Actual Male vs Female body expectations

60  2018-03-02 by oktud


FUCKING KEK. God tier post.

It's so over

Lol do you guys actually believe this?

That nothing besides good looks matters?

Jesus. Social skills, being confident, having ownership over activities in your life, these can all offset the “oh it’s just looks” shit.

Motherfucker learn an instrument or practice singing.

I have good social skills, I am confident, I have ownership over activties in my life.

I have larger social circles than you, I have more money than you, I am fitter than you. The only reason I'm incel is because I'm facially deformed.

I wouldn’t say a facial deformity is the same as simply “not gorgeous”. Having a net negative like that means you have to look harder absolutely, just like someone who had burn marks all over their face. Physical attraction is an aspect of relationships and if you’re in the red there, it can hurt.

I’m just saying, I’m not in the green, but some of my valuable traits allow me to have people attracted to me. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that women don’t care about looks as much as men do, as there’s no way in hell my average ass should have gotten the women I did. It was my skills, demeanour, ability to hold a conversation.

Hope you find someone soon, if everything is true as you say and you’re approaching things with optimism, I believe it will happen.

women don’t care about looks as much as men do

LOL imagine actually believing that. What a crock of shit, it’s easy for you to think such a thing when you are probably objectively attractive enough to pass the minimum looks threshold that almost every woman has.

I’m pretty sure I’m pretty close to that minimum looks threshold, and it’s pretty damn low. I’ve seen guys be way more into women purely for their looks rather than any other aspect of their persons.

Again, pretty sure I can score based on personality, skills, and attitude.

When I was single I wasn’t blaming every woman out there, I knew I’d just find one eventually and persevered. Didn’t find the love of my life until I was 27.

Other than a desire to play up your "skills, demeanour, ability to hold a conversation", what is that conclusion based on?

Because I would argue that women care a lot more about looks than men do.

The sheer amount of ugly ass guys I know with women, that have basic jobs and no real special skills. They’re just good people with good mental health.

Sheer amount? Okay, show them then. Because I will bet everything in the world that when forced to back your silly opinion with evidence, you'll come up with nothing or a bunch of pictures of average and above average men - it's literally what happens every time a view such as yours is challenged.

Lol I’m not going to post pictures of people I know on Reddit without their permission, that’s dumb. I can’t back it up any more than OP could back up this retarded meme. I could easily post the opposite in a meme, saying “have good hair and boobs” and then show pictures of people I know with cross eyes and buck teeth dating chicks with gorgeous bodies.

This whole thing is a mindset, and sadly I believe it’s more just a bunch of men with incredibly low motivation and resilience saying something is outside of their control to make themselves feel better. It sucks, but it’s a result of being praised for inconsequential things in their childhood and not understanding why things don’t just magically work out for them now.

I can’t back it up


I could easily post the opposite

It wouldn't become true just because you posted it.

Neither does anything on this sub.

I’m simply offering my viewpoint, considering I’m not magically handsome and yet have somehow been with all sorts of wonderful women.

Neither does anything on this sub.

Yep. It isn't true because someone posts it. Rather, someone posts it because it's true.

And yet when I post something it isn’t true?

Yeah, that's what happens when you choose to post things that are untrue in the hope that the mere act of posting them will make them true.

Lol you’re subjectively assigning truth based on your own opinions. You’re doing exactly what you’re criticizing me for.

I'm not and I've explained and defended my views multiple times - something you or any other ITer consistently fail to do.

I defended my views too, you said all my explanations are useless unless I show photographic evidence, which I think is silly and rather anecdotal regardless of privacy.

I’m sure you totally have all those things. /s

Motherfucker learn an instrument or practice singing.

I know a singer-musician who is an incel and should be turning 63 this year.

Sure, and I’m damn sure there’s a lot more there pushing away women than you’re letting on.

That or he just never got the chance, we all know it’s a luck thing too, to find someone who you find mutually attractive.

In other words, absolutely everything is his fault.

Right is your average redpill normie looksmax catch on a friday night.

"Ha you incels are so pathetic all you have to do is wear lifts if your short, workout, and spit game like me and you can get a girl like her on your own!"

Not if you are 5'3". It's over.

2 Inch lifts put you at 5ft5 plus boots will make you 5ft7, with a good face you could easily slay an average looking femoid without her ever knowing your short, once she's on her back in bed she won't be able to tell how tall you are.

Yay, the minimum acceptable height as a man.

What boots add 4 inches to your height that don’t look retarded

Look at his wrist size moron.

If you need facial hair to give yourself a chin then your just gymcel coping.

I didn't understand a word you said.

who cares about wrist size lol

chad will only sleep with her and will never settle for her, which is why she settles for boyfriends she thinks are unattractive.

if you wouldn’t fuck her you’re volcel

She’s not even human at that point it’s a whale

You really think this? Being an ugly girl is not so easy. Guys (not only "chads") laugh at ugly girls and reject them too

You're ugly because you're fat. ANY non-fat girl can get laid with a bit of makeup.

Any fat girl can get laid without make up anyway

You're on an entire board filled with men who would jump at the chance to date you.

Hahaha ooooh I wish that was the case

You have a fuck ton of posts to /r/creepyPMs where you reject men who do not meet your standards. Do you think ugly men have that luxury?

I'm way hotter than you. Do you think women are asking me for nudes and saying they want to kill themselves because I blocked them?

You fucking troll. gtfo you slut, you done got exposed.

I'd date you right now. So would any other guy here.

I'll date you

You are not ready for a depressed piece of shit

I can be

You are not depressed.

One of the more toxic things that makes people depressed is having people around them deny reality.

You don't know this person.

Your understanding of depression is grotesquely wrong if you think women don't get depressed. It is rare for people to be that wrong, so you should expect that whatever led you to have a belief so bizarrely out of step with reality will probably be just a part of a whole field of distorted perceptions. By its nature, that sort of distortion of reality can not be identified or fixed from inside it. You need external help.

One of the more toxic things that makes people depressed is having people around them deny reality.

You don't know this person.

Your understanding of depression is grotesquely wrong if you think women don't get depressed.
It is rare for people to be that wrong, so you should expect that whatever led you to have a belief so bizarrely out of step with reality will probably be just a part of a whole network of distorted beliefs.

By its nature, that sort of distortion of reality can not be identified or fixed from inside it.
You need external help.

I think she specifically isn't depressed. Her gender has nothing to do with it.

Sorry for my assumption, I deleted that bit out of my comment above.

I'm curious, what makes you think not depressed? It is often easy to see people are depressed by what they write, I don't know how you could do the opposite though.

I think she is a narcissists and narcissists don't become depressed - they experience narcissistic rage.

I spend a lot of time with the victims of narcissists. I don't see N in this user, and I do see things Ns are don't naturally do like feel shame, be concerned for others. N's can pretend to do that but she has obvious reasons for those things to be genuine.

I spend a lot of time with people anxious and depressed, usually because of chronic abuse in childhood. That's exactly what she looks like.

I don't see N in this user

You are disinclined to do so because you share an ideology with her. Your views here will be clearly motivated more by your irrational hatred towards the community of this sub rather than any rational thought.

The fact that you 'work with victims" doesn't really make your opinion any more credible, sorry. In fact, given that you're the kind of person to take advantage of vulnerable people merely for your own pleasure tells me you shouldn't be anywhere near those victims.

I don't hate people here, just some of the common ideas.
Elsewhere I often to stick up for incels. E.g. I regularly criticise feminists for using incel stereotypes as a safe set of characteristics to use to insult men, who are presumably normies anyway. That is hypocritical as hell, it goes against all their SJW principles but they keep doing it.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I have taken multiple screening tests for both psychopathy and narcissism, and consistently came back negative on both.

You, on the other hand, think that accusing you of doing something reprehensible is what a psychopath would do. You literally think it's pathological for someone to criticize your actions and your character. I mean, come on - you're the joke that writes itself.

you're the kind of person to take advantage of vulnerable people merely for your own pleasure

The thing is, the sort of baseless claim you made above, and the potentially harmful crap you made up to attack OP is a constant theme in your history.

It would be relieving if you were stupid, ignorant or young, or even if you realised you have a problem with destructive anger. A lifetime of rejection is an obvious cause of that, but it is also an effect. You might have had a partner a decade ago if you were not such a massive asshole.

My accusations aren't baseless though. We could argue about how correct I am in drawing that particular conclusion from your behavior, but we won't because this is clearly an emotional issue for you.

Sorry, but when a simple criticism of your actions causes you to (thankfully inanely) attempt to use your perceived authority in order to undermine and damage the other person, all you're doing is showing off your own incompetence as a psychologist or whatever it is you imagine yourself to be.

Thanks, now I'm cured. Go tell that to my psychiatrist

Sorry, but narcissism is not curable. That lack of personality and compulsion to manipulate everyone into giving you your supply? That's going to be you forever. Not that you mind.

What the fuck? Are you really saying this? You don't even know me

You make truly heroic efforts to uphold the stereotype of incels using their personality for birth control.

But dearie, I'm not incel.

I'm happy for you. I hope the habit of anger that you found adaptive in the past does not hurt this relationship.

What habit of anger?

Oh man, thanks for that. I've been dealing with really grim stuff today, I needed a good laugh. It has given me the energy to go in search of food and hygiene.

LMAO NO The reason 2/3s of the men in here are incels is because they won't date anyone who isn't 115 pounds, 4'11, and genetically flawless in everyway. Despite themselves being only 5'7", 190+ pounds, who do nothing but play video games and smell bad, wallowing in self pity about how no girls want to suck their 2in diddle, when the reality is just that their standards are higher than they will ever get and they aren't willing to lower them. Not only that, but they expect these perfect women to bow down to them like they owe them something (which they don't) while simultanesously shitting and hating on all women. Incels are the biggest self-sabotage group of people literally ever.

Lol lurk more normie.

Oh, I definitely am, don't worry.

I think you’re being too specific.

The reason no one in here can find anyone is because they don’t have the decency to even act polite and courteous.

Have you realized they don’t refer to anything as an actual person?

A beautiful woman that happens not to like them is a “stacy”.

The white guy that “gets all the woman” is a “chad”. the black version is the “Tyrone”.

The normal people who haven’t yet realized the world works the way incels think it does are “normies” or “Normans”.

Not one of these are addressed as people with thoughts and feelings. All of these are stereotypes of hate they project on others.

Incels simultaneously hate “stacys” because they sleep with everybody but them, but they turn right around and hate normal women because “AWALT” (all women are like that).

If all women are like that, why do they want to sleep with them?

They think sex is something that is owed them. Zone of them believe being an incel is worse off than being raped. Their original sub, r/incels, was banned because a thread gained popularity as hit the front page where they were advocating that the person that made the post castrate his roommate.

The reason these guys find that people don’t like them is in no way related to how the look, how awkward they act, how much money they make, etc.

The reason these guys find that people don’t like them is because they are rude, they treat women as subhuman beings that owe them sex, they treat other men as some superior beings that have sex with women just to spite them, and they refuse to simply treat others as autonomous individuals who don’t owe them anything.

Being liked, being personable, being popular is hard. These incels are confusing hollywood with life.

All they need to do is find self fulfilment, work on being polite, and (most importantly) spend the time it takes to build and cultivate meaningful relationships with others (men as women) that they don’t expect to always become sexual.

If they just did that, they’d get out of the hole real quick.

But, because their whole life revolves around sex, how they haven’t had it, and they much they hate themselves because the world owes them sex, they end up in a self defeating cycle of hatred where they treat others as less than human beings who owe them sex, end up being disliked because of how poorly treat others, end up hating the world, then end up treating others as less than human beings who owe them sex, ad nauseum.

You're a sad, sad, person.

I guess I am. Then again, i’m not the one who’s festering in some hate subreddit with an entire community of sad, lonely individuals who who chose to live hating women needlessly instead of learning to deal with rejection and facing the world.

i’m not the one who’s festering in some hate subreddit

Actually yeah, you kinda are.

I popped in here for the laughs. If you check my comment history, i’ve only posted in here today. This generalizations of women are hilarious to me, and I relish in how bad their concept of anatomy and human relationships are.

Their idea that women, and their vaginas, become too used to be useful after too many partners.

Their ideas that women deny them sex out of spite, and men have sex with the women they can’t get out of spite.

It’s fascinating to me to see just how far these guys are willing to to to avoid personal responsibility for their actions and to instead choose to think the world is out to get them.

Me? This is hilarious. I go to work every day in a cube farm and leave laughing because of all the stupid crap we all day and do.

I’ve got a wonderful family that I go home to every single day.

I was in a relationship that ended badly, but I don’t suddenly hate all women now because of it. In fact, I barely even dislike the girl that broke up with me because I chose to deliberately work on myself and heal myself from the pain I was experiencing.

I’m festering in hatred in this sub? Lol, you’ve got it completely backwards. I have my own wonderful relationships and a fulfilling life I wake up to every day. I’m here, in this sub, to share some of the ridiculous ideology that exists here and have myself a laugh.

And boy am I laughing.

God forbid anyone from your wonderful family becomes an Incel in the future.

i’d distance myself from them, the same way I distance myself from others who hold hateful ideologies.

I popped in here

I wasn't talking about here lol

Yeah, you're festering alright. Look at this wall of text you just vomited out just because you felt the need to convince a total internet stranger otherwise.

I mean, if you want to think that, alright. As I said, i’m not the one in here festering in hatred towards women, blaming them for a problem with my character.

Yeah, you instead are festering in hatred towards people you don't even have any reason to hate. You ask me, that's way more pathetic than anything the incels here do.

Lol, no, I don’t hate you or anybody here. I hate the ideology.

But if I ran into any one of you in the street and you needed help, I’d help.

That doesn’t make your ideology any less sick or disgusting.

I’d help

No, you wouldn't. You would hurt them and tell yourself you're helping, because at the end of the day it really is about you and your hatred of men who are not attractive.

You can make all the claims and excuses you want, but at the end of the day the simple fact remains that instead of helping someone you're here hurting people and taking pleasure in that.

No I don’t. But hey, i’m not a real person.

I’m nothing extraordinary, really. I had a relationship that fell through terribly. Rather than stay on that I healed, matured and grew.

I’m not all that smart. I’ve never been cool at any point in my entire life. I’m skinny as skinny can get without being unhealthy, and that bothers me.

I don’t find myself attractive at all. I’m skinny, annoying, and I talk a lot, and it bothers me that I do that because I feel like I push people away.

As for the helping out, yes, I exactly would. I see one of you in the street and someone is harassing you, i’ll stop and stand up for you.

If you come back at the situation with your stupid incel hatred of people who have sex, then you’re in your own and I definitely will laugh it all the say to the bank.

None of you are stupid, you’re deluded. You’ve made sex the thing you need. I’ve already mentioned several things any one of you could do to improve your situation, beginning first and foremost with ditching the ridiculous idea that you are owed sex.

You do that one thing and that’s when you’ll make real progress.

Let me ask you a serious question, away from all the trolling and bullshit. Women are evil bitches, right? They won’t have sex with you, they laugh at you, they think you’re the ugliest and most worthless person ever. Stacy’s all hate you. Isn’t that what you think? And “AWALT” right? You go out anywhere and all women are like that.

So why on God’s green earth would you actively desire sex with someone who thinks you’re worse than the gum on the bottom of her shoe?

You have a bullshit, self-defeating ideology, and you sit here in this echo chamber reinforcing the ridiculous notion that sex will define who you are for the rest of your life.

If I were you, and I were totally convinced that all women are like that, all women just want to sleep around and ride Chad dick until they can’t walk straight and suck Tyrone until their waistline grows 30 inches, i’d say “Fuck Stacy, fuck Chad, and fuck Tyrone, i’m doing my own thing”.

I’d take all the energy in me that would have gone towards finding some worthless women and channel it into making myself the best person I can be.

All women are like that? Fine, then who needs some shallow being that will only sex me if i’m rich, famous, as beautiful?

I haven’t had a lick of sex in my life. My closest companion at night has been my hand and whatever sad toy i’ve been able to jerry rig with household objects. Do I let the lack of sex consume me? No.

I had a girlfriend lg 3.5 years who dumped and treated me so poorly I ended up failing two semesters of college because of how depressed I was.

You know what I did? The very first thing I did was fail. I spiraled downwards into the same pathetic pit of hate you’re in right now. I let anger consume me, I was depressed, I grew bitter, and I spent and wasted way too much time chasing an ex that had hurt me so profoundly i’m still unable to trust her the way I did before. 3.5 years of beautiful memories down the toilet because “we were in different points in our lives and needed to grow”.

You want to know what changed between then and now, and why I’m not you? I didn’t give up. I got tired of the anger, hatred, and bitterness I had sown into my life.

You know how many years i’ve lived in this earth? 25. Given the average life expectancy of a US male, I don’t feel like living the next 40-50 years of my life in some embittered hell just because of one woman.

I already spent the first 16-17 years of my life dissatisfied with how annoying I was. I spent 3.5 years in an amazing relationship. I spent another 3-4 just struggling with the anger that the dissolution of that relationship brought, and i’ve spent 2 of those years struggling and becoming satisfied with my own self identity.

Of 25 years i’ve spent on this earth, i’ve only really felt satisfied with who I am for maybe 2-3 pathetic years, and i’ve got maybe 40-50 more years to figure out what to make of myself and how I want to live.

But if you take this and don’t sit down and think about it, you deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. All you have to do is stop expecting sex. Stop confusing sex for love. Become satisfied with yourself. Do you know what you call someone that has to hear they are a good boy to feel like a good boy? A child. A women will never want to be in a relationship with a child.

Do you know what you can’t give in a relationship? You can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t love yourself, you will not be able to love someone else. If you aren’t satisfied with yourself, a partner is never going to fix that.

The sad part about all of this is that you don’t even actually hate women, Stacy’s, Chad’s, and Tyrone’s. The only people you actually hate, all of you, are yourselves.

If nothing else, if you don’t take anything out of this last reply that you can take and apply to your life, the you literally are beyond help.

Nobody is going to give you sex.

Nobody is going to give you satisfaction.

Nobody is going to ever care for you.

And the only reason nobody will do this for you is because you refuse to do it for yourself. Stop making sex the only thing that defines and consumes your life. Stop hating yourself. Get a hobby, work out, climb the job ladder.

Stop living life on the edge and finally dive headfirst into your own damn life and just forget about anything that has to do with other people. Work in yourself for as long as it takes, even if it takes decades.

Because if you di that, and never give up, never actually give up, you’ll look back on this point in your life and think of this as a ridiculous phase in your life you’ll be glad to have moved in from.

But if you don’t do that, nobody is going to do it for you.

Jesus christ, you just made a huge wall of text about your life story - a trivial easy life of a normal person who gets everything handed to them.

And you think what, someone's seriously going read all that? Dude.

You're being an idiot. They're trying to encourage you. Rejecting goodwill is impolite

trying to encourage you


By being generalizing and condescending as fuck. Riight.

100% here to troll, and working greatly.

This doesn’t mean I haven’t included actually useful advice.

But you guys reject anything from “Normans” anyways, so it’s not like being nice would have dunged anything.

I bet, within the year, you all will be on the front page of reddit advocating the castration of someone else. The reddit community know who you guys are and the actual purpose of this sub that festers and grows on the hate of people who don’t give you guys the sex you feel you deserve.

If you guys can create a safe space here to call pictures of happy couples “suicide fuel”, mock “Normans” who don’t see the world your way, hate “stacys”, “chads”, and “tyrones” because they have sex, and advocate for rape, castration, and incest just to get sex, don’t expect people to walk in new kindly and just pet your wounds away.


I'm a normie you dipshit ;)

This doesn't mean I haven't included actually useful advice.

You came in here tarring everyone with the same brush in turn and shitting on them for it, with the intent to troll. Why do you expect them to listen to you?

Here’s the very first comment I made before the trolling began:

And I was mainly agreeing with the guy I replied to, only I felt he was being to specific in his criticism.

Plenty of useful advice in there for the guys in here to get out of this stupid incel rut.

Rather than take that advice, people decided what I wrote was a generalization and harassment. So I decided to run with it.

I’ll also link my reply to the mod that failed to remove my comment for supposed harassment and generalization so you can read that too.

For both of those comments, the replies were hostile.

The truth about this sub, why it exists, and the people in it, sucks. There isn’t any sugar coating it.

This sub only exists because r/incels was banned.

The only reason r/incels was banned was because they advocated rape as better than being an incel, because they advocated a member castrate his roommate, and because it was a sub full of hatred that inevitably spilled onto the front page of reddit, exposing the entire community for what it actually was: a group of individuals who have made the lack of sex the entire focus of their self identity. A group of people who have internalized that self identity they simultaneously believe sex is owed to them, but simultaneously hate the very people that could provide them with that sex.

In that criticism, I provided the only thing that will actually get them out of this stupid hole of hatred.

They need to stop making their self identity about sex, and they need to stop expecting sex from people just because they’ve somehow been hurt. They need to invest in their lives and, frankly, they just need to forget everybody else because the world really does suck. There isn’t much they can do about the world, but there is plenty they can do about themselves.

r/braincels, this whole community here, has inherited the hatred of it’s predecessor, r/incels. It only exists as a continuation of the hate and misogyny that got r/incels banned.

If they don’t like that they can take the advice I gave in my first comment before the trolling began, and they can take the advice I gave in my reply to the mod that “removed” my comment.

Here’s the very first comment I made before the trolling began:

It got removed for generalizing the sub. And I already mentioned what was wrong with that.

Rather than take that advice, people decided what I wrote was a generalization and harassment. So I decided to run with it.

Because you saying that everyone here is a woman hater is a generalization.

This sub only exists because r/incels was banned.

Braincels existed before incels was banned genius.

The only reason r/incels was banned was because they advocated rape as better than being an incel, because they advocated a member castrate his roommate, and because it was a sub full of hatred that inevitably spilled onto the front page of reddit, exposing the entire community for what it actually was: a group of individuals who have made the lack of sex the entire focus of their self identity. A group of people who have internalized that self identity they simultaneously believe sex is owed to them, but simultaneously hate the very people that could provide them with that sex.

Both of these were proven to be started by false flags. Then IT came along, signal boosted it, and everyone cheered when the sub was banned (after going private in an attempt to clean up).

In that criticism, I provided the only thing that will actually get them out of this stupid hole of hatred.

The only thing that can get someone out of this "stupid hole" is luck.

They need to stop making their self identity about sex, and they need to stop expecting sex from people just because they’ve somehow been hurt. They need to invest in their lives and, frankly, they just need to forget everybody else because the world really does suck. There isn’t much they can do about the world, but there is plenty they can do about themselves.

Still with the generalizations.

If they don’t like that they can take the advice I gave in my first comment before the trolling began

You mean the one where you confessed to mocking them. generalized and slandered everyone here and constantly rubbed your superiority in peoples faces? Yeah, I get why you got hostile responses.

I never claimed I was superior in my first comment. I never claimed I was superior in any comment. In the very first comment, I gave plenty of useful advice.

The trolling came later.

As I asked the mod, prove to me that this made up lingo of Stacy’s, Chad’s, Tyrone’s, cock carousels, etc, is made up. I received no reply.

My criticism still stands, and as long as posts continue to be made here where people criticize pictures of normal couples as “sui fuel”; refer to people as stacy’s, chad’s, and tyrone’s, and Normans, rather than as human beings; andcontinue this unhealthy obsession with sex, it will continue to stand.

The guys here who really do want help? I wholeheartedly suggest they find another sub like r/relationshipadvice to frequent.

Because the same misogyny that r/incels was known for exists here when all of those guys fled elsewhere for solace.

Luck isn’t going to get anybody in here laid, and being laid isn’t even the biggest thing in the world. If these guys want sex, even just for sex itself, they’re doing to have to work for it and stop being afraid that the “Normans, stacys, chads, and tyrones” aren’t going to help them.

There are only 2 kinds of people in the world. The average person who doesn’t care much about anything going on around them at any given moment, and bullies.

The people that make fun of incels aren’t “stacys, Normans, chads, or tyrones”, they’re bullies through and through.

That kid who made a post a few weeks ago, surprised and shocked that the patrons of the gym he was going to helped him out? That’s the result of the incel ideology.

I never claimed I was superior in my first comment. I never claimed I was superior in any comment. In the very first comment, I gave plenty of useful advice.

Sure you didn't

You heavily implied it though.

The trolling came later.

You already admitted to wanting to troll in the first comment.

More projection than a Goddamn IMAX with you folks.

“you folks“?

Read the flair.

Cry more, little bitch.

Yeah, she's the one crying. And she's the bitch here.

Hey, go ahead and not read it. You’re the one stuck hating yourself because you can’t get sex.

He has a girlfriend you pathetic sack of piss and wind.

Body pillow doesn't count.


Also, accurate.

You're the one asking for a girlfriend/sex handed to you simply because you want it. What the fuck are you talking about?

I made myself pretty clear. If you have any questions - feel free to ask. If you're so retarded that you can't even formulate a question - feel free to check yourself into a facility.

I don't have any questions, but to call me retarded when you can't even read a damn post the size of a short "letter to the editor" blurb is freaking rich.

See, I think it's "freaking rich" that you felt it important to inform me of your own personal evaluation of something I did (or rather, did not).

After your generalization galore, expect neither pity nor sympathy.

I don’t expect either. Not from you guys. You his are so far stuck in this cycle of hatred, you’ll probably be advocating for the castration of roommates soon enough.

You guys advocated rape as a legitimate way to have sex, and i’ve read the many comments you’ve all made where you think being raped is being better than an incel, where you think a picture of a happy couple is suicide fuel, etc.

I’ve read comments where you guys think even your mothers or sisters should take the hit and have sex with you.

Seriously, you guys have made sex the center of your lives and self identity that you’ve got an entire sub with your own language to dehumanize the rest of the world.

I expect 0 sympathy from you. I expect 0 compassion from any of you. I expect the vast majority of you to take any good advice people do drop in here and throw it straight out the window.

You guys have earned this when you got your original sub banned for advocating castration.

The only thing I care about is either destroying your hate ideology, or getting one of you to perhaps change. Obviously, the ones commenting won’t, but there might be one that silently does.

That’s the guy i’m here for, not you who is ingrained in your pathetic cycle of hating the very people you desire to have sex with.

The irony of you shitting on a user who's not one of the hateful ones for the things hateful ones say and do.

You actual moron.

spam less you pretentious queen

Um, you hate women. For no reason other than your own problems. That's the majority of humanity that you despise.

For no reason

See - there you go making things up. To justify your point of view, you quite literally have to postulate that a lot of people hold feelings which are motivated by absolutely nothing. Whose position is totally irrational again?

You have reasons, yes, but they're primarily predicated on hurt feelings and entitlement.

And now you're backtracking and floundering. Good. Can you also do a little cry?

Do you know what those words mean?

Yes. And I always love it when pathetic retards like you try to come up with witty comebacks. Can you do it again?

So, you don't know what the mean.

And I'm the retard.

Yes, you're the retard.

How was I floundering? I mean, I was saying something that you didn't like, plus I'm a femoid, so that makes me stupid, sub-human and evil by default, but please explain.

I'm a femoid, so that makes me stupid, sub-human and evil by default

If you say so. Feel free to be a disgusting misogynistic shit just to prove a point.

I, on the other hand, was criticizing you in particular, although "you in particular" is a bit of a vacuous phrase here because you're not exactly a full-fledged individual.

I'm the misogynist here, Mr. Incel? How am I not a fully-fledged individual?

Well, you're the one expressing misogynistic opinions, are you not?

How am I not a fully-fledged individual?

By being less than one, obviously.

I'm stooping to your level.

Yep, and that's how you're going to live the rest of your life - telling yourself that you're stooping to someone's level, and that the real you is not this useless sack of feces. And then you're going to die without ever being anything else.

Dude, you're an incel. You literally call women femoids to dehumanize them.

No I'm not and no I don't.

See, being accused of sexism by some face on the internet doesn't make one a sexist. Expressing sexist ideas does. So you're the bigot here, not me. And I'll be frank - I do so enjoy how frustrated that fact makes you. I can practically hear the rustling from across the ocean.

Probably the only sort of reaction you'd get out of someone of the opposite sex, or anyone really. It's frustrating like teaching a small child that no, three pennies are not worth more than two dimes. The issue is that you at least profess to be an adult, so your stupidity is either willful or you are just that dim.

Dearie, you're a practicing christian posting unironically about where to "keep out ashes" and you favorite pastime is making fun of weird people on the internet. You're also a disgusting sexist, but we've been over that already.

Unless you're saying that every woman out there is like you or worse, I don't think you have much of a case there. Also, for all the evil you're working here and elsewhere, you're going to hell. Because your god hates you :P

Holy shit dude, where to begin. Being a Christian and a Converso are not mutually exclusive, but I would not think you know enough about literally anything to understand that. When I talk about "femoids", I'm referring to incel rhetoric. You are literally ignoring where you ARE to make a nonsensical argument. Incels are literally about how all women are evil sluts.

Being a Christian and a Converso are not mutually exclusive

Of course you don't even have the moral integrity to recognize when your moral integrity is being called into question. I'll be frank - this is the exact kind of clueless reply I was expecting from you. So nice of you to follow through on my expectations :P

When I talk about "femoids", I'm referring to incel rhetoric

I don't care what excuses you come up with for your sexism - it's a fact that you're spewing toxic sexist bullshit, which makes you a bigot and a lesser human being.

You are literally ignoring where you ARE

Oh yes, I am indeed ignoring your silly idea that you're right because you're somehow superior to me. Because you're not - you're inferior. And even if you were superior, your arguments would still be wrong and invalid. I'm sure you're a spoiled little brat and are unused to people actually disagreeing with you and not putting up with your bullshit, but that's just how it - frustrating, isn't it? Like I said, I can hear your rustling all the way over from Osaka.

I guess I am. Then again, i’m not the one who’s festering in some hate subreddit with an entire community of sad, lonely individuals who who chose to live hating women needlessly instead of learning to deal with rejection and facing the world.

Removed for harassment and generalization

Yet, I’m still here.

So, how are you guys learning to deal with rejection? Are you finding self fulfillment and developing yourselves through hobbies? Are you going out there and trying again when you fail? Are you improving your interpersonal skills? Have you stopped making your whole identity about sex, or your lack thereof?

Cause all it seems you guys are doing to pretty much anybody who stumbles in here is:

  • obsessing over your lack of sex
  • hating and stereotyping women because they don’t give you sex
  • stereotyping men who do have sex
  • coming up with your own language to describe women who have sex, men who have sex, and “normal” people so you don’t have to address them as autonomous individuals
  • advocating the castration of roommates who have the sex you can’t get
  • advocating for tax credits for people who have sex with you
  • advocating that rape is better than being an uncle, because sex is more important than a violation of bodily autonomy

I could keep going, if you’d like. Because if I’m wrong, and this isn’t a sub full of men who hate women because they can get sex, I’d love to be corrected.

And yet, when people here post photos of other people who are in happy relationships “it’s sui fuel” is an highly upvoted comment because that picture signifies the sex you can’t get. Because you hate other people being in happy relationships, you guys would rather commit suicide than address the self esteem and interpersonal issues you guys have, all while blaming others for not giving you the sex you feel you deserve.

There is only so much fuflilment you can get from hobbies. It doesn't make up for being alone.

If you can’t find personal fulfilment in your own, there is no man, woman, hobby, job, ie status level that sol give it to you. As long as you keep seeking self fulfilment through the sex you think others owe you, you’ll never find it.

nd they refuse to simply treat others as autonomous individuals who don’t owe them anything.

Can you please shut the fuck up with this "nobody owes anybody anything" bullshit? I'm constantly told and forced (at gunpoint) to pay taxes and provide for others, even if I don't want to.

As long as people expect shit from me, I can act as entitled as I want.

That’s fine. And everyone else is free to reject your entitled hatred.

Sure, they still want to oppress, bully and shove guns into my face. Hypocrites.

Who? Women? The world?

I pay taxes too, that doesn’t mean I deserve sex.

I rightfully should provide for my family. That doesn’t entitle me to sex. If I don’t feel like providing for my family, I shouldn’t have one.

I doubt the IRS is coming to your door shoving guns in your face. If you are, I wonder why you’re so violent that the government has to keep an eye on you.

Tax evasion is a crime. People don’t want to be with someone who refuses to do something as basic as provide for the family.

None of what you said entitles you to a woman, or to sex.

Like I said, you feel free to be “entitled”. Absolutely nobody is entitled to stand your hate.

What family? I have no stake in society. I don't have a family, so I don't give a shit about providing for anybody.

And the only reason the state is not shoving guns into my face is because I'm compliant, as soon as I wasn't they'd happily kill and torture me.

It's you guys that are bullying me, I'm not bullying or forcing anybody todo something.

You live in society, yes?

You go to a store you didn’t build, to buy products you didn’t make, on roads you didn’t pave, in a car you didn’t design, to come home to a house you didn’t inspect for code violations, on land that is protected by officers you don’t employ, to watch TV that you don’t broadcast, to surf in the internet you don’t code, which is hosted on infrastructure you donor maintain.


These things cost money. Some of it you pay for up front, and some of it you pay for through taxes. Nobody is bullying you, you’re paying your due to uphold the social contact that everybody born into, and living in, a country implicitly upholds.

And if you didn’t pay this, you’d be jailed, not tortured.

So, unless you go to a store built your own store, to purchase products you made with your own hands, in roads you paved, in a car you designed, to come home to a house you inspected for code violations, on land you employ officers to protect, watching TV you broadcast, surfing internet you code, hosted on infrastructure you maintain, don’t talk to me about not owing anything to society.

Absolutely none of this makes you any more or less special than anyone else. Your reward for being a citizen of the united states is not a woman to have sex with. None this means that any other individual owes you anything.

If you don’t feel you owe anything to the place you live in, move across the pond and live elsewhere. If you just hate giving back to society, move out to the middle of nowhere.

You cannot claim women owe you sex because the state requires taxes to give you clean water, reliable electricity, state protection, and other utilities that you use every single day of your life.

The only thing that “entitles” you to sex (to use the word) is being a well adjusted individual that has earned the affection of a woman. Even then, she doesn’t owe you anything you don’t wish to put into the relationship first.

As long as you stay in this hubble of hate, however, you’ll never find anyone to share your time and affection with.

These things cost money.

Everything could be privatized. Don't force me to pay for anything but let me pick and choose where I want my money to go.

And if you didn’t pay this, you’d be jailed, not tortured.

I'd resist arrest so I would be tortured and killed.

don’t talk to me about not owing anything to society.

I'm fine with paying for stuff, never said that I wasn't. I just should not be forced at gunpoint to pay for anything that I don't want or need. How is that so hard to understand?

The only thing that “entitles” you to sex (to use the word) is being a well adjusted individual that has earned the affection of a woman.

lol. There are escorts you know. I've been using escorts for years. If the state, didn't steal so much money from me I'd even be perfectly fine with paying them. I'm pretty good at making money.

All I gathered is that you’re deluded if you would resist arrest for criminal activity (tax evasion), If you think that you would be tortured and shot for resisting arrest for a crime as petty as tax evasion, and you’d rather pay for sex than have a meaningful relationship with someone else.

Now, it’s cool if you’d rather pay for sex, it’s not my bag to decide how others spend their money. But, if you’re so good at making money, why don’t you just do it and satisfy yourself, instead of hanging out in this hate thread feeling like women owe you sex?

Before you go “the government takes my money”, donald trump has millions. Bill gates has billions and a wife, and he ain’t even that handsome. Steve Jobs died with billions, and the dweeb from Facebook is a billionaire too. So? What’s stopping you? Gates and Jobs were college dropouts, so, surely, you should be able to take you ability to make money and make more than the government takes from you, right?

Honestly, the police or government wont shoot you for resisting arrest for tax evasion.

But, if you’re the kind of person who would violently resist arrest to the point of being shot, don’t believe you have a responsibility to give back through society, and would rather just pay for sex with hookers than invest in a relationship with someone else, the answer to you being an incel is yourself.

You said it: you’re pretty good at making yourself money. So do it, get sex, and quit complaining. the only thing that’s stopping you is your own inability to reflect on how your hatred and suspicion of others stops you from moving forward in life.

As I said, nobody owes you anything, especially when you don’t even believe you owe anything back to society.

Why should I want to give back to society? I have to work to earn money for myself and pay bills. I pay taxes begrudgingly.

Society hates us.

Why should I want to give back to society?

And this right here is why you’re an incel, not because of anything else. If you don’t care about giving back to society and the world around you, that’s fine. Own up to it. There’s plenty of people who feel the same way.

But, as I said, don’t feel like anybody is entitled to give you anything for it anyways. Unless you find someone who cares just as little about the world around them, the only person you can blame for not getting the sex that defines your life is you.

I agree. The world owes me nothing. But I shouldn't owe the world my labour either.

He's got a point though. Incel men are quite literally forced to pay higher taxes.

Oh this is good. I want to hear where this bull comes from.

I know people earning different amounts of money pay different taxes, and people who spend money in certain ways get certain refunds (so lots of charitable donations).

But I had no idea incels could tick a box on the IRS tax form to have more taxes taken from them?

Explain this newfangled bull to me, I can’t wait to take note.

In the UK, families are entitled to allowances and tax credits. So in a way, education is also subsidised. So when Chad and Stacy have also kid, no doubt some of my taxes might go to help raise their child. We have a state healthcare service, so if Stacy comes down with an STD, she could be entitled to subsiside medication. And so on and so forth.

I actually support the welfare state so this isn't a big problem, but forgive me if I feel bitter about being told I'm told I am supposedly entitled to things when it's okay for others to take.

That’s not a punishment for incels specifically. That’s just a benefit for legally married couples who have children. there’s plenty of single, non hate filled incels who have to pay those same taxes too. In fact, somebody could adopt kids and get some of those benefits too.

Nah, I don't want to. If we're to have this conversation at all, it will be with me trolling you. You don't get the benefit of civil conversation since you're not a real person.

Anyway. Some incels previously proposed that the government give tax breaks to women who sleep with incels (leaving aside how those would be defined) to incentivize them to, well, do just that. What do you think about such an initiative?

That’s fine, troll away.

I think it’s stupid, and I think the person that suggested the idea is stupid.

Women don’t owe anybody sex. Men don’t owe anybody sex either. If the lack of sex is so important to the incel identity, there are escorts to fix that.

I think it’s stupid


Already said it. Nobody owes you sex. If you want to define your identity by your lack of sex, that’s your problem, but nobody owes you sex because you’ve made sex the only thing in your life that matters.

If you want sex that bad, pay an escort.

Nobody owes you sex.

That's why it makes sense to give an incentive, not enforce a duty. Women don't have to have sex with incels, but they would get a tax break if they did. Assuming there was some way of correctly identifying incels for this purpose, what would be so bad or stupid about such a system?

give an incentive

Pay a Hooker, have sex, and move on.

So you can't answer my questions. Because your opposition to this idea is based on emotions and you're not even smart enough to half-ass a rationalization.

Probably because it sounds morally wrong. It would be difficult for such legislation to pass since it goes so much against social convention. Maybe try to be a better person or hire strippers? I'm not trying to sound angry here, that seems to be the solution for your problems

You’re asking whether or not people should be monetarily compensated for having sex with incels.

I gave you the exact mechanism that works already.

You pay a Hooker, you have sex, you solve your problem. You are giving monetary incentive to someone to have sex with you. That answers your question perfectly.

All you want is sex, right? You can have it if you pay a Hooker. No need for some massive program requirement government oversight just to track the sexual progress or virgins who’ve made the lack of sex their entire self identity.

It’s cheaper for the government, it’s literally a system that is already in place in many places in the world, and all you have to do is save up a bit of money and go to town.

So then you believe that there shouldn't be a government-mandated system that compensates people for sex or other forms of intimacy, right?

Taxes for married couples and people with children (or other dependents) is not there to compensate people for sex, it’s to compensate people for deciding to dedicate a large portion of their time and income towards caring for others.

There are plenty of single, non-incel men and women who don’t receive these benefits, and there are plenty of sexless couples (through medical condition or personal choice) and single parents (through divorce or adoption) who receive these benefits.

It so happens that the government realizes that a person incurs a cost when they decide to dedicate half of their time and resources to take care of someone and has a plan in place to offset that cost. The government isn’t simply going to double the salary of those people, but they do provide some compensation.

If an incel wants those benefits, they can adopt. They’ll quickly find all of that “extra money” they get for no longer having to pay the nonexistent “incel tax” immediately goes towards taking care of that other person.

There is no tax that incentivizes people to have sex.

And, as i’ve said before, sex will not solve the incel’s problem of poor self esteem and self worth.

A person is celibate by choice. To be an incel, an “involuntary celibate”, means a person has to believe they are owed sex. It is to believe everybody necessarily receives sex as a part of life and they (the incel) are missing out in it because sex owed to everybody, and them, and other people just don’t want to give sex to incels because reasons. The world hates them, they’re too ugly, they don’t have money, and a while host of other reasons that conveniently excludes any type of personal responsibility for their situation.

And sex will not fix that. If a person’s self identity is tied to inceldom, they are missing something fundamental that no amount of sex will ever be able to provide.

What does your solution solve? Incels not having sex? That’s what hookers are for. If an incel wants sex, they can pay a hooker.

Tax credits for people taking care of others are e benefit the government provides for a willing choice people make that also greatly benefits society.

Tax credits for having sex with incels is simply shifting the responsibility from the incel to someone else. The incel is owed sex, so if people won’t provide it them the government should.

And that’s what hookers, prostitutes, escorts, whatever you want to call them, are for. For the non abusive services (ie pimps that simply exploit underage and disadvantaged women) these women willingly accept money for sex.

The government providing tax credits for people to have sex with incels will not suddenly make people who don’t want to have sex with someone suddenly have want to have sex with them. They will continue doing as they have.

The only thing such a program would do is increase government spending and costs to implement a virgin registry (something physically and objectively impossible to determine), and the only people who would be having sex with incels are people who like having sex with people anyways and never needed an incentive to do so anyways, ie the escorts that incels can already find and pay for their services.

Taxes for married couples and people with children (or other dependents) is not there to compensate people for sex

But in a free sexual market they end up doing exactly that. The rest of your wall of text is irrelevant. A punitive tax is still a punitive tax regardless of whether it being so is a result of malice or incompetence.

It’s not punitive. Go adopt a child and get your benefits.

Or, pay a hooker for sex finally get rid of the “incel” label.

Right there are two options that are already easily accessible in today’s society. No reason to waste money on a virgin registry that is impossible to verify and is only wanted by individuals who form their entire self identity from being sexless.

There’s no reason for incels to complain about a system designed to help people offset the cost of raising a family, since they aren’t interested in actual relationships but instead in the fact that they are sexless. Plenty of single, non-incel individuals forgo these benefits without complaint.

It’s not punitive.

It quite literally forces men who are less attractive to pay a higher tax rate with the only viable alternative being taking up even higher financial risks. There is way to interpret that as not punitive - at best you can make a case for why the effect is not what it is, but you can't do that because it quite obviously is.

It’s not punitive for the same reason not going to jail for a crime is not a benefit for law abiding citizens.

If incels are concerned with not having sex, they can pay escorts. If they are concerned about tax benefits, they can adopt a child.

Wasting money on a system for people who’s self identity is tied to the sex they feel they are owed is stupid through and through.

The “benefits” of tax cuts for families almost immediately get eaten back up when that money is spent right back on raising the kids that rewired the benefits in the first place.

So, again, if incels want sex? There are escorts for that. If they want read benefits? Adopt a child for that.

A system to register virgins who feel the world owes them sex is a waste of taxpayer money.

It’s not punitive for the same reason not going to jail for a crime is not a benefit for law abiding citizens.

I don't think I understand that analogy. For that matter, I don't think you do either, but I'll give you the chance to pretend you do and come up with an actual explanation.

Punishment is taking away someone’s rights in response to an offense they committed.

Tax deductions aren’t punishing incels because they’ve committed no offense that requires correction. At least, unless you’re willing to admit that believing sex is owed them is an offense that requires correction.

Tax deductions are for offsetting the cost of caring for other individuals on the income meant to sustain one person.

Those “tax benefits” do not fully cover the costs associated with caring for another individual on the income meant for one person.

Additionally, people receive less benefits as children grow older and eventually become adults. Why? Because there is no more reason to offset the cost of a child that is capable of providing for himself.

A married couple with no children receives less than a couple with children because those children incur a cost.

A married couple with both partners working received less benefits than a married couple where only one partner can work because that second partner incurs a cost.

There is zero cost associated with being an incel that requires compensation. And, unless incels believe they are the ones who have committed offenses that require correcting, such tax deductions do not constitute a punishment on incels.

Punishment is taking away someone’s rights in response to an offense they committed.

Oh, so this is about playing with definitions for you? No, that's just tedious, you can fuck off now. Come back when you're ready to have an actual conversation.

I thought you weren’t interested in a conversation with someone who wasn’t a real person and were just here to troll me? Wow, I guess you not only failed at trolling me, but understanding a very simple argument.

Since you think I’m merely playing with definitions:

Providing compensation to someone because they wish to care for other people is not punishing incels.

As I said, unless you’re willing to admit that incels are the one at fault for causing offense and that they are the ones in need of corrective action, incels are, by the literal definition of the word, not being punished by the government simply for being incels.

Besides, admitting fault runs directly opposed to incel thinking. It’s not their fault people won’t have sex with them, it’s always the fault of someone else.

That's a bold statement. Are there any statistics to back this up?

Their original sub, r/incels, was banned because a thread gained popularity and hit the front page where they were advocating that the person that made the post castrate his roommate.

Ironically, that particular comment was left by a r/inceltears user on an alt.

The reason no one in here can find anyone is because they don’t have the decency to even act polite and courteous.

Removed for harassment and generalization

it's still you rejecting them, not them rejecting you. That one simple fact renders your whole argument moot.

Why the fuck would I date someone who hates my whole gender simply because they haven't lost their virginity yet? The dude that I have a crush on as we speak is only 5'4", definitely not the best looking dude I've ever seen, he has acne and plays an obnoxious amount of video games. He's simply a nice, funny guy. SURPRISE, it's possible. Simply get rid of this shitty mindset that the world and women owe you something because neither of those things owe you anything and it is SO pathetic that you think that they do.

I'm not arguing at all, I'm stating facts. You're all a bunch of sad, spoiled, brats who think you're entitled to sex, which you very much are not.

I'm not arguing at all, I'm stating facts. You're all a bunch of sad, spoiled, brats who think you're entitled to sex, which you very much are not.

Removed for harassment and generalization

All this screaming and yet you did not address my point. Figures.

??? Did you even read what I said??? I literally told you why incels are rejected. They are mean, spiteful, entitled, dickheads who expect something given to them despite doing absolutely nothing but bitching online. Youre point was addressed, it is not my fault you are too stuck in your small entitled world to actually read what I have to say. And it isn't them rejecting me because nobody is going to ask someone out with a fedora tipped on their head with some dumb ass DMC quote as the caption. Consider being an ACTUAL nice person. Not saying two compliments and then raging when a girl says they don't want to fuck you.

I don't feel entitled to anything from women. I don't know where this generalisation comes from?

I can't believe I'm getting nitpicked for "generalizing" when you people LITERALLY call all women stacys and all white men chads. You people LITERALLY have a saying called "Yes, all women". You people LITERALLY call women FEMOIDS. And I am being picked at for generalizing. Hop off my dick you hypocritical crybabies.

Yeah that's three times you've misused the word literally there.

I didn't ask you for your reasons to reject men. I don't care about stories from your trivial life. If you want to have a conversation - address the points I previously made.

If you really had a crush on him you would approach him.

I have? We talk all the time and he knows I like him?

Good for you then

Do you really think this guys acts IRL like they act here? They don't.

Except they do, because I've seen it and experienced it and so have many other women who have been told to get raped or recieved death threats or actually physically assaulted all because she didn't want to have sex.

Jesus fuck, that's an IncelTears bingo!

That’s not how genetics or probability works, if your parents have that great facial structure, you’ll get it too with a solid 90% chance


Sorry, the percentage was a guess, but it’s common knowledge that traits get passed down generation to generation

I mean first you said "that's not how genetics work" then you tell me your percentage was a guess? Cmon dude, I know you're trying to give some hope but saying random things won't help anyone.

traits get passed down generation to generation

Yes but it doesn't have to necessarily be "great traits". Also just think about it, if everyone got with a 90% chance a great facial feature from their parents, everyone would be a model by now lol.

I mean. Apparently it’s impossible for people to fall in love, and healthy mutually beneficial relationships don’t exist in the incel beliefs. All women seem to be cheating whores who started riding... whatever Chad’s cock means... from the age of 14. Never mind that it’s easy to disprove this fact, they’ll just downvote it and ignore it.

You can offer up facts but I think they prefer the fantasy. It makes it easier to cope, to assume they’re actually missing out on something horrible and are enlightening by comparison.

You're not wrong but I don't understand why you replied to my comment with that, I was talking about something else

Sorry for the confusion, I was meaning that pointing out the scientific fallacies probably isn’t going to affect anything, since this sort of misinformation seems to come from a place of emotion rather than fact. They’ll feel this way until their emotional state changes. You can lead a horse to water, ect ect.

Your statements are accurate, though. Science would thanks for defending it anyway. Reality starts to feel wonky if I’ve been on this board for too long, so I appreciate the reminder anyway.

Yep, you also have to remember that most people in this situation come from bad life experiences (bullying, not being accepted, not part of a group, girls not finding you attractive, etc...) so it's easy to start hating yourself and the world around you.

You ignore the part where I said if both your parents have great facial features

I didn't and it still doesn't work that way. Of course if your parents have great facial features you're going to have more chances of getting them but it's not 90%.

Yeah and I said 90% is a guess

but I’m sure it’s more than one gene that controls jawline

It's the greek gods my friend, if you want that chiseled face then pray the greek gods before you come out lol

both my parents were ugly but my sister is like a 9/10. I'm not too bad looking tbh, i just don't think most women want a relationship with a drug addict who's always broke and who's a little bit autistic and mentally ill

lol 90%. Ever heard of genetic recombination?

It’s called a phat guess, if I knew how many genes contributed to good jawline and weather or not they’re dominant or recessive genes then I could figure it out, but I’m not about to do that.

recessive genes

Women only have to look good, be thin, feminine

Men having to be 6 ft at least, no small dick, good looking great job (at least 90,000) and “confidence” which is just looks

So how come that most men actually find a woman even though they don't fit these requirements? I'll give you the answer: Because you can't simplify attraction to the point that it all depends on money, dick size and hight.

If you wan't to score a top tier girl, then you probably need something extraordinary. If you want to find a normal girl, then you can go with much much less

Follow the rule of 6. 6ft tall, 6 inch dick, 6 figure income.

6 houses, 6 dog's, 6 race horses and 6 Lamborghini's.

They eventually find a woman who will divorce them immediately and steal all their savings, and then go run off with Tyrone.

It's pretty clear that in pretty much all previous generations loveless and relationshipless marriages were the prevalent norm. For most of human history it was men exploiting women for sex and convenience. Since the baby boomer generation it was mostly women exploiting men for money and utility. What makes you think the relationships you refer to don't also fall into that category? Because I also know some unattractive men who ended up in relationships but I would classify those relationships as abusive and well, not real relationships - the women in those couples are always bossy, always have little patience for the man, always very clearly not attracted to him. At least two of my friends are even quite aware of that and stay in those relationships because they want to avoid the stigma and punishment that comes with being an older single male (we're in our 30s).

There are loads of reasons why someone isn’t getting laid, but those three reasons are definitely not the defining factors. They’re an easy excuse for failure that this sub uses to wallow. MOST men don’t fit those requirements and plenty of them date and get married. How do you reconcile that? People here are delusional...

Uhh yeah that’s how it works. You need to be attractive. Being 6 ft or taller is part of that. You need a good job like a doctor or a lawyer that makes six figures. By the way the reason is that the woman doesn’t have to work anymore. That’s why she wants a guy who makes six figures. She doesn’t want to work. It’s like Esther Vilar says in her book “The Manipulated Man” - “most women work temporarily or not at all.”

You need a good dick and great sex skills too - kinda hard if you are an incel with no experience.


Good looks Good job Good sex skills Good size dick

If you don’t have these things, you are done with.

Wow... I’m honestly amazed that people that think this way actually exist.

The most important thing in getting a woman is having a good personality. Being able to hold a conversation, being sweet, and just a normal human being.

Looks can hold you back from certain women, but even a 3/10 guy can help themselves to get to a 6/10. This won’t get you a model, but looks aren’t everything. The bay majority of America doesn’t make 6 figures. You’re delusional if you think that you HAVE to make 6 figures, literally 9/10 people having sex defy that rule. How do you explain that?

Do you honestly think that those 9/10 guys having sex who don’t make 6 figures, are also all 8/10 or 9/10?

The same applies for penis size. Clearly porn messes with people who haven’t had sex, because your comment is a perfect example. MOST people don’t have 6 in dicks. Do you believe that MOST people aren’t having sex? That every single person without 6 in dicks will just remain virgins?

Sex skills? A girl couldn’t even tell what kind of ‘sex skills’ you have until you’re already having sex. That doesn’t apply at all.

Answer me this, how do you explain how loads of people who don’t have those qualities get women? You’re delusional if you believe that those things are required to get a women.

Instead of blaming your potential lack of good looks (which I honestly doubt you’re that unattractive), lack of sex skills (everyone was a virgin with no skills once), a 6 figure salary (9/10 people don’t have this), consider that it may be your fault. Maybe work on social skills, and the other things suggested (gym, hygiene, etc)

I have friends who didn’t have sex until their 30’s, and they didn’t blame the world. It just sometimes happens. They didn’t become incels and give up, they kept trying until it happened and they’re finally happy and having sex.

I’m not trying to shit on you, I just honestly hope that even just one person can get out of this toxic mindset. I hope you realize how wrong you are.

I have friends who didn’t have sex until their 30’s, and they didn’t blame the world.

lol, pathetic cucks

What does that even mean? Someone is pathetic for trying and eventually getting a girlfriend that they love? Isn’t that what everyone here complains about not being able to do? 😂

If you don't hate women from the bottom of your heart if you are 30+ year old virgin I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, sorry.

Exactly the reason why incels stay incels. Blaming women and the world instead of themselves (the cowards way of reconciling their inability to get a girlfriend or get laid).

It’s like taking to a wall. Downvoting any opinion you don’t share, and refusing any reasoning that involves taking fault. News flash: women aren’t to blame, you are. Good luck man, y’all are beyond sincere attempts to help.

Hey, I'm just a proper feminist and for absolute equality (unlike those faux-feminists == female supremacists). Women only need to put up a shitty selfie on tinder and get showered in validation and sex offers in an instant.

There needs to be something done about this and make men equal, women had decades of equality pushing bullshite. Time for men to get some love.

That’s because of guys. Guys are generally interested in significantly more woman then women are for men. Women don’t care as much about meaningless sex, they appreciate more emotional connections in a relationship. Hence they don’t care as much to give someone likes on Instagram, and don’t care as much for sex with someone they aren’t emotionally connected with. It’s not feminist to say that women should reciprocate sex and attention to men who offer that because those men choose to give women attention and sex.

That’s like doing someone a favor they didn’t ask for and getting upset that they don’t do anything back.

Cope. Try catfishing with pictures of models/very good looking guys and you'll see just how horny and desperate for sex women can be. They don't give a shit about meaningless sex, you just have to be chad.

Yea some women can be that way, but men are MUCH more frequently. You’re just flat out wrong that women don’t give a shit about emotional connection, they care way more than men do.

Because sex is something they can get so easily, it's like breathing to them -- of course they become picky and are looking for me. A starving homeless guy looking for food would eat the first half rotten sandwich he finds in the trash -- the billionaire is only satisfied by the most rare delights in the world.

You’d be surprised how many women cannot get sex. There are plenty with poor social skills and looks, that don’t do anything about it.

No, you'll never convince them of that. I'm both fat and pretty unattractive, but despite being a virgin until I was nearly 30 these guys are convinced that the whole of the male population was just waiting for me to come by so they could have sex with me and shower me with gifts.

You won't get them to believe any different, trust me.

What do you suggest?

The most important thing in getting a woman is having a good personality.


Personality is the great leveler. It makes up for a lack of money, skills, and looks. If you have money and looks, you can get away without a good personality.

Since most people don’t have above average looks and 6 figure jobs, personality is the most important thing.

Lol there are people who still talk like this in 2018? Hahahahhahahha

Clearly porn messes with people who haven’t had sex

Sure. In media and in public women frequently ridicule men's penis size and it's treated as completely acceptable behavior, but when men with small penises feel insecure, it's porn that's to blame.

Sorry but no. Penis size complexes are absolutely the fault of women, and especially the fault of feminists since feminists frequently employ that insult.

Media and women propagate this, but only ignorant outlets. Every girl I’ve ever met have never seen nor wants a massive dick. As long as it’s not a micro penis, it’s more about the user than the size at all.

Your personal evaluation of those outlets doesn't matter because you don't matter. Objectively such views are very prevalent and not seen as in any way unacceptable, let alone harmful.

Esther Vilar writes crap, pandering to fools if that quote is any indication.

All the women I know work, without exception.
All could leave their partner and support themself, and some have.
All have worked all of their lives apart from child rearing years.
I think they all went back to work when the kids were in school if not before.

My wife was tall.
Her ex was a particularly small guy, much shorter than her. I guess he had a proportionally small dick. Sex was good. He had average looks and was just ordinarily fit and active, I can't see him in a gym.
He was a social worker, not a great income. He was a solo dad so pretty broke.
He remained a close friend so I got to know him. He didn't have any magical attraction tricks. He was a good father, kind and understanding. Women liked him. His next GF was fine. Sure, some proportion of women have a hard limit on height. But a lot don't.

“Plenty of them date and get married”

You guys keep saying this but I see not much, if any, real life examples. And you guys can’t produce any either

Hmmm. Im with a quiet/shy 5 foot 8 man with an average dick. So that's obv not true

How can you make this comment with a straight face when (a) you are making that comment in response to a picture that claims any woman can get the "best" man and (b) literally any casual walk you take outside will show you shitloads of different people of all types paired up together?

I don't know, but am pretty certain that couple has to be one of those feeder couples. The guy is often skinny or muscular and gets off on making the girl more and more morbidly obese, and the girl gets off on becoming super obese, becoming imprisoned in her own flesh.
That really is not normal, and while I hate to kinkshame that's kind of the stuff that seems mentally ill of both of them. Because e.g. scarification isn't even half as dangerous as intentionally making someone (whether someone else or themself) so obese they can't move. ...I should not have looked up scarification to make sure I had the right word, ugh. I stand by what I said though.

Great meme. Fucking females have it so easy while us incels are forced to suffer everyday of our lives.

That faggot on the right is not a Chad.

how many chads are there to pass around.

Dankii? She's so adorable tbh. He's a chubby chaser btw

Sorry, the percentage was a guess, but it’s common knowledge that traits get passed down generation to generation

I wouldn’t say a facial deformity is the same as simply “not gorgeous”. Having a net negative like that means you have to look harder absolutely, just like someone who had burn marks all over their face. Physical attraction is an aspect of relationships and if you’re in the red there, it can hurt.

I’m just saying, I’m not in the green, but some of my valuable traits allow me to have people attracted to me. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that women don’t care about looks as much as men do, as there’s no way in hell my average ass should have gotten the women I did. It was my skills, demeanour, ability to hold a conversation.

Hope you find someone soon, if everything is true as you say and you’re approaching things with optimism, I believe it will happen.

I’m sure you totally have all those things. /s

I have? We talk all the time and he knows I like him?

Nobody owes you sex.

That's why it makes sense to give an incentive, not enforce a duty. Women don't have to have sex with incels, but they would get a tax break if they did. Assuming there was some way of correctly identifying incels for this purpose, what would be so bad or stupid about such a system?

He has a girlfriend you pathetic sack of piss and wind.

So then you believe that there shouldn't be a government-mandated system that compensates people for sex or other forms of intimacy, right?

I made myself pretty clear. If you have any questions - feel free to ask. If you're so retarded that you can't even formulate a question - feel free to check yourself into a facility.