Why is it a rule not to generalize incels but every post generalizes women?

51  2018-03-04 by 4lmu

Like, there's one girl that fucked 5 guys in a day -> every girl is a slut

There's a girl that won't fuck you because you are ugly -> every girl just cares about looks

And all this stuff. What's the point on this? It's pure hypocrisy


All femoids are sluts.

dailyreminder dontcomplain is an active IT user that post his selfies there

I dont think I even posted in 2018 or let alone browsed that sub this year LOL

one look at your history shows you in IT laughing at incels from there


i dont want to waste time and go to the archive and bust your ass


Do you realize that if you call females femoids, you dehumanize them? Why you do this? Not to feel bad about treating them like shit online?

he is from r/inceltears check his history

I'm not from inceltears lmao. I just stand for the abuse you are giving us women online

when did i abuse women? did you just judged me whithout knowing anything about me ? didnt you just act as the ones you are against ? ironic my normie dude.

Did you just generalise all incels while complaining about women being generalised?


It's okay to punch down on pesky incels, dontcha know.

We get treated like shit from women, so we do the same favor to them. It wasn't us who threw the first stone. Nobody is born a misogynist.

I have never treated a guy badly. Yet, I deserve to be treated like shit? That isn't fair

All women are the same, I don't believe a word a women says. They lie as soon as they open their mouths.

I feel like the vast majority of people who make fun of Incels are male.

Personally I find it interesting they hate being called onion face

You probably have, just havent realized it.

Its something most women do.

I treat everyone nicely. They sometimes say I act so good I seem dumb

Come on now, im not even one of these incels and i can clearly see youre just hear for the attention, because thats what females do. Quit patronizing these dudes and fuck off back to tumblr or wherever you waste your time.

Yes, you're just life support to a vagina, like no human at all. Now fuck off if you're offended.

That's just brutal

I'd just like to understand why do you bother? You don't have to be here, you can be anywhere else in the huge sea of pages that is internet, but you choose to be here in a lonely bitter men forum, a place thar hurts your feelings, why? Are you a masochist?


Don’t be so mean onion face.

Nope, they treat sub8 males like shit subhuman online too and half of of them ghost me anyway. They even enjoy when I treat them like shit and want more.


Guys are sluts, too, tho.. just a lot of them aren't very successful.

Because for all the tough talk and bullying thrown around here, what this really is supposed to be is a safe space.

Meanwhile, IT bans dissent and puts users they don't like on watchlists.

Then there's users like you coming in here shitting on everyone for the actions of the hateful dickweeds.

Fucking hell.

IIRC, you're one of the rare people to actually disagree with those "hateful d#ckweeds".

If you actually banned them, or deleted their posts, I'd agree with the idea that they're just a minority that doesn't represent the rest, but when said rest actually doesn't speak up against them, it's agreement.

Yes, lets give every troll the attention they seek, that will surely help things.

Precisely. They just keep fueling the fire since they get off on the Schadenfreude (from the looks of it).

Blessed VonMagnar, protect us from these retched creatures!

A safe space? Bruh, I go here and see post about legalizing raping women, that doesn't seem safe at all

Oh, no, I meant, a safe space for incels, and only incels.

Femoids are the enemy and they are all sluts to a degree. No female wants to fuck us, so they can be generalised in that manner.

So you are here because no female will have sex with you but then they are the enemy... How are they going to have relationships if you treat them as your enemies

they are the enemy because they won't have sex with us.

It doesn't matter how you treat women, I was nice and kind to women. Didn't help me to get laid. Why bother being nice if there is no benefit to it?

Being nice to women is not going to get you laid. Being nice to people doesn't make them automatically have sex with you

I know that, why should I bother then?

Because if you are nice to people, people will be nice to you. As simple as that

But I derive no benefit from being nice to women, I don't want or need them for anything but sex. Why should I bother?

Because women are humans too,and they deserve to be treated nice, as you do deserve it, because you are person with feelings and we have feelings too

No one is entitled to anything.

ooo got em

And you aren't entitled to women

Never have I said that. That's why I buy them. My primary goal is making society for men fair again.

As just said, no one is entitled to anything.

women are humans too

You know this is only a opinion, right? Your opinion.

So women are not humans? Is that your point?

Mostly yes.

So women aren’t human. They’re all sluts. And they all hate you.

So you want to have sex with an animal that hates you? That’s what your incel ideology aspires to: sex with horny, sub-humans that hate you?

In other words, they don’t want to have sex with human women, they want to have sex with animals that hate them. At least, that’s what i’ve gathered from the comment you replied to.

So friendships with women are worthless. Familial relationships with women are worthless. Professional relationships with women are worthless. Women are not people, only vaginas with organs to support the life of the vagina. Got it.

So friendships with women are worthless.

Familial relationships with women are worthless.


Professional relationships with women are worthless.

I've never had a female coworker that wasn't a liability and where a more capable man wouldn't have been a better replacement. So yes.

Even everything in a romantic relationship outside of the sex is worthless.

Never had a romantic relationship with a woman, so I wouldn't know.

Oh I don’t doubt that you feel that way. I hoped phrasing it like that might help you see your own misogyny but it seems you’re already quite comfortable in it.

What's so bad about misogyny? More men should be like me and we could finally make society fair for men again.

So not wanting to be friends with a woman is misogyny? His life, his choice.

No, no. Viewing women as worthless for everything except sex is misogyny.


Very much it.

Unless you're a world class actor, I feel like that attitude probably leaked out when you were being "nice". Basically JFL if women mean only sex to you, it's already over.

Yawn, you guys/gals are so predictable. Women don't give a shit about personality. Only LMS. The only time a woman was ever interested in me was when I was lying out of my teeth about my status/wealth (the chick was dumb enough to believe me that I was worth 10s of millions).

Well, if I was a woman, I'd care

I absolutely give a shit about personality... Most people do, it just helps if A) the person you wish to dat suits your aesthetic preferences (wether that be curvy, skinny, or whatever) B) the person you wish to date has similar interests and personality traits C) the person doesn't think that you owe them shit just because they were nice People date people they click with, some people only date for looks and money because they're shallow. The large majority of people will go for people they truly match with

That wasn't the case in high school. I was bullied because I was an easy target. Being nice is pointless.

'If you want to see who a person really is don't give them what they want'. My brother told me that and I think it might apply to you.

That's wrong. It's "If you want to see who a person really is see how they treat those who are beneath them." In other words, see how women and IT users treat us.

Interesting. 'wrong' do you often dismiss others in this way? Also I agree with you. I've seen that phrase used before and have seen it in action. Why can't both be true to life?

Someone said it! I'm just a girl passing through I generally keep tabs on this sub because I think it's interesting and some really interesting points are made. But recently it's gotten super violent towards women and it's odd. I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this :)

Tits or gtfo

Glad to see you're keeping it classy...

It's the proper response to 'girl here btwww :3'

Really?? It's gross and unnecessary. Also no.

Then gtfo

shut up you fat ugly whore.

Saying "I'm just a girl ..." is gross and unnecessary. Also, yes.

Someone's never going to have a girlfriend.

I hope you get raped. Fucking cunt

I hope your snake dies

Rude and unnecessary. But atleast you did your research?

I hope your snek is happy, sis :p 💖

Aw thank you!

Pm me pics.

I'm just a girl

You are such an attention whore.

Being a girl makes you an attention whore?

Many girls come to this sub to express that they are female even though it can be irrelevant to the conversation. Being female gives one a leg up in terms of attention (negative or positive). That's just the way it is and even females know this at some level.

U have serious issues lol

He spoke fact. The only issue here is a woman bringing up the fact she's a woman when it's completely irrelevant to the argument/conversation, and your cucked white-knighting.

How long have you been on the Internet?

Since I knew club penguin existed

That's any time from 2005 to 2017.

I signed up when I was around 8 so... 2009?

Yeah, you're younger than me.

Thing is, any gender can attention whore. It's not gender specific.

Hope I didn't offend your delicate sensibilities by mansplaining internet lore.

Lmao who said I would be offended or that I have delicate sensibilities?

Strange, didn't you come here to be offended by clueless losers expressing their anger the best way they can?

Excuse me but what?


Yeah, you're a busybody, you know that, right?

Please, someone think of the women. They don't want to be confronted with online violence when they choose to come here.

That never stops you guys complaining about inceltears... Surely you could just not go there...

Half the biggest posters/commenters on this sub are inceltears people though you idiot

So?? Doesn't mean that statement doesn't apply. Just don't pay attention to them if it's that easy.

It doesn't apply anymore because there is a difference between people coming to our board, and people like inceltears who seek us out.

That wouldn't be a problem if IT users didn't just stay in their forum and fuck off from here.

Fuck off you dumb ass roastie bitch. You being here drives incels closer to suicide, you should be locked up for manslaughter you degenerate. Send tit pics unless you want to go to jail.

"send got pics unless you want to go to jail" Guess I'm going to jail then!

You generalize us, we generalize you, simple?

Yet another person misunderstand what this place is for.

Why am I not surprised.

Well, I checked posts and that's what I saw

Yay for selection bias. You probably came here from somewhere like /r/IncelTears or /r/justneckbeardthings

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the top posts of all time!

#1: r/incels is now banned | 2345 comments
#2: Sir, you need to leave | 251 comments
#3: Not sure if this has been posted yet | 215 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

It takes a cursory glance to recognize this place despises women, why are you even bothering to deny that?

Because by extension that makes me, a member of this place, and many like I, a woman hater.

Are you not? And, am I supposed to feel bad? You associate with misogynists on an extremely misogynistic subreddit. And sure, you can pretend like this subreddit doesn't hate women (even though half of the front page is shit hating on women and generally always has been) but it's about as transparent as Stormfront pretending they aren't racist.

Ah yes, the idpol. All of us are literally Nazis.

Yup. You're not going to worm yourself out of your association with this place. You know what it's about, you know the culture, no matter how much you try to deny it. There are a decent number of subs for depressed and lonely men, you specifically chose the misogynistic, despised one, knowing the reputation it has. You get no pity from me.

Wasn't asking for your pity specifically. Yeah subs where you and the likes of you keep spouting the same trite advice devaluing our experiences and keep shitting on us, telling us we "act" entitled, even though we don't.

I'm not going to prostrate myself before you and flagellate how unworthy I am that I'm not silent in my sadness and my frustrations.

You people used to raid FA all the time and they are far less hateful than incels ever were.

Fuck you and I hope you die in a ditch.

I don't care what you do, actually. I rarely give any advice here, it's worthless to the people here, they don't want advuce, they don't even really want a relationship, I don't think. They want a very specific fantasy and whip themselves every day over wanting it. They don't think they're undeserving because of their personalities, however, they think they're unworthy because of their looks. Why would I need you to self-flagellate when half of this sub is just you circlejerking over how ugly and inferior you feel? No, the few I call to introspect, it's not so they can try some intense penance, it's so they can actually think about the retarded shit they're saying.

In case you've never noticed, most people, at least people like me, look down on you folks because you act retardedly. That's about it. You're hypocritical to a fucking T (for instance, shouting down people with positive stories as just telling anecdotes, while whining over people "devaluing your experiences"), say extreme, insane things (women are all evil, women are all sluts, women all cheat, women want to kill sub8 men, etc.) usually using the slimmest of evidence (women don't talk to/approach me, therefore they are evil, women aren't interested in talking to me, therefore they hate me), are negative to a non-sensical degree (threads about how you'll "never experience high school/teen love!" as if that shit matters, solely for the purpose of making you feel miserable even if you manage to get a relationship), and that's off the top of my head, it's ridiculous.

And, I'm not from Inceltears, by the way, I'm banned on that subreddit, hell, I have a decent amount of opinions they'd probably say are misogynistic. I just think you guys are extremely ridiculous and thus, worthy of ridicule.

tfw Internet busybody gives a detailed explanation as to how memes, sadness and circlejerk is a valid reason for punching down

Get lost. I am not interested in a loser busybody harassing other losers to feel better.

Lol just fuck you. You're a fucking retard if you come to this place to insult the people here. The only thing worse than women are cucks like you.

jfc /r/chapotraphouse and -r/starwars. I proclaim you ‘worlds most pathetic human’, arise and claim your medal while awkwardly shuffling your feet.

Hmm, so I have political beliefs and like a popular series. You've made being a virgin a part of your identity.

yeah you like a popular series for nine year old boys, faggot.

Muhsoggytree duuuuur. Meanwhile abusive chads are beating the shit out of their wives/girlfriends at wholesale prices. AND they stay with them!

Damn personaluty doyyyyy.

Maybe it's not that easy to get out of an abusive relationship?

Yes, yes that does.

*femoid hater

Did I ask that?

I was just helping you out. On this sub, we don't dignify women with their proper human name.

Speak for yourself.

I don't see you correcting people when they say "femoid". This sub disrespects women, lol. Just because you're some bulwark that manages to reach the low bar of "women are.. people", doesn't change that. I'd call you an exception, but that implies your base humanity is exceptional. You're just a dude with delusions about how you're personal attitude impacts the sub. While I'm at it, cope.

Apparently I report to you as to what I should and shouldn't do.

Also, assuming assumptions makes you no different than an incel.

Okay. Keep telling yourself you respect women or whatever it is that helps you cope with this community.

Assuming assumptions again.

Some people here hate, some vent, some meme.

Or are you one of the people that'd like to police un-PC language?

Why should we correct them? They can call women whatever they like. People on IT can call incels whatever they like.

If you are one own it

Don’t pussy foot around it

This subreddit is cancer

I'm not a womanhater.

Because this is a sub for incels you retarded fucking worthless hole of a cunt. If you want a sub where it's okay to generalize incels and not okay to generalize women go to 99.9% of the other subs. Fucking CUNT

Okay, that actually made me laugh tbh. Why the rage dude? Chill

Because I despise you and your KIND. I wish it was legal to rape you

If you're too big a chicken shit to break the law, you're too big a chicken shit to rape.

lol u pussy ur 2 much of a sissy faggot to rape

thanks for that inceltears

I'd rape if it was legal

Thanks for that, incels

got removed, didn't it

Oh, that means it didn't happen then.

It means that at least one mod is removing things that violate Reddit's content policy.

Kinda wasn't my point

you're so passive-aggressive it's unreal

Why do you have to hate on me?

anyone who can see mod discussions knows why

No one except mods can. If they did, they'd know the truth about you.

what the truth that you're literally stalking me and whining about me enforcing the rules

I'm not going to continue this here.

then why did you start it

[Desire to know more intensifies]

Lmao saaaaaaaame!

No, it means that this forum doesn't condone rape you twerp.

Uh huh.

Damn son. Your mom must be proud.

All femoids want Chad. There's no generalization here.

This tbh.

Username doesn't check out.

Well we all want Stacy, too.. the question is what people will accept below Chad/Stacy, if that makes sense


Post pics.

Why should I?

It would help us.

To what?

We need interaction with females.

I'm not a fan of posting my pictures, specially here... I've posted before on r/amiugly and it's better not to post my pictures online. And you are literally having interaction with a female right now

Are you a teen?

I'm 17 in a few months,yeah

Because the rules aren't female-friendly.

The rules don't even mention the world female

Of course not.

Nor should they be. Western society is gynocentric enough as it is.

As well they shouldn't be. This is a male space, not a unisex nor female space.

Because fuck you, that's why

Because this is a sub for incels. Feel free to fuck off at any time.

never try to use reasoning with incels

I do admit that while there are some incels who legitimately have healthy arguments and are also less bitter and hateful, incels who use proper logic are rare

let me put this as an example: now many incels say they are worthless but at the same time they think they are smarter because blackpill is the "truth" (?????)

just a venting chamber right? just to vent out all your frustrations and release a bit of stress not to be taken seriously they said and if we criticize them we are taking them too seriously and are cucked and dont know whether this is a joke? but they also think that their vents are also serious and reveal the truth about the world?????

like come on even inceltears doesn't generalize incels, they acknowledge that some incels actually have jobs, looks do matter and actually provide insightful views on incels complete with evidence https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/81uj9s/understandingeliminating_incel_culture_long/ , yet incels dismiss this as "armchair psychology" and that inceltears are stupid dumb dumbs who dont know better

summary: fuh fuh fuh

never try to use reasoning with incels

fuh fuh fuh

Eh that’s what I expected lol

I'm not even an incel and it's clear to see that in general IncelTears users are significantly lacking when it comes to grey matter, moral fibre, sense of humour, etc.

You didn't reason anything rational in your comment, IncelByNature's response was all your word vomit deserved in response.

Please explain though

Wow, more generalizing of incels! What a contribution!

I acknowledged that some incels actually use logic, sometimes the few studies they present are actually quite interesting and sometimes they also reveal interesting stories about themselves that why they think it’s justified to generalise women

What I meant is that most incels don’t do that, they seek out a screenshot on one woman on tinder and are quick to jump to conclusions and feed their self pity

And nobody is here to please your hurt cunt, just leave and never come back again if it bothers you. You talk about reasoning but how reasonable are you to read threads in a subreddit that you dislike the content? Are you a masochist?

like come on even inceltears doesn't generalize incels,

Hahahaha Oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh harder then HAHAHAHAHA.

Yeah you know what?

Maybe I was wrong with inceltears not generalising incels, looked back and check though not all inceltears ppl generalise incels

I'm glad you were able to see that. I won't try and pretend that alot of incels don't generalize women but IT doesnit right back

Yeah right. The comment where I said in IncelTears was deleted where I said that incels can have jobs too - I have a job and pretty much always had one ever since I was 12. No generalizations my ass.

Thats strange, just to clarify that if they would think of doing something similar like that, I looked up to another inceltears comment that says the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/81kyjl/thanks_rbraincels/dv43ksm/?st=jebjnmew&sh=560b1eae

This comment isn’t deleted so maybe why was yours deleted is because maybe you used degrading insults? Use of insults like retard or autist is not allowed in the inceltears sub, so that’s probably why they deleted your comment

Because it didn't show up for hours? I even thought about posting that comment on this sub, but I guess they are at least not a 100% echo chamber. Only 98% then.

Incels= extremely depressed autists with narcissistic and psychopathic tendincies

removing posts that generalise the sub makes moderating easier and discourages brigading

you are absolutely free to generalise incels in the comments anyway

Who invited the normie in...

All females may not be sluts but show me one example of a female who doesn't think there's anything wrong with being a slut. They are part of the fucking problem.

Because some girls just like guys have the urge to fuck, by shaming sluts you are shaming girls who would consider fucking you, instantly reducing all your chances ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Sluts are just as hypergamous as non-sluts. You have fallen for the "sexual freedom will trickle down" meme.

Eh, you had to reply just when i was getting off to gore, but eh I'm a bit confused on what you are rambling on about right now, we are talking about sluts, not women that are cunts for just going after the richest guy, sluts go after the man or woman that suits their sexual fetishes.

What the shit are you talking about. Sluts go after the best looking men, they won't just fuck ugly men like men will fuck ugly women.

Last time I checked sluts are willing to fuck fat guys with greasy short hair as long as they like such guys, of course there isn't much of them, but there are some out there.

Yeah you are clueless.

Am I really?~ Or are you just really into fucking the top shelf bitches that want those ripped chads, if you want to get fucked you need to actually look for girls that are into guys like you, but with such a close minded attitude I really doubt any girls from your league will be willing to do anything with you.

Do you know what fucking hypergamy is? Females, no matter how ugly, fat, dumb, insane all still only want and CAN get Chads just by installing Tinder. Even average guys struggle immensely, how the fuck am I, an ugly subhuman supposed to compete?

You're just a 16 year old stupid bitch who doesn't know shit about what it's like being an ugly male.

ah you did research about me, I'm so happy! And tbh, just find an ugly girl to fuck??? And ugly girls get fucked because there are chads with a fucking fetish for that. Listen people get off to diapers, there are guys with fetishes for everything, go on DA you will find some fetish artists that would gladly take in someone like you.

And hey if you're ugly, how about you take care of yourself instead of whining little a little bitch on the internet about, ohhh how hard it is, your standards are just too fucking high, and hey don't call me a bitch, only my bf can do that.

Wow you are fucking dumb as shit. My IQ dropped 50 points just reading this mess of a comment. My fetish is calling you a dumb bitch, how's that?

Oh, so your IQ is at -50 now? Honesty I keep forgetting that you guys have absolutely no self-confidence and only want to fuck plain white bitches, and hey I don't kinkshame, I don't like it, but I don't want to step down to your level so I'm not gonna call you anything.

Yeah you don't want to call me anything except telling me that my IQ -50. Korkade hona.

I mean I didn't call you anything~ And hey I'm here just for fun. It's kinda sad to see you guys hating yourself so much, I wish you could just like look at real girls, from like real life and the fact that they would be willing to fuck an ugly male because they find him attractive. Chads get pussy because they are confident, you're all just lazy slobs who think hating on things is better than actually trying them, and hey that's pretty cute, it's not often I get things in swedish.

Did the theredpill send you? It's like you're satire or theredpill.

Nah, It's just early and I got nothing better to do, I can't really talk with people in real life without stuttering and panicking so eh, this is the best I can get for now while I don't have any interesting topics to talk about with my friends. Honestly I don't really give a shit about this stuff, I wasn't being a depressed bitch over the fact that no one liked me when I was fat, I decided to actually do something with myself, you all just encourage this type of behavior, that ohh whining like a little slut is something you should be doing and there is nothing wrong with that.

Like wow, I never stop being amazed over how pathetic people can be, a part of me really hopes that you aren't serious with all of this incel shit because behind all of that "women are sluts" you seem like a decent at best guy, but yeah all that hatred of women really ruins it for you.

So how about you just like, stop being such a whinny bitch and do something with yourself, because the less incels the better this world will be.

I didn't ask for your life story. Your age is really showing because this is the most useless wall of text I've ever read lol.

Yeah I realize, but hey when you're bored what else ya gonna do? And hey there is more useless shit you know, like this entire subreddit, But oh well. You got boring, I hoped for some better insults and stuff like that but all I got was this so eh, I'm gonna go, good luck with finding a boyfriend.

Calm your sweaty man tits, like, Really? sending dm's to her just to (unsuccessfully) make her upset? That's cute. Are you really that immature? and you still wonder why you don't get Fucked? And honestly? the whole idea of being Upset that you cant get fucked is so childish. I think that maybe you'd be more successful if you have a pleasant personality? But eh you're kinda asking to not be fucked if you're a misogynist. like, what exactly did you think would happen if you just view all women as walking sex objects. it's... really not that hard to figure out. humph.

as long as they like such guys

Yeah, but they don't like such guys.

They do, you guys are just too buys looking at girls from tinder that get the app because they are confident they will fuck a hot guy.

You are so delusional. Women hate ugly brown terrorist looking men.

Idk I have seen quite a few women go on dates with such people, It's really just about finding your type

You are so delusional. There are no women like that. Women are pure evil and I hope us brown men never give you respect. You guys deserve to be treated badly.

I have a gf, I just know what this guys here say are mostly true. If it wasn't for my looks I would never have a gf, women don't give a fuck about you personality of you're ugly.

Your gf sure doesn't. I'm honestly feeling a bit sorry for you if your gf is only dating you for your looks, it's sad. But I at least hope you are happy with her, no matter how shitty of a relationship that sounds like.

The first thing she saw were my looks, if she swiped left on tinder I would never had a conversation with her. My personality was a plus before i passed the looks test.

Oh yeah tinder... Sorry for my words back there, it's just that I really hate stuff like tinder that just pretty much all about looks as a first interaction.

Like IRL this is mostly true too, ugly guys are looked with disgust. When a ugly guy approaches a woman she feels angry, disgusted and creeped. Anything good he does is overlooked by his bad genes.

I don't do IRL tbh, I get paranoid around people and get a panic attack at times, so I cannot agree or disagree on IRL, so I will say you have right in this topic, as you probably have more experience

Have you ever had a boyfriend or guys interested in you?

I have a boyfriend, yeah but truth be told it's a long distance relationship and we have never meet, plus we were both extremely paranoid about our appearances so we didn't see what we looked like for like a month or so of dating.

Women always try to diminish how easy they have when it comes to finding a partner. You're only 16 though, you'll probably fuck lots of handsome men on your 20s when you break up with your current boyfriend.

I doubt I want to, it's hard to find chubby guys with long hair that will actually don't run away once they hear about my strange fetishes.

Woah, what kind of fetishes are so weird for a woman? Doesn't matter what fetishes you have, you'll always find a guy willing to enjoy them with you.

Being in a healthy and long lasting relationship c;

Hahahah that was funny, well you'll roast your way up into life in your 20s, but I wish you the best of luck :)

I honestly just hope I really won't have to break up with my current bf, I hate break ups heh, but thank you~

You're 16, your mind will change a lot until yours 21

I hope it won't too much :') all I want is my depression to be gone and social anxiety

Well you can try therapy and meds, but depending on the source of your depression it never goes away

Eh I cannot speak with therapists at all, they usually cause me to panic even more and pills sadly don't work on me. But hey as long as I don't stutter and can actually walk up and order food without spending 10 minutes on practicing what to say that will be swanky! Meanwhile I hope nothing else changes, I want to still be with one guy and just that guy

I really would like to see how your life will turn out when you're in your 20s, just to confirm that your mind and your vision of relationships will change a lot. It just happens. But all I can wish you is luck

LOL. Women aren't going to fuck any of us. Just chads.

Well if that's your mindset you won't get fucked by a woman, go fuck another guy, after all you all seem to be on the same level with each other.

And right back to homophobia. Normans are dumb.

Nah, tbh I'm Bi but you know, you all complain about "ohh no girl will fuck me" maybe just change your approach? Really, there is no need to call it homophobia, I'm just honestly saying what I think. If you cannot get a girl to like you, get a guy, in some cases it might even work out better for you.

Homophobic piece of shit.

Do you even know what a homophobe is.

you're retarded

Are you fuckin retarded?

My girlfriend slut shames more than I do. She legit said "girls who do one night stands have absolute no respect for themselves"

It depends on how girls are raised. Some families still raised girls in conservative manners.

Feminism is to blame for this.

To blame for what?

For females not being raised conservatively anymore.

I dont think thats it. Usually slutty girls arent feminist. Slutty girls pride themselves of being hot and superficial, while real feminist arent hot. Perhaps im not giving an accurate example.

Like when you say feminist, i think of some overweight blue hair dikey looking 2/10.

The girls who sleep around and freely express their sexual lives dont give me a feminist vibe.

Feminists are responsible for sexual freedom and are anti-slut shaming. Your view is based on stereotypes.

Feminists are responsible for equality. I dont see whats wrong with equality. The people who slut shames the most are women. Men dont give a shit.

Idk if you have alot of female friends but I was in greek life during all of college. Its the fucking women who criticize and shame each other, not the frat bros.

Dude you're clueless

My references are real life experiences. Perhaps you should go out more and see for yourself. Then you won't be clueless.

Oh fuck off. You have literally no clue about the history of feminism or how it has shaped society.

Have you tried leaving the basement to see how the real world actually is?

I thought you were a relatively okay normie but it turns out you're just a faggot with room temperature IQ and a frat bro at that, making cliche basement jokes because you're too fucking dumb to see my point.

lets see... I'm the one with the cliche jokes yet you made a comment using the word faggot, involving IQ, and judging me base on greek association.

Youre just a pathetic loser who has neckbeard tendencies.

That is not cliche in any way. That's just a few facts about you.

You are actually incredibly fucking stupid. It's painful engaging with you. It's like talking to a bot who ignores what I say and starts talking about irrelevant shit and of course includes some reddit lingo like "neckbeard". Why are you so stupid? Were you dropped as a child?

You living in a basement and never stepping outside to actually see what the real world is like is an accurate representation of you then.

Your constant attack on my intellect seems to be how you project your own insecurities. Were you bullied and told you were a fucking moron when you were younger? Is that why youre so agitated? Because I can see why lolz youre a total fucking moron.

Again with the basement jokes bro. What's wrong with you? Are you legit a bot?

You are stupid because I tell you you're ignorant on feminism and how it has shaped society and people's views and your response is how feminism is good because equality is good or something and that I live in my mom's basement. Like, how the fuck is what you said even relevant to anything? It's not even challenging or arguing anything I've said, it's just some random shit you said. Like an NPC. Holy shit.

IQ joke and constant focus on intelligence. Total neckbeard mentality. Very likely you do live in a basement and do nothing with your pathetic life.

"Like an NPC" LOL come on man you making this too easy. You aint helping your case of living in a basement. Seems very likely that you live in a basement and play WoW or runescape all day.

NPC.... LMAO wtf fucking loser

Holy shit you really are an NPC. If anything you sound like a neckbeard who just learned the definition of the word and is trying to appear as normal as possible without really knowing what you're doing. It's pretty pathetic and you're probably projecting hardcore.

How are you still talking about NPC. Get a grip you retard. This is the real world holy shit. Get that WoW shit out of here.

Oh that's cute now youre copying me on that projecting comment. Glad I was able to teach you a thing or two :)

Yeah autistically freaking out about the word NPC really tells me you're pretending to be normal. No normal person would get this hung up on it. You're trying so hard to protect that fragile frat bro identity you think you have.

Wow you really think you taught me what projecting means don't you? Dude how old are you? This is beyond pathetic.

Nope, it just confirms my assumptions that you're some loser who stays inside all day and play WoW or runescape. Who the fuck reference NPC outside of the game itself? A socially impaired loser like you is who.

Go outside and see what the real world is like. And I also noticed you using the word pathetic more often after I used it. That's real cute you know? lmao





Ohhhh did I hit a nerve :o? You seem to be sperging pretty hard. Ay calm down man, it's just the internet.

Your mother is to blame for not getting an abortion

Hope your depression comes back faggot


it all boils down to the tinder social experiments and academic papers. consistently men who look like male models get almost 10-100x the matches of the avg and ugly looking men. the red/blue pill says girls are interested in confidence, personality, nice guys etc. if this is true why do only the good looking men get most of the matches. conclusion looks>everything (when attracting women). i fail to see how this logic is a generalization? btw im not for violence against women. some incel/lookism/black pill arguments just make sense tho. sure equality is a great concept, but i think women should just be more honest about their mate selection.

could be that tinder is an app for people looking to have sex, not date?

That’s true. But this isn’t just exclusive to tinder. People who are not on tinder aren’t completely different people when they’re off tinder.

And these people exist in the real world by the way, could you have guessed? /s

These people still have that dating mindset when they’re off tinder. Single people are always kinda subconsciously looking for a mate. At least I am. I still judge my partners based on looks.

Unless someone completely blows me away with their personality.

i think people go on tinder when they're horny, not their standard state of mind. also, the guys point who I replied to was that people that are good looking on tinder get more hits. I was just saying that it seems obvious to me that this would be the case.. it's the only thing they can judge you on in 2 seconds.

I don’t think so.

A lot of people, go on tinder when they’re feeling lonely. If you’re really just 100% horny and you 100% don’t care about intimacy you will for sure hire a prostitute (when you’re a guy, idk how it works for women). Or you’ll jack off.

Most people I know go on tinder saying that it’s all for a quick fuck, but they’re secretly hoping at the back of their minds that they will meet the love of their life and that them sharing a night together will start the fires to some kind of real relationship. That’s their hope.

Now, most people I know in long term relationships do meet that person irl, or if they’re cool on tinder then a friend will introduce them to their friends. That’s my experience at least.

I 100% don’t connect sex and intimacy. I’ve never had sex with someone I’ve loved. I did love one girl, and we were together, but I had to end it before it got physical for reasons. Which sucks, cause he was amazing. Not incapable of love, jus never had the two together :\

Fair enough, best of luck!


Makes sense.

Fuck, this is going to sound lame/like brags.

When I take care of myself I slay, when I don’t I don’t. Some weeks I just let my beard grow long and gross, I don’t trim my nails, and I don’t take care of my clothes. Sometimes I just don’t give a shit. And it’s noticeable how both women/men treat me when I look good. It’s stupid funny how many people flirt with an attractive person, good times fr.

Last week I had a 40+ year old rich af man invite me to the fucking Bahamas the first time we met, I kid you not. He was extremely desperate and lonely, but he wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t look the way I look. That’s never happened to me before though.

Girls are complete sluts (in the sense that they just want to have sex with attractive people) 99% (statistic from my ass) of them, and there is a small but real minority that will always trump looks for personality.

But guys are the same way.

People are this way, it’s not exclusive to women.

I 100% avoid ugly girls, I don’t care. Most girls on this reddit thread are complete liars, it’s kind of sick. What’s wrong with admitting that you treat ugly people differently?

Now, when I say I avoid/treat ugly girls worse I do NOT mean I’m a dick to them. I just don’t talk to them. I have 0 female friends right now, I have had female friends in the past.

For a girl to be considered my friend she has to be really fucking cool. Most girls and I do not share the same interests, so I ignore them. If they’re attractive I’ll see if she wants to bang.

If it’s an ugly girl I’ll just be completely uninterested. Unless her personality is cool, like I said. I won’t ignore an ugly girl with a cool personality, ever. My ex-fiancé I was completely in love with, she was fucking gorgeous.

My friends didn’t seem to think so, and I understand why. She had bad skin (but she knew how to wear makeup tho), and was a tiny bit and overweight. She had the most beautiful green eyes though and had the coolest personality out of any person, male or female, I’ve ever met. She was gorgeous in my eyes, any day of the week.

And I wanted her to be mine and me hers as soon as I saw her, it wasn’t a “I got to know her, then we connected” thing. Just our chemistry and the way she looked in particular the drove me crazy.

Yeah but isn't tinder basically a hook up app now? You'd want to fuck more attractive people, but you don't want to settle down with them.

Because blaming and generalizing women is what helps them feel okay about their shortcomings. Otherwise their lack of physical and emotional intimacy from women might actually have something to do with their behavior. And that’s a hard pill to swallow. Easier to just blame women.

Women are attracted to psycopathic and violent tendencies. The cause for incels being incels is a combination of looks and being shy, high inhibition, nervous and awkward.

Have you ever heard of Jung's theory of projection?

No dude, Jesus christ. Where are you getting this information?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Yes we are hypocritical people, we never claimed to be a beacon of truth and justice. If you want to generalized and bash on incels, there's already a sub for that, Inceltears. However, you will find that we allow much more disagreement and different points of view than IT. You're much more free to say what you want here than a lot of other subs.

because women are in facr a hive mind

Honestly, seeing some of the comments here really puts things into perspective. Some of you guys really need to get a grip with the way you treat people, because some of these comments are just disgusting.

And since this post is about generalizing I'll clear something up. I'm not talking about all of you. But to the ones who spout endless streams of toxic nonsense, you should ask yourselves if it's really your looks that are holding you back.

Completely agree, first time looking through this sub and I’m fairly new to reddit and had no idea this sort of stuff existed

Life is what you make it and the way these people cut themselves off from half of society in genuinely sad to see

Since you're new to Reddit, I'm assuming you don't know that we've had quite a few of these subs lol. In fact, this one is a tad tamer than the previous ones.

Yeah, r/incel was a terrible place

Fuck you its easy to say that when you've been attractive you're whole life and everyone around you has given you positive feedback.

IDK about you, but I'm ugly as shit and a virgin yet this place still disgusts me

Then don't come here

But it's like a car crash...cant look away. It's crazy how some people want to blame the world instead of taking any personal responsibility for their situation. It's fascinating

Then don't comment, no one wants your normie platitudes.

I'll comment wherever the hell I want man. You seem to revel in telling people what to do. How's that working out? I used to be the same way, once I came to peace with the fact that the only person I can control is myself, life got a lot better. Getting a therapist helped me a fuckton, I highly recommend it for every one. Also what does normal mean? It doesn't exist imo

Most of them think it's justified because they've been "blackpilled". I'll let you do a bit of research to figure out what that means.

Blackpill = guy with no hope. You are looking at an example above ^

Uh, that's not what that means.


Good whiteknight

“No idea this stuff existed”

Have you been homeschooled all your life?


you should ask yourselves if it's really your looks that are holding you back

Once you're here it doesn't matter what may originally have caused you to be that way. Maybe we were ugly, maybe we were toxic jerks, maybe we just never really tried - it doesn't matter, by the time you identify as incel it's over.

This a safe space for bullied socially awkward men where we can call out women’s bullshit without cucks saving m’lady.

One thing needs to be made clear, this is not a safe space, but rather an echo chamber which will only tie you down and make you more miserable. Formulating your entire being around sex is unhealthy as fuck. Who gives a fuck if you've had sex or not, and if you feel horny just masturbate, it's not taboo or anything

Actually I’m a MGTOW.

I was really supportive of that sub and the idea behind it but the majority of the posts are about hating women instead of focusing on men and how we can help other men, lol. It's a shame really.

Well women and cucks blame (socially awkward, ugly) men for all the problems in the world...

That's a bit of a generalisation, mate..

With recent events and #MeToo, it’s the truth.

So you can leave now, we're not here to please your desires and you can fuck off, nobody will miss you.

Lmao, okay dude. I'm completely fine with that. You should chill though..

this is not a safe space, but rather an echo chamber

That's completely backwards. It's not a safe space because it is everything but an echo chamber. Instead of having a place where we can be vulnerable we have a constant influx of bullies who look at us like zoo animals to poke with their sticks.

You're not the one to say what is important for people. For some people sex is nothing, for some sex is everything. It's not your duty to disrupt an echo chamber

Anything which becomes an obsession is unhealthy. The folks here take it into the realm of obsession. Sex means nothing, nor does being a virgin, the only reason to seek it is to have a special person in your life, a connection. It might not be my duty, but if it gets some SOB out, then this minute has been invested well

Because this is a safe space for incels, not for women. If you want the latter, go to inceltears, foreveralonewomen, foreveralone, or any other of a number of cucked and/or female subs.

lol. Look at you pussies in this sub. Most of you are not men nor deserve to be one. Get your shit together, grow some balls and grow up.

Is this sub cucked ?

They would rather not face reality and confront the fact that their problems come from their personal shortfalls and rather choose to believe that the entirety of the world simply decided they shouldn’t get any sex.

The entire incel identity is tied up in the fact that they believe they are owed sex. It’s in the name: “involuntary celibate” the only way celibacy is involuntary is if you believe someone needs to give you sex.

Also, many members of r/incels probably fled to here or created this sub or something because this place was barely a visible blip before people realized incels believe rape is better than being a virgin, and that castrating roommates is an acceptable way to deal with a roommate who has a girlfriend.

Basically, this is just another festering pit of misogyny that will likely soon be banned once it gets out that the same guys who think castrating roommates is an acceptable way to detail their personal problems have simply congregated in another sub.

Of course, Reddit won’t do anything until it has the potential to affect their bottom line, but the hatred overflowed once before and, given the ideology begin being an incel is exactly the same as before, it will definitely happen again.

It's the proper response to 'girl here btwww :3'

i dont want to waste time and go to the archive and bust your ass

Username doesn't check out.

Eh, you had to reply just when i was getting off to gore, but eh I'm a bit confused on what you are rambling on about right now, we are talking about sluts, not women that are cunts for just going after the richest guy, sluts go after the man or woman that suits their sexual fetishes.

never try to use reasoning with incels

fuh fuh fuh

Eh that’s what I expected lol

Oh, so your IQ is at -50 now? Honesty I keep forgetting that you guys have absolutely no self-confidence and only want to fuck plain white bitches, and hey I don't kinkshame, I don't like it, but I don't want to step down to your level so I'm not gonna call you anything.

Yeah I realize, but hey when you're bored what else ya gonna do? And hey there is more useless shit you know, like this entire subreddit, But oh well. You got boring, I hoped for some better insults and stuff like that but all I got was this so eh, I'm gonna go, good luck with finding a boyfriend.

That's any time from 2005 to 2017.

Strange, didn't you come here to be offended by clueless losers expressing their anger the best way they can?

Woah, what kind of fetishes are so weird for a woman? Doesn't matter what fetishes you have, you'll always find a guy willing to enjoy them with you.

Dude you're clueless

Hahahah that was funny, well you'll roast your way up into life in your 20s, but I wish you the best of luck :)

Oh fuck off. You have literally no clue about the history of feminism or how it has shaped society.

That is not cliche in any way. That's just a few facts about you.

You are actually incredibly fucking stupid. It's painful engaging with you. It's like talking to a bot who ignores what I say and starts talking about irrelevant shit and of course includes some reddit lingo like "neckbeard". Why are you so stupid? Were you dropped as a child?

U have serious issues lol

I acknowledged that some incels actually use logic, sometimes the few studies they present are actually quite interesting and sometimes they also reveal interesting stories about themselves that why they think it’s justified to generalise women

What I meant is that most incels don’t do that, they seek out a screenshot on one woman on tinder and are quick to jump to conclusions and feed their self pity

Thats strange, just to clarify that if they would think of doing something similar like that, I looked up to another inceltears comment that says the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/81kyjl/thanks_rbraincels/dv43ksm/?st=jebjnmew&sh=560b1eae

This comment isn’t deleted so maybe why was yours deleted is because maybe you used degrading insults? Use of insults like retard or autist is not allowed in the inceltears sub, so that’s probably why they deleted your comment