Female here

34  2018-03-03 by FuckCuckedWorld

Getting laid is easy all you need to do is download tinder and go to clubs and get out of the basement. Be confident and take care of your hygiene. Stop wallowing in your own self pity. Hating women and posting on here will get you nowhere. Get out of your comfort zone and stop being so entitled. Your toxic mindset is sabotaging your chances. If you put in as much effort as you do bitching, you would get laid. I didn’t lose my virginity until 18 because I have bdd and bad anxiety but I went to therapy and that helped tremendously. I worked on my personality and I started getting more attention from guys when I went out. If you improved on yourself and tried, you would be far better off


Getting ldar is easy all you need is to burn your house with tinder and club your head with a baseball bat

$5 says they're going to just spam this with the toxic bullshit they allways do

$10 you who didn't even bother to check who posted this.

Ah, IT users. Always a delight.

$15 says I'm lazy and I don't care

Read his username ...

I just did but still lazy and still don't care

I'm lazy and I don't care

IT users, always a delight.

I don't know what you're talking about

Well, ain't that a kick in the head.

You seem to be from IT. IT, as a whole, can go fuck themselves :)


It's been 2 hours, no "toxic bullshit" detected. Where do I pick up my $5?

So this is a "shitpost"?

Funny how you leave actual shitposts by IT members alone, yet a relatively innocent, if misogynistic, post triggers your anger. Looks like a reaction only a very shitty biased moderator would do. Why are you so shitty, BG?

What rule did it break?

Lmfaooo. Normies won't realise this is satire

How old are you?

I still remember "This is why you can't get laid" post on original /r/incels.

It was specifically written to contradict itself in every paragraph and you know what the most upvoted reply was?

"Why are you trying to sell genuine good advice as satire?"

This is the intellectual level of a norman.

Is this a troll?

Not an incel, I'm just here to browse what's going on in here. I am just your average male.

I hate to admit it but if you aren't attractive at all, then getting laid or even a girlfriend is difficult and is going to be an extremely rare occurrence. I'm not necessarily eye candy so I don't really bother with trying for women. I've been rejected all the time, so I just try to act confident around people and hope for the best, but I dont try anymore.

Yes it sucks, we have to deal with the cards we're dealt with. And it's not really the fault of anyone. We're hardwired by nature to go for the attractive ones because they appear to be in good health to create offspring and carry on your species. That's just nature sadly. However women aren't to blame, people, blame biology.

I think your just responded to a joke post. It was very nice of you to defend women to these incels. And dw worry you don't need to be super handsome to get a gf.

BTW my uggo friend in college just got a girl friend. And apparently it's possible to have sex for one hour straight. What? They're doing it like 37 times

my uggo friend in college just got a girl friend

Nice. You flaunted your friend before a bunch of strangers as your "uggo" friend. Such a good friend you are.

He knows he's ugly and make jokes about it. If he seems fine with making fun of himself, why shouldn't I? He's probably the greatest person I know, and any girl would be fortunate to have him.

No idea how this subreddit works so idk if this is a troll or not, but I'll reply as if it's not.

WTF are you talking about "getting laid is an extremely rare occurrence". What kind of self pity shit is that? Just talk to women. They wanna fuck and be loved just as much as guys. I'd consider myself an average guy and if I can get laid so can you.

Also don't blame biology or nature or some other shit. Go to the gym and eat right. Talk to girls at school/work. Get a hobby. Join a club. Be involved in sports. These things might not directly get you laid, but they definitely open the door.

No woman wants to get chatted up by a 5'5 male lol

Go chat up a 5’4 woman and you’ll be fine. Or get ripped and women won’t care. Also, women picking mates strictly through height don’t sound like women you should be going for.

garbage advice. manlets in general fare better if they approach taller girls. shorter girls almost always want guys taller by a significant margin whereas taller girls tend to have insecurities about height that'll make them more receptive to males of any height who show interest

Well I can’t speak for all, but what you’ve said does ring true with most of my female friends. They want guys taller than them. That being said, they’ve ALL dated guys shorter than them. It’s so damn stupid to focus strictly on physical appearance. I mean no shit it helps buts it’s not all there is to it. Once someone has peaked your interest, height becomes arbitrary. And if someone refuses to even talk to you (and I mean talk like about movies and shit and not ask on a date) then they’re super shallow and you should just move on.

Also since we’re using anecdotes, my friend is like 5’6/5’7 and he’s super buff and a cadet pursuing a bachelor degree. Basically he’s someone with a future. Guess what? He’s been with another friend for over a year now. Height isn’t everything.


Women want to fuck attractive men, we are here because we are not attractive. It's not unrealistic to believe getting laid is actually pretty hard for some men, whatever the reasons may be.

Just because you're not attractive by YOUR standards, doesn't mean you're not attractive by anyone else's. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

I doubt there is a single other person on Earth by whose standards I would be attractive.

That's true for average looking men, but we are far below average. We are universally ugly.

Well, without seeing you, I can't judge.

Nah that’s BS and here’s why: I’ve had sex and by your logic there can be only two options

  1. The girl was ugly. I don’t think so I found them all cute

  2. I’m hot. I mean sure I’ll take that but I’m no Ryan gosling.

What I’m getting at is that you seem to think attractiveness is simply looks. Someone can be attractive through their mind, actions, attitude, etc. and be just as appealing.

Anyway good luck man I’m not trying to discourage your struggle. Just keep trying new things. Also sex isn’t everything. But yeah good luck.

Ryan Gosling is average looking.

Attractiveness is a combination of looks, money, and status. My looks and status are low enough they sandbag my attractiveness to the point where my personality doesn't matter at all, I will always be considered ugly no matter what.

Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, maybe if you start to see yourself as a 10, others will too. Confidence is a major player here.

Status can change greatly. I mean looks don’t affect how smart you are, and intelligence is the key to getting wealth and status thereafter.

I am fairly narcissistic so confidence is not an issue for me, but my social status is almost permanently low. As an Indian man in America I will always be second choice to a white man, no amount of money can change that.

I think that “whites first/only” mentality is an old generation mentality, and will gradually disappear. For example, I can see my parents/grandparents strongly encouraging me to marry a white girl (I’m white myself), but I personally don’t care about that. I’ve actually dated only non-whites, which is completely coincidental and not planned. My friends don’t care about dating strictly white either. (Actually funny enough 1 friend said she’ll only date whites and all her boyfriends and current boyfriend have been asian and one Indian guy).

So back to a point I’ve made earlier (idk if with you): physical attributes are nice and all but they get completely overlooked (in my experience) once someone is interested. I made a girl laugh and she didn’t care that I was a virgin or kinda shy. Next thing you know we were banging in a month. And I’m the same way. I know I’ve looked at a girl from afar thinking “eh she’s okay but I wouldn’t date her” and fast forward 3 weeks and I’m actively flirting with her every chance I get because her personality got me hooked.

Also, we’ve already talked about this but how you look at yourself is a major key here. If you think you’re 2nd class, then you’ll be treated as one. It’s all in the mind man. I know it can be hard to think of yourself in a specific light that seems inaccurate, but I truly believe it’s necessary for success.

You know how the placebo effect is known to be very strong? People take sugar pills with no medical substance in them but they THINK the pills are real pills and so they actually get better. They effectively trick their own brain and benefit themselves. I think you can utilize the placebo effect to benefit yourself in this situation as well. Maybe look into that if you’re interested.

They might open the door. The might. Nothing in this life is guaranteed and it's kind of expected to be frustrated when you did a lot but you still fail.

It's how nature goes, you can do everything and still fail and it's okay to be angry about it too, you unempathetic piece of dreck.

Yeah you can be angry about failing but not how many of the respondents here act. Bitching about not being hot enough to get laid is a very 1 dimensional way of looking at it. I’m not gonna get empathetic to a bunch of bitch babies who won’t take real advice and improve themselves instead of blaming all females.

I 100% agree with you that nature sometimes just fucks you up and you have to try harder. But shit this is getting laid we’re talking about. I’d even wager that there are so many fuck boys out there that deliberately hurt women that courting them is that much easier for a normal dude.

I’d even wager that there are so many fuck boys out there that deliberately hurt women that courting them is that much easier for a normal dude.

That wasn't my experience. Fuckboys are fuck boys, because they are conventionally fun and attractive. Linguistics discussions bore people to death but that's where my heart lies.

I tried to pretend, tried actually being interested in other people's interests but it's all a fake. If I'm interested - then I'll talk, otherwise I feel numb.

I think you’re being too hard on yourself. It’s funny that you mention linguistics because 2 of my female friends (and I only have a handful so that’s a big percentage) love linguistics. One is pursuing that as a career in school right now and the other wanted to but was convinced to switch to TV writing/producing.

Don’t be fake that’s stupid. Even if you get to bang someone by being fake, she’ll just leave you afterwards for being a dick and lying.

I mean you can try being interested in things that they actually like? Try to find someone you both enjoy? For example I love video games but none of my GFs did, so I never mentioned it to them. Sure it would’ve been great to discuss TLoU ending or my Skyrim playthrough, but hey I don’t wanna bore them, so we found topics we both enjoy.

Don’t be fake that’s stupid. Even if you get to bang someone by being fake, she’ll just leave you afterwards for being a dick and lying.

I was truthful to the only girl I ever dated in my life, she dumped me after that. I told her that she was my first. This is not whining but God it still hurts.

I've been trying to connect people all my life but people see in me what they want to see. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from ideal and there are many things I probably should change in me but I'm 25 and the critical age for learning how "adults" "relationship".

I'm getting more bitter as I age. People don't like bitterness, so it's a vicious cycle. And I tried changing for other people. Still no dice.

Maybe it's not over and I hope it's not over but I feel like I'm done for, to be honest.

I don’t think the critical age for learning about relationships is under 25.

Yeah it is a vicious cycle that you’re in. At least you know of the issue so you’re not just blindly doing stuff.

I’m 24 myself so we’re pretty much equal. I still think the best is up ahead and I think you should adopt the same mindset. I’m no miracle worker and I don’t have the perfect solution. Just know that your issue is not yours alone. You can always find help. My last bit of advice is to leave this subreddit. For what I’ve seen (and I’ve only scratched the home page so correct me if I’m wrong), this subreddit is filled with people and their stupid self pity who circle jerk and blame everyone else. In that type of environment I don’t think you can get any help that you actually need.

But hey what you do with your life is up to you. I’m just some stranger online. Good luck with whatever you do and I hope you write back when that inevitable time comes when you’re in a long term committed relationship.

I love this.

Normies won’t under the sarcasm.

It's great because all these guys do is moan about how their lifestyle (which is what it is at this point when you're consciously making decisions to be the way you are) makes them unhappy, but at the exact same time they really behind the badge with some sort of prideful honor. Basically, "I hate being covered in mud all the time, I look filthy, I smell, and people don't like me, if only there was some other way of bathing than rolling in mud! Oh well, I'm a proud mud roller, till the day I die!

Also fuck women."

I agree. They're impotent rage saddens me. Maybe this empathy thing isn't worth it after all. It's so wasteful to see all these lives waste away


Getting laid is easy

Because fat short neckbeards with acne take girls home from da club all the time.

I doubt there is a single other person on Earth by whose standards I would be attractive.

That's true for average looking men, but we are far below average. We are universally ugly.