intimidated by.

oh damn you're a tough dude. Are you a black knight then?

I’m not, no

I wonder who would get more attention on the streets of NYC:

A lost, starving, five-year-old, orphan black boy, OR

An average femail

I'd rather stab my eye out than experience these so-called "escapes"
- Being considered a good recepticle for you or anyone's penis at a frat party doesn't cure loneliness. -Having 20 dudes assume you're so inept you need help doesn't cure loneliness, nor does having 20 dudes pissed off that you didn't want to be their penis recepticle -Having men marvel insincerely, or, tell women their work is wrong, as roundabout ways of asking them to be a penis recepticle, does not cure loneliness -People (men and women) who are lonely are, by definition, not being invited to everyone's work lunches and barbeques.

No one has a monopoly on loneliness, and not everyone wants shallow drunken interactions or a horde of self interested 'followers' who's acceptance of you depends upon your "f-ability".

Why do you assume you have to fuck all these men? They might talk to you at first because they think you are hot, but if you have a good personality they will stick around even if you reject them because they have grown to like you as a friend too.

She's just angry chad pumped and dumped her. She is nothing like us.

If you're right - does that make you the good guy?

No, but it makes you a volcel lol

I'm not the type who would enjoy most of the situations described, and I'm not assuming a woman does or doesn't have to... I'm trying to make a point about the reasoning behind the actions in these scenarios. The logic in the original post says that 20 dudes will drop everything to help a woman as soon as she walks out the door, therefore she never has to feel lonely - but why (at least hypothetically) are these men doing that?

No offense but there's nothing even remotely relatable here. The male equivalent of what you are describing is literally invisible. I went weeks at a time not even fucking opening my mouth to speak at college. How can someone who literally is showered with attention just for existing possibly relate?

Not sure what you mean in your second sentence. Re the rest, a person showered with attention probably couldn't relate to your experience - a lot of people couldn't relate to your experience, just as you can't relate to theirs.


Fem here has been invisible. I went to college for five years and never made a single friend. I pretty much never spoke to anyone the entire time. It permanently changed who I am as a person. Six years later and sometimes I feel like I still don't know how to carry on a conversation. I have literally two friends, and one of them I don't even like, I just hang out with her to try to stave off loneliness (We've had 2 conversations about her fucking haircut. Do you have any idea how fucking obnoxious it is to have multiple conversations over losing 3 inches of hair). Sooo... Wouldn't exactly call my existence being "showered with attention for existing," or even fun in any way shape or form.

Women have more value to both men and other women.

Women are the post privileged gender in modern western society straight up

This is so untrue, not all girls party and drink, not all girls are extroverted and talkative.

They don't have to be extroverted or talkative, if they are a girl then men will put all the effort into the conversation.

This is so broad and generalized, not all girls, and for sure not all men do this.

Exactly! There are plenty of introverted women. Plenty of women considered unattractive by society's standards. Plenty of women who care less about doing most of these things. Plenty of women with social anxiety. These generalizations are just that, imo.

Correction: pretty girls

this isn't new, we used to be conscripted and sent to die in the millions while women sat at home

life as a young male is trash unless you're rich af or male model material

Ugh, socialization. I prefer my Friday nights with a good video game and an ice cream.

life's lives

We are a small minority of people who aren't getting any women in the first place. Your comment means literally nothing

Cause they live life on easy mode

Sex to a female is not seen as an accomplishment

You literally just proved our point right there. It's not an accomplishment because you can get it so easliy.

It most definitely was coercion. Everyone would agree if I explained the scenario to them. I was in a long term relationship for over a year when it happened so it wasn't a stranger either.

This is so broad and generalized, not all girls, and for sure not all men do this.