Cartoonized braincels meeting 2018

76  2018-03-04 by fatchancebud


It's ogre.

Respect the trollcels

respect the truecels among us. they are the revolutionary vanguard of inceldom

its over

It never even began

me on the left

Me on the right

me in the middle lol


It'll be fun to do a contest on who's the ugliest though!

*who has the least amount of personality

Who showers the least :')

*who visits the barber the least

It was over before it started for us FeelsBadMan

All you have to be is sub8 to be incel in 2018

Fakecel and volcel. Respect the truecels. It's so much more over as sub3.

Yeah it would end up with everyone accusing each other as fakecels and volcels.

If I could upvote 1,000,000 times i would

Most are incels because they are low inhib betas who can't socialize.

Wymin can smell weakness in men.

*high inhib

All 4 of them have bad personalities

O shit I’m the one on the right.

This is fucking hilarious.