This is what happens when an incel tries to become successful

154  2018-03-06 by Toolman890


Yep. It's unreal how much women are catered to.

That said, going to school is a fucking joke. Why cripple yourself with debt when there's enough information out there for you to put together your own apprenticeship and teach yourself the necessary skills to make yourself invaluable and start your own business?

It's easy for me to say now (I made the same mistake as OP), but whatever. You live and learn.

Yeah there’s definitely a lot of this in New York. I mean the school thing isn’t a waste for everyone. A lot of it depends on your major. Know you area, know what kind of jobs are around. I’m in NYC too and I managed to get a high paying job right after school.

And of course the female to male ratio is around 6 to 1.

Here's what I mean, why pay a school to spoonfeed you information, when you could teach yourself that very same information for (virtually) free?

Because it’s not the information that gets you the job. It’s the piece of paper.

Yep. And it sucks. But there's ways around that, I'm sure.

In some jobs maybe. But not the high paying ones. They never take your word for it that you have the knowledge. They all want to see transcripts. Hell most places even train you and a lot of the info you get is stuff you should have learned in college. But they can’t assume you know.

You shouldn't have to rely on your word, it's the quality of your work that should speak for itself. School or no school.

Basically, talent > degree.

Yeah but you’re talking something that shows up long after you’re hired. No one will hire you hoping you’ll work out especially when they can hire someone who has a piece of paper that implies they might.

Any company that hires for stability over talent is not worth working for anyway.

Cope. That’s every company in the world. No company is going to look at you and go, “well normally this job requires a degree but since you say you know what you’re doing we’ll hire you anyway.” Then any idiot who thinks he can do that kind of job without a proper education will con his way in thinking “how hard can it be?”

but since you say you know what you’re doing we’ll hire you anyway.

Again, you're not TELLING a company that you're good. You're SHOWING them with proof of your talent. You're letting your work speak for itself.

Do you really need a college education to acquire that kind of talent?

Or can you take advantage of the era you live in and teach yourself the necessary skills?

You are literally standing in an ocean of information, the likes of which would make your predecessors blush, and if you wanted you could craft yourself an apprenticeship that has the same worth as a college degree, complete with the talent.

Maybe for some companies it's "degree or gtfo", but there are plenty of startups out there that will take you if you have the talent. Good pay too.

You tell me how you can prove to an interviewer in one hour that you have the necessary skills to do a job reserved for people who have needed 4 - 6 years or school.

Did you read my post? It feels like you didn't read my post.

I did but you changed the point to “an apprenticeship” where further up every comment you’ve made has been trying to convince me that degrees are worthless and companies shouldn’t use them to hire people.

I didn't say that at all. My message from the beginning has been consistent: school is only ONE way to make it. Again, you can either go to school and receive the info needed to get a job, or you can seek that same info out for yourself and not cripple yourself with debt.

Plenty of companies and startups will hire you provided you show them work, that displays your mastery.

How is this hard to understand?

That's true, but they can't really risk that. I'm sure that might work in some job where you can afford to test applicants out, but if you want to be a doctor or something, they're not going to risk so much for the words of a stranger

I should have clarified, and expected someone to bring up the doctor point.

For something along the lines of web developer, software developer, there's plenty of opportunity out there for you without a degree.

Doctor, Engineer, etc. You NEED school.

Same thing for certifications. I know how to configure and manage windows servers, but I don't have the paper telling others that I know how to do it.

Their justification for that is. "Ohh, well if we let everyone with free knowledge do whatever they want it would devalue everyone currently working" College and uni are giant Ponzi schemes, they need everyone to play into their scam or their 100,000$ pieces of paper become worthless.


It's a waste of time and extra stress that nobody needs as well.

I just want to ldar.

And of course the female to male ratio is around 6 to 1.

And still incel, eh? Hehe.

Harems are increasingly a thing, no?

Perhaps haha.

Wouldn't be surprised of a chad rotated 12 women.

In NYC, the women go on dates with rich men and fuck the ghetto bad boys on the side. The rest of the men miss out. This is how it is everywhere I guess but more exaggerated there due to being able to access so many rich men and so many bad boy ghetto playas in the one location. Whilst elsewhere a woman may need to use an average man for money, in NYC the average man is absolutely worthless because there's enough rich men to go on dates with.

Are they loyal with the rich men though?

Of course not.

Haha. Even that JP Morgan exec said that they go on dates with them and fuck them without committing.

That said, going to school for useless dead-end majors is a fucking joke.


You're not wrong. STE(a*)M or GTFO.

*like John Maeda, I feel as if Art/Design has it's place within the scientific field.


How so?

As someone who is trying to do this now, what are some pointers you can share?

Nothing special. Just dive in. Spend a shitton of time on the subject and aim to write a book (or produce some other work that displays your mastery over the subject/material).

I want to get into a lot of things. I've already been learning web design and programming for a few years but I also want to get into e-commerce.

Ah. I'm learning all the requisite math for computer science and physics. I'm interested in software and tech as a whole really.

So yeah, similar goals, as I thought.

Ah, math and physics, two of my least favorite subjects.

Also what was the subject you were guessing that I was trying to learn?

Something related to tech. You mentioned programming and web design. Pretty much spot on. :)

Good luck to you.

Something related to tech. You mentioned programming and web design. Pretty much spot on. :)

Good luck to you.

I'm a commercial/instrument stated pilot, master watchmaker, highly skilled welder & metal worker, skilled automotive technician & bodyman (this I have actually worked jobs in), adept gunsmith, and skilled game/software developer. All self taught. Literally no business cares. Dealerships who are desperate for a skilled tech offer me $9/hr. Gotta have that paper from school man, they do not care what you actually can do. I legitimately worked at an auto shop as a BMW/Porsche/Audi/Mercedes technician for 60 days absolutely free just to prove to the owner that I could do it. After the 60 days he offered me $10/hr.

Your skillset is crazy. How long have you ben at these trades?

Yep, for MOST businesses you need the paper. Which sucks. There are business out there that will take you on talent alone though. That's what I'm saying.

I received my flight ratings in 2013. Automotive/auto body 16 years, welding, metal fab, construction 14 years, watchmaking 14 years, gunsmithing 6 years, game & software dev 4 years. I'm also a C licensed skydiver & senior parachute rigger but neither of those matter much.

How old are you? You HAVE to be at least in your 30s to have this much experience.

He says he's 30 here. This guy is completely full of shit.

In this comment you say your 30. Which means you became a master watchmaker at 16, have worked in autoshops since 14, and have been full of shit your whole life.

Just because someone has accomplished more than you doesn't make them a liar. I started working on watches when I was 12, and by the time I was 16 I accumulated the necessary tools & skills to pass all of the exams at the Chicago School of Watchmaking. Once you can build your own mechanical timepiece from raw materials, you're considered a master watchmaker. In my business though I primarily restore antique pocket watches dating from 1690 to 1940. I have thousands of photographs of antique watches I have restored if you'd like to see.

As far as automotive work I rebuilt my first single cylinder Honda 50cc mini-bike engine when I was 11. My family couldn't afford to buy me a nice new motorcycle, but I really wanted one so my father loaned me $75 to buy a non-running 1986 Honda 50cc Mini-Trail "Christmas Special" when I was 10, a manual for it, parts for them back then were ridiculously cheap. A carb rebuild kit for $5, new piston ring set for $10, so I could afford to work on it with money I earned mowing lawns. In the spring/summer I had more than 40 lawns around the neighborhood I mowed including one for a church & church cemetery. The congregation paid me $150 every two weeks to mow & weedeat. The rest of the lawns I averaged between $15 - $50 depending on size & if they wanted me to weedeat. Anyway that's where I got my start into engine repair then later automotive work when I inherited a 1967 Mercury Cougar at 13 that had been parked in a garage for 22 years. Plus I learned a lot from my dad who is a mechanic. Doesn't do it for a living since shops in this area barely pay minimum wage & he earns $50/hr as a union pipefitter & welder, but he has the skillset if he ever wanted to work as an automotive technician.

I'm actually surprised you chose those two skillsets to try and "call me out on" as opposed to also being a commercial/instrument rated pilot, C licensed skydiver, and senior parachute rigger. Or that I'm on the dev team for FH2. Just because you've spent your days playing video games, watching TV, going to clubs/bars, drinking alcohol, having kids, or whatever it is you choose to do with your time doesn't mean everyone else does the same.

Dude, just give it up. Literally anyone who reads this knows how completely full of shit you are. No need to lie on the internet bud.

You're right, no need to lie on the internet. That's the only thing you've been right about so far.

Lol. It's honestly sad you think anyone would be dumb enough to believe anything you've claimed.

It's sad that you have wasted your life doing nothing. Probably not too late for you yet though as you're presumably still a teenager.

However if you're incapable of learning a new skill even with the entire base of human knowledge at your fingertips, then you are more than likely beyond help.

Lol you don't know anything about me mate. On the other hand, I know you don't know shit. Seriously, you're apparently so smart you can become a master at so many skills (many of which take decades to actually master) but you've never been to school and work for free often. How dumb do you think people are? Seriously fucking stupid, mate.

It’s not your fault man. They just want to hire women because as a man, you can’t give them blowjobs.

NEET life or nothing

he shoulda did STEM

Black Mirror should make an episode about this life. Too bad the show is cucked.

This is fake bullshit. But hey, as long as it fits your ideas, you will want to believe it.

This is real life. But hey, as long as it goes against your narrative, you will want to believe it.

Wtf would a Frenchman know about the United states?

You do know that affirmative action is a real thing, right?

Yes, mix it with excess, exageration, false stories, and you get this shitty post.

No, you don't need to mix it with anything.

I'm currently experiencing similar things. Nothing he posted is out of the realm of reality.

Scholarship opportunities for nonwhites or nonmales only? That 100000% happens. White males getting their jobs stolen by nonwhites and nonmales due to "diversity"? That is something else that is just a blatant truth.

It doesn't even matter if this post is true or not. The problem is that it could be completely true with the way that American laws currently are.

White people living in the ghetto. Black taking over jobs. Come on. That is utter bullshit.

A lot of tech companies, especially cool start ups only want ethnic applicants. They'll put photos on their website homepage to show how inclusive and diverse they are. They'll choose race over skill every time. Check out a company called Barkly Protects. Mark my words that company will fail.

unironically going to school for art is retarded

We should support more women working. Imagine how great it would be if all jobs were women only. We won't have to work anymore.

Gender reversal! Also, female-only draft pls.

That picture just made my brain melt into mush. Stupidest thing I've seen all week.

Tournament of Power :D

We would have to depend on them, then. No thanks.

If that were the case, women would quickly ensure that all welfare besides maternal is stopped, or they would put in clauses that if you work x years then you're entitled to x years off. Barely any men would then be able to access welfare. The women would give Chads jobs whilst 90% of men would be forever unemployed and starving, and I shit you not, women would not care one iota about a mass average male starvation event.

90% men unemployed and starving? Conditions ripe for a beta uprising.

NEETbux can't come soon enough

If you think the only travesty women endure is whistling on the street, I would ask you to separate yourselves from sweeping generalizations and actually research what goes on in the world.

What goes on?

Usually with this sort of discussion feminism gets dragged out, like the comment below me so aptly put. I don’t feel I’m really here to educate people who don’t want to see outside of their own misconceptions, suffice it to say misandry does NOT equal feminism. There are a number of issues that modern feminism is at the forefront of, fighting for the rights of both men and women, if one is open to the research, you can see organizations trying to make tangible actions to shape out society to better fit all of us, not just a gender.

But if anyone so wrapped up in stigmatization from misandrists and bigots that’s frankly most people have ever seen from screenshots on the internet of bigots ANYWAYS. I can’t try to reason with people who aren’t open to it, because where does that get anyone.

Anyways, this comment is going to be downvotes to hell, but, if anyone’s interested I would love to share about how real feminism (not misandry) is taking actual actions against issues that affect all of us as a society, and what people are doing who aren’t man hating keyboard warriors.

We love you. Your progress is our progress.

LOL you literally wrote an entire essay that didn't even answer the question and instead explained what feminism is.

Feminism is a joke in western society. Women literally create their own problems and then complain about it, like getting cat called by a bunch of ugly dudes or complaining about workplace air conditioners being sexist since it's too cold.

You're an absolute fucking idiot if you think Feminism is addressing issues in modern society, it's only making all the problems even worse, particularly for men.

Lol, if you think I was trying to explain it the point of your post obviously went a bit over your head.

My point was, I’m not going to try to show anyone anything if they don’t want to hear it. If you’re close minded, that’s up to you, but being trashed on reddit really isn’t going to convince anyone one way or the other

I have enough awareness to understand that trying to force things on people doesn’t work and will never work. That’s why I said if anyone has an open mind they could message me and if they’re not swayed by the things I know, that’s their prerogative. I’m not about forcing people to change their views, everyone’s entitled to their own perception.

I’m sorry that someone saying they’re not going to try to convince you, but are open to having a HEALTHY discussion among adults on a different platform enrages you so much.

Listening to moronic femoids on tumblr, Salon, Washington Post, HuffPost, etc. complaining about ugly men approaching them to talk or looking in their direction and calling it rape is not research. I assume that's the only "research" you've done on what goes on in the world, otherwise you wouldn't have made this ridiculously naive comment.

You obviously have not done research outside of misandry. I’m sorry you are ignorant to views that are not in line with yours.

women are not human beings so your point is mute. Go back to your loser backwater sub.

women are not human beings

What a sad world we live in

"point is moot"


So you dodge the question for a third time :) You just cemented my opinion about 1st world men by 1000x

What happens in the rest of the world has zero relevance to women in the first world (you) who are the most privileged creatures on the planet.

NEET or STEM pick your poison

I basically did the same thing but I was in Victoria/Vancouver BC

Ohh yeah nightmare mode: Having a disability that affects my muscles makes them weaker. Can’t even do shit jobs like construction (the basic shit) basically HAVE to be white collar but lol no connections because I am incel and a complete outcast. Now..... almost 8 years later I have a volunteer job at a realtor office in the same damn town that I grew up in.

Never got a chance to succeed, and this year I am 30!

can't you just say 'hey I'm disabled? Don't discriminate?'

"No STEM because I'm not autistic"

Ah yes, condescending asshole is where you should start your story off if you want people to empathize with you. You're so much better than people going into scientific fields.

Whatever lets you wave-off this uncomfortable story that causes you cognitive dissonance bro.

lol because I didn't take a greentext story as unbiased face value? Many women don't want random male roommates, it has nothing to do with being incel or chad or anything, it's about comfort, so that's a bullshit excuse. Scholarships are heavily weighed towards classic minorities so that just comes with being white middle class. Absolutely not related to "incel." And more goes into being hired than you skillset. Maybe they picked up on his shitty attitude. The only thing uncomfortable about the story was his attitude and writing style, bro.

Apt username, mollycoddled whinerpup.

And now ad hominem? What a great discussion partner you are, I see you normies in a new light!

Issa joke. Go jank one out and chill. Send video.

Lol it’s a greentext retard, that’s how people talk in greentext.

Yes, like idiots, which is why nothing is taken that seriously except by apologists like you.

I don’t take it seriously. You did, and you went on a rant over a joke about STEM.

I wouldn't exactly call that a rant, more of pointing something out, but whatever floats your boat man

lmao @ this nigga trying to play off that he got triggered.

Whatever floats ur boat fammmmm

Stay seething, roastoid

Amazing cutdown, I hope you didn't have to sit on it too many weeks for a chance to use it and pat yourself on the back ;)

Lol you lost that little argument ;D

That was the only thing you got out of the post?

Yes, that's exactly what my post said, that's the only thing I got out of the entire greentext

You're an idiot

Right back at you, idiot

And a phenomenal fuck, if we're being honest.

He's an out of shape old dude so I guess the jokes on you (assuming this isn't his alt where he LARPs as a female).

The fact that your mind even leapt to a man pretending to be a woman to legitimize himself online is very telling. Nah, I've been a hole host my entire life.

The fact that your mind even leapt to a man pretending to be a woman to legitimize himself online is very telling

People have come to this sub and have done it before, just found it odd that you replied within a few minutes of me replying to him.

hole host


I've found that sometimes as well. Talking to what claims to be another woman and realizing they know nothing about lady issues. Surprise, it's a man! What the fuck is wrong with some dudes.
Hole host. I host holes.

It's sad if you have to pose as a woman to one up a sub for male virgins, but people still do it.

I still don't know what a hole host is. You invite dudes over to fuck you? I have no clue

Bahaha, no. I go to their place.

Ok, and you fucked this guy because...?

LOL good for them. Fuck some average looking slut and not even have to get out of their own apartment.

This is why I love feminism, it's easier than ever to fuck dozens of college whores and then dump her with the "women's sexual freedom" belief :D

Bust my nut on dozens of them and then they believe they're special

Ah, negging in an inaccurate complinsult sandwich. TIL I'm an average looking slut.

Thanks, dude peacocking as a Chad. Work on your acting.

I think he meant he's not intelligent enough.

Not in intention but definitely in execution

No STEM because I'm not autistic. Move to NYC.

Well good luck, idiot.

Going to middle class women heaven

I hope he at least got laid, cause else he's a retard.

I'm a white Hispanic. I got a minority scholarship when I'm whiter than rice. Play the system win the game. Also should have studied stem. I studied STEM and I'm not crying over my degree like an uninformed mistake maker.

Life on easy mode

Women who I went to high school with that were in the same position as me (broke) got into camming, sugar babying, etc and were able to pay for expensive private schools. I had to join the Army.

Guys cam too, that was an option for you, you chose the army over it

It is art to be fair. Unless you're amazingly talented it don't really matter who they hire, so might as well be eye candy. On the other hand I'd love a qt artistic bf to be honest. Maybe that'll help you with women?

The chances of a man or woman from art school being successful is low


imma go through optimal surgical treatment of vitiligo then fk with my hormones and call myself stacy. Landing myself a job as president of the united states.

You guys should move to Germany.


Never saw virgin shaming here.

Personal experience against personal experience means jackshit, but I beg to differ. Growing up here, it most certainly happens.

no stem

He already lost there, the rest was just the confirmation.

Yeah but has he tried to be more organized and available for BJs?

Yea I don’t know about all this incel stuff, but as a black man from a poor background, who has become successful, I don’t feel sorry for any post that starts off with “middle class white man studying art”

And moves to NYC. You can get an arts degree without spending tens of thousands on grad school in New York.

Can I just address the elephant in the room? That chick in the picture is gorgeous.

what? she is average

I think she’s stunning

are you a girl?

Sorry but no

Roflmao. 12$ drinks. Girls drink free.

So you lost to a girl? Do you realize that most women experience that all the time, still today even with those scholarships, that they lose to a guy less qualified than them?

It is also funny that if a feminist complains that she can't get a job after gender studies you make fun of her but think that you should have a high salary studying art?

Cope. That’s every company in the world. No company is going to look at you and go, “well normally this job requires a degree but since you say you know what you’re doing we’ll hire you anyway.” Then any idiot who thinks he can do that kind of job without a proper education will con his way in thinking “how hard can it be?”

Perhaps haha.

Wouldn't be surprised of a chad rotated 12 women.

I received my flight ratings in 2013. Automotive/auto body 16 years, welding, metal fab, construction 14 years, watchmaking 14 years, gunsmithing 6 years, game & software dev 4 years. I'm also a C licensed skydiver & senior parachute rigger but neither of those matter much.

Ah, negging in an inaccurate complinsult sandwich. TIL I'm an average looking slut.

Thanks, dude peacocking as a Chad. Work on your acting.

Sorry but no