Virgin IT vs Chad Incels.

94  2018-03-06 by Po-pot


tfw chad incel

Say hello to...the Chadcel.

The front butt still gets me.

That's his dick

Clearly a front butt. Or testicular cancer.

If any man has a bulge that is legitimately that big I would projectile vomit upon seeing it. The vaginal opening is 5 inches deep. You only have so much cervix before you reach the stomach.

Most vaginas can accommodate up to 8 inches and probably larger. But yeah Chad is an overexaggeration of the big, muscular, big dicked alpha type.

Can accomodate, yes. Without pain? Not really. Sometimes, but not all of us. Big dicked isn't always best. I've known plenty of girls who dislike anything above the 7 inch range because it is simply too painful.

Then those muscles. Gym guys are fucking gross. Work out for your body type, not to literally disfigure and disproportion yourself.

Am I the only bitch who thinks alpha males and pretty much any picture of a "Chad" here that I've seen is disgustingly unattractive?

No you're not. But they will tell you that you are jist saying that and that that is actually the only type of man women are ever actually attracted to even though its fucking gross.

That is a bunch of bullshit.

What right does any man have to generalize who all women find attractive? Not all women find the same thing attractive. I've known girls who only like oveeweight men. I've known girls (myself included) who won't go outside the 34 inch waist range.

They have no right. These are people(not all, its a minority) who have advocated rape/sexual assault. You will not find much use of logic it reason among them. They believe there is only one type of man women are actually attracted to and will will likely call you a lier, likely with an attached profanity, if you say otherwise.

Wait until you're a bit older and you'll conform to our views.

That is the most laughable thing i have ever heard. Sorry mate, nit to get your hopes up ir anything but I'm never going to be anything like you. I don't hate people because of petty decisions.

Lol you posted a rate me 160 days ago asking for help. You are an incel right now. You've just had no experience with women yet and you think you know better than the collective incels life experience.

You have a life of white knight frustration in front of you. Have fun

I posted an amiugly pic after a month of depression and low self esteem. Im not gonna bother detailing my lack of lacking experience with women because you will just call me a liar anyway. White knight frustration? Your community us primarily a source of comedy for me, though i do see several individuals who are in a position to be helped. You think you frustrate me? You think my life frustrates me? It stresses me sure, but that's due to the workload not some lack of sex. But please, continue projecting.


Your response sounds like a woman as well. Are you trolling me? Well done, I thought you were a dude.

100% dude mate. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

Aww what happened to your fire? Did I make you upset by bringing up your bad times?? πŸ˜–

Fucking faggot. Defending a bunch of cunts who couldn't give a fuck about you and shitting on your fellow man to gain points. Why don't they fuck you if you're so virtuous hmmm???

You have NOBODY on your side and you never will until you wake up.

I hope you go kill yourself. Who the fuck do you think you are getting involved in this shit. You probably will kill yourself and all the women will laugh at how pathetic you were and move on with their day without batting an eye lid. The exact same way they laugh at us incels for simply existing.

lol my fire? You think I was passionately telling you off? I could not give less fucks what you think of me.

You started ok but now its just degeneracy. Calling me a faggot, whether you know my orientation or not, will totally earn you points. I'm not defending anyone because I expect anything in return, hell I don't consider it defending them at all I considering it as offending you. Not to mention you guys are certainly not my fellows. I identify in no way with you except biological sex. And I don't need to defend M'lady or act virtuously to get sex, I'm doing alright without it.

The subscriber counts of /r/inceltears, /r/insanepeoplefacebook, /r/insanepeoplereddit, /r/justneckbeardthings, /r/cringe, /r/sadcringe would like to disagree with you. Your community is literally the laughingstock of one of the most popular cites on the entire internet.

And there you have it. Way to market your maturity and validity of views by advocating for AND wishing for someone to kill themselves. You truly are the paragon of humanity, how could anyone ever even think of disagreeing with you. Who the fuck do I think I am? nobody. Nobody knows me, no one cares. Just like no one cares about you. Its the internet, that should have been obvious. I've dealt with enough suicide that I can say with absolute certainty that I will not be doing that, so sorry to get your hopes up. And people can most certainly laugh at my death if they wish. It's only a more motivating factor for the life I have. Though what you have described regarding death I assume can very easily be applied to you and a great number of your community. Your families may weep, your friends sob, but in the end who else will care. How many lives have you actually made a positive impact on? Few I assume.

Awww u maaad son. It's ok u can admit it. You can cry you know. Women love vulnerability.

"Look at teh subscriber counts !!!111ONE"

Rofl as if that means anything you retard.

Don't worry your future as an incel is waiting. It'll just be of the white knight variety. Let me know how it goes for you as you get dumped for Chad again and again, but you're so ego invested in 'muh virtuousity' that you'll never let yourself see the truth.

Yeah go kill yourself. I don't say things like that often but you white knights are so Fucking stupid I have to indulge.

tries to be patronizing with the awwwww you mad sweetie routine

rofls at actual numerical statistics

Textbook incel behavior right there.

You may feel free to project on me all you want as i said i couldn't care less. I do have one question though; how can i be an incel(as you say i will become) if im not a virgin. And follow up question, you actually want me to tell you how all my relationships go?

Well if you have a big dick you can just gently fuck her and not go in all the way. To most girls being fucked gently by a big dick feels really good.

And Chad is more about height and face, not muscles.

And what of the girls who also prefer men who are their height? My experience as a 5'8" tall female who dated a guy over 6'5" is that everything including the sex is awful because of such a massive height difference. Incels act lile extremely tall girls don't suffer the same problems.

If you can find me one that would be great. I'm 5'5". Haven't found that yet.

I'm sorry. Why do you think you haven't found one yet? Give me an answer that isn't how ugly you think you are or anything.

Why aren't normies banned from this sub?

What makes me a normie?

you're a normie just by virtue of not being an incel and being on this sub anyway. btw, contrary to what a lot of people on this sub say, its not a bad thing to be a normie, its literally normal

Why are only some of you capable of being rational?

Don't respond to retards

"I'm soo not like other girls, I for one prefer shorter guys even though I used to date 6'5 Chad, but that's irrelevant, TEEHEE"

My boyfriend is the same height as me lol. You are jelly.

we are not jelly, because we know you're not a stacy, stacy doesn't waste her time on reddit.

Stop larping you fat ugly roastie and get a life.

"I'm soo not like other girls, I for one prefer shorter guys even though I used to date 6'5 Chad, but that's irrelevant, TEEHEE"

"I'm soo not like other girls, I for one prefer shorter guys even though I used to date 6'5 Chad, but that's irrelevant, TEEHEE"

"I'm soo not like other girls, I for one prefer shorter guys even though I used to date 6'5 Chad, but that's irrelevant, TEEHEE"

"I'm not like the other girls teehee"

Let me give you some advice sweetheart. Always playing the "cool girl" leads to very unsatisfying relationships.

Gym guys are fucking gross.

Lol, girls say that until they start dripping from their pants while they feel up buff guys in person. I've been groped by more women than men, since apparently invading a boy's personal space means nothing.

I would rather kill myself than touch a muscular bitch.

oh my fucking god why do normies have to ruin memes

Why did you have to ruin memes with your disgustingly invalid logic and give normal people an incel name? Normie is a word only used by incels and I find it fucking downright hilarious that you name yourselves incels and then also name normal, socially acceptable, and attractive people "normies" because you are jealous as fuck that you will forever be a horny derelict who humps a 2D girl pillow.

You literally can't come to the inrernet and whine about women being at fault for you being born an ugly shit. No. Your mother is the single one woman at fault for it. Not the rest of us. My little brother is 9 god damn years old and he's going to become one of you because he started watching My Little Pony. Fucking thanks.

What exactly is the bait here? I don't understand the logic you have here.

Quality, funny cope. Thanks.

chad wears wrong t-shirt fuck you

draw him properly next time



funny one

Escortceling lmao

I'm an alwayshavingsexcel

Rap is a good cope.

wtf is a chad r/incels

People who back up their opinions with virgin+chad memes are the lowest form of life. This sub is just a bunch of disturbed people feeding negative beliefs to each other, destroying any chance of finding happiness. If any incel is reading this: get out while you still can.


You know it's a joke right?

Bro, you are the lowest form of life. Lmao.

taking a meme this seriously

lmaoing @ u

sounds like you need a better personality

Imagine being the kind of person who feels the urge to "well, ackshually" in response to a meme

piss off back to your gutter sub which isn't even browsed by more than 400 retards at any given time.

Pull the stick out your arse, cunt. And you mongs say incels don’t have a sense of humour.

This actually put me in a great mood.


Excuse me?

Damn I just realised I'm a Chad incel

I have no idea what I'm looking at. I've been subbed this subreddit for 1 month now and I still don't know if you guys are trolling people or not. I don't know if you hate women or love them. I don't know if you hate chads and red pillers or adore them or both or just envy them.

I'm completely lost.

Does everything have to be on a particular side and have neat little opinions that people can classify away? It's kinda limiting to expect things to be like that.

duuhh incels aren't a monolith tehee

I only hate women that hate me, but all women hate me so I have to hate all women.

Late to the post, but since you since to be someone who genuinely believes this, why do you think women hate you?

Because I live in America and look like a terrorist

you think they hate you because you're unattractive?

Because I live in America and look like a terrorist

Can you read at a second grade level?

If you're being dead serious, i hope you realize that almost nobody in real life will actually think you're a terrorist because of your physical appearance, least of all women.

Yeah I'm sure people shouting terrorist at me in school and on the streets don't really mean it

Oh damn that sounds rough. is it a regular occurrence?

Happens every 2/3 weeks

yeah that really sucks, hope things get better for you

God is a chad.

This is hilarious. Gotta love your guys compensatory narcissism. Especially the part bragging about being lazy asses. Lmfao.

I'm an alwayshavingsexcel

Does everything have to be on a particular side and have neat little opinions that people can classify away? It's kinda limiting to expect things to be like that.

duuhh incels aren't a monolith tehee

I only hate women that hate me, but all women hate me so I have to hate all women.

you think they hate you because you're unattractive?

Yeah I'm sure people shouting terrorist at me in school and on the streets don't really mean it