My life thus far (true story)

87  2018-03-03 by fatchancebud


Poor guy,I can understand you


Therapy and medication are hit and miss. I've been through it myself and it took time to find the right therapist, and the right medication. Im not great with advice but with this Id say dont be afraid to tell your therapists you disagree with them. And dont be afraid to find another one if they arent working out.

i've been on about 12 different meds. my nervous system is officially fried from benzo withdrawal and i'm just barely functional from that

Went through so.ething similar when I was a teen. Turns out I was misdiagnosed and thats why the meds weren't working. It took way too long for them to figure that out. As corny as it sounds meditation really helped when I was going through paxil withdrawls. It something worth giving a shot.

What is worth giving a shot?

Only reason they put me on meds was because my social life was shit

i'm very skeptical about psychiatry and psychology now

meditation does help

My social life was shit throughout school. It didn't get better till I was an adult. And I don't blame you there, there a lot of people that don't know what theyre doing in that field. If you're still a minor it will be harder to be able to "shop" around for a good therapist, but when you get older it gets easier. If you want to. Its your choice in the end. Different things help different people.

i'm 26

Hey we're about the same age. Ive never liked the change your personality approach. It makes it sound like you shoud change who you are. Its bad advice. Obviously dont be a dick, be a decent person, but you know all that. How do you try to meet women exaclty if you don't mind me asking?

Right now I'm just withdrawing from valium and trying to not go to the ER for panic attacks. But after this is somewhat over with. I'll try group therapy for the 100th time and maybe more clubs (activity clubs) for the 100th time.

Valium is a hell of a drug man. I have panic attacks myself, a thing called grounding helps when they get bad, that and prozac if I'm being honest.

You know the saying, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So maybe try something different?

yea I know, I just don't know what next except bars

I've tried churches, activity clubs, volunteering, school, therapy groups, and probably more stuff I'm forgetting.

But what do you like to do?

at this point... I don't really enjoy much except gambling, listening to music, and arguing politics (I've been heavily in IRL politics btw too)

Is there any kind of political organization you can join around you?

i started one and yea, i live near DC

Absolutely disgustingly bitter blackpill.

Makes me want to rope just reading the story. Sorry your life is so shit, I can relate a bit, I am also to incompetent to successfully rope.

I think I've got it down and I'm gonna do it this summer. CO is the way to go.

Co is good

If I were to do it again (and I have no desire to currently) I'd jump from at least 6 stories onto concrete. Seems foolproof.

I'm not going to tell you or the OP what to do with your own lives, but please hear me out. Swallowing the black pill shouldn't mean ending your life.

The true black pill is that we're not put here for any reason. We're not here to do good things, or bad things, or find a wife & make babies with her. We're just here. It doesn't matter if you're alone, because everyone is alone. When you see that perfect couple, people who find their "soul mates" and seem to truly connect with eachother, know that what you're seeing is false. Nobody ever truly connects, because none of us can share our true (inner) selves with eachother. Nobody can translate their thought and experience fully into words.

Biology has no purpose, evolution is driven by pure random dumb luck. Human beings big slabs of cells, and all the mental pain & suffering youve experienced, as well as any of the good moments in your life, all of it, means nothing.

The deep dull pain of sadness is just your brain's reaction to certain stimuli and situations; being sad doesn't mean anything, except that you currently feel sad. We exist separately from our emotions and it's up to us to learn to control them (or allow them to control us). If you want to learn how to do this, start reading, I'm dead serious! Read the bible, and the Qur'an, and the stories about Buddha. Read poems and plays and histories, from as many different time periods as you can. You'll find that throughout history, people have always struggled with the same things: Loneliness, isolation, fear, anxiety, and we've found plenty of ways to try and fight these feelings; you can channel them into creativity, or learn to separate yourself from them through mindfulness, or devote yourself to some spiritual practice. Or don't. It's really your choice in the end. The only person who can help you is you.

We only get one brief stint of existence, one little eddie of consciousness in a vast, swirling, turbulent universe. Your life is the only thing you truly have, anything else is inconsequential fluff. You can choose to focus on the shitty hand you've been dealt, or that you've never found love, or wealth (or whatever social construct you deem important enough to be depressed about) or you can try and experience the life you're given to the fullest. Learn as much as you can, about anything you find interesting. Try and do and see as much as possible - pour yourself completely into living your life and stop ruminating incessantly on your perceived failures.

Some people luck their way into great lives, some into awful ones, but neither outcome matters because once you die it's all gone. If you end your life, you're losing so much more than just pain; your entire reality dies with you. That's a hell of a lot sadder than any tragedy we may experience.

If life itself is not its purpose, then anyone should be free to end theirs whenever they want, and that fact shouldn't bother you.

You're right. People say that suicide is a permanent solution used as an escape for cowards who can't handle temporary pressure. But death offers rest for someone's whose life has been anguish

You're not wrong man, I just wanted to try and provide a different p.o.v.

Penis is addictive


He's talking about Lacy from group therapy. She's addicted to penis.

yea probably, she said I looked too young

I bet if a young Chad was there she wouldn't pass

But only penises attached to great personalities (faces)

Okay inceltears queers, what are you going to do to help this guy? Besides post into your bully forum and laugh at him? Nothing.

They'll forget that this post was ever made and then they'll make fun of him as soon as he starts venting on here/ Posts like these do not fit the IT narrative so they ignore them.

They'll tell him to further search for the right therapists and that it takes a lifetime to find the right meds sometimes so to keep on being a lab rat until something works or else that's bad attitude. Nah, they won't say anything, they are blind to posts like these while searching for the juicy stuff

Get money and buy hookers.

Fuck you.

I have money. I tried hookers (legally in Nevada), but it's too expensive on the regular if I were to do illegal ($200-$400 an hour+$100 hotel room)

And it helps with my confidence levels, but I'm going to try paid cuddle buddies instead for a while. They are cheaper and might be an ok replacement.

I mean coming from someone with a house, kids and a hot wife, seemingly what your heart desires...Sometimes/often I just wanna be alone and play video games and chill the fuck out...If that's of any condolence.

I should start gaming. Yea I know that living a normal life isn't always the happiest life. A neighbor of mine with a million dollar house, a trophy wife, and 4 children shot himself in the head in public a few weeks ago.

But I at least want to see if a normal life can make me happy.

Even if the right someone would present themselves, your comic makes you seem so jaded, would you even be able to trust them?

You read me right. I wasn't always jaded. Yea I don't trust people anymore and that aura of mine shows itself IRL.

But I could get over it yea.

Don’t listen to him. He’s a cunt.

Yes because just like how you get bored of gaming sometimes you want to be alone. But when you’re alone you want someone to be with you.

So fuck off.

I suggest you take a trip overseas, I mainly recommend Ukraine, you can get hot girls for a cheaper hourly rate than some cuddle buddies, really hot girls are usually around 80-100$ per hour and decent AirBnB for a week will run you anywhere from 100-250$ (depends on the location), probably won't help you long term but it can be a nice vacation

you can get Greek girls for the price of a sandwich I heart. But I'm actually not that interested in sex right now.

Not exactly Greek girls, most of girls who hook in Greece are from Bulgaria, Romania or Albania and those are usually cheap but imo Greece is pretty sus for outsiders unless you are in a resort or a beach tourist town.

But yeah I get you don't wanna escort cell rn, I don't do it too often either because it even worsened my mental state but once or twice a year I take escortcel trip to cope and visit places.

They will disregard this and pretend like this doesn't exist.

Earn some money. Travel to south America. Fuck a bunch of porn star looking girls for cheap. No, incels can't earn love. But at least they can indulge in debauchery for a while

Challenge accepted:

Obviously this guy is in a vicious cycle, I’m definitely not going to deny that, and I appreciate the courage it must take him to get out of bed each morning.

But in saying that; if his life is constantly like this then something isn’t going right. I’d say he needs to shake up the system.

Maybe college isn’t the right place? Join the army, backpack around the world, or even something small like volunteer work (I’d suggest with animals).

I think he needs a change in lifestyle. Get him just out of his comfort zone so that he can grow as a person. If you can’t be happy living your own life why would any girl want to date you?

You only get one life, don’t waste it chasing others (even though that’s why all of you are in this sub, I ended up here from askreddit).

Grab life by the balls, it’s your life so you control it. Some days it will be hard. Very, very hard. But other days will feel amazing, you just need to work for them.

If you’re not happy with your life, change it. But don’t throw it away.

OUCH glad ill never have to experience this life LOLOLOL life as tyone lite is great :)))))

LOL jealous incels downvoting me ahahahaahahah CRY MORE BETA INCEL SCUM :3 XDDD

u/iq9k why is this guy not banned?

what rule have i broken? keep crying LOL

two suicide attempts, damn

with an actual knife? that's pretty daring


the next two times weren't with a knife, someone caught me hanging over a parking garage and the other time it was just planning

I feel your pain. Roped over a balcony, 2 weeks in the psych ward for it. Shit's hard.

Have you tried going into hard drugs?

yea, legally prescribed ones like benzos and amphetamines

I didn't see any gyms, showers or confidence classes, try again.


"you just need a girlfriend", right? Nothing is ever serious in a normans world, you just need to do that or that other that and it is gonna be okay.

this is some next level humor tbh

it's all true

I'm sorry your life is so shit. I haven't attempted suicide tho and was never as severely bullied. I was simply ostracized for most of my life.

I know what you mean. High school was really the only bullying I had, everything else was ostrazation like you. Have you found a social outlet?

I did, for a while. Now I'm back to being a friendless loser.

Damn... do they still have you on those meds?

i'm withdrawing from valium, if I stayed on all of them I'd probably be obese (from zyprexa) and basically a sad zombie

I haven't but I've always wondered what they're like. Any experiences with them you wanna share?

I could write pages on them. But basically all the psych meds just numb you out. Imagine feeling no emotions but having motivation. That's basically what it's like.

The only drug that "felt good" in a euphoric way were the amphetamines (adderall etc) but they still numbed me and are HORRIBLE for your heart.

I highly recommend against them. Sure you are more functional on it if you find the right one but at the sacrifice of your emotions.

imagine feeling no emotions but having motivation

I hardly can, that's crazy. Thanks for the insight.

Never have, always been too worried about losing my true self. If people don't like me they can fuck off, I'm not going to let a lazy unskilled shrink medicate me due to their inadequacy .

Plus, research suggests meds are a bandaid solution which allow the underlying problem to fester. They are not long term solutions.

very smart

They fucked you over when you were young, completely reprehensible. Do you have a plan for the rest of your life?

maybe move to thailand if I can't find a partner here. Other than that I have goals, but they are pretty crazy.

Chase em man, it's what makes life interesting

too small; didn't read

So sorry brother

thanks for understanding

Doesn’t matter how lonely you are. No one owes you validation.

You have proven yet again that some people don't deserve compassion and respect of normal people and just deserve to work like a slave with no happiness in their life just because of their genetics.

Fuck off.

No one “deserves compassion” no one deserves anything. It’s not other people’s lot in life to make you happy. A fact you guys really need to realize.

Happiness is not determined from your own conscience though.

Even if that is a fact, NOBODY owes you happiness, no one owes you anything, and no one is responsible for your life or your decisions except for you.

Everyone should be taught the truth. That's the morally conscience thing.

Otherwise we have douchey pricks on your level.

responsible for your life or your decisions except for you.

Right, as if I chose my genes. Its proven that your quality if like is determined by your genetics even more so than social or wealth background. Even intelligence is a genetic trait.

Bad roll of the dice. We didn’t make your parents fuck. It’s not our fault you exist and we don’t owe you validation.

Yeah then why do you guys feel the need to shitpost around here? You guys clearly care to do that.

Boredom. Mostly.

And you guys claim that we have no life?

You're no different than us then.

True, you're still a cunt though.

The IT level of empathy, everyone.

Fuck off

A bus owes you a hug you cunty fuckwit.

I don't have advice, or commentary other than I feel empathy for what you've gone through.

thanks for understanding

MUH THERAPY. Therapy is the most useless shit ever. When ER went rampage mode people kept blabbing on about mental health and how we need more awareness so people are more willing to get therapy. Nobody bothered to check out that he had been in therapy multiple times and it didn't help at all. No one wanted to blame the true cause, isolation.



thank you for portraying it for us Incelknight , we love you for expressing our feelings.

IT: but its very normal everyone is like that and have sex for the first time at their 30, sex is not even a big deal dont let it affect you and try to be positive and good to society :))), you know what just forget about it and they will come around haha pm me i will give you advice haha

fuxking normies


yikes. I hope life gets better for ya man

Im really sorry that your life is shit :(

The best I can do is hope that you will find happiness one day

Now im not saying you will get a girl but I just hope that you will be happy ;')

At this point I've realized I can just get a girl if I save a few dozen grand $$ and go to thailand. I might just have a fund for that if I ever decide I want to do that.

Well that’s some positive thinking, most incels here just want to give up but you still tried to work towards your goal despite the shit life has thrown at you

I wish you luck in saving enough money to get a girl :)

I have enought money to get a girl in the USA theoretically but I guess not practically.

The Thai thing is just a last resort thing because sexual relationships aren't everything even though they are very important. I like my famly too.

Devastating blackpill

I wasn't expecting my story to be a revelation to anyone here. Aren't there others who have had a similar experience?

This is why women need to be parted off to deserving men, not the chads they want.

You sound like you're not a fun person. The whole "don't drink on this medication" bit was the dead giveaway. You can drink on your medication dude. If you were just standing there sober at a party while everyone was having a great time, then yeah you're probably not very fun. I highly suggest going out and drinking. It'll socialize you. That plus getting in shape, taking care of your skin, and getting a good job will get you laid.

yes, it was benzos, no you shouldn't drink on benzos

According to multiple doctors that I've talked to, including the one who prescribes me adderall and Xanax, you're allowed to safely have a few drinks on benzos. They act on the same receptors (hence Xanax's nickname "alcohol in a pill"), so you can easily take a lower dose when you want to drink or just not take it that night if you're trying to get drunk. Just be smart about it. Getting yourself into pristine shape will help boost your confidence. Instead of looking in the mirror solely to critique your skin, you'll be partially distracted by your new moscles. As will women. It raises testosterone levels, you feel amazing after, and it gives you mental clarity. It's also fun to lift heavy shit around and sculpt your body to make it exactly what you want it to be like. It'll take 1-3 years to get there, but once it's there it's easy to maintain and by then you'll love it so much that you'll want to keep it that way.

not everyone is as reliant on alcohol to get through life as you are

I'm not reliant on alcohol. I rarely drink, as a matter of fact, and back in my college days did my fair share of drinking, but never needed it. It just added extra fun to the party and made me better at beer pong. I'm suggesting it to him as a social lubricant because it sounds like he hasn't discovered his fun side yet. Going out to a concert or bar and having some drinks is a way of bringing that fun side out.

and getting a good job will get you laid.

This is depressing to read. If anything it will get you gold diggers with that mindset. What kind of advice is that?

Women want a man who can provide for them. Some are gold diggers, but mostly it's just an innate desire for a man who can fulfill the traditional male gender role of putting food on the table while she takes care of the other half of life. Women are modernizing and stepping away from this view, but plenty of them still have traditional gender role values on a semiconscious or unconscious level.

If you have a small amount of suboptimal thought patterns that are identifiable and fit into a CBT workbook, therapy is advisable.

If you are trying to go against the current of something as powerful and profound as being universally and unremittingly rejected by peers since young childhood, nothing to be surprised over when therapy does nothing or worse. Therapy does not work as well as the people who use it as a dismissive, weaponized suggestion want you to think.

If this is what happened, that is truly horrible and there is no excuse for how the people around you let you slip threw the cracks of mental health. May I ask how your family handled this situation? At those ages you were a minor and it was your primary care takers responsibility to give you help.

not a single femoid to be found in this thread. even they can't virtue signal their way out of this one

Whatdya want me to say, dude? "Sorry life sucks"

Anon, I cope by knowing that I will eventually die anyway and this suffering will end, maybe it will help.

Cucktears will attack this

Alright, look. Finding a girlfriend will not solve your problems, and you need to stop believing that it will. What you’ve gone through is awful, but it is not women’s fault that you’re like this. A girlfriend will not grant you every happiness, and I bet you wouldn’t want to date someone you didn’t truly love and who didn’t love you back. I hope that you become happy again, and once you do, I’m sure you’ll find someone.

I drink all the time on my antidepressants

Lol @ the excuses

Hey man, I've struggled with depression most of my life and I'm also terrible with girls. I know everyone's experience with those struggles is different, but I feel like I can relate to you on an important level. Reading this is fucking heartbreaking and if it's worth anything, I really hope shit turns around for you. I really hope that you find some kind of peace.

Man. My heart broke reading this. I know it's a little old, but ultimately I hope things are getting better for you OP. Also, if it's any consolation, Tinder is just a hookup site. You might have better luck on match or okc or something. You probably already know that, but I figured I might as well say it just in case. I really hope things get better or at least bearable, OP.

Went through so.ething similar when I was a teen. Turns out I was misdiagnosed and thats why the meds weren't working. It took way too long for them to figure that out. As corny as it sounds meditation really helped when I was going through paxil withdrawls. It something worth giving a shot.

it's all true

Co is good

I mean coming from someone with a house, kids and a hot wife, seemingly what your heart desires...Sometimes/often I just wanna be alone and play video games and chill the fuck out...If that's of any condolence.

If I were to do it again (and I have no desire to currently) I'd jump from at least 6 stories onto concrete. Seems foolproof.

I'm not going to tell you or the OP what to do with your own lives, but please hear me out. Swallowing the black pill shouldn't mean ending your life.

The true black pill is that we're not put here for any reason. We're not here to do good things, or bad things, or find a wife & make babies with her. We're just here. It doesn't matter if you're alone, because everyone is alone. When you see that perfect couple, people who find their "soul mates" and seem to truly connect with eachother, know that what you're seeing is false. Nobody ever truly connects, because none of us can share our true (inner) selves with eachother. Nobody can translate their thought and experience fully into words.

Biology has no purpose, evolution is driven by pure random dumb luck. Human beings big slabs of cells, and all the mental pain & suffering youve experienced, as well as any of the good moments in your life, all of it, means nothing.

The deep dull pain of sadness is just your brain's reaction to certain stimuli and situations; being sad doesn't mean anything, except that you currently feel sad. We exist separately from our emotions and it's up to us to learn to control them (or allow them to control us). If you want to learn how to do this, start reading, I'm dead serious! Read the bible, and the Qur'an, and the stories about Buddha. Read poems and plays and histories, from as many different time periods as you can. You'll find that throughout history, people have always struggled with the same things: Loneliness, isolation, fear, anxiety, and we've found plenty of ways to try and fight these feelings; you can channel them into creativity, or learn to separate yourself from them through mindfulness, or devote yourself to some spiritual practice. Or don't. It's really your choice in the end. The only person who can help you is you.

We only get one brief stint of existence, one little eddie of consciousness in a vast, swirling, turbulent universe. Your life is the only thing you truly have, anything else is inconsequential fluff. You can choose to focus on the shitty hand you've been dealt, or that you've never found love, or wealth (or whatever social construct you deem important enough to be depressed about) or you can try and experience the life you're given to the fullest. Learn as much as you can, about anything you find interesting. Try and do and see as much as possible - pour yourself completely into living your life and stop ruminating incessantly on your perceived failures.

Some people luck their way into great lives, some into awful ones, but neither outcome matters because once you die it's all gone. If you end your life, you're losing so much more than just pain; your entire reality dies with you. That's a hell of a lot sadder than any tragedy we may experience.

I suggest you take a trip overseas, I mainly recommend Ukraine, you can get hot girls for a cheaper hourly rate than some cuddle buddies, really hot girls are usually around 80-100$ per hour and decent AirBnB for a week will run you anywhere from 100-250$ (depends on the location), probably won't help you long term but it can be a nice vacation

I'm not reliant on alcohol. I rarely drink, as a matter of fact, and back in my college days did my fair share of drinking, but never needed it. It just added extra fun to the party and made me better at beer pong. I'm suggesting it to him as a social lubricant because it sounds like he hasn't discovered his fun side yet. Going out to a concert or bar and having some drinks is a way of bringing that fun side out.