
122  2018-03-07 by The_TrashMaster


LOL every girl and her friends have a septum and tats now. it used to be you actually needed to be an interesting person to venture into tatting and piercing yourself but with the snowflake generation every bitch is looking for a way to feel unique and interesting

I don’t have my septum pierced.


downvote this idiocy. didnt you feminists have a trend making fun of men who say 'not all men'? this is a fucking incel sub, we are all aware enough to know not 100% of women have septums. i should have been more clear instead of saying 'every girl' i should have said 99% of females

Dude chill. I did not have a trend of saying anything like that. I’m aware you are aware. Clearer is generally better. And say whatever you like, because I will too.

okay. i wasnt trying to attack you. im sure youre a nice person trying to come into this sub and chat.

Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. Lol. I just stumbled across this sub. It’s interesting to me to see how other people view things, whether I agree with it or not.

i dont see the problem as a dude into tattoos and piercings

I don't get where people get the idea that we get piercings and tattoos to add on to our personality or some shit. I've got piercings because they make me happy. I get shit every day at my job for them, getting asked "Why would you do that to such a pretty face." If I could live in a world where everyone left me the fuck alone about my piercings and just treated them like an every day thing, I'd go for it.

we probably live in different places but i hear ya

It's possible. And I don't deny that some women (and men I guess) get piercings just to be unique but I know from experience that it's not all of them, even if happens to be most.

But honestly, I've gotten super creepy comments because I do have a septum piercing. Nothing makes my skin crawl more than someone asking me "What's it like to kiss someone with that?" Like damn dude just let me check out your groceries in peace :(

not a good line

I assume you usually don’t rub your nose on people your kissing lol what kinda question is that.

I really have no clue.

I've never seen a tatoo or piercing on a woman that didn't look like shit. But the lives of women are so utterly easy that even making yourself purposefully uglier doesn't mean shit.

Well I'm sorry you feel that way but there are a lot of people that find tattoos and piercings attractive as well. Perhaps we are uglier to you but to some we might even be prettier, or just the same.

Women are always uglier, haven't seen an exception to this rule yet. Some men with tatoos look better, heavily depends on the tatoo and artistry though. Piercings always look like shit imho.

Well okay and that's your opinion. I disagree but hey, whatever.

Septum piercings literally make you look like a bull.

If I wanted to date a bull, I would go get the real thing.

Yeah I've heard that from people. Again, that's your opinion. Think what you want to, but not everyone shares that thought.

"So let me get this straight you hate women"

captain falcon voice yes

And you wonder why you are celibate?

Oh, I’m no celibate. I post on IT mostly and put some joke posts here sometimes

by being an IT poster you are almost definitely a celibate because by posting on IT you are are fulfilling some kind of sexual fantasy/fetish involving the humiliation and hatred of one of the most pitiful and vulnerable groups on the internet. this type of fetish generally stems from sexual frustration and insecurity of ones own sexual prowess. so yes casanova, you are almost certainly a celibate like the people on this sub. stop denying, you disgusting cuck

Um, no. I’m not a celibate, and I have no humiliation fetish. Humiliation is weird and not appealing.

Also, I’m underage so why would I be having sex in the first place?

yes you do buddy, yes you do. also please decide whether you're underage and therefore can't be having sex or you are not a celibate because both of those things are contradictory statements. and by posting on IT like I said you are targeting the most vulnerable members of society that can't fight back. its pathetic, its cowardly and it makes you seem like a vain shitbag that makes fun of people for fun.

Yeah, I’m underage, therefore I literally can’t have sex. It’s illegal. And like I said before, I’m making fun of the ridiculous ideas, not the people. If we were making fun of people then usernames wouldn’t be censored and we would be saying “oh yeah, I hate X he’s fucking pathetic, I hope he actually commits suicide”. Also, I have no humiliation fetish. I don’t get why you think I get off to making fun of ridiculous ideas.

yep, thats called celibacy. when you remain sexually inactive because of whatever dumbshit reasoning you have that is called celibacy. and what the fuck are you talking about, first of all IT IS LITERALLY IN THE NAME OF THE SUB. its called incel tears for a reason you stupid fucking normie fucking retard trying to bully people you consider below you for whatever bullshit reasoning you may have. and its a reasonable assumption to make, almost all of the IT posters I have seen tend to show the symptoms of this fetish. it generates their presence on that fucking sub

Fair point on the first part, but still, I do want to be sexually active but because of law I can’t do technically it is INVOLUNTARY CELIBACY. Also, quit acting like you fucking know me. I don’t have that sick fetish, and, maybe not all of the sub, but I, personally, have no interest in making fun of the people here but RATHER their horrible and hateful ideas. And their presence on this sub is because the sub is dedicated to stupid stuff incels say and some people say a lot of stupid stuff

like the law stops anyone from doing it. sure as shit didn't stop me or the tens of millions of Americans that didn't wait until they were 18 to start fucking. face it, you're a virgin because of your physical qualities. (the typical toxic personality of an IT poster that you have couldn't have helped either). again, you don't even have a leg to stand on here because the subs title literally encourages the bullying of incels. and most IT posters brigade the fuck out of incels anyway. and from your responses, you almost certainly have the fetish. you check all of the boxes: sexual frustration, insecurity, and an irrational hatred of people that you perceive to be beneath you.

Once again, stop acting like you know me. I am a sophomore in high school. Just because others have done it doesn’t mean that it’s right. I am a virgin because it’s literally the best thing to be at my age. I haven’t tried dating because it’s not the most important thing to me right now. My personality is my own, and I’d like to think I’m a good person. I have a good group of friends and I enjoy being in their company and they enjoy me as well. I don’t have sexual frustration because while I would like to have sex, it’s just something I want, and is not the most important thing to me right now. Everyone has insecurities but I accept mine and try to work on them and improve myself. And I really don’t have any hate towards any of you. I don’t know you personally enough to hate you as a person, but I can hate what you say. Which is once again, the pint of the sub. Making fun of the stupid things incel say, it would be ideal if all followed that but some don’t. Also, I title doesn’t mean anything. I’m gonna use a cliche example, but a title of a book doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly what the title means.

You’re probably not gonna believe any of this and assume you have my “true” entire life story figured out after reading this aren’t you?

you're a virgin because of an awkward combo of a pathetic, no testosterone personality that is constantly seeking validation, and presumably some sort of physical factor as well. the entirety of IT spends their time bullying incels. its literally the reason it was formed, for shit eating roasties and normies to gang up on and viscously attack incels. you can't deny it. almost all if not everyone on inceltears are vile fucking humans for what they do. go die normie scum

in the end you're an incel who refuses to admit it

The thing that separates me and incels is I don’t have some irrational rage and hate towards women

wtf are you talking about? far and fucking away almost every incel as a rule hate themselves the most. most don't hate women, they hate the inequities and shallowness that have consumed all of humanity not just women.

You can quit trying to tell him he'd fit in great at moron club, I don't think he's interested.

it doesn't matter if he's not interested, he can like it or not but he's an intel just like everyone on this sub. he's just in denial and its kind of funny. he thinks he's so above everyone here but what he refuses to admit is that he's one of us. he bullies because he's in denial of his own inceldom.

I literally can't break the law


LOL at this coping kid. Every one your age is fucking around, you don't and can't but tell yourself it's a choice because it's "illegal", as if anyone gives a shit lmao. Literally lmaoing @ you

Yeah, that’s about the answer I expected. Whatever. Go live your life in denial.

Not an argument. you know it's true but don't have anything to say against it lul

Go live your life in denial.

projecting this hard

I don’t have anything to say because I know you’ll end up just saying “ha, no. Everything you just said is wrong and I have you figured out” and there’s no point in arguing with a brick wall, so I’m done

You don't have sex because no one wants you, not because it's illegal LMFAO. Such a transparent cope

You don’t know my life. Stop acting like you do. I don’t have sex for a lot of reasons, and I couldn’t care less if nobody wanted me. Relationships are a lot mate than sex

I feel bad laughing at a kid, but still, thanks for the laugh

No problem. Always trying to make things a little happier, even if it’s at my own expense

thats fucking pathetic.

typical IT poster

I’m not a celibate

I’m underage so why would I be having sex in the first place?

Which is it?

Also, I make fun of the ideas the people come up with, not the people themselves.

lmao thats fucking retarded by posting on IT you are attacking incels.

IncelTards is literally trying to appropriate the term incel. They definitely 100% hate on the incels themselves.

Big meanie ima get my gang of oribiters to beat u up incel lose 😤

Ha, no you triggered my T R A P card, you have now become a trap. Have fun with a one millimetre penor

Doesnt matter ill never use it checkmate it cuck

H e c k i n g F r i c k

a lot of you are really fucking annoying, seriously.

Im sorry :(

Lol. You sound angry.

"How do you expect to get laid when you hate women?"

Pretty much arguing with women is like arguing with a low functioning 14 year old.

As a foid can confirm

I mean, you can't say much better when it comes to arguing with incels either :/

It's your time to shine. What's your biggest gripe about us?

I'll just never understand hating women because they don't want you. Like I get it's fucking horrible but you'll never know if any might want you anyway if all you do is trash talk them. I'd love to actually see incels prosper and well.. stop being incels, I guess? I'm sorry so many women have treated some of you guys like total shit and a lot of them perpetuate the whole "will do anything for chad" type shit, but man it's sad to see how hateful y'all become with that stuff. I want to see y'all have happy lives whether with or without a woman in the picture but hating and trashing girls isn't going to make your life any better. I think your biggest "cope" IS hating women. I mean, you don't have to face the fact that some women might think you're butt fucking ugly and reject you if you repel them from the start. Some of y'all might be alone forever and maybe it will be because you're ugly, but damn there's no way that it's gonna be all of you. But you'll never know.


We don't hate women.

Simply insulting the actions of shallow girls isn't being a misyogenist.

Anyway, to any of the small minority of Incels that do hate women, how can you blame them?

It just really seems to me that a lot of you that insult women seem to believe those shallow few (or many, I don't know how many women fall into it) represent all of us.

I understand some people are going to hate women and men no matter what I say or do, and while I maybe can't blame them when they've gone through multiple shitty things, that doesn't mean hating an entire sex is ever the answer.

The only incels I see as truly horrible humans are the ones that try to justify rape or say that being an incel is worse than being raped. And I understand those incels aren't all of you, but they are unfortunately enough of you (even if there's just 5.. they end up getting the most attention) to make others think all of you are horrible which is just as shitty. People hating all incels over those that aren't good people is no better than incels hating women over those that aren't good people. Generalizations are well... generally not good, lol.

I digressed a lot but I guess I just want to say that a lot of the stuff many of you post about women makes it seem like you hate all women, regardless. And unfortunately when things like that are being communicated poorly, you push ALL women away.

Women aren't attracted to us in the first damn place.

I've seen a lot of far below average men in happy relationships. Yeah, ok, you've heard this a million times before I know but I still believe even butt fucking ugly people can have a chance. I've witnessed it like right before my eyes... granted I live in a small, kinda redneck-y town, but still. I'm not saying you should all try at every turn to get a woman to like you but I'm also saying it's not impossible. There's thousands of self proclaimed and created incels, AT LEAST one of you is gonna find someone but I'd bet it could be many more. Life sucks, people suck, women can be nasty fucking miserable cunts who won't even breathe in your direction if you don't have 20pack abs and a jaw that looks like it could literally be a box, but that's definitely not every woman.

Okay, but that's not any of us. Because we've tried, and failed at every turn.

Failure still doesn't mean you should give up and resort to being angry at the world. I'm not saying to just jump on tinder and try and talk to every girl you see I'm just saying don't write off the possibility that you might find someone.

Then what does Failure mean? What do you do when you fail? Picking yourself back up and trying again isn't always the answer.

I understand giving up on somethings when you fail, and I'm not telling you to jump back out there and try again because the mental strain of being rejected and failing isn't good for you, I know that. I'm just saying to not give up entirely and forever. As soon as you decide it's NEVER going to happen, it's really probably not. Just... don't decide to hate the world over these things. I can't tell you for sure that a girl will like you or want you but I can tell you you'll never know if you decide to push them all away or ignore them. And if you get one messaging you and she seems like a piece of shit then drop her, even if it's the only girl that's messaged you in 3 years or some shit just drop the bitch, no one deserves to be treated poorly unless they're being cunts.

Well somethings, weather you're optimistic about them or not will probably happen or not happen.

If I'm about to be executed by an ISIS member, and the dude puts the Kalashnikov's barrel to my head in my last moments I could be thinking I could pull a fallout new vegas and live.

but the chance of that happening is little to none.

Optimism doesn't change reality

But executions aren't the same as people, lol. I'm talking about what it looks like to girls when you've already given up. It's hard to find someone interesting or attractive when they're already sadposting about their loneliness and being mad at women.

You're a mentalcel if u don't hate women, the way women treat truecels will make it impossible not to hate women

fuck off retard


So you don't like incels because there are outliers. But aren't there outliers in any group? My biggest issue is the double standard that exists between the genders of men having to do the pursuing of women and then having to deal with rejection / getting called a creep.

It makes me just want to retreat into myself and never deal with women again, and the lack of contact breeds misogyny as I have so little contact with women I have stopped being able to understand them.

I never said I don't like them. If I did then oops that's not what I meant to come across saying. I don't like incels that think rape is okay but I don't hate just regular incels.

I can't change double standards but I can tell you that I spent years chasing the guy I'm currently with. He never pursued me until like the last minute, really. I spent a lot of time pursuing men.. but I was also like 13 and really creepy about it.

Women aren't easy to understand. Mostly because every woman is different any way... understand one and you only understand one, not all women are the same, kinda just like men.

I don't understand calling men creeps unless they're being legitimately creepy, though. I usually try and give any man messaging me the benefit of the doubt until I get sent a dick pic or some raunchy, mildly horrifying message. Some women are cunts and some aren't.

I'm sorry you've dealt with terrible ones and I'm extremely sorry that I don't know how to help you deal with the women you've been finding. But I don't hate incels. I hate shitty people and misogynists (and misandrists, really any sexist people) double standards suck.

No one deserves to be treated like shit by anyone when they've done nothing wrong.. Some people are just really stuck up. It's like if you message then with anything but 200% above average looks you're automatically a creep before your message has gone past "hi" and I 100% agree those people are trash, but as many times as I'm sure you've heard this line it's worth reiterating, not everyone is like that. But sometimes it's hard to find the ones that aren't :/

You are kind of clueless, sorry.

I have spent years of my life chasing certain women, and it did not turn out as well as it did for you. I don't chase women anymore really, childish dating games trigger some type of PTSD in me.

There is a very big difference in our situations, you being a women have the option of seeking company of many, many partners; even if you're not in shape or have nothing to offer besides your looks.

If you were absolutely pent up with loneliness to the point where it leaves an indelible mark on your soul (in my case) you have the easy option of bailing out and spending some time with someone who isn't an exact perfect match.

In a mans case it's pretty much impossible outside of paying for sex, which is not the same as intimacy which I used to crave.

These are my experiences and I'm not even bad looking:

I'm not surprised that so many men have experiences similar or worse than my own torturous experiences with my own sexuality.

I hope you know that I don't mean to be clueless. I'm young and while I'm fat and have had some pretty horrible life experiences, you're right that I've never experienced the loneliness that you speak of. And I'm sorry if it seemed like I was trying to say "hey, I did this, you can too!" Because I get that chasing someone is fucking exhausting. Wanting someone that doesn't want you is shitty, I do know that much.

I am beyond sorry that you, and other men, have had such horrible experiences in the dating world. I get that I can't change that but I guess I just want people to know that not every female or "femoid" or honestly whatever you wish to call us is horrible and out for your blood or something. I do wish you the best in that you'll [all] someday find happiness, whether it's with a girl or not. I don't think you deserve to be alone or pushed from society just for being incels. You're lonely and that's terrible.. but I just find it even more sad when those that are lonely end up hateful. I understand it's hard not to be angry and filled to the brim with hate, but it doesn't benefit anyone.

I want incels to be able to be happy is what I'm saying I guess. I mean if you're justifying rape or something then you're just a shitty person, incel or not. But otherwise, I just want to see you guys find happiness somehow.


Why do you constantly appropriate black female culture...?

I mean really, I'd sooner accuse myself of appropriating Texans.

Not really a coincidence that I started seeing white kids constantly spam that word on Reddit non-stop after /r/BPT got popular.

Not really sure what BPT is but I've been saying y'all since primary school.

The y’all meme is real

Why does a group of guys talking about how they feel about women bother you? Why do you feel the urge to contol other people's thoughts and opinions? Also, not all people hate women, i myself am married, but I still enjoy this sub.

Ironically, that is literally what a 14 year old would say.

Well it's too bad I'm not 14 and I was actually serious.

Femoids don't mature past the age of 16.


intelligent argument

Pick one

Intelligent argument always.

Half the arguments here don’t fit that category

you not a boring cunt Pick one

Whatever helps you sleep

literally "Lol Okay sweetie"

you're a living example of this meme

Whatever you say sweetie

Basically mragan

“Lol okay sweetie”


“Is this the new r/incels?”

I think?

Is this place getting take over by IT?

Kinda. Don’t be sad though, there always r/incelibate

No, there's not...?

Really? I know there was a sub like that. Hold up

Damn, it’s gone

Was banned less than 24h ago I think


Lmao or not

At least, I think that’s what it’s called

... i agree tho :/

blue haired septum ring wearing landwhale

This picture is so low-res I can't even tell if that's Geralt. If so, what's he fighting?

dat true

What was the context of the conversation you were attempting to have?

There wasn’t any. I just wanted to post this

"Lol okay sweetie" makes my piss boil

"who hurt you sweetheart"

"Oh hunny"

Why? It’s like arguing with a child.

H e c k i n g F r i c k

Women aren't attracted to us in the first damn place.