You guys honestly have some of the best personalities.

34  2018-03-03 by instantcoffeejews

This sub never fails to make me laugh my ass off. Making memes out of sadness to cope, and taking reposted normie memes that are re-posted verbatim everyday except replacing it with an incel perspective to point out the sheer ridiculousness and absurdity of it makes it 10 times funnier.

It's obvious you or I would never talk like this in real life face to face with a woman or girl. And 99% of women always say they want a guy who makes them laugh. Even blackpilled normies who browse this sub admit this sub is funny as shit. And therein lies the disgusting and depressing truth: you'd be able to make a potential date or girlfriend laugh when talking about random subject matter in the news or anything that comes up that particular day, but you will never even be given the chance to do that because they only want 8/10 Chads to make them laugh. Personality is useless without genetics.


If you want to see shitty personalities, check out r/IncelTears where nobody can tell what satire or a joke is, are homophobic, and all have sticks up their asses.

Add to that the blatant dismissal of any kind of dissent and you got it down to a T.

GlitterBambina with her Soviet Union-esque rules made that sub even worse than it was before.

“We don't shadowban, we just put you on a watchlist if we don't like you and don't allow you to speak your mind :)“

IT can fuck off.

They give us shit for being an echo chamber as well lmao. You literally can't comment on IT at all if you aren't an approved submitter.

Btw, the only way to get approved submitter status is to show that you vehemently hate incels.

That explains why my comments explaining the Achilles tendoncel troll post from Trashmaster went ignored :/

(Speaking of which, saddest thing I've seen on that sub. IT user says they're going to make a troll post, makes the troll post and puts a screencap of it on IT. And a good few of the jackasses over there actually fell for it.)

I've never been approved. I post there just fine.

They banned me for offering my views on their mod drama on a private discord (which someone then [screenshotted and crossposted here](](

Funnily enough, Porgi first suspected a member of her own mod team of being the traitor.

Why would you expect fair treatment for dissenting opinions on a hate subreddit ? The entire subs purpose is to mock virgin men (incel TEARS).

We don’t expect it, but they are so hypocritical because they act like we are the only ones who are giving unfair treatment.



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They also make shit up about us. They literally had a photoshopped thread over there some incel forums posts on another forum.

Most of the ridiculous and over the top posts are made by their own sock puppet accounts, and then screenshotted and posted to IT with their mains.

I agree, but sometimes incels make me unsure if they're joking or not. Then it's sad/ pathetic.

They are literally children.

They're also racist as fuck.

Idk if you remember back on r/Incels, but there was a girl on IT who said that she doesn't find black men attractive, but she isn't racist. When asked why, her reasoning was that their "lips are too big, nostrils are too flared, etc" and basically gave off every stereotypical black facial feature.

real talk

Notice how girls will laugh at every joke an attractive guy makes? That's what they mean when they say "I want a guy who can make me laugh." A chiseled jaw and hunter eyes level up your humor by 100 points.

They also laugh at jokes I make. Laughing at jokes doesn't mean they would ever fuck you. Just ask standup comedians.

Attractive men are funny. Funny men aren't attractive.



it cool

more proof that perosnaluty doesnt matter

Work on that


I have never had any problems making anyone laugh. Personality is a meme, femoids are only attracted to Chad.

Circle jerking intensifies

for being a normie you are on here quite a lot. I looked at your profile and you've commented here almost 210 times within the past 7 days, or an average 30 a day. The fuck are you doing with your life?

Working in a very slow place

Dude if you really are a normie, go do something with your life. Why are you commenting on here every single day?

Working in a very slow place

Some of them are obsessed with us. It’s pathetic.

Girls like funny guys, they just dont like your sense of humor

i think that further proves lookism and black pill girls say they like funny guys yet many incels are funny but cant get a girl. LOOKS>EVERYTHING

I agree with OP. These guys are hilarious. I’d be their friends IRL

your social status wouldnt survive

I don’t give a fuck about social status. What are you? An oppressed, upper class basic bitch?


Nah. Our humor would also turn off most people and get us labeled as "Nazis" because we aren't rabid SJWs.

Incels generally have good personalities. It's just that shyness and autism are HUGE problems for women for whatever reason.

as an incel you need to be funny just to get people to stop treating you like shit. Without a halo you need to actual get good.

as an incel you need to be funny just to get people to stop treating you like shit

Too true.

A lot of beta friendzoned guys are the 'comedic relief' of the girl group. And gay guys fill this role a lot. I don't see girls laughing at what their alpha boyfriend says anywhere near as much as what they laugh at their silly beta friendzoned dude says.

If personality mattered, none of us would be incel.

This is gold. And I've thought about it recently ,when you've been rejected all your life and not praised for your looks , you most likely worked on your personality and we all really have personalities. Chad doesn't need a personality he can be a dick ,distant ,abusive , quiet,dumb,never laugh at anything and still have girls.

“We don't shadowban, we just put you on a watchlist if we don't like you and don't allow you to speak your mind :)“

IT can fuck off.

I don’t give a fuck about social status. What are you? An oppressed, upper class basic bitch?