Painting an entire gender with broad strokes? C'mon man. Sure there are shitty women and men. That doesn't make them all shitty. I don't understand the hatred you're showing towards all women.
This would make absolutely no sense to an ancient Egyptian. Maybe their supposed religious texts on the walls of their temples were just early memes about roasties.
1 ResentfulSoul 2018-03-04
women are degenerate creatures
1 ComradeSchnitzel 2018-03-04
And yet you want to sleep with them.
1 idespisewomen 2018-03-04
sorry for having a biological impulse
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-03-04
Found Youtube's twitter community manager.
1 ComradeSchnitzel 2018-03-04
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-03-04
1 Clevesteamer829 2018-03-04
Painting an entire gender with broad strokes? C'mon man. Sure there are shitty women and men. That doesn't make them all shitty. I don't understand the hatred you're showing towards all women.
1 ResentfulSoul 2018-03-04
If she can be a slut then she is one
1 dontcomplain1 2018-03-04
comedy tbh
1 mentalhealthcel 2018-03-04
Why would a female see me when she can see Chad?
It’s over.
1 nonparliamo 2018-03-04
What do you mean it's over?
1 mentalhealthcel 2018-03-04
There is no hope.
1 nonparliamo 2018-03-04
So what are you going to do.
1 mentalhealthcel 2018-03-04
1 charrusco 2018-03-04
The only valuable option
1 Incel4Life 2018-03-04
"cocktacts" - LOL
1 charrusco 2018-03-04
I lost it at reading cocktats
1 chinanumbaone1 2018-03-04
I lost it at skittles and 1% phone battery
1 womenshouldnotvote 2018-03-04
1 pretty_boy_game 2018-03-04
These are fucking great because they're 100% accurate
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-03-04
I think thats why this sub is so addictive. Its truth to the core that you know deep down is true.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-03-04
Based blackpills are addictive
1 Sileniced 2018-03-04
This comic looks like hieroglyphics to me. What the hell is going on
1 IsThisRealReddit 2018-03-04
A femoid in front of a pc, taking her phone out
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-03-04
This would make absolutely no sense to an ancient Egyptian. Maybe their supposed religious texts on the walls of their temples were just early memes about roasties.
1 BasedRubby 2018-03-04
where are you all getting the information that these are actual women?
1 Yeahso_no 2018-03-04
I do love Skittles...
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-04
The roastie battery level of 1% is on point
1 Greek_Talent 2018-03-04
Women are evil