/r/Incelibate was just banned even though it had the exact same content as /r/Braincels

81  2018-03-05 by KhalilYousuf3

We made sure their was no brigading, pro-rape, pro violence posts and it was still banned.

Meanwhile /r/braincels was not effected.

The female mods of /r/braincels are in cahoots with the reddit admin. If this isnt another example of blackpill female privilege I dont know what is.


Careful now, that sounds like a case for Braincels getting banned

it wont when it has female mods


The spirit of St. BlackOps2cel will protect us from a ban.

Disappointing but really not surprised considering how cucked the reddit admins are. /u/RippedRichAndIncel, Did they give any explanation?

Apparently for violating the harassing rule with the tinder experiment??? Which is also posted here, but no braincel ban...

wtf what a fucking joke

I'm fucking done. I don't know what to do. it's an insane fucking ban

It's not over brother. We can rebuild

Where? I made backup subs in case of this happening. I've got /r/involuntarybachelors, which doesn't even have incels in the name ffs, But goddamn this was a real blow

Inceltears is a hate group and will never give up. We can't let them win

Welp, fuck it, I'm buying incels.com and remaking incel.life

incel.life was fucking awesome. we just needed image thumbnails.

You dropping the atomic bomb still?

Damn they even banned your account.

We gotta help /u/R1ppedRichAndIncel. He was the best of us all.

damn sorry man , you put so much work into that sub and everyone was chill

Yeah seriously, it was picking up subs pretty fast. Back to maleforeveralone I guess.

and they banned you? wow. i fucking hate reddit.

Try making a sub that doesn't have "incel" in the name, they probably have something that tracks that.

If you make a sub with a completely unrelated name, and it still gets banned. Then you're right.


maybe it has to start with incel? well actually /r/IncelsWithoutHate is a thing

only other thing I can think of is who creates the sub, and if they are flagged somehow.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelsWithoutHate using the top posts of all time!

#1: We are not an r/incels replacement
#2: Thank you for not hating women.
#3: Welcome

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

That's probably exactly what it is. RippedRich was a notorious incel, the admins are probably monitoring him and banning any incel related subreddits he creates.

Oh fuck, they suspended him too?!

This is really dumb..

incels without hate is still up

I would say that these subs like braincels and incelswithouthate are still up because they were created before r / incels was but I had a sub up before and they falsely suspended my account for 7 days for "creating a subreddit to evade a subreddit ban" and banned the place.

They are just cucked.

I did. So far it's still up.

Aw that's too bad.

That's because this is a honeypot sub run by Roast_Gaming.

Maybe they were banned because they don't have a female mod...

AnathematicAnarchist is an actual genius

7d underwater chinese checkers



lmao it's too perfect


who is this wannabe queen of the incels

Actual 5D chess

I never actually realized it but you are right. That whore is nothing but a pawn being used for us.


I am glad you and PRO are mods right now. Jesus..

You said it, man.


Haha. I've already said it before. The only reason this place isn't banned is because board is a mod. I literally told her that yesterday.

or a ricecel mod

AnathematicAnarchist is an actual genius

Yeah stop hating on board_gaming. Her presence keeps this community alive and safe.

They ban literally any incel sub they see after they banned the original one Only reason this one has stayed is because it was created before the purge. Anything after gets banned

This isn't true and makes it seem like the admins are actually using some reason. It's completely arbitrary. They've banned incel subs that were made before r/incels right after it was banned too.

The estrogen coming from Board_Gaming and the halo from St. BlackOps2cel (pbuh) protects us.

Wow. This site is so pathetic.

So why are you here? Go to incels.me

Normies are protecting this sub low key

Lol, when will you guys learn that bullying incels is ok and that all they really want is for us to either commit mass suicide or get sent to a concentration camp

Maybe it’s time we take voat.co more seriously?

Ever since the whole Russia used Reddit to influence the elections, Intelligence agencies have been actively monitoring subreddits. Looks like they really don’t want incels to self-organize outside of this subreddit run by our Manchurian Candidate mods.

voat.co is filled with far-right white knights. We would go from dealing with far-left white knights constantly trolling and insulting to protect women's feelings to dealing with far-right white knights doing the same. An independent site, like incels.me and incels.life is the best option.

voat is full of tradcons

I guess they don't like facts over there. That's disappointing; voat was my only remaining backup.

But the problem is that they can still get shut down. incels.me is currently down.

Well, just shutting up would work too, but honestly the concentration camp thing seems more likely.

The crackdown is coming. But even the Reddit admin Spez got downvoted to hell by the normies today for not agreeing to outright ban T_D even though it's a pretty tame and boring sub compared to some of the others. It's mostly a giant circlejerk.

Same deal as the original incels, all the bluepilled redditors read things like gizmodo and other subs like politics who posted about 1 guy who doxxed someone and another guy who spouted some nazi ideology and suddenly the entire sub is all about doxxing and supremacy and racism and whatever other in-trend 'ism' that most people consider bad, and everyone believes it implicitly and speaks authoritatively about how bad it is. But then when you go and actually look at the sub for yourself pretty much nothing is going on, and anyone that points out that there are an extremely large number of participants and there will undoubtedly be a handful of bad eggs(a pretty logical position) is downvoted into oblivion

Banning TD would end this website and his whole empire. Banning 200 incels doesn't bother anyone. We are below dirt

You're definitely not below dirt. You and every other incel are valuable, worthwhile, full human beings who deserve all the rights of full human beings. You should be accepted and cared for, and be shown love, affection, and compassion, for these are basic needs for a healthy human psyche. Unfortunately, love and affection can't be enforced. All I can do is hope that I can in some way contribute to changing the culture so that men like you aren't mocked and isolated, and are instead shown love and respect.

At any rate... don't use yourself as a punching bag! You are not below dirt. You are a thinking, feeling human being. Even if other people treat you badly, that's a reflection on their thoughts and their spirits, not on yours. Don't let other people's shallowness dictate how you feel about yourself. Please don't tell yourself that you are dirt or that you're subhuman, for you are not. No one can remove your worth.

you can't just ban the main sub of the current sitting US president, even if he is a "waycis"


wtf it was banned ?????

I have seen posts in /r/incelibate talking about killing girls. Good riddance.

That's good news

That a place for stupid lonely virgins was banned? Yeah, I guess it is good for you.


Nice. At least you're honest.

I noticed that r/ProjectIncelopolis was also banned or went private.

Omg reddit needs to grow a pair. I cant believe they banned incelibate

They kept spamming this board so who cares.

Why do people call it that way instead of r/incels?

It’s because you incel faggots need to be eradicated. You’re all sad, and instead of going out there and making yourselves better people, you’re getting dicked on because you’re all fat, ugly, and most importantly, disrespectful and ignorant.

Get a life and maybe people will appreciate you.

Inceltears is a hate group and will never give up. We can't let them win

