every single short guy ive been friends with has at some point pointed out how they hate their height. Except one really autistic one.... he couldn't care less about anything, he was cool.
/u/natalia_alianovna For someone who's such a hardcore feminist, to even get offended by the word "female". You sure love your gender norms in men huh cunt?
And from her post history, this picture is at over 900 upvotes on /r/TrollXChromosomes for the stupid bitches who are going to come here and say "not all women are like that!"
I honestly do not understand how some men don't hate women.
Every woman I'm seeing in that thread is attributing ugly men with high standards as being bad people. I don't believe in a lot of the misogyny I see in this sub but I do relate to a LOT of people here and enjoy this subreddit. You see a lot of women hating on men in TwoX. The thing that pisses me off is that because they are so called "normal" and are women, they get a free pass on being disgusting fucking people. Everyday I'm thankful that I don't have to see people like that IRL because if I did I'd kill myself.
Most women are either man-hating feminist themselves or support man-hating feminists. Women only care about themselves. They don't even understand why hating men is something that should be considered bad.
i have been turned down by 5'2" chubbies with barely any tits & would go away once they lost weight and freckles down their face and neck. tried relating over a hobby (you know that old chestnut piece of advice about getting a hobby normies suggest?) but still wasnt good enough for her.
“I’ve been turned down by chubbies with barely any tits” isn’t that, though. It’s desperate insults on the level of “Oh yeah? I didn’t even want her anyway!” after being told no.
No, he said that to emphasize how unattractive she was, cunts like you are always telling people to lower their standards but once they do you can't handle people talking about the women they are going after.
He wasn't attracted to her in the first place he was just going for her because she has a vagina and that's as far as our standards go anymore basically.
Jesus, you can’t even get through a single line without being a repulsive asshole.
I said nothing about lowering standards.
he was just going for her because she has a vagina
And still failed, and his response is to be a total crybaby and hurl as many insults about her as he can. Gee, I wonder what people find unattractive about that?
And still failed, and his response is to be a total crybaby and hurl as many insults about her as he can. Gee, I wonder what people find unattractive about that?
That wasn't hurling insults that was a brief description of her and how she was unattractive.
Short chicks are the some of the most discriminating and vocal in terms of height. I mentioned on the old sub before it was banned once about some 5'2'' chick who specifically said to not talk to her if you are below 6'2''. Dead srs. This was a casual dating preference topic that was brought up on another forum.
Short chicks are the some of the most discriminating and vocal in terms of height. I mentioned on the old sub before it was banned once about some 5'2'' chick who specifically said to not talk to her if you are below 6'2''.
If a woman is taller, say 5'7", she can settle for a 5'8" to 5'11" guy easier than a 5'2", because the shorter woman is instinctively trying to avoid birthing short sons, so the short woman aims even taller.
I've never known a guy with high standards like that, dead srs. The only guy I know with standards that high can afford to because he's 6'2"+, white and very good looking.
Most guys will be happy with any kind of woman.
On the other hand, most women do in fact see height as a dealbreaker, especially if you're under 5'7".
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-06
they didnt ask for a lot just tall guys hehe short guys can go throw themselves on firr haha
1 carpathianflorist 2018-03-06
Why are manlets such crybabies Just bc you’re the size of a child doesn’t mean you gotta act like one
1 Uglydudeman 2018-03-06
1 solarii 2018-03-06
Femoids whine about EVERYTHING and we always let them pass. It is the way of life.
1 Salvador66 2018-03-06
What if you are a manlet who looks like a child? In my opinion, I haven't seen a manlet in his 20s who looks like a child, other than myself.
1 Salvador66 2018-03-06
Sui Fuel for shortcels. When will manlets learn that height matters?
1 Vulcanoz12 2018-03-06
every single short guy ive been friends with has at some point pointed out how they hate their height. Except one really autistic one.... he couldn't care less about anything, he was cool.
1 whoareyou31 2018-03-06
Lol short dudes get gf/laid all the time. Height isnt an death sentence. Cope.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-06
They know. Believe me. They know.
1 nct57 2018-03-06
Women encourage misogyny.
1 lildvze 2018-03-06
/u/natalia_alianovna For someone who's such a hardcore feminist, to even get offended by the word "female". You sure love your gender norms in men huh cunt?
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-03-06
They always do. "m-muhhh preferences" Fucking disgusting cunts.
1 nct57 2018-03-06
And from her post history, this picture is at over 900 upvotes on /r/TrollXChromosomes for the stupid bitches who are going to come here and say "not all women are like that!"
I honestly do not understand how some men don't hate women.
1 PM_ME_UR_FAV_QUOTE_ 2018-03-06
Every woman I'm seeing in that thread is attributing ugly men with high standards as being bad people. I don't believe in a lot of the misogyny I see in this sub but I do relate to a LOT of people here and enjoy this subreddit. You see a lot of women hating on men in TwoX. The thing that pisses me off is that because they are so called "normal" and are women, they get a free pass on being disgusting fucking people. Everyday I'm thankful that I don't have to see people like that IRL because if I did I'd kill myself.
1 nggarmy 2018-03-06
Because the weird man hating feminists are a super small amount of women and most of them are actually alright lmao
1 nct57 2018-03-06
Most women are either man-hating feminist themselves or support man-hating feminists. Women only care about themselves. They don't even understand why hating men is something that should be considered bad.
1 a-l_n 2018-03-06
But sadly are a large amount of western feminists.
1 MrTitan11 2018-03-06
they do, they just don't say it publicly. the same goes for women
1 Board_Gaming 2018-03-06
Please see sidebar, links to other subs threads or comments need to be "np" (non-participation) or you can use screenshots with usernames crossed out.
1 warmestblack 2018-03-06
Instead of female, does she prefer to be called cum-midget, cock-wallet, or pedo-bait?
1 Grand_boy 2018-03-06
THat fucking thread. "OMG short guys need to get over them selves" but also "once some chad told me i would be perfect smaller *cries"
1 SaltShaker8383 2018-03-06
The difference is most guys are very willing to compromise on what they want. Femoids set a hard requirement
1 Subtowatchingdogs 2018-03-06
Honestly she is right
i have been turned down by 5'2" chubbies with barely any tits & would go away once they lost weight and freckles down their face and neck. tried relating over a hobby (you know that old chestnut piece of advice about getting a hobby normies suggest?) but still wasnt good enough for her.
1 Subtowatchingdogs 2018-03-06
Maybe because your a dick and she knew that
she could sense my misogyny im sure. females can just tell what kind of P E R S O N A L I T Y you have
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
Yours seems to be so toxic it’s seeping through your pores, so yeah.
1 Cheesepizzaplzzzz 2018-03-06
Ding ding ding, correct answer.
1 Incel9876 2018-03-06
Beep, beep, beep, wrong answer. If you're good looking then "being a dick" translates to "confidence."
1 Cheesepizzaplzzzz 2018-03-06
Lol nope, hollywood movies =/= real life.
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
Not even a little. Stop watching so much TV and leave your bedroom.
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
You sound like a real catch, if this is how you actually view people. Those “chubbies with barely any tits” dodged a bullet.
gj proving the pic right, by the way.
1 BlackDranzerAttack 2018-03-06
keep coping retard.
Your ugly ex wife needs another 100 bucks.
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
No ex-wife, been in a happy relationship for five years with a woman who makes her own salary. Keep projecting.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-06
Are we not allowed to find attractive features to be attractive anymore?
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
Sure. So are women.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-06
No, he said that to emphasize how unattractive she was, cunts like you are always telling people to lower their standards but once they do you can't handle people talking about the women they are going after.
He wasn't attracted to her in the first place he was just going for her because she has a vagina and that's as far as our standards go anymore basically.
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
Jesus, you can’t even get through a single line without being a repulsive asshole.
I said nothing about lowering standards.
And still failed, and his response is to be a total crybaby and hurl as many insults about her as he can. Gee, I wonder what people find unattractive about that?
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-06
No, but your type is the type to say that.
That wasn't hurling insults that was a brief description of her and how she was unattractive.
1 ricdesi 2018-03-06
What is “my type”, exactly?
1 trevmon 2018-03-06
chad wants all those things and he can afford to demand it
1 maskedcel 2018-03-06
That looks like one disgusting subreddit.
1 Womencantlove 2018-03-06
1 Poopermensch 2018-03-06
I ask cause I don’t know: how many dudes here would feel really good about dating a girl significantly taller than them? Assuming she’s not a model.
1 Short_Incel_Throw 2018-03-06
I'd do it. Now find me a girl that's tall willing to date a guy that's 5'5".
1 Poopermensch 2018-03-06
I'm 5'7 and two of my longest relationships were with a guy who is 5'3 and a guy who is 5'5.
1 KB_Bro 2018-03-06
Don’t bother trying to reason with the people here. It’s impossible
1 TestosteroneFilled 2018-03-06
Cuz it's stupid. Guarantee her now bf is like 6'2 or smth lmao
1 Poopermensch 2018-03-06
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-06
I would date a girl taller than me
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-06
I'd prefer not to but I'd settle for it.
1 shitememooth 2018-03-06
My boyfriend is the same height as me. What's that say about me? I'm under 6 foot. He is also not a Chad by your standards.
1 warmestblack 2018-03-06
Short chicks are the some of the most discriminating and vocal in terms of height. I mentioned on the old sub before it was banned once about some 5'2'' chick who specifically said to not talk to her if you are below 6'2''. Dead srs. This was a casual dating preference topic that was brought up on another forum.
1 Incel9876 2018-03-06
If a woman is taller, say 5'7", she can settle for a 5'8" to 5'11" guy easier than a 5'2", because the shorter woman is instinctively trying to avoid birthing short sons, so the short woman aims even taller.
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-06
Honestly never met a guy who actually said or thought any of the above, not even chads. As for females and height however...
1 Indrajiot 2018-03-06
I finally understand where the shower jokes came from lol
1 Short_Incel_Throw 2018-03-06
I've never known a guy with high standards like that, dead srs. The only guy I know with standards that high can afford to because he's 6'2"+, white and very good looking.
Most guys will be happy with any kind of woman.
On the other hand, most women do in fact see height as a dealbreaker, especially if you're under 5'7".
1 whoareyou31 2018-03-06
Eh ive seen many many sub 5 7 guys get with girls during my frat days. They werent rich either. You just gotta be taller.
1 GoodbyeYall333 2018-03-06
1 changeIsTheWay 2018-03-06
Except no guys even have these ridiculous expectations except those guys who are already tall + handsome. And they can.
1 BlackPillednProud 2018-03-06
What kind of guy even says that besides wannabe rappers on soundcloud?
1 AjitPaiFan 2018-03-06
This is not the hill that you want to die on, hoes
1 Dusty715 2018-03-06
I don't have standards and I'm not THAT short yet I still repulse women. Average weight, slightly above average height. I'm just fucking ugly.
1 iQ9k 2018-03-06
Men will fuck anything what is she on about
1 bobbyhill626 2018-03-06
So you're proving that shes accurate? Youre so clearly insecure shorty
1 alienfanboy 2018-03-06
Of course the guy she's talking about is the Chad who ignores her, others don't even qualify as guys to her