Your dating life is very likely a direct reflection of your looks and height. Never forget that.

33  2018-03-07 by stronglydislikeweebs


I’m 5’11” and ugly as sin, so this is quite flattering. Thank you.

Let me guess, you sure are so much ugly, but your good personality is making the difference?

It’s either that, or women have extremely low standards.

Or maybe you are not ugly, just average.

Bug eyed, mixed race, terrorist beard

If you can attract women and have sex and relationships with them, you are attractive.

Looksmaxxed with haircut

No haircut bc lazy, in the ocean during Hurricane Irma, receding ass hairline on full display

Most recent ex, left her for a curry

Mutually unflattering pic with her for verification

Half this sub mogs me.

why do you purposely make yourself look like a 40 year old ex teen rock band drummer

It’s better than looking like a 40 year old middle management slob at 29 and it generally goes over well Work with what you got

You look like a weirdo

Nope, you are average as fuck, normie as fuck, not ugly but not Chad either. But you already know that, you have results to back it up, so why the need for the validation and humble bragging? Half this sub mogs you? Half this sub will die a virgin. Fucking hell.

Half this sub does mog me. They wouldn’t be incel if they weren’t socially retarded. That’s the issue I take. Aesthetic is incredibly important, and some here are definitely too ugly to fuck, but many aren’t and blame their looks anyway instead of their p-slur because that would imply fault on their end.

It's funny you think personality is something you can just change. You can't disregard your genes, your experiences, your shortcomings and disadvantages and be a completely different person. Or a normal person at all when your brain is abnormal. You are what you were born to be. You were just more lucky than people here. Everything else is just world delusion.

All I can do is speak from my own experience, but I’ve dramatically changed my personality more times than I can count and I think doing so regularly and on the fly is an integral part of the human experience. The Japanese have some sort of weird overanalytical terminology for it, as they do for everything -

Honne and tatemae

Honne and tatemae are Japanese words that describe the contrast between a person's true feelings and desires (本音, hon'ne, "true sound") and the behavior and opinions one displays in public (建前, tatemae, "built in front", "façade").

Honne may be contrary to what is expected by society or what is required according to one's position and circumstances, and they are often kept hidden, except with one's closest friends. Tatemae is what is expected by society and required according to one's position and circumstances, and these may or may not match one's honne.

In many cases tatemae leads to outright telling of lies in order to avoid exposing the true inward feelings.

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Fuck your personality and your delusions of changing it on the fly, do you really expect me to believe in such bullshit? If you were really ugly, nobody would even care about what kind of person you really are, they would automatically assume you suck because that is how lookism works.

Nancy up there just said I look like a 40 year old ex teen rock band drummer soooooo ????????????

And that makes you unattractive? Holy shit give me a fucking break already.

I’m not even 30

Well, too bad, you are now an incel, then. No sex ever, right? Why do normies like you want to be losers and ugly when they are not? Do you think it is cool or something to aspire to?

All I’m saying is the blackpill is 40% cope

Even 60% truth would make it more right than anything you believe in.

I believe in us

Why are no females who are 'socially retarded' incel?

Because men look passed such trivialities, and try to like them for them.

Why can't women do the same?

Women's judgments are made in a much more relative way. They want dominant men (socially, physically, etc). In other words, they want men who mog other men. This means you will always have some guys with sub-standard personalities, and these males will be scorned by women.

Btw, you are NOT EVEN CLOSE to bad looking, imo, mog your gf.

Mogs me hard. You're not even halfway to ugly compared to someone like me you attention whoring troglodyte

Post face

"Mixed race" lul, you look white and have perfect blue eyes. You're just here to humblebrag about your looks and gf.

You don't actually think you're ugly, right?

Check the gif. I look somewhat presentable when I try, but naturally I’m a complete subhuman. A little effort goes a long way in most cases.

Post face

Hard to forget when you’re reminded of your trash genetics every morning looking in the mirror.

You're ugly and your mother dresses you

My dating life is a direct result of how much effort I put into it, which is none. I don't socialize enough and never really try to.

Be honest with yourselves. You're probably just salty you can't land some r/bustypetite tail on your first try. I know how that feels, they're really fucking hot and I really wanna bang one too but come on, it's not worth getting my nuts twisted up over. Then again, I've never really been one to let my libido completely dominate my mindset and psyche, so I bet I could go without getting even longer and still have cool friends, awesome vidya, and food. Life is pretty easy to enjoy you should really try it.

Incel in denial

I mean yeah, I'm celibate, but it doesn't bother me. I don't need to have sex to be happy. I'm not sure why that's so hard to understand for you guys. Yeah in the first four years of being alone it was rough and I hated myself but I grew out of that.

" doesn't bother me"
If you are not asexual, it bothers you, you are just virtue signalling and coping. I also put zero effort into women, but I can't say sex would not make me happier because that is just a blatant lie.

No, I mean exactly what I said. It doesn't bother me. That doesn't imply that having a girlfriend wouldn't make me happier or that having sex wouldn't make me happier, but it means that the lack of it isn't turning me into a woman-hating dipshit.

This stigma you people have around coping is beyond stupid. "Cope" literally means to effectively deal with something difficult, so you're all basically admitting to your terrible mindset and lack of balls to confront your issues and deal with them.

You would not be here if it did not bother you all, you are just trying to convince yourself by convincing me. Yes, it is a literal classic beginner's cope. I would sure like a girlfriend I could have a great relationship with, no matter how impossible it is, I can't deny my own sexuality like you do.
You are supposed to find a partner and have sex, your ancestors did that, it is ingrained in your genes. You are not dealing with anything, you are just trying to delude yourself you do not have a problem and you are not actually failing. And being a omega loser who is not getting any sex is a failure, nothing else.

Our ancestors also shit in creeks, hunted with sticks, and banged their cousins. Wanting things because ye Olde times compel you to isn't a good enough justification. Have some individuality.

Also it's not denial if you coped and got through it a stronger person. There you guys go again with the stupid cope meme. It's like you all try so hard to find shit to whine about when reality can't afford you enough conflict.

You are not a new evolved species that is above of sex and the whole nature. Sexually you are the same as your ancestors. There is individuality and there is just fake individuality for the sake of being different, just a lie. But whatever helps you coping, I guess.

Actually humans are far and beyond above the whole of nature when it comes to sex. We aren't biologically compelled to procreate, it's something we do for fun. If we were biologically compelled then our civilizations would've turned out quite differently...

I'll never understand this coping meme you guys spew. Are you really so scared to admit weakness that you discount the possibility that you need to cope? Please look up with that word means lol

"We aren't biologically compelled to procreate, it's something we do for fun"
Ok, I had enough of your stupidity.

Look it up dude, it's science. Intelligent species evolved to do it for fun and for pleasure specifically so we'd fuck like rabbits and make even more babies than those basic bitches that do it because their brains are programmed to.

There's this concept called "free will" you might want to look into...

It's something we want to check off our bucket lists so it doesn't drive us crazy, one day I was about ready to beat my dogs then drive off to yell at every woman I saw because I was pissed about not being able to find a woman and them all being degerate cunts.

I was about ready to beat my dogs

Then you're garbage, period. If you were honestly about to take out your frustration on innocent animals then I hope you never find a woman. Just be a good human bro.

Fuck off, I AM a good human, it's incelqueer fags telling me to be positive and blaming shit on me that drives me to that point.

Reality check that one. "I am a good person, it's everybody else's fault!

Fuckers on the internet giving me bullshit about how it's "my fault" I can't get a relationship and giving me bullshit adbvice that would ruin my life that I can tell they are stupid enough to actually believe makes me pissed off to that point, it IS there fault, besides, the worse I even did then was yell at them before they ran off.

I dunno man, potential pussy in my experience doesnt care so much about the past as the present. The present in which you are crazy enough to get pissed at the internet and rage at your dogs for it. Being the bigger man and letting it go might not get your dick sucked but it sure wouldnt hurt

It's hard to let it go when trying to find girls is what you think about so much. I get pissed when things remind me of the shit I've been told over and over in real life in such a similar way, besides I think I may have forgot my meds that day.

"I grew out of that"

Is that why you desperately engage with incels in order to prove to them Just how little inceldom affects you?

Paragraph after paragraph, all about how little you care... seems like you care a lot more than you say you do.

Actions speak louder than words.

Nah dude it's called arguing my point. If your only argument against me is that I bother to write out my points and argue effectively, then you're losing the argument. You still haven't refuted any of my points.

I love women, you're batshit insane for engaging with people on this sub.

Also you should probably look into what the word "celibate" means. It implies that it's something voluntary, which goes completely counter to the "incel" mindset. In other words, it's basically impossible to be involuntarily voluntarily chaste.

No, I do not need to look it up. I am celibate, no pursuing women, no sex, no relationships, nothing. Arguing about how much voluntary or involuntary it is pointless, it changes nothing.

Who cares?

look up what word involuntary means

oh fuck you with how condesending you are. We can't get ANY woman, even a 300 pound landwhale, it's fucked up.

At least I don't fantasize about beating my dogs.

They wouldn't shut up and I was pissed off because of condescending cunts like you telling me everyhing is MY fault.

It's less about it being your fault and more about there not even really being much of a problem in the first place. But if you think about hitting dogs for barking then maybe you just don't have any self control so I shouldn't be surprised you're here instead of getting some help.

Is not thinking about doing something bad and then not doing it the exact definition of self control?

Maybe if you didn't call them land whales.

It doesn't matter, I'm not calling them landwhales if I'm actually trying to go after them(which I hate doing but I'm desperate).

You're probably just salty you can't land some r/bustypetite tail on your first try.

Believe it or not, men identifying as "constantly rejected" aren't just histrionic entitled whiners who are mad they couldn't bag a hottie on the first try. Some men can't land anyone after dozens of tries.

Believe it or not, people are not all equally attractive to the opposite sex.

im an ugly bitch who is tall but abornally so :D aka too thin LOL stickman

I'm taller and better looking than most guys here and still don't have a dating life... not a very good reflection if it's exactly the same for most dudes here.

Serriously though, when it gets to that point we need a different way of measuring it.

The reason I'm single isn't even my looks that much but that women are fucking cunts with everyone willing to defend their cum stained back instead of letting those whores deal with consequences like they should.

Incel in denial

I'm not in denial though, I'm aware I have slightly below average to average looks.


That isn't enough these days.


Do you not believe me?

I get what you mean but you might not be as good looking as you think you are.

I don't think I look good, I think I only look slightly below average. But yeah, using that as a scale is like using a thermometer that has 0 C at it's lowest point

Average is the new ugly in the age of online dating. Sucks, mate, I know.

I think you're just shitty.

I get rejected before girls even get to know me. If we are criticizing my personality then it's worth noting that I'm horrible at approaching girls and don't even know what to say. It has nothing to do with how I treat people.

Your image of yourself may not be as accurate as you think it is.

Average just isn't enough these days.

Nah that's your shittiness talking. Spend an afternoon at a park and look for how many average to ugly looking guys there are with a woman.

So now you're blaming my personality as well?

The thing is that it's not just how you treat people or if you're respectful and nice, which I am sure you are. The thing is that people want to hang out with other people who are confident, fun, exciting, etc... When it comes to a lot of posters in this sub, I can't imagine them being very confident or fun people... It's a vicious cycle too because not being confident or fun only leads to less confidence and less fun.

confident, fun, exciting

Ehh one out of three isn't bad, not fun or exciting because nothing in life to do.


I mean, I don't approach women, don't party, and I'm not old enough to get into bars and clubs. I think that may be why my dating life is currently: none

What about humor or personality?

those dont' matter unless you're attractive to the person

Dozens of females told me that I’m funny. I have never been on a date.

Absolutley true. The better you look the higher your success. Nothing else matters

No, it isn't - never forget that

Woah, this is powerful. Me BTFO

You should start smoking weed again, you’re turning into something that you don’t want to become.

Is that supposed to be advice?

More like a warning about how you’re currently heading down a dark road.

Nope, I just got my ticket out of inceldom, just a few more months of jerking off on Saturday nights

Haha could you be any more vague?

Why would I want to talk to you? You seem like a bully

Jesus Christ is Jason B

Now why would you say that? I haven’t been rude to you and I was only trying to stop you from being another young guy who gets corrupted by this awful community.

You would not be here if it did not bother you all, you are just trying to convince yourself by convincing me. Yes, it is a literal classic beginner's cope. I would sure like a girlfriend I could have a great relationship with, no matter how impossible it is, I can't deny my own sexuality like you do.
You are supposed to find a partner and have sex, your ancestors did that, it is ingrained in your genes. You are not dealing with anything, you are just trying to delude yourself you do not have a problem and you are not actually failing. And being a omega loser who is not getting any sex is a failure, nothing else.

It doesn't matter, I'm not calling them landwhales if I'm actually trying to go after them(which I hate doing but I'm desperate).