Just about every femoid has an anecdote about an ugly guy getting a date because they view 80% of men as ugly.

44  2018-03-05 by ScionOfTheLion

No hope but the rope


Even better, if you work on your personality and social value, one day you too can be that character in her story.

does overweight and balding count as ugly?

Do circles count as shapes?

well that's my oneitis in a nutshell sooo. take that as you will.

Sure is madam.


If you actually liked him you would approach him.

you don't think i have?

Overweight is fixable. Balding usually means its over with some rare exceptions. Hair is one of the most desired traits by women.

"Just wear a wig bro!"

Hair isn’t a desired trait. Having hair means nothing but having no hair puts you down a lot.

Thick and wavy hair at NW1 or better can halo otherwise average guys. That's why the haircut advice is so prevalent.

hair is nice but lacking it is not going to keep you from having sex. it takes a lot of other factors on top of being bald to make someone totally unfuckable

You need to be a normie 6(PSL4) to even have a shot at sex these days.

it's like you want to be miserable


Just shave it all off


if you remove women's sexuality then they are trash

Even when they attempt to disprove the black pill, they wind up strengthening the black pill argument even further.

I just like how every normie knows an ugly dude with a gf but none of these people will ever date one


How convenient...

It's the typical internet trope. In real life, the only women dating ugly guys are either gold diggers or settlers so desperate for commitment they're willing to prostitute themselves. I LMAO when people actually think she "loves" the guy. It's such bullshit. I used to actively seek out girls who were dating ugly guys because they were by far the easiest to get into bed. They almost always admitted they were never physically attracted to the guy at any point in the relationship!

I never thought of that before. That’s probably really true. They claim ugly guys with good personalities get girls because they have a skewed perception of what ugly is, not that the guys getting girls are objectively ugly.



It's always an ex. Never "my current boyfriend is not conventionally attractive and short."

My current boyfriend is short, if 5' 6.5 is considered short. I'm not sure if he'd fall under conventionally attractive, I find him to be but many of my friends don't so who knows.

I've seen many 'ugly' men with girlfriends in my town. Maybe it's because my town is inhumanly small but they exist. 300lb men with pretty girlfriends or wives.

Im starting the think legit women have lower iq on average than men.