incelibate just got banned lmao

66  2018-03-05 by iQ9k



Lmao its over

They will never allow a truecel sub.

Maybe it’s time we take more seriously?

Ever since the whole Russia used Reddit to influence the elections, Intelligence agencies have been actively monitoring subreddits. Looks like they really don’t want incels to self-organize outside of this subreddit run by our Manchurian Candidate mods.

Intelligence agencies have been actively monitoring subreddits.

5 bucks some of them are IT users having a little too much fun with their job.














You messed it up

May St.blackops2cel protect us

holy shit, right after /u/anathematicanarchist was complaining and whining about it


It's fucking bullshit considering the post for which it was banned is also on this sub.

Welp, onto /r/involuntarybachelors


the tinder blackpill post

how does that break rules?

It doesn't. The admins are fully cucked

Was it the small dick post?

Rippedrichandincel was making another experiment very similar to his atomic blackpill.

Oh, it was just like teaser posts leading up to it like he did with the atomic blackpill?

Yea, a teaser.

they were scared of the atomic bomb that blew normies back in the days

The admins deleted that post from this sub.

I've checked the content policy, and I can find no references to catfishing being against the TOS, but I guess that's what I get for expecting anything about this website to be reasonable.

So they deleted the post from your sub, but deleted my sub?

I suppose it's because you were the creator of the sub, so your creation of the thread was seen as particularly damning.

I dunno.

Did your account get permabanned?



Catfishing on Tinder is against the Tinder TOS.

Tinder's TOS is not Reddit's TOS.

Reddit says nowhere in the content policy that catfishing on here or on other sites is a bannable offense.

It does mention that it's against the rules to "harass" or "encourage others to do so". It also says "keep in mind the spirit in which these were written".

Jesus christ. I just noticed your account got suspended. Holy crap. That was like a year old. The admins are truly cucked. My account got nuked also. I was a mod on

I would say that they banned your sub for "creating a subreddit to evade a ban" but they banned a sub I made BEFORE incels was banned. I didn't risk asking about the suspension since it was 7 days and not permanent.

They also did not give that as the ban reason. They said it was for the teinder post which was 'harassing'

And that's what accounts for a permanent ACCOUNT ban? Insanely ridiculous.

On one of the suspension TOS pages, reddit says that suspensions are also influenced by the """nature of the user in question""" - which I guess means that they love to pick on and wrongfully ban incels.

Ahh yeah, that's harassing but incel tears totally isn't...

I don't even know how to contact Reddit admins, lol.

I would tell you, but you'd use it against us truecels.

Nah, go on r/ and message modmail on that sub. Everyone there is an admin.

Jesus, I can't believe it took me this long to learn something so simple.

To be fair, I never needed to contact them before. I'm sure I could have figured it out.

My other account which I can't name got suspended very recently and I was active here. I assume one of you r/braincels mods contacted the admins but I guess I was wrong. It's clear that admins DUG THROUGH MY INBOX and suspended me. Pretty sad lives they have.

It's not like they even care. I once had to contact them about a very threatening post illegal in probably all countries, they got back to me days later. Pure wtf.

Well, that didn't take long.

Our sub is still up. For now.

Here's hoping :/

call the next sub some shit like drumpfisbad so it can never be banned and will mysteriously receive thousands of upvotes on every post despite comments in the single figures

holy shit ahahha

Lets make this a commie sub, those always hit front page and reddit apparently loves them.

They ban literally any incel sub they see after they banned the original one Only reason this one has stayed is because it was created before the purge. Anything after gets banned

yep, that’s why we’re stuck on this shit sub

You're really not "stuck", you have free will to read or not read a sub.

His point was that we can't make a new sub with better rules because they will instantly get banned.

On another note, when did you last go outside and ran for a few miles?

On a related note, when did you last go outside and ran for a few miles? According to latest research, cardio helps you with learning. You might get use out of it.

I wish her calories burned like your retort.

Hot damn

why do you say things like this? obviously that’s not what i meant. you talk in such a strange way, are you autistic? seriously

Why do people keep saying I'm autistic?

Because you give the most blunt six word answers. It's like you're IBM Watson on a reddit account.

I'm more like Siri.

Siri still ain't human.

She's fun.

Whatever you say MRAGGAN

six word answers

Lmao I'm dead

reddit is completely cucked

They don't ban thedonald which is a white supremacist pro-lynching subreddit but ban a subreddit for lonely virgins. Just fucking lol.

I saw a post there yesterday saying that Europe needs to kill all minorities and it had like 20 upvotes yet Reddit won't touch them.

20 upvotes isn't really that many.

Your name is Adolf Hitler...

I saw a post there yesterday saying that Europe needs to kill all minorities and it had like 20 upvotes yet Reddit won't touch them. Male virgins are a bigger threat than literal fucking genocidal Nazis.

Leftists post racist/sexist/homophobic material as false flags on conservative sites/subs all the time, then they use their alts to upvote it. If they banned thedonald, then they'd be "all in" on the "everyone but us is a literal Nazi" bandwagon.

Lmao "Don't you see, the right doesn't have a problem, when nazi-esque shit gets posted on the Donald Trump worship sub, it's just a leftist false flag! And all the upvoted are leftists!"

Isn't that how it works? When FatPeopleHate tried making alts, the alts got banned too.

lmao... and now I can't get on to


It's the end boys. They're shutting us down.

Will anybody go ER over this?

Laugh while you can fakecel

It's over

Summary for those out of the loop

IncelTears mods regularly endorse doxxing, impersonation, spam, and harassment.

r/incelibate mod posts one thread that isn't even against Reddit's TOS and his whole sub gets nuked.

(((reddit))) strikes again!

We did nothing wrong, all the inceltears members! Haha cuck reddit amirite!!!

We endorse doxxing and impersonation? News to me.

How do I avoid being labeled as a spammer?

Contact the moderators of the community to which you’d like to submit.

I checked. IncelTears is good.

We also do not endorse harassment, nor does our sub even qualify according to their definition.

Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation.

Incels seem pretty out-there in terms of their subject matter and the frequency of posting is high, if I can judge based on the posts over at IncelTears.

We endorse doxxing and impersonation? News to me.

Users over there regularly admit to pretending to be incels on our sub and try to find incels' personal information so they can report them to the police, often for saying things that aren't even illegal. Mods turn a blind eye, which is an implicit endorsement.

We also do not endorse harassment, nor does our sub even qualify according to their definition.

Your sub systematically attacks and demeans users, even going so far to commit character assassination.

If I had any personal information linked to my Reddit account, I would certainly not feel comfortable posting as an incel due to the maliciousness of the users on r/inceltears.

Oooh, now it's implicit endorsement. Gotcha. It's not. It's double secret probation endorsement! See? I can move my own goal posts, thank you very much.

Hey look, I keep my nose pretty clean but I've had people still go looking for me. It's not like Incels are lily white and we're the only ones tarnished. I feel Incels attack and demean women. At least we're honest about what we do. How's this brainy sub working out for you? I haven't seen many posts refuting your claim that ol Sergey is a cool dude.

At least we're honest about what we do.

When it suits you.

While your sidebar unambiguously states that you do 'condone blanket hatred of [...] those who self-identify with the hate label of "incel"' any incel stating that gets banned for concern trolling.

They passively hate the LGBT community. They feel the need to defend women because of the open misogyny on this sub but I never saw any of them taking action against TERF subs full of misandry.

I never saw any of them taking action against TERF subs

They had a mod with a posting history on r/GenderCritical for a really long time (Johava).

Oooh, now it's implicit endorsement. Gotcha. It's not. It's double secret probation endorsement! See? I can move my own goal posts, thank you very much.

I said endorse in the first post. I said implicitly endorse in the second. If you think that's moving goalposts, you frankly need to go get your head examined.

Hey look, I keep my nose pretty clean but I've had people still go looking for me. It's not like Incels are lily white and we're the only ones tarnished. I feel Incels attack and demean women. At least we're honest about what we do.

Unlike you, I actually use disciplinary actions against users who harass and threaten members of your sub. No one here is allowed to call for the imprisonment or forcible psychiatric commitment of r/inceltears users for being barbaric chumps.

Compare my zero tolerance stance on harassment to your stupid, idiot, moronic fuckhead of a mod u/Porgi_Amor who publicly and baselessly called me a pedophile using her mod tag when she banned me from your shitfest sub. If I had photographs of myself on my Reddit account like, say, MRAGGGAN, that irresponsible and dementedly psychotic accusation could have had serious repercussions in my real life, regardless of how obviously untrue it is.

How's this brainy sub working out for you? I haven't seen many posts refuting your claim that ol Sergey is a cool dude.

Multiple people have actually discussed Nechayev with me, because users on this sub aren't illiterate morons.

Aight, maybe you aren't cucked.

Unlike you, I actually use disciplinary actions against users who harass and threaten members of your sub.

Yeaaaah, I'm pretty sure you were busy defending the distribution of child pornography a week ago because people aren't paying for it. You don't exactly have the high ground here.

Compare my zero tolerance stance on harassment to your ... mod who publicly and baselessly called me a pedophile using her mod tag

Umm. I'm pretty sure you did that all on your own, champ. I'm not going to quote anything here, you can see your own removed posts. Also I know who you are. You can stop mod-tagging your posts to me. This is a conversation, not a dick measuring contest.

Multiple people have blah blah because users on this sub aren't illiterate morons.

Top posts here: 3 on incelibate going away, "You're not ugly at all! You're handsome!", Super Mario's creator on women, So cuckfestus isn’t mod anymore so that means more dogcel! Yeah. Have fun discussing Russian terrorists here. 🙄 K it's been fun, but I'm off.

Yeaaaah, I'm pretty sure you were busy defending the distribution of child pornography a week ago because people aren't paying for it. You don't exactly have the high ground here.

That is not what I did, you fucking psycho liar. This is full on character assassination and you fucking know it, you stupid piece of shit.

Delete your account.

Why don't you just ban him from here? He straight up called you a pedophile.

If he doesn't delete his account, I will.

For anyone who is curious about what I actually said, it was that consumption of CP should not be criminally prosecuted to the same extent as production and distribution because it's both socially ineffective and there is no rational ground for imprisoning passive viewers of illegal/morally objectionable materials.

Anyone who thinks that is equivalent to justifying pedophilia literally has an IQ below 70 and/or is lying to besmirch their opponent's reputation.

Yeah I read the discussion and it made me seriously furious because you had strong arguments and you didn't say anything about your personal stance on the cp topic. An argument with them is a waste of time I already learned that. Most of them never attended college and barely got their GED, have miserable lives and fuck borderline disgusting SOs. I mean there's no reason why a well-adjusted normie would obsess over such a minor community on reddit with no political or social influence.

I mean there's no reason why a well-adjusted normie would obsess over such a minor community on reddit with no political or social influence.

I honestly think it's sadism. I've tried as hard as I can to find a less pessimistic explanation, but it really just seems like everyday sadism to me.

I personally don't think it's sadism. Alia explained it very well. He compared this phenomenon to people who regularly watch Jerry Springer and the unfounded sparkle of superiority they can feel once in their pathetic lives when they think that they are watching people who are even more miserable than they are.

That is sadism.

I mean I think this is kinda bullying, but people say that same shit about incels, I dislike the language.

It doesn't speak of what they actually are saying either. You are just calling them dumb.

It doesn't speak of what they actually are saying either. You are just calling them dumb.

Not all of them. There's a minority of them (like neomancr) who come here and you can have a reasonable discussion with them. But the board culture of IT is equally fascist like the echo chamber of the_donald. So calling them dumb is more like an educated guess.

I just mean specifically your "never attended college..." is unnecessarily vivid and more harmful than helpful to your point. Just call them stupid, provide evidence, and shut the fuck up.

Why you gotta hate on the working class man?

Why you gotta hate on the working class man?

Absolutely nothing, my father is working class as well and a better man I could ever be. But IT always comes up with pretentious pop-science trying to demystify the sociological phenomenon of inceldom. It's their smug mindset that puts me off.

I mean I generally think pop science is amuck on both sides, hence why both sides treat each other like that. Both sides are smug.

I agree, not an incel. Just a concerned ally.

Seriously, thats like doing drugs getting the same punishment as growing and selling it.

AnathematicAnarchist 0 points 7 days ago

If you watch a video of someone hurting a child, regardless of your motivation, why should you be imprisoned? You've done something extremely unethical, but you haven't immediately or directly hurt anyone by doing it.

Sounds like defending distribution of child porn to me. Would you like me to provide more context about the money part of things? Oh and hey, since this post has your name on it, would you mod-tag it, too? Douche. You can delete the posts all you like now, I have them saved.

It is not defending distribution. Are you literally mentally challenged?

In that same exact post, I said that distributors of child pornography should be imprisoned. Which just goes to show that you have no intellectual honesty whatsoever; you are deliberately mischaracterizing my position to make it look like I'm saying there's nothing wrong with CP.

Then again, this user being massively willfully ignorant and dishonest is nothing new.

Willfully ignorant Internet busybody.

I have the link, I have the quotes, do you want me to quote what you said right now? Or to paraphrase you literally said that you would not only tell a person who had been forced to make child porn when they were younger that the people who watched them should not be punished, but that child porn can "ethically be made", you also said that people look at child porn should not be punished, that it is the only rational way to look at it, and anything else would be "either psychopathic or hysterical".

That is defending people who look at child porn, that is defending the distribution of child porn.

Oh, and also-

Buying marijuana that has a 90% chance of coming from a Mexican cartel is funding their other less pleasant activities like chopping people up or hanging them from power lines.

The difference is most people watch CP probably aren't paying any money for it.

While you didn't entirely defend them simply because they didn't pay for it, you somehow managed to make a person who looks at CP more justified than someone who smokes weed.

Or to paraphrase you literally said that you would not only tell a person who had been forced to make child porn when they were younger that the people who watched them should not be punished

How is this a damning statement? You're just being blindly emotional right now.

but that child porn can "ethically be made"

I never fucking said that. Are ALL of the r/inceltears mods illiterate?

That is defending people who look at child porn

No, it's saying they shouldn't be put in prison. Morality has nothing to do with it.

that is defending the distribution of child porn

If you can't tell the difference between consumption and distribution, I'm not equipped to help you.

While you didn't entirely defend them simply because they didn't pay for it, you somehow managed to make a person who looks at CP more justified than someone who smokes weed.

Oh my fucking god, you are so dense. My argument was that if you look at it purely as "supporting the industry", then someone who smokes weed is more culpable for their industry than someone who watches CP. I obviously don't think smoking weed is worse than watching CP you actual fucking clown.

Weird, you seem to have forgotten where you literally said child porn can be ethically made, considering that’s what made me ban you in the first place, I mean, you even bothered to put in italics to emphasize that you really can make child porn ethically.

You were making a point by trying to created an equivalence between buying a substance- which actually can be ethically made, and ethically consumed, in the legal market- and consuming a product which is directly created from a child suffering, that’s the product, child suffering.

If you’re going to make that kind of argument, try to find something many people consume that is on the same level as CP, but you can’t, because you know any actual equivalent is seen by society as just as fucked up. You make circus arguments, you get a clown.

Weird, you seem to have forgotten where you literally said child porn can be ethically made, considering that’s what made me ban you in the first place, I mean, you even bothered to put in italics to emphasize that you really can make child porn ethically.

...I was referring to the drug industry. Anyone who reads that exchange and who isn't functionally illiterate can tell that I was referring to the drug industry.

You were making a point by trying to created an equivalence between buying a substance- which actually can be ethically made, and ethically consumed, in the legal market- and consuming a product which is directly created from a child suffering, that’s the product, child suffering.

I wasn't making an equivalence, I was saying that supporting a currently unethical industry is still bad even if it could hypothetically be made ethically.

From that standpoint, supporting the drug industry is morally no better than supporting the CP industry. Now obviously I don't actually think that; I'm taking your argument to its logical conclusion to show its faults. It's a debate tactic and it works.

In the comment you replied to, I say “you can make meth ethically, child porn can’t ethically be made”

You say “but it can be ethically made”

I’m sorry, but that doesn’t seem like a reading error, perhaps you misspoke, but the reasonable conclusion is that you were saying child porn can ethically be made.

You can support the current, ethical way a product is made, as weed is in its legal markets, and be against an unethical way it’s made, like the drug cartels. CP does not not fit this logic because it can not be ethically made.

You actually seem to be genuinely misunderstanding me rather than lying, so I'll be nice now:

When I said that "it can be ethically produced, but isn't in this case", I was referring to methamphetamine. I was saying that the fact that meth can hypothetically be ethically made isn't relevant to the discussion because the current, actual meth industry is extremely unethical and thus comparable to other unethical industries like CP.

But that still shows the root of the your misunderstanding, the fact that the product itself, meth, is not that of a victim, CP, however, is, that is why those who consume it are to be punished, however, treated.

If meth had to be made from human flesh, then yes, it would be a crime to be a consumer meth, because in order to create it the suffering of a person would be required.

By not seeing the difference and saying “people who look at child porn should not be punished”, you are defending pedophiles acting on their feeling that end up harming a child.

But that's very, very dumb.

I don't think someone who regularly and vicariously watches videos of people being murdered should be arrested. I think they should be arrested when they cross the line from passive observer to active participant and actually murder someone.

You think child porn should be legal to look at, but luckily we live in the society where snuff porn is illegal and /watchpeopledie was banned

I don't necessarily think it should be legal to look at. I would not at all be opposed to maybe mandatory psychiatric treatment for people who download or access CP, or maybe restricted internet access. I just don't think they should be put in prison.

Like I said in the original thread, I have an intellectually disabled cousin who is in prison for 15 years for having pornographic pictures of children on his computer. He's almost certainly living in perpetual fear of abuse or rape because he has the brain of a 10 year-old and wasn't able to make the judgement that looking at some things is wrong. It just doesn't seem right to me.

Mental incompetence is a different story, which is why when a person commits murder, mental illness can be a reason of innocence, and the same should have been applied with your cousin. But in most cases the person looking at child porn is not your disabled cousin, but someone who knows exactly what they’re doing, knows what they’re doing is wrong, but do it anyway.

Don't you think most people who watch it probably have something wrong with them mentally? I find it difficult to believe that a mentally healthy and fully developed adult could be turned on by such materials.

I mean, abuse is one thing. Some people are predators and just enjoy hurting people. But voyeuristic indulgence seems like it requires some level of mental ineptitude.

I believe pedophilia and hebephilia itself requires something wrong mentally, but a line is drawn of whether the person was capable of being aware that what they were doing was wrong. A grown person who has the mind of a child? Probably not. Some accountant in Nevada? Most certainly.

Ok, fair enough.

I understand why you view my position as defending pedophilia, but I just don't see it that way at all. Nonetheless, I appreciate that you actually came over to this sub to discuss it more.

It wasn't banned, the death boner marches onwards

I think it's a deadly sin to be as stupid as you are.

Delete your account.

I was wrong to disrespect you. You're good.

That wasn’t me who did that, it was another mod. I actually changed your permaban to temporary because I thought she was unfair to you, but now I’ll change it back.

Oh fuck off.

Good thing you dickweeds can't be held accountable for what is basically straight up slander, eh?

Defending purchase/consumption of child porn = defending pedophiles. Fact, not slander.

Defending purchase/consumption of child porn

By essentially stating that the producers of said child porn need to be prosecuted.

Fuck off.

They need to be prosecuted too, but consumers of CP shouldn’t be let off the hook. And that seems to be what AA is arguing. So yeah, he’s still defending pedos who purchase CP if he’s arguing consumption shouldn’t be criminalized. Consumers create and drive the market.

Is it? To me to it looked like he was simply arguing that the issue could be adressed in a better fashion, he didn't argue that it shouldn't be criminalized.

Yes, he argued it shouldn’t be criminalized:

If you watch a video of someone hurting a child, regardless of your motivation, why should you be imprisoned? You've done something extremely unethical, but you haven't immediately or directly hurt anyone by doing it.

Read the exchange for yourself, then you can fuck right off:

I'm just going to do what you do with users from here and dismiss what you say because you're an IT user :)

Consumers create and drive the market.

Majority of recreation drugs have massive side effects on human body. Drug addicts create and drive the drug trade, which profits off people's misery and spawns massive drug cartels.

Let's criminalize drug consumption!

Consumers create and drive the market.

Tobacco has massive side effects on human body. Smokers create and drive the tobacco industry, which profits off underpaid labour, poisons non-smokers and destroys the environment to grow tobacco.

Let's criminalize smoking!

Consumers create and drive the market.

Sweets have massive side effects on human body. Those who have sweet tooth create and drive the confectionary industry, which profits off underpaid labour, imposes massive costs on society through diabetes and related diseases, destroys the environment (especially true in case of chocolate industry).

Let's criminalize eating sweets!

Make your mind, Porgs, treatment or criminal penalty? Come on, show off your cold frigidity and think rationally.

You are one of the stupidest fucking people I've ever met in my lives. The only other contenders are the rest of the r/inceltears mod team.

Get the fuck off my sub you worthless piece of shit.

Damn, you should unban all the people who inceltears convinced you to ban, after being attacked by three of their mods.

great post

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Heyyyy why did I get brought into this shit?

You were the first person I could think of with pictures on their account.

Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it (that's why I didn't tag you).

Eh, it’s fine. I had pictures of myself on Reddit well before I found incels.

I was doomed from the start. Lol

I feel Incels attack and demean women.

Typical white knight mentality. There are several TERF subs hating on men all day long and generalizing their "rapey" nature but of course you will never feel the need to harass them because only a gracious damsel in distress is the one who must be protected at all costs.

Just get fucked, you absolute tosser.

I don't even identify with these people and I agree. Inceltears is quite literally a brigade/harass sub.

Oooo my rip all that spam for nothing riprich&incel

The admins are fucking morons. Just nuke this whole site already.

More proof society hates male virgins but everyone denies it...

Make virgin isn't Incel. If anything incels are making male virgins look horrible the same way that the manosphere makes men in general look horrible, just as the feminazis make women look horrible, just like PETA males pet lover look horrible, just like how the media make America look horrible

Almost all male virgins are incels, do you think most of them want to be virgins? We don't do anything to make ourselves look bad, we just point out how slutty women are.

Almost all male virgins are incels, do you think most of them want to be virgins?

No one wants to be poor either but not everyone let's twist them into a stereotype.

We don't do anything to make ourselves look bad, we just point out how slutty women are.

Dude go on YouTube and look up funny videos on nice guys, incels have even taken over the nice guy ™ meme.

"Nice guy" things only exist because women are complete bitches that only care about looks and I can sympathize with nice guys.

No it's because the vast majority of men are taught to be phonies.

There isn't anything wrong with trying to get affection that way, other than it not working because women are shallow sluts.

Yes there is. It's phony and stupid. No woman except the wrong kind want to be bribed. And then you complain about being a beta orbiter or beta bux or some shit.

The "trick" with women is no trick at all. You just act as you would have when you were 8 before you were flooded with bullshit.

You befriend them and find ways to make them curious about you

All women want to be bribed, and yes, I would complain about being an orbiter and having to throw away my money on a slut who would give me hardly anything in return.

The "trick" with women is no trick at all. You just act as you would have when you were 8 before you were flooded with bullshit.

Umm, you seem to have things backwards, the bluepill ramblings about personality or whatever is the bullshit. Personality doesn't matter.

You befriend them and find ways to make them curious about you

That wouldn't work...

All women want to be bribed, and yes, I would complain about being an orbiter and having to throw away my money on a slut who would give me hardly anything in return.

Lol no they don't. Otherwise women's lib wouldn't have happened. Your shits so fake you attack the very rights that women have to not HAVE to be gold diggers.

The "trick" with women is no trick at all. You just act as you would have when you were 8 before you were flooded with bullshit.

Umm, you seem to have things backwards, the bluepill ramblings about personality or whatever is the bullshit. Personality doesn't matter.

You befriend them and find ways to make them curious about you

That wouldn't work...

Works fine for me and the vast majority of sub 8 men.

I fucking hate womens lib, it's bullshit that makes the only option to have good looks, it takes away the single hope incels have. At least gold diggers care about something that isn't genetic unlike every other slut.

Works fine for me and the vast majority of sub 8 men.

What? You think we're all rich?

FUCK YOU, FUCK THOSE PIECES OF SHIT WHO HAD SEX. I fucking hate all you, that shit is lies or guys who have managed to convince a woman they had money for long enough to have sex.

I fucking hate womens lib, it's bullshit that makes the only option to have good looks, it takes away the single hope incels have. At least gold diggers care about something that isn't genetic unlike every other slut.

Hahaha before women's lib men passed literal ugly laws along with a shit ton of other eugenics laws.

You would have been struggling then too only you wouldn't have these pied pipers using you as a drone to fight a battle that doesn't even benefit you.

80 20 rule debunked. Now see what you do. You're gonna strategically want to ignore the messaging curve and what it means.

Works fine for me and the vast majority of sub 8 men.

What? You think we're all rich?

FUCK YOU, FUCK THOSE PIECES OF SHIT WHO HAD SEX. I fucking hate all you, that shit is lies or guys who have managed to convince a woman they had money for long enough to have sex.

Text can not convey how fucking pissed I am at everyone for having sex.

Dude I swear to God that I'm a poor orphan dude. I don't have any significant amount of money at all. You just cherry pick and want to claim everyone is rich when normies are poorer than ever.

Hahaha before women's lib men passed literal ugly laws along with a shit ton of other eugenics laws. You would have been struggling then too only you wouldn't have these pied pipers using you as a drone to fight a battle that doesn't even benefit you.

But I wouldn't have to deal with the worst women getting any dude they want, I fucking hate all these sluts, they SHOULD be sent to concentration camps and gassed.

Dude I swear to God that I'm a poor orphan dude. I don't have any significant amount of money at all. I've got no inheritance barely a college education. You just cherry pick and want to claim everyone is rich when normies are poorer than ever.

Oh fuck off, you have money, and I'm sure you are some kind of chad. Guys don't actually need to have money, we just need to seem like we do long enough to have sex. just fuck off and go kill yourself so you can say you've done at least one useful thing in your life.

Hahaha before women's lib men passed literal ugly laws along with a shit ton of other eugenics laws. You would have been struggling then too only you wouldn't have these pied pipers using you as a drone to fight a battle that doesn't even benefit you.

But I wouldn't have to deal with the worst women getting any dude they want, I fucking hate all these sluts, they SHOULD be sent to concentration camps and gassed.

So what? The worst men are the ones who get them and together they create their own hells. Who do you think the leaders of the manosphere are? They're all rich cucks who got in loveless relationships with gold diggers and got divorce raped.

The vast majority of men and women are dual income and would be individually poor.

Dude I swear to God that I'm a poor orphan dude. I don't have any significant amount of money at all. I've got no inheritance barely a college education. You just cherry pick and want to claim everyone is rich when normies are poorer than ever.

Oh fuck off, you have money, and I'm sure you are some kind of chad. Guys don't actually need to have money, we just need to seem like we do long enough to have sex. just fuck off and go kill yourself so you can say you've done at least one useful thing in your life.


So what? The worst men are the ones who get them and together they create their own hells. Who do you think the leaders of the manosphere are? They're all rich cucks who got in loveless relationships with gold diggers and got divorce raped.

I'm against divorce think the man should get everything. Dual income relationships disgust me because you know the woman is out being a slut half the time finding dudes to cheat on you with and being disgustingly useless.

Cope. I swear on my life I've never had more than 100 in savings and I've always banked from a box or under my mattress or a random drawer.

FUCK YOU don't you understand everyone hates you? Why do you even bother? If you have no money and no life what is there to live for? I'm seriously wondering why you haven't killed yourself, I know there are about ten thousand people it would improve the lives of.

So what? The worst men are the ones who get them and together they create their own hells. Who do you think the leaders of the manosphere are? They're all rich cucks who got in loveless relationships with gold diggers and got divorce raped.

I'm against divorce think the man should get everything. Dual income relationships disgust me because you know the woman is out being a slut half the time finding dudes to cheat on you with and being disgustingly useless.

Nope. If anything the male is way more likely to. But it's still rare.

Cope. I swear on my life I've never had more than 100 in savings and I've always banked from a box or under my mattress or a random drawer.

FUCK YOU don't you understand everyone hates you? Why do you even bother? If you have no money and no life what is there to live for? I'm seriously wondering why you haven't killed yourself, I know there are about ten thousand people it would improve the lives of.

Because I do perfectly fine. I make enough to get by and my wife makes really good money.

Nope. If anything the male is way more likely to. But it's still rare

I feel like I can't even talk to a female friend for an hour without her mentioning something about one of her female friends cheating.

Then either your crowd sucks, girls generally don't like to hang out with slurry girls unless they're slutty, or she is talking about a famous slut that they out up with.

I know guys who cheat too.

My crowd is fine, better than most.

I don't know about that. If all your women are cheating. That sounds pretty bad. None of the married women I know are cheating at all.

Nah, the ones cheating aren't married, probably couldn't stick to one guy long enough.

If they aren't married then how are they cheating?

Honestly the rules don't really apply to dating. People casually date.

The "trick" with women is no trick at all. You just act as you would have when you were 8 before you were flooded with bullshit.

I do. I get called a creep and an autist. Now what?

Work on being a consistently chill guy.

Your goal is to always be the most comfortable person in the room. Don't challenge people on being cool or tough or hard. That's a trap and stupid. Just focus on being utterly comfortable, like you've been through a bunch of laundry cycles with fabric softener. Like you're wearing a comfy fluffy robe and that robe is your aura.

I do just that. I talk a lot about the stuff I'm interested in or keeping quiet and listening to others.

Still no dice. What gives?

Honestly I wish I didn't know who you were because it's hard for me to take you seriously.

I, surprisingly, understand your feelings but I'm being deadly honest and serious right now.

In response to what I said you said "already did that"...

Yeah, yeah and people like you usually say that I didn't try hard enough. Whatever, you think I'm trolling all the time, while you talk Dow to me.

When do I talk down to you?

Oh please dude, don't insult my intelligence at least.

Dude you constantly try to insult me

Sorry if I get tired of hearing conspiracy theories instead of honest debate. Silly me keeps thinking you want to help people here, instead, again, talking down to them.

I apologize for calling you bad names and insulting you, I guess I just man up and take it on the chin every insinuation you said about me, every implication with one of your favourite "you people" (which is especially hurtful to me because you are robbing me of identity and personhood).

Sorry, I'm obviously unworthy of being talked to like a normal person.

Sorry if I get tired of hearing conspiracy theories instead of honest debate. Silly me keeps thinking you want to help people here, instead of, again, talking down and at them.

What have I ever said that was conspiracy theory and not backed by known public record history?

I apologize for calling you bad names and insulting you, I guess I just man up and take it on the chin every insinuation you said about me, every implication with one of your favourite "you people" (which is especially hurtful to me because you are robbing me of identity and personhood).

Dude but honestly I swear here, you do say things that sound very very black pill. Maybe you're chalking it up to personal experience so you're explaining that you aren't just saying it because it's said, but the entire point of what I'm explaining is that it's a misunderstanding. I'm not even trying to blame you but you take it personally. I've mentioned plenty of times that there are just a lot of toxic influences and most of which comes from pc culture and feminazism.

That's a real thing. The claim that men should just be nice and masculinity in itself is bad is a bad influence and wrong. The fear of gender roles is wrong.

All this stuff just leads us to act unnaturally.

Im not exact sure why you have a hard time but why a real you so offended by the idea that it could be something you're doing or not doing rather than having it just be you?

Sorry, I'm obviously unworthy of being talked to like a normal person.

Dude if you read back at all the chats we've had I usually de escalate the insults and I just dismiss it as trolling. I've never called you dumb or anything I just give you the benefit of the doubt that you're trolling me.

What do you think the definition of an incel is your moron?

It's a meme which basically means a black piller

You're a moron.

You are a moron back.

No lie, I dig that comeback. I'll upvote.

LMAO wtf are you talking about? If anything we are victims. Victims of failed genetics and women's disgustingly hypocritical and shallow standards.

A former black piller wrote that and Im really happy for him

Wtf is this? Some anti race mixing shit. What exactly am I supposed to take away from this?

Oops wrong one that was a manosphere post

You're a goddamn idiot

Call me whatever you want. I fixed the link and that's from one of you who woke up

Bad bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 97.27778% sure that neomancr is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | UPDATED GitHub

Hey its a link from a recovering black piller that's the topic. Don't hate the messenger.

Plenty of you guys are waking up it's just that they don't want to go public because they know how the rest of you will be crabs in the bucket about it.

The only correct response to a neomancr post lmao

No, that's the definition dumb IT users assigned to it. Incel always meant a virgin that doesn't wish to be.

Nope. Words are what impression people have not the literal word per se. But even the term involuntary celibate I. E. Involuntary is meant to imply a victim status

Words are what impressions people have not the literal words per se.

Oh for fucks sake.

It's justified. Black pillers are horrible people. Many of them aren't even incel.

Justified when shitting on the actual shitty people.

But, as I told you numerous times before, IT just so happens to shit on more reasonable folks in turn for their own entertainment. As long as that's happening, the “justified“ bit doesn't fly.

Show me a post bashing reasonable people

Already gave you examples before and then you started moving the goalpost.

What was it the slap fight post?

moving the goalpost

I admitted that some random normies might be trolls but that doesn't really matter. There are non incel black pillers who are trolls too. They literally troll the actual incels

Random normies

Talking about the well known IT users.

They literally troll the actual incels.

Those can fuck off too.

Random normies

Talking about the well known IT users.

If you're digging deep at random posts where 2 people are slap fighting you're not taking about IT as a community anymore. IT is it's own sub and it has a very clear theme that you can see with each post. It's not just attacking men who are struggling at all.

They literally troll the actual incels.

Those trolls can fuck off too.

Only you guys cheer them in because they say what you want to hear.

Nope. IT, as a sub, shits on incels as a whole (thanks to what sleepingforever mentioned) whilst signal boosting the hateful shit. And then users from there come here to shit on people and refusing to treat even the reasonable ones as individuals because guilt by association.

you guys

Fuck off. Still not part of any particular group you prick.

Nope. IT, as a sub, shits on incels as a whole (thanks to what sleepingforever mentioned) whilst signal boosting the hateful shit. And then users from there come here to shit on people and refusing to treat even the reasonable ones as individuals because guilt by association.

Honestly. The ones you call reasonable are not as reasonable as you think. I've had von Magar mention a few "reasonable" incels and I suspect he only thought they were reasonable because they pretended to not be black pilled. They were clearly black pilled though and were just in denial or something. I'm not even sure what's going on there. I don't want to name any names because I don't wanna talk trash.

you guys

Fuck off. Still not part of any particular group you utter prick.

What are you not black pilled but still believe in all the rhetoric anyway? Or do you only kind of believe in it but not enough to really be called a black piller?

Motherfucker you're talking to VonMagnar. Atleast spell my name right, it's not that hard.

So you're still just pretending like sharkb8master, destiny-draw and shadowcat don't fucking exist? I think they're reasonable because I fucking talked to them, as individuals and not like you do, constantly making them guilty by association.

what are you

What I am is none of your buisness. I already explained my beliefs to you as well, but you don't give a shit since you seem to enjoy talking to the strawmen you build around people instead of actually talking to the people.

Motherfucker you're talking to VonMagnar. Atleast spell my name right, it's not that hard.

So you're still just pretending like sharkb8master, destiny-draw and shadowcat don't fucking exist? I think they're reasonable because I fucking talked to them, as individuals and not like you do, constantly making them guilty by association.

I don't even know if I've ever talked to them. I've spoken to another user you mentioned last time and he is definitely not reasonable and constantly makes shit up and tries to spread rumors about me.

I only respond to things that are untrue and toxic. And it's to make sure that incels don't read it and believe it without there being a balanced counter point.

what are you

What I am is none of your buisness. I already explained my beliefs to you as well, but you don't give a shit since you seem to enjoy talking to the strawmen you build around people instead of actually talking to the people.

Then I'm not even talking to you. Quit identifying with the group I'm targeting.

You mean daskettenrad? There's a reason why he dislikes you. Hint, it has to do with you talking at him, not to him. And he is very reasonable, you just pissed in the well in that regard.

Quit identifying with the group I'm targeting.

I don't.

You mean daskettenrad? There's a reason why he dislikes you. Hint, it has to do with you talking at him, not to him. And he is very reasonable, you just pissed in the well in that regard from the looks of it.

Nope. He deliberately misinterprets what I say and the tries to tell everyone else I said what he said.

And he keeps pretending to not hold beliefs when he clearly does. He wants to have it both ways.

Quit identifying with the group I'm targeting.

I don't.

When have I offended you personally? When I talk about blscknpillers and you think I'm talking about you? I only counter very specific things. I've never just randomly attacked some dude

Hahaha very reasonable.

A couple things:

  1. The "other incel" is not even close to incel.

  2. It is a JOKE, clearly a parody of a mesothelioma ad.

Face it, IncelTards is nothing but a hate group who loves to shit on people who they deem beneath them. They have a void in their lives and bullying is how the fill that void/cope with it. Why else would you go through all this effort to hate on someone.

A couple things:

  1. The "other incel" is not even remotely close to incel. It was carpathianflorist, a "normal" person who disagrees with most of the blackpill.

  2. It is a JOKE, clearly a parody of a mesothelioma ad. God forbid anyone have good natured fun, virgins only deserve suffering.

It was a joke and pretty funny how it worked out. I don't think a male virgin would feel like that post is picking on them.

The way you make it seem is like IT users are just posting stuff like "all these ugly guys they're so ugly. Good then they're virgins!"

Face it, IncelTards is nothing but a hate group who loves to shit on people who they deem beneath them. They have a void in their lives and bullying is how the fill that void/cope with it. Why else would you go through all this effort to hate on someone.

It's not about virgins its about the manosphere propaganda and black pillers are the most extreme

It was a joke and pretty funny how it worked out. I don't think a male virgin would feel like that post is picking on them.

I AM THE male virgin they were picking on. Did you even read the comments? They were shitting all over me like they always do. God forbid a virgin make a joke or say anything that doesn't irrationally worship women.

It's not about virgins its about the manosphere propaganda and black pillers are the most extreme

It is DEFINITELY about us being virgins, lmfao. I'm not, nor have I ever been an extremist blackpiller. Check this comment:

All my views are created from 100% real life experience over 32 years of life, not "manosphere propaganda" or whatever BS conspiracy you made up.

The majority are saying that it's a joke and the rest seem to just think it's funny. They're laughing at the joke

Just sad.



Incels are nipple cancer.

Totally not shitting on anyone who's struggling. Right, lmao.

Oh, I'm so ashamed of myself for laughing at this.

  • GlitterBambina

She's ashamed to laugh at this because it would humanize an incel. It's breaking the narrative that all incels are just one-dimensional misogynistic, serial rapist, pedophile, virgin monsters.

Just sad.



Incels are nipple cancer.

Totally not shitting on anyone who's struggling. Right, lmao.

Here's what happened. Someone posted about a fake disease. Another person believed in it and called the number.

What is your response to that?

Oh, I'm so ashamed of myself for laughing at this.

  • GlitterBambina

She's ashamed to laugh at this because it would humanize an incel. It's breaking the narrative that all incels are just one-dimensional misogynistic, serial rapist, pedophile, virgin monsters.

The issue isn't IT it's black pillers who are dragging men who are struggling through the mud just like the manosphere is dragging the male identity through the mud.

Here's what happened. Someone posted about a fake disease. Another person believed in it and called the number. What is your response to that?

That "someone" who posted that parody advertisement was me. Check my submitted history if you want, I even made a poster ad version. That other person was /u/carpathianflorist, who was ALSO joking. He does that a lot.

The issue isn't IncelTards because I like them

The "manosphere" is a figment of your imagination. The misanthropes are over at IncelTards, they get off on shitting on people they don't like, silence any dissent and are generally insufferable humorless people.

Ay I’m benzoed out of my mind rn and gonna pass out shortly what’s up I tried to read this thread and I couldn’t but I did try Fuck this this other guy tho

My bad, didn't mean to ping you.

We're talking about that IncelTards post where they were shitting on you and my meme.

They shit on EVERYTHING oh man I post the most intentionally ridiculous shit and it still ends up getting screenshotted and taken serious sometimes

They’re so embarrassing it causes me actual physical discomfort

Lol oh my God dude. You are pretending like the red pill MGTOW lms PLS and all that nonsense isn't real?

Posts like this get upvotes.

moving the goalposts to redpill/mgtow


Back to the original topic here: IncelTards is a shitty group that bashes reasonable people doing reasonable things all the time. That's all I'm really saying. The fact that you are trying to change the topic kinda reflects that.

No it's not. It's showing you the larger picture. You keep trying to pretend like the black pill isn't a thing and braincels is just a random assemblage of men who are struggling.

It's not. IncelTards is showing me that a bunch of people who are unsatisfied with their life go online to shit on others (who don't even agree with the red/blackpill/whatever) to make themselves feel better.

Plain and simple. No grand conspiracy BS, just a bunch of bored virgin shamers and insufferable cunts.

Yea okay dude. Nothing here but us chickens. I gotcha

What's wrong with black pilllers? more sensible than most...

Not if their impression is biased or wrong, that's just willing ignorance.

What issue do you have with being a victim? One can be a victim of things outside of their control just as much as their own actions. I notice many normies aren't able to contextualize this difference, or only use the one that's convenient for them at a given time.

Not if their impression is biased or wrong, that's just willing ignorance.

The word gay doesn't mean happy and the word incel doesn't just mean a male who is struggling. Most male virgins would be offended if you called them incel.

What issue do you have with being a victim? One can be a victim of things outside of their control just as much as their own actions. I notice many normies aren't able to contextualize this difference, or only use the one that's convenient for them at a given time.

Because it's fake. It's no different than the hugh mungus lady

Lol, there must be a spike in its head

it doesn't just mean involuntary celibate. Even that term implies that youre a victim

We are victims.

Victims of what?

Victims of emotional, romantic and sexual neglect which has been no fault of our own, We didn't choose to be lonely andlike this.

Absolutely stupid

This is bullshit, what was the official response from the admins?

Apparently, doing a black pill experiment on Tinder is "harassment."

It was "catfishing".

These people are obsessed with trying to erase us. They wish we didn't exist both on and offline.

I don't understand what their fucking problem is. Why can't they just fuck off and leave us alone? I

why can't they just leave us alond

Because all incels are apparently guilty of being a hateful cunt by association with the label (even if the individual does not spout hate). They seem to get off on the schadenfreude as well.

Time for a new label. Make a new label and new sub. Probably won't get as much traction as incelibate, though.

Maybe r/Blackpill can be taken over.

deep down they really just love our blackpilled content.

Guess I'm a normie, but I view the incel phenomena as pulling directly from the substrate of human consciousness. It comes from a place of deep introspection from highly focused young men. It would have been impossible without the internet.

There's a narrative that's been enforced basically since the dawn of civilization (that men and women have anything close to sexual parity) and incel philosophy represents an assault on this idea. An idea that was created to preserve social sanity. A generations-long "cope" if you will. Not only for men (so that every man feels he has a shot), but for women (to feel good about their nature).

People are really threatened by the black pill, and the resonance it can have not only for incels, but for anyone who isn't at the top of the hierarchy (80% of men).

That's where the hatred comes from.

Guess I'm a normie, but I view the incel phenomena as pulling directly from the substrate of human consciousness. It comes from a place of deep introspection from highly focused young men, and it would have been impossible without the internet.

There's a narrative that's been enforced basically since the dawn of civilization: that men and women have anything close to sexual parity. Incel philosophy represents an assault on a belief system that was created to preserve social sanity. A generations-long "cope" if you will. Not only for men (so that every man feels he has a shot), but for women (to feel good about their nature).

People are really threatened by the black pill, and the resonance it can have not only for incels, but for anyone who isn't at the top of the hierarchy (ie 80% of men).

That's where the hatred comes from.

Same here, this is legit better and more modern than Jordan Peterson's religious egoism. It allows you to really combine many more fields than he so haphazardly and with such bias is able to do.

Yeah, certainly an element of "losers!!" at play. People will bully anyone if mainstream society gives them the green light... especially women, whose determine their morals based more on social trends.

Women would bully people with down syndrome if everyone told them it was OK lol.

Most people would

Can someone please pass the rope


Jesus christ. This sub will be next.

Back to maleFA.

Absolutely cucked

Damn,us subhumans cant get a break lol

hiiide you fools , hiiiiiide or they will kill us all

stay back normies, we have the power of St.blackops2cel and anime on our side

in all seriousness we can't give up, we can never let them beat us. we gotta either establish decent backup subs or even an independent site for incels

What are our options as backup?

I'm developing a website rn

Reddit is open source you know, you could host it yourself and then we could keep the threaded conversation style that we have here instead of the shitty forum style quote replies used the reddit source code and that didn't last too long, but that was more because of the content. I'll consider it

It didn't last long because a reddit cuck stalked us there and rated us out to the cucked webhost.


Inb4 /r/Rapekink is still live with its all might and glory.


But what about r/maleforeveralone?

That sub is basically dead. It has like 6 posts in the last 4 or 5 days. I think they banned so many people on the sub nobody was left to post on it.

At least /r/incelscirclejerk wasn't

this is fucking bullshit

You're a goddamn idiot

A couple things:

  1. The "other incel" is not even close to incel.

  2. It is a JOKE, clearly a parody of a mesothelioma ad.

Face it, IncelTards is nothing but a hate group who loves to shit on people who they deem beneath them. They have a void in their lives and bullying is how the fill that void/cope with it. Why else would you go through all this effort to hate on someone.

Random normies

Talking about the well known IT users.

If you're digging deep at random posts where 2 people are slap fighting you're not taking about IT as a community anymore. IT is it's own sub and it has a very clear theme that you can see with each post. It's not just attacking men who are struggling at all.

They literally troll the actual incels.

Those trolls can fuck off too.

Only you guys cheer them in because they say what you want to hear.

Nah, the ones cheating aren't married, probably couldn't stick to one guy long enough.

I just mean specifically your "never attended college..." is unnecessarily vivid and more harmful than helpful to your point. Just call them stupid, provide evidence, and shut the fuck up.

Why you gotta hate on the working class man?

Why you gotta hate on the working class man?

Absolutely nothing, my father is working class as well and a better man I could ever be. But IT always comes up with pretentious pop-science trying to demystify the sociological phenomenon of inceldom. It's their smug mindset that puts me off.

Yes, he argued it shouldn’t be criminalized:

If you watch a video of someone hurting a child, regardless of your motivation, why should you be imprisoned? You've done something extremely unethical, but you haven't immediately or directly hurt anyone by doing it.

Read the exchange for yourself, then you can fuck right off:

In the comment you replied to, I say “you can make meth ethically, child porn can’t ethically be made”

You say “but it can be ethically made”

I’m sorry, but that doesn’t seem like a reading error, perhaps you misspoke, but the reasonable conclusion is that you were saying child porn can ethically be made.

You can support the current, ethical way a product is made, as weed is in its legal markets, and be against an unethical way it’s made, like the drug cartels. CP does not not fit this logic because it can not be ethically made.

Yeah, yeah and people like you usually say that I didn't try hard enough. Whatever, you think I'm trolling all the time, while you talk Dow to me.

That sub is basically dead. It has like 6 posts in the last 4 or 5 days. I think they banned so many people on the sub nobody was left to post on it.